13x17 - Recognition

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x17 - Recognition

Post by bunniefuu »

[Sky] l said no, R.l.C.

[computer beeping]

[yelling] Yo, Sky, what up?

- [Jack chuckles]
- PerFect.

- Now l gotta start over.
- What are you doing here anyway?

- Thought you were off-duty hours ago.
- l was. l do this to relax.


Come on, R.l.C.

OK, OK, how come
l throw R.l.C. the ball

and he brings it back to you?

Because that dog is determined
to make me play with him.


lt's against regulations
to throw a ball in here.

All work and no play
makes Sky a dull boy.

Can you go? And take Jack with you.


- Ready?
- Ready!

S.P.D. Emergency!

[Kat] Opening Zord bay tubes.

- [Jack] Let's do it!
- [all yell]

- OK, let's move out.
- [sirens wailing]

[Cruger] It's Wootox.

Wootox? He's a dangerous one.
Wanted throughout the galay.

And now ,OOO times more dangerous
with a giant robot.

Don't wory, commander.
We're all over it.

You'll pay for that.

There are other cities to destroy.
l'm outta here!

- He's a fast one.
- Sure is.

- So, what do we do now?
- We should've got him.

Maybe we still can. Commander?


S.P.D. Emergency.

Shadow Ranger!

Delta Command Megazord activate.

[laughing] Another perFect escape.

- [Jack] Freeze! S.P.D.!
- What?

- No!
- Fire finger lasers.



Their robot blew mine away.

Should l take it? Let's see.

Ha ha! It looks like it's my lucky day.

[Sky] Stop right there!

You really think you can defeat
Wootox the Destroyer?

Without a doubt. You're comin' with us.

- Says who?
- One, S.P.D. Red.

Two, S.P.D. Blue.

Three, S.P.D. Green.

Four, S.P.D. Yellow.

Five, S.P.D. Pink.



Space Patrol Delta!

[all] Defenders of Earth!

- Big deal!
- Yes, it is.

And you're under arrest.

Put your hands up.

- Foolish, foolish humans.
- [all groan]

You OK?

Hang on, Jack. l've got him.

But... but...

l've got this one.

No! l can't believe this!

On your feet. We're taking you in.

Let's go, guys.

Come on.

[Sky] Come on.


Commander Cruger
wants him for questioning?

What could he know
that's worth anything?

Guess we won't know
until we question him.

File your report.
l'll take him to his cell.

You sure you can...? OK.

- Let's go.
- Catch you later.

- [growling]
- Watch it, Danny. He's a bad one.

So it's S.P.D. Headquarters itself
that becomes the Megazord?

- Interesting.
- That is none of your business.

[softly] Ah!


l'm not falling for that trick. Get up.

Earth's air. l can't catch my breath.

l've got you now.

What? What's going on?

What did you do to me?

l switched our bodies.


You didn't know l was so talented...

- ...did you?
- That's me.

To the world you are now Wootox,
destroyer of planets.


[Sky] Don't!

And l'm the Blue Ranger.

[groaning] You!

- You won't get away with this.
- l already did.

And you won't be able to tell anybody
without this translator.

- You can't do that!
- [screaming]

Nice ty.

Let's see how you like being a prisoner.

- [unintelligible speech]
- Enjoy your stay. [chuckling]

[unintelligible speech]

Power down.

[thinking] Heads, l attack the guard.

Tails, l don't.

Well, well. It's your lucky day.

[softly growling]


...let's find the Delta Base cockpit.

- [Syd singing]
- mootox] Maybe it's in here.

# Do you think l'm beautiful
Do you mind?

Get out of my room. Now!

Somehow l've got to warn the others.

Danny, it's me, Sky!

- [shouting unintelligibly]
- Listen, you, settle down.


Can't understand a word l'm saying!

You're kidding.

There he is.
He just barged into our room.

Pre_ serious charges,
Mr S.P.D. Handbook Monitor.

[Z] Rule -B:

Cadets will not enter another cadet's
living quarters without invitation.

Honest mistake.

[Syd] Big mistake.

Don't make it again.

[unintelligible speech]

[thinking] l've got to find
a way out of here.

They're all in danger, and l've got
to warn them, but how?

Got it!

lf l canjust reach...

Come on. Yes!

[Cruger] Wootox is responsible
for the destruction

of more than planets.

We cannot trust any information
we get from him.



Permission to iudge and confine
has been granted.

l say do it now. He doesn't deserve
to hang around. The sooner the better.

You iust put him in a holding cell.
He's not going anywhere.

Hmm, l think l agree with Sky.
Wootox is a vey dangerous individual.

[Kat] All personnel,
prisoner escape in cellblock R .

Wootox! You know what to do.

l'll take the north corridor
and ty and cut him off.

Careful, Sky. This guy is dangerous.

Tell me about it.
[chuckling and growling]

Let's find the Delta Base cockpit
and shake this place up.

l don't think he went this way, guys.

Do you think Sky found him?

Hope it's not the other way around.

Sky? Come in, Sky.

Do you copy?

OK, we've got problems.

No Wootox and no Sky.

No kidding. Let's move out.

l goma find a way to get through
to them before it's too late.

The Delta Base cockpit
has got to be around here somewhere.

- Ah!
- [struggling]

Don't wory.
You're never gonna get there.

My, my, an escaped prisoner.

You get inside that body,
and you just want to do bad things.

Game's over. Time to switch back.

l miss my old body.


Put him down, nice and easy.

Oh, no.

Put our friend down and step back.

- You OK, Sky?
- Yeah, thanks.

We oughta take this guy out.

Guys, it's me.

l've got to make 'em understand.

lt's me, Syd. It's Sky.


Take him out now.

Wo! This isn't working.

- [all groaning]
- Sky's right. Let's get him.

l'll go this way.

- [Z] What?
- Why is he always going the other way?


- [Jack] Which way did he go?
- [Bridge] Who knows?

[Jack] OK, Z, you and Bridge
take those corridors.

- Syd, you take that one.
- Right on.

- [R.l.C. barking]
- R.l.C., what is it?

- [doors opening]
- [R.l.C. barking]

You need something, Sky?

Tell me where the cockpit
for the Megazord is.

- [whimpering]
- Oh!

- Sky! What's wrong with you?
- [Sky growls]


- [growling]
- [gasping]

- [alarm]
- Huh?

- [gasping]
- Now, where is that cockpit?


- [groaning]
- [growling]

Huh? Kat.

- [Cruger growls]
- Look who's here.

Who are you? You're not Sky.

No fooling you.

That's why you must be the commander.

[chuckling] Your Ranger and l
have switched bodies.


S.P.D. Emergency!

Shadow Ranger!

- Nobody messes with my Rangers.
- Really?

Shadow Sabre, power up!

[both screaming]

You're mine!

First l will defeat you,

then l will use your base robot
to destroy this planet.

That's never going to happen.

Think before you go any further,

Destroy me, and your cadet
will be stuck in my body forever.

You monster!

What can l do?

l'm a wanted criminal
to be deleted on sight.

Meanwhile, Wootox is wandering
around in my body, free as a bird.

Butwhy? What is he tying to do?

So it's S.P.D. Headquarters itself
that becomes the Megazord. Interesting.

That's it. He plans to take over
the Delta Base Megazord.

l've got to stop him!

[chuckling] Yes! l knew l'd find
the Delta Base controls.

He's gotta be inside.

Well, he's gotta be.

They would have reported him
Ieaving the building if he left,

which he must not have done,
because he didn't.


Maybe he did.

- Ready?
- Ready!

S.P.D. Emergency!

- [all] Hyah!
- [screaming]

[all] Fire!

l've got to make it inside.

Look out!

- [Jack] Whoa! What's he doing?
- How did he...?

- Let's go!
- Yeah!

The door!
Oh, no, the base is transforming.

[computer voice]
Requesting transformation.

[all yelling]

- What's happening?
- Oh, no!

- It's turning into the Megazord!
- Wootox must have taken over.

This is bad. We can't stop it.

- [Syd] No way!
- [Z] This is weird.

- [computer voice] Controls online.
- [laughing]

l love it. l've got the Megazord
set to destroy the planet.

lt doesn't get much better than this.

Transformation complete.

Now let's have some real fun.

Oh, no, the transformation's complete.

This is bad.
He's fully armed and dangerous.

The entire city will be destroyed.

There's gotta be something
we can do to stop it.


l'll start with New Tech City,

then the entire planet.

End of the line, Wootox.

[both growling]

- Thank goodness.
- Whoa. Yeah.

You can't win, Ranger.

Destroy me, and you'll lose
your body forever.

Can you live with that?

l don't care, as long as you're
no longer free to cause trouble.

- [panting]
- [growling]

- Hold it right there!
- Please!

- No!
- Freeze!


Good thing you found me.
Let's take care of him.


Jack, stop!

- Wait. Don't do it.
- You're just in time, commander.

- Hold on.
- Let's end it.

No. We're not sure who is who.

- They've changed bodies.
- What?

We've changed bodies,
but we've changed back. l'm Sky.

- It's a lie.
- What?

So, what do we do?

- S_?
- Don't let him fool you again.

- Let's take care of him now.
- He sounds like Sky.

Commander, l've got an idea. R.l.C!


Go fetch!

- What is he doing?
- You'll see.

[panting, whimpering]

- G_ boy, R.l.C.
- [barking]

- [gasps]
- Whoa.

- It's Sky.
- Impostor!

- S_!
- Do it!


- [moaning]
- Sky, are you OK?

Welcome back, cadet.

Thank you, sir.

- Thanks, R.l.C.
- [barking]

Let's go, Rangers.

S.P.D. Emergency.

- [growling]
- [all] Hyah!

- Fire!
- [moaning]

Come and get it, R.l.C.

[all] Canine Cannon!

- Target locked.
- [all] Fire!


Good job, eveybody.

lt sure feels good to be back in blue.

[R.l.C. barking]

[Bridge] Sky.

Weren't you playing with R.l.C.
a couple of hours ago?

Yep. And l'm still playing with R.l.C.

l promised l'd play until he got tired.

After all, if it wasn't for him,
l'd be toast right now.

Sky, he's not gonna get tired.

[Bridge] He's a robot.

He could play forever, which is
probably a lot longer than you can play.

You're probably right.
There's always tomorrow.

[whispering] l'll just throw one more.

- [glass shattering]
- Oh...

[Bridge] Ah, this way.
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