13x15 - Wired pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x15 - Wired pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

l don't understand it.

How could something so enormous
escape without a trace?

Gorodon can burrow deeper
than our scanners can detect.

lt's probably miles
below the surFace.

l hate to think about what it
could do under Gruumm's command.

We've got to find it
before he does.


Let me go, you freak!
l got friends in high places.

You work for me now,
super computer.

Prepare to control Gorodon.

This super computer has a name.

lt's Sophie.
And l'll never work for evil.


Get back here!

Just give up!

[beeps and blips]

l was just thinking.

Did we do the right thing
expelling Sophie?

l mean,
she seemed pre_ devoted.

Devoted, sure.
But devoted to what?

She didn't tell us the truth,
Bridge. How could we trust her?

Yeah. l guess you're right.


At ease.

Correct me if l'm wrong,

but at the last count we had
five recruits. l only see four.

Sir, we found the mole
that accessed the computer.

lt was one of
the new recruits, Sophie.

- She was a cyborg.
- A cyborg?

Sir, pursuant to section Bm
in the S.P.D. Handbook,

which states that any person

found to be a danger to S.P.D.
or its infrastructure

can and should be banished
from the premises,

so we banished her, sir.

l mean, banished it.

Just because she is a cyborg
does not make her our enemy.

Find her and return her
to S.P.D. immediately.


Mm, they still have much to learn.

Would you like some
squished moon bug sauce?

- Let's get out of here!
- Hey!

Let me guess.
Humans wearing S.P.D. uniforms.

Piggy, we need your help.
Have you seen this cyborg?

Of course you need my help.

But why should l help you?

Evey time you come around,
you scare away my customers.

Why are they afraid of us?
They're the monsters.

You're so... ethnocentric.

Don't you realise that to them,
you're the monsters?

Take her, for instance.
She looks human,

yet you referred to her
as a cyborg.

ls she nothing more to you
than circuits and wires?

She's a lot more than that.

That's why we have to find her.
Can you help us or not?

l haven't seen her.

You can't escape!




Have you seen
a young girl run past?

No, l can't say that l have.

- What does she look like?
- She looks just like that.

And l know she came this way.

Tell me where she is,
or l'll vaporise you.

Oh, that young girl!

Yes, well
she's hiding under'the table.

[Sophie] No!

You're coming with me
to the Way Woods,

whether you like it or not.

[Valko laughs]

Sometimes l just hate myself.

But then l quickly get over it.

while you eat that giant robot,

know that l have the computer,

and soon you will be
OO times your size.

OK. Thanks.

- No luck.
- You know,

Piggy was right.
If Sophie wasn't a cyborg,

we wouldn't have thrown her out
without asking questions first.

l can't believe l'm prejudiced.

This won't hurt you.
You're a robot.


- Ha!
- [zapping]


lt's working!



Once you're calibrated and
your nano-technology is synched,

l will control the most powerFul
creature on the planet.

l will destroy S.P.D.
and fulfil my destiny.


[growls] l'm tired
of fighting with this thing.

We're dealing with complex
Iogarithms. Be patient.

The computer has to calculate
the sequence to create Phase .

lt takes time.


The question is,
how much time do we have?

There are cyborgs all over town.
Why would anyone want Sophie?

Wait a minute! What did
the monster say he was after?

A Series One Processor
Hyper Intelligent Encyptor.

Surrender it to me
or pay the price!



Series One Processor...

- Hyper...
- Intelligent...


We handed her to them.

l say we split up, form a grid
and start checking door to door.

With that kind of plan,

l'm glad l'm not the one
held c*ptive.

How did you know
she was c*ptive?

A better question for Piggy is,
how much is it gonna cost us?

For one year, the five of you
stay away from my wagon.

- One day.
- Six months.

- One minute.
- One day.

- Deal.
- Deal.

Valko snatched the girl
and took her to the Way Woods.

Come on, guys. Let's go.

Thanks, Piggy.

Wait a minute! One day?


What? S.P.D.!

That's impossible!

[all screaming]

Hello, Rangers.

Have a ball.

- Kybots.
- Time to punch in.




Fist of iron!

[all] S.P.D. Emergency!

Nice suits!

You stand accused
of serious crimes.

Prepare to be judged.

What's happening?

You won't find her!

lt's too late.



[Valko] You're not the only ones
with fun gadgets.

l didn't get this far
on just my looks.

- Where did he go?
- OK, he's gone.

[groaning, gasps]


No more time
for calibration. Engage!

l command Gorodon, rise
and obey your new master! Rise!

- Oh!
- Gorodon is attacking.

Phase won't go online.
We can't stop it.

- Doggie...
- Call the Rangers.

Send the Zords.

- It's Kat.
- Rangers.

Gorodon has erupted in the
city. l'm sending the Zords.

[all] Delta Squad Megazord!

We gotta stop it!

lt's gonna take more than that!

Whoa. Not even a dent.

Take that! [laughs]

[Sophie] l can beat this!

Go, Gorodon! Go!


My computer!

Wait! What's happening?

What? No!

Now what do we do?

Power strike, now!

Our sword!

Ha-ha! Ha!

For a cyborg,
you've got quite a spirit.

lt's a shame
l must deactivate you.

Come now. It won't hurt you.


[Sophie] Help me,
Commander Cruger! Help!

Brilliant, Sophie. She knows
l can hear hyper frequencies.

- Did you say something?
- Keep at it, Miss Manx.

- Where are you going?
- To a fight.

Prepare to be bulk erased.


lt's not nice to pick on people.

- Stand back.
- She's not a person.

- She's iust a cyborg.
- And you're just a criminal.

S.P.D. Emergency!

Shadow Ranger!

Defender of the galay.

Shadow Ranger.

Shadow Sabre! Power up!

- Bring it on!
- l will!

Get down!

- What the...?
- l'm bringing you to justice.

Don't come any closer.

Shadow Sabre,
Containment Strike.



Let me out of here! l want out!


Come on, Sophie.
This isn't over yet.

- OK?
- Mm-hm.

Come on!

Kat, do something!

Hang on, guys. l'll hit them
with evemhing we've got.

[alarm sounding]

- Hang on, eveybody.
- Battle stations!

Thanks, Kat!

Rangers, return to base.

- [Jack] You're kidding!
- [Sky] No way!

Sophie, you're OK!

No time for teay reunions.

We cannot defeat Gorodon
with our weapony,

and Phase isn't sequenced yet.

l can do it.

lf you plug me directly
into the S.P.D. mainframe,

l can sequence the logarithm
for Phase .

You could also destroy S.P.D.
from the inside out if you wanted to.

She could also fy her circuits
if she gets too close to the firewall.

l trust her. Guys?

- Let her do it.
- Definitely.

l'm all for it.

Sky, it must be
a unanimous decision.

Apparently l'm a monster too,
so no more judgments.

You're all right in my book.

Then get back to your Zord
and prepare to upload.

[all] Yes, sir!

[Sophie] OK. l'm ready.

lnitiating sequencing.


DBDS Phase online.
DBDS Phase online.

[Kat] We're in business.

Attention. All cadets
to the safety zone immediately.

Good job!

[Kat] All cadets to the safety zone.
This is not a drill.

Megazord Mode.

- [all] Whoa!
- [Z] Look at that!

- Sweet!
- Cool!

[Kat] Lockdown.

Cockpit activated.

Activating enty chutes.

[Jack] We're on our way.

Come on, guys.

- Wow!
- This is unbelievable!

- What's next, Commander?
- Take your positions.

[all] Delta Command Megazord!

[all] Activate!

[all] Ready!

Rangers! Let's do this!

Steady, eveyone.

- Finger laser!
- On it!

- Oh, yeah!
- Full power!

[all] Fire!

[all] You're down.

- [Cruger] Yeah!
- [all] Yeah! We did it!

Thanks to Sophie.

Come on!

These robots never work.

Need some help with that?

- [Sky] Yeah.
- [Sophie] There you go.

[Sky] Thanks. l didn't mean...

- l know.
- [Bridge] Hey.

l heard that
S.P.D# s number one IT girl

is going to the Theta Quadrant
to overhaul their systems.

l can finally use my programs
to help eveyone in the galay.

l told you if you failed me
you would not be happy.

Please don't do it!
Don't turn me back.

l think it's time
the grown-ups had a talk.


How could you?!

They grow up so fast!

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