18x15 - The Blue and the Gold

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x15 - The Blue and the Gold

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed down
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

- [Grunts]


- [Laughing]

- Ooh, yuck.

- My truck is gone.

That was my favorite toy.

- Ooh, look at the goo.


- Behold.

This is our new and improved
friend, the claw zord.

- Where did you get this?

- The claw zord
was battle damaged years ago,

So I hid it away.

- Mentor asked me to perform
a bit of my tech wiz magic.

- Huh?

- I wanted to see
if he could actually do it.

- It's pretty simple.

If I text over some
samurai power symbols

To reprogram him,

Claw zord will be back
in business.

- Wow.

- Ah.

[Both chuckling]

- So you've been using
electronic symbols?

- Welcome to the st century.

- Impressive.

But this is the work
of a computer nerd,

Not a samurai.

- Huh?

- Look, I know I wasn't born

Into the samurai life
like you guys,

But I'm trying to help
in my own way.

- Kevin, we've already accepted
antonio into our team, remember?

- I said I'd give him a chance.

But being a true samurai
involves much more

Than pressing some buttons.

- Yes.

Being a true samurai
is what's in your heart.

- It's up to you to change
his mind, antonio.

- Sweet moves.

Hey, antonio.

How are you doing?

- So kevin was too busy
to come along?

I guess he only hangs
with real samurai.

- He's just trying to hold on
to the traditions

That he grew up with.

- So he can't accept me 'cause
I don't do things old school?

I mean, I proved myself
in battle.

- Plus, you found a way
to fix the claw zord.

- I think kevin just wants you
to be more serious about things.

- Eat, drink, sleep
being a samurai--

It's the only way
to impress him.

[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- Antonio.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

- Octoroo!

[Furry warts chanting "octoroo"]

Pipe down,
you annoying fur balls.

Where's that old geezer octoroo?

- He's away working
on some big scheme.

- Big scheme?

What big scheme?

- He wouldn't tell me,

But he said if it works,

We'll finally be able to escape
the sanzu river for good.

- Ha. Good.

If that squid brain
can really pull that off,

Then putting up with that lame
blabber mouth all these years

Will be worth it.


- I guess.

If you say so.

[Guitar chiming]

- Ooh, ah, ooh,
so much to do.

Steal kids' favorite toys,
and then chop, chop, chop.

This perfect spell
will refill this well

With sanzu river water.

Kiddies'' eyes will be crying,

And nighlok will have a place
to get wet when they're drying.

- Trail of tears express

Coming through.


- These little cameras will let
me see everything kevin does.





I'm gonna learn to eat,
drink, sleep being a samurai,

Kevin style.

- Oh, decker, I knew master
xandred didn't destroy you.

Fate has been so cruel
to you.

Perhaps if he had defeated you,

Your curse would
have been lifted.

You'd finally be at peace.

But that would be too easy.

I wish I knew why you saved me.

- Five disk beetle cannon.

Final strike.

All: strike!



- Huh!


- Could it be that maybe
you do remember me?

- [Grunting]

- the art of the samurai life.

[Both snoring]

- Oh, boy.

This bear's their favorite toy.


- [Groaning]

- Whoa!

Clumsy fool.

Ooh, your finger's up my nose.


- Then why is your hand
on my face, uncle bulk?

- [Grunting]



[Birds chirping]

- [Yawns]

- [Yawns]

Good morning, spike.

- [Yawns]

Good morning, uncle bulk.


Good morning, sammy.


- Oh!

- Our mascot is missing.

- Naw, he's on the shelf
where he always--


He's been...

Both: kidnapped!


[Both screaming]

- Training.

And more training.

Everything precisely timed.

- [Giggling]

[Giggles echoing]

- Did you hear that, antonio?

- Yeah, I did.


You knew I was watching you.

- Since last night.

Come on.

We've got to check out
this weird laughter.

So why the spy cams?

- How did you--

I just wanted to see
what a true samurai does.

- You don't get it.

This isn't a spy movie.

It's the real deal.

You're always
just messing around.

- I'm not messing around.

I'm serious, and I'm trying
to learn, dude.

- [Sighs]

- Kevin, wait.

- , , , .

We've got enough.

[Moogers warbling]

- Trashing toys will definitely
cause some sorrow.

- It's brilliant.

By tossing exactly
beloved toys in the well,

The sorrow it causes
will make the river rise

And fill the well once again.

You must chop up the toys
with this.

It's made
from sanzu riverbed rock.

Before it dried up,
the well

Was the nighloks' main portal.

- Ooh, whacks with the ax.

So whenever we...

- They're making kids cry
by stealing their toys.

- We have to stop the evil river
from rising

And filling that well.

I'm calling jaden.



It's not connecting.


[Busy signal]

- Our signals are blocked.

- [Sighs]

- Come out, come out,

Wherever you are.



- Go, go, samurai!

- Samurai morpher,
gold power!


- I'm sort of impressed.

You found this place even
with my secret barriers up.

- Barriers?
That's what jammed our signals.

- Who are you?

You're not just any nighlok.

Both: huh!

- Ooh, ah, ooh,
I'm octoroo,

The brains behind master xandred

And the one who
will finally destroy you.

Ready, antberry?

- Time to enjoy my new toy.

Both: huh!

- Oh, no, you don't.

- Sanzu slime!

[Both grunting]

- Hey.
- Wow.

My blade's as slippery
as an eel.


- Man, I can't a hold of it.

It's too slimy.

- Your weapons are worthless,

Like you.

- Ah, forget your sword,

We got to take it
to this slime ball.

[All grunting]

Whoa, he's slippery too.

- [Grunting]

Not good.

- Sucker punch.

- Hey, you slimy punk.

- Another slip-off.

[Both grunting]

- Mind if I cut in?

- Yeah.


Both: ah!

- All right, moogers,
go finish those pests off.

[Moogers warbling]

While they're doing that,

You should start chopping up
those toys.

- But my ax is too dull
to do it.

All that slime messed up
its sharp edge.


- Argh, resharpen it
and chop those toys.

- I'm on it, boss.

[Guitar chiming]

♪ ♪

- There's something off
with your music today.


What's wrong with you?

What are you hiding?

- [Gasps]

- Uh, I' not hiding anything.

- [Grunting]

Thank you.

- No need to thank me.

It's the least I could do
after you saved me

From the samurai rangers.

- I see.

- Why do you insist
on dueling the red ranger?

- I'm compelled to find
the ultimate duel.

It's all that matters.

I can't remember a time
when it wasn't.

- So you remember nothing
from the past?


- No. Nothing.

My sword uramasa is calling
to me.

It longs for action.

And I must make sure
that ultimate duel

Finally happens.

- I see.

Is anything else
in this world important to you?

- I am cursed to satisfy
this urge, so no.

There is nothing but this.

- [Sighs]

- Well?

- Nothing.

It was nothing.

All: nothing, nothing...

- Quiet!

- Then start strumming.

- Where's kevin?

- He's usually back
from his morning jog by now.

- Usually?


You can set your watch
to the guy.

- I've got a bad feeling
about this.

[Moogers grunting]

[Dial tone]

- [Grunts] still no signal.

- And we have to hurry back
and stop them.

- You can't fight
with that arm injury.

I'll go.

- You can't go alone.

- Don't worry about me.

Just hide here until
the coast is clear

And then run and get the others.

- Kevin, wait!

- [Grunting]

- Now much longer are you going
to sharpen that ax of yours?

You're as slow as sludge.

- Huh?

- Hurry up, or you'll be going
down that well

Instead of those toys.

- [Grunting]

- Back off, moogers.



- Antonio, I told you to hide.

- You would have never
have asked any

Of the others to hide.

Maybe you don't think of me
as a samurai,

But don't treat me
like a coward.

Being a samurai is more

Than just following
ancient traditions.

It's about being a warrior,

Protector of all things good.

- Antonio.

- If people need to be saved,

Doesn't a samurai try
to help?

No matter what?

A samurai doesn't run and hide.

- You're right.

That is the true spirit
of a samurai.


You can fight.

- Bring it on.

I know that two of us
can take them down.

- Well, we don't have much

Until jaden and
the others get here.

- You made contact?

- No, but when they see

That I don't show for practice,

They'll know something's wrong.

Thanks for helping me.

Let's go.

- You really think they'll come

Just because you're late
for practice?

- [Sighs]

I live a very disciplined life.

Every moment is counted for.

- Well, you're definitely doing
something right.

- We all work together
as one, antonio,

Like a well-oiled machine.

Right now our job
is to fight evil

With every breath in our body.

- Kevin would never be this late
from his morning run.

He's always here by
: a.m. Sharp for practice.

He would have at least called.

- Okay, enough waiting.

It's time to take action.

[Both grunting]

- Here.

- [Grunts]

[Moogers warbling]

Take a deep breath,

'Cause the battle's
about to begin.


Tie the spin sword
to your wrist.

That way the nighlok slime
won't affect your grip.

- Great thinking.

- Go, go, samurai!

- Samurai morpher!

Gold power!


- Let's get to it.

[Both grunt]

[Warbling and zapping]

- Hey, it worked.

- Sure did.
Let's go.

- [Grunting]


That ought to do it.

Finally it's done.


- Start with the coolest toy.

Give it to him.

- Ooh, a bike.

- Get going.
Time's a-wasting.

- Watch me turn this bike
into a chopped up chopper.

- Not so fast, nighlok.

- [Grunts]

[Both grunt]

[Ax clanging]

- Ooh, ah, ooh,
not the ax.

They ruined everything.

[Moogers screaming]

[Mooger screeching]

- Great job, antonio.

Come on.

- There they are.

You two just destroyed
my favorite toy.

- Now it's time to destroy you.

- Bring it on, slime ball.


- Sanzu slime.

- It's still working.

- Ha!

[All grunting]

- Even if you can hold
your weapons,

You can't slip away
from me.


[Both shouting]

Ha! Knocked you flat.

I don't need slime
to beat you.

[Both grunting]

- Blazing strike.


[Both screaming]

- Whoa.

Both: huh?

All: huh!

- Back off, nighlok.

- Wow, you showed up.

- Red ranger?

- Kevin, antonio.

You guys okay?

- We're fantastico now.

We're sure glad
to see you guys.

We know kevin's routine,

And he knew we'd come looking.

- Come on, guys.

Time to take these guys out
for good.

[All grunting]

- Later, rangers.

Time to sneak through a gap.

- Huh?

- The red ranger's gonna fry
your boo-tay.

- Argh.

He's worthless and weak.

But I'm not scared of you.

Shall we do this?

- Jaden, watch out
for his slime.

- Don't worry.

- Sanzu...

- Here it comes.

- Blazing strike!

- Slime!


- Now.

- Charge!


- [Grunting]

- Go ahead, guys.

Put him on spin cycle.

[Both grunting]

- [Grunting]

- Spin sword!

- Barracuda blade!

- Dragon splash!

- Barracuda bite!

- Ooh, wow.



Both: huh!

- Yeah, squashed that ant.


- It's big slime time!

All: megamode power!


- Octozord!






All: zords combine!

[Whirring and beeping]

- Antonio, join us.

- With pleasure.

Samurai a*tillery!



All: ultaspear megazord
armed for battle!

- [Grunting]

Get a grip.


Huh! Hey!


- We can't grab him.

- Slippery, huh?

- He's going to slime us again?

- Sanzu slime.

[All grunting]

- Whoa! Whoa!

- Your combination
is kaput.


- Hey, hands off my octozord!

Octo ink cloud!

- Hey, cut that out.


- Let's try this again.

Samurai a*tillery.

All together now.

All: ice breath.

- Ooh, this isn't cool.

It's freezing.



All: electric spear!

Samurai strike!


- [Grunting]


All: yeah!

- Time to go.
- We did it.

- Yeah! Whoa!
Did you see it?

- Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

- Stealing toys from kids?

Now, that's even low
for a nighlok.

- But we get
to make things right.

That's the great thing
about being a samurai.

Right, antonio?

- It's best that we return
these anonymously.

We don't want
to draw attention to ourselves.

- It'll be fun to play santa.

- Ho-ho-ho.


- Right.

- My ball.

[Kids giggling]

- Cool.


- [Screeches]


[Laughing and snorting]

Sammy's back!


[Laughing and snorting]
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