13x18 - Samurai

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x18 - Samurai

Post by bunniefuu »


ls that all you've got?

Honestly, no.

But this isn't a battle.
It's a lesson in swordsmanship,

so l'll take it easy on you.

Don't hold back on my account, boss.

You just might be surprised.

- Come on!
- Whoa!

Let's do this.


- [Cruger chuckles] Cadet.
- All right.

l think that will be all for today.

Just one more ty.

- Huh?
- Ah!

[Cruger] l said that is all.

OK, l get it. Class dismissed.

- Power down.
- Power down.

You know, boss,
if l had that Shadow Sabre,

l could probably beat you.

No, you couldn't.

Even if l gave you my sword,

and l took what is left of yours,
l would still defeat you.

Your arrogance is blinding.

lt has you believing that it is
the sword that makes the difference

and not the swordsman.

Dismissed, cadet.

l have found someone capable
of defeating the Power Rangers.

l could have found someone.

- But you didn't.
- [Morgana grumbles]

So l did.

The legenday protector of Kyoto,

the samurai Katana.

- Samurai?
- [Gruumm] Yes.

Katana was not always samurai.

He is alien.

His spacecraft crash-landed on Earth,

where he was found
by a human samurai in Kyoto, Japan.

He was nursed back to health,

and once healthy, took up their ways

and became the first alien samurai.

- [Morgana] But how did he get here?
- Two words: time portal.

[Gruumm chuckles] l brought Katana
from years ago

to present day.

He is the perFect w*apon
to defeat the Power Rangers,

with a little help from Broodwing.

At your service, Emperor.

Hold the thought.


lt's coming clearer.

OK, l got it.

You're thinking that l've lost it,

You're right.

l was thinking that too.

- Me three.
- [Bridge] Go ahead, mock me, guys.

Thoughts are energy.

Energy travels.

Thoughts are my w*apon
of the future.

OK, Thought Man, do Jack.


lt's not fair.

lf Cruger let me use
the Shadow Sabre l'd beat him.

He knows that too.

That's why he won't let me use it.

Jack. Jack!

- What?
- What were you just thinking about?

Oh, thinking it's not fair.

l know if Cruger let me use
his sword l could beat him.

He knows that too.
That's why he won't let me use it.

- w*apon of the future.
- [alarm]

rKat Rangers, report to
the command centre immediately.

There's been an abnormal temporal
energy reading in Kyoto, Japan.

[Cruger] Someone
has opened a time portal.

My guess, it's Gruumm.

l've got a visual.

Where am l? This forest.

Looks familiar, yet different.

[growling] Gruumm has pulled
a warrior from the past.

l want you to go to Kyoto, Japan.

[Cruger] This warrior wears garb
of ancient samurai.

Don't underestimate his swordsmanship.

Sir, there is no better time.

Let me have the Shadow Sabre.

lt is not your w*apon.

You have all you need
to defeat him. Go.

[Katana] Where is this?

This isn't the Kyoto
l was sworn to protect.

Many strange sights.

Many strange things.

But that is my pledge.

The warrior could be anywhere.

l say we use ''the w*apon''.

Me? For real?

- You can do it, Bridge.
- Hmm.

This is strong energy.

l'm getting a vocal reading.

Where am l? This... this forest.

Familiar yet different.

That was amazing.

We have a samurai to catch.

Let's go.

You, in your armoured dragons,

if you ty to come closer to Kyoto,

you will face my wrath!

[crowd screams]

- Hyah!
- [screaming]

Good. Kyoto is safe.

- [Jack] Hey!
- What?

Your stance indicates aggression.

Are you warriors
of some invading tribe

- tying to take over Kyoto?
- We're S.P.D.

Do yourself a favour
and surrender quietly.

l do not surrender my sword
to anyone but my emperor.

l am Katana, defender of Kyoto.

[all scream]

- [groaning]
- Ha!

[Katana] Leave here
or face the consequences.

[Jack] No way!

You are defenceless.

l have the advantage.

Your w*apon, vey strange.

l will not fight an unarmed opponent.


Now we continue.

l don't like these odds.

Let's make them lopsided.

OK. Definitely the emperor
he's defending is Gruumm.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

l will let them have their battle
and move on.

Ah! [screaming]

[Jack] Good going, guys.

Yeah, but Katana slipped away
during the fight.

He won't get far. We'll find him.

What's going on, Jack?

- Huh?
- What's up?


But he had me,

and then he gave me my laser back.

l do not understand this.

What has happened
to my beloved Kyoto?

Come with me, friend.

l will explain all.

[Katana] What do you want, strange one?

You have been brought to the future
by a great emperor to defend Kyoto.

Those invaders want to destroy
your beautiful city.

No! l have sworn an oath
to protect Kyoto with my life.

l have enlisted the help
of the robot god Moroto

to protect the buildings of Kyoto
from the Power Rangers.

They are intent on making
your city their own

and have already defeated
the soldiers l sent to protect you.

l am Broodwing

and am honour bound
to help you fight them off.

[Jack] Keep looking, Bridge.

OK, l've got him,
but his temporal energy's fading fast.

The longer he stays in this time
the less likely l can track him.

OK, then let's move quickly.


[Jack] Look!
He's taking the buildings.

[Syd] Oh, no!

[Jack] Is Katana in that giant robot?

No. His energy signature
came from the other direction.

Commander Cruger,

the samurai has brought in
a giant robot.

- They're stealing Kyoto shrines.
- Kat.

Sir, if all goes to plan,

l can have Delta Base to Kyoto, Japan
in less than minutes.

[Cruger] Excellent.

This is my temple,
but it looks so much older now.

[Jack] Hey! Up here!

[all] S.P.D. Emergency!

- Who are you?
- One, S.P.D. Red.

Two, S.P.D. Blue.

Three, S.P.D. Green.

Four, S.P.D. Yellow.

Five, S.P.D. Pink.

Space Patrol Delta!

Congratulations. You have picked
my ancestors' ground to be defeated on.

- Uh-oh.
- What?

Prepare for battle.

- [all groaning]
- Get him!

l call on the ancestors
to strike you down.

- What?
- Sword of Kyoto!

Let that be a lesson. Farewell.

[all moan]

Hey! Look, he's gone!

You realise by taking
Delta Base to Japan

you'll be leaving New Tech City
completely defenceless.

l understand the risk.

We can't afford to let Gruumm
get a foothold anywhere on Earth.

- Yes, sir.
- Hmm.

Preparing Delta Base
hyper-speed rover mode.

Commencing countdown.

Five, four,

three, mo, one.


[Cruger] Rangers,
we have just arrived in Kyoto

and are preparing to launch
Delta Runners.

Hyah! We're in!

l'll aim for the drawers.

- [Sky] l can't hit 'em.
- Let me ty!

Whoa! l'm hit!

[Cruger] Rangers,
come back to base.

We'll have to ioin powers
to defeat Moroto.

[all] Yes, sir!

Opening loading bays.

Let's back them up.

Prepare for transformation.

Delta Command Megazord.

[computer voice]
Requesting transformation.

Delta Base robot standing.

[all] Rangers in position.

Morphers locked and activated.

That should hold that hunk of wood.

Sir, scans reveal a Blue Head
is piloting the robot,

and there is no other control.

- A Blue Head?
- Something's not right.

Jack, wait!

- Sir.
- l've walked into Gruumm's trap.

You must find Katana quickly.

He may be our only hope to deciphering
Gruumm's ulterior motive.

Sir, Katana is a master swordsman.

He easily defeated all five of us.

l'll bring you the samurai
if you let me use the Shadow Sabre.

All that is in your head, Jack.

You do not need my sword
to defeat Katana.

Sir, we can argue this point
until there's no time left.

l'll bring him in.

Just let me have your sword.

Take it.

Thank you, sir.

l won't let you down.

[chuckling] Well done, Broodwing.

My plan has gone smoothly.

S.P.D. is in Kyoto,

and the New Tech City Iridium Plant
was left unguarded.

Have the samurai and the robot
finish off the Rangers,

and l will see to it
that Japan becomes yours.

As you wish, Emperor.

- [wind rustling]
- Huh?

l knew l'd find you here.

We meet again.

You want to get back
from where you came.

- Yes.
- The portal will open one more time.

That will be your one chance
to get back.

That is my business, invader.

Why have you not fled
after l defeated you?

[Katana] l admire your courage,

- but that is not enough.
- [Jack] We're not invaders.

We came here to help.

Maybe we can help you
get back home.

[Jack] l know you are
an honourable warrior.

You could have struck me down
in our earlier fight...

l will not fight an unarmed opponent.

...but didn't.

You have good intentions but have been
used by an evil emperor named Gruumm.

Liar! No one uses Katana.

l fight only for the freedom of Kyoto.

Gruumm brought you
from your time to help with his plan.

[Jack] He not only wants to take Kyoto
for his own but Earth as well.

My friends and l have come here
to stop him.

There is only one way to know
if you're telling the truth.

We must duel.

Oh, boy.

l am waiting.

S.P.D. Emergency!

l am ready.

[Broodwing] Ha!
That won't hold him for long.

Gruumm will be pleased
with my progress.

[Kat] Doggie, scanners
have revealed the target.

Destroy the glowing blue orb
on each side,

- and you won't harm the buildings.
- Got it.

Ready finger lasers. Fire!

You sure you want to do this?

The truth shall prevail.

- [groans]
- Hyah!

Come on.


[laboured breathing]

Sword of Kyoto.

Shadow Sabre.

- Full power.
- [all] Ready! Fire!

So the truth is l have been deceived.

l'm sory to do this,
but l have to be sure.


Not guilty. l knew it.

Red fighter,
you are an honourable warrior.

- So are you.
- [transmitter beeps]

Jack, there's an energy build-up
in your sector.

- The time portal is about to open up.
- Thanks, Kat.

Amazing. Oh!

Well, there's your way home
if you want.

Or you can stay here,
continue to protect Kyoto.

No. Kyoto is safe in this time

with you and your tribe.

l need to go back where l belong.


A well-fought victoy,

but in our victoy,
we have suffered a loss.

By bringing the Delta Base to Japan,

l left New Tech City defenceless.

Gruumm took advantage
and raided the iridium plant.

lridium? Isn't that that metal they add
to other metals to make them harder?

Yes. He is up to something.

lt is our iob to find out
what that is before it's too late.

[Cruger] Dismissed.

Finally, Shadow Sabre is mine.

Oh, by the way, Jack,

that is not the Shadow Sabre.

This is the Shadow Sabre.

Huh? Then what is this?

Just another sword
l found in the closet.

You gave me just any sword,

and l battled the strongest
swordsman in histoy?

- And won.
- But l could have lost.

But you didn't.

lt is truly the swordsman
and not the sword.

Don't you agree? Commence lesson.

Oh, l'm ready.
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