18x09 - I've Got a Spell on Blue

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x09 - I've Got a Spell on Blue

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed down
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

- H'yahhh!

[Swords clanging]

- He's got mad skills.

I'm impressed.

- Yes, jayden's one of the best

That's ever been.

- I was talking about kevin.

He's right up there
with jayden.

- He's so graceful
with the sword.

- Yes, jayden always had
that quality, even as a child.

- I meant kevin.

- Kevin's technique is better.

- They are both
excellent swordsmen.

Practice sparring is one thing,

But true skill shown in battle
is what really counts.

- I'd hate to see
what would happen

If they really had
to battle each other.

- [Laughs]
that would never happen.

Nothing can ever make kevin
fight against a fellow ranger.

- He's true blue.

- Ahh!

Good match, jayden.

I obviously need more practice.

- Hey, don't beat yourself up
over a lost point.

- Okay, let's go again.

- You're on.

[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

- What are you doing here,

You expect a reward
for saving dayu?

Is that it?

- Huh, I didn't need saving.

- This isn't about her.

I want to go after red ranger,

The new leader of the samurai.

But I'm not looking to interfere
with any of your plans.

Do what you will.

My head is pounding.

I can only deal
with one headache at a time.

- Hmm...

I see you're still suffering

From when the last red ranger
sealed you down here.

- Every one
of those samurai rangers

Will pay for my pain!

When we make the sanzu river

I'll watch all of them sink
to the bottom.

- So...
You have nothing else planned?

- No.

- Ooh ah hoo,
he answered you.

Now go.

- All right.

Rest well, then, master xandred,

And I shall continue my quest
without worry.

- I'm the star around here.

Bye-bye, decker.

- Get lo, , metamot.

You're nothing but talk.

- Hold on, squid-lips.

I brought you a present

That's bigger and badder
than decker.

- Ooh ha hoo!

- Don't believe me?

Let's take a look.

- No, decker, wait!

- Bye-bye!

You'll forget all about
that rogue

When you look outside.

- I can't believe it.

Is that what I think it is?

- It sure is.

I've got the red ranger's

Long lost tigerzord.

- [Growling, roaring]

- A samurai needs to face
his fears, spike.

Nature is our friend.


- Dah!

- But I'm scared of bears!

- I don't think bears
live in this neck of the woods.

Lose the bear spray.

What you should have brought...

Is this.

Mosquito repellent.

[Both coughing]

[People screaming]

Terrified screams of hikers
can only mean on thing, spike!

- Bears!

- Ah!

- Gah!

[Woman screaming]

I can't see anything!

- [Roaring]

- We got to run.

- Never run from a bear
this close, spike.

Play dead, like a possum.

- [Laughs]

You can't fool me.

Even possums aren't that ugly.

[Alarm blaring]


Catch you rodents later.

I've got bigger fish to fry.


- Ohhh!

Our first real battle, spike.

And we survived!

Now we are officially
samurai warriors.

- We are?
- Shhh, yes, we are.

- Hold it right there, nighlok.

- Ahh.

- We're going to whip you
into shape.

- Do you really want
to tangle with me?

I'm metamot,

The baddest of the bad
from the sanzu.

I'm a bad, bad man!

- Let's see if you can
back up all that talk.

- Hmm, having backup
is a good idea.

Here, kitty-kitty!

- Whoa!

It looks like...

The tigerzord.

- [Roaring]

- Sounds like a mountain lion.

- Surprised?

When the earth cracked open

And you sealed master xandred
in the netherworld,

Your tigerzord
fell in the crevice too.

I saved it and made him
by pet kitty.

- [Growling]

- Or should I say, "pet tiggy"?

- [Roaring]

- Your pet?
No way!

- Jayden!
We got to get it back!

- My spell on him
is too powerful.

He's mine.

- Everyone duck.

- Mike, get down!



- Kevin!

- Ahhh.


- Mike!

- What was that all about?

- [Growling]

- Kevin?

- He's in a trance.

- I've tamed a new pet.

I call him blue.

Now sick 'em!


- Huh!

- Whoa!


What's wrong, buddy?

Snap out of it!

- He's under mind control!

- Hey!
Stop it!

- [Growls]

- A rabble-rouser, eh?

One red ranger puppet coming up.

- Symbol power!

- Huh?


No one beats me.

Chew him up, tigerzord.

- Ah!

- Emily!
- I can't fight kevin.

There's no way!

- Huh!
Dragon splash!


- Ooh, yes, yes, yes!

Good move, blue.

[All groaning]

- No!

We better blaze a trail
out of here.

- Coward!

But good timing,

Because I'm drying out.

Blue, go wait with tiggy.

- As you wish, master.

- This isn't good.

It's going to be very hard

To break that monster's spell

On the tigerzord and kevin.

- We need a plan.

- Jayden, you must be prepared

To make tough choices
if need be.

- I know, ji.

But let's figure out a way

To break the nighlok's hold
on kevin

Before it gets to that.

- I told you I was the best.

Am I good, or what?

- So blue ranger's
in the palm of your hand?

- He'll do anything
I tell him to do.

- Then make him turn
on himself.

- When's the last time
you had fun, dayu?

Three centuries ago?

- Well, actually, i--

- Forget I asked.

It's much more fun
playing puppetmaster

And making people do things
they never would.

- For a guy who looks
like a walking apple cart

And has a brain the size
of a prune pit,

Metamot's pretty high
on himself.

- Who cares what he thinks?

As long as his tricks
keep the sanzu river rising,

Then let him be.

- Ooh ah ooh, I'm more concerned
about that rogue warrior decker.

- So...

Master xandred doesn't know
the truth

About the sealing power.


That means he'll stay
out of my way.

Uramasa, my trusty sword,

If I can't finally fight
a worthy opponent

And bring him to his knees,

Then what's the point
in being immortal?


[People shouting]

- That's right, boys.

Run away from my blue menace.

- [Growling]

[Alarm blaring]

- Mentor, where's jayden?

He's already gone
to battle the nighlok.

- Are you kidding me?

What about kevin?

The nighlok will make him
fight jayden.

- Hopefully that won't happen,

But it is our duty
to protect people.

He may have no choice.

- There's always a choice.

This is bogus.

- Have faith in your leader,

- Mike, we have to help jayden.

- And hope kevin comes
to his senses.

- [Exhales]

- It's about time, red ranger.

- Kevin, please wake up.

- Not going to happen, red.

Make this fight count,

Or I'll make blue turn his sword
on himself.

- Jayden!
We're here to help.

- No, I can't put anyone else
at risk.

- But--

- You want a show?

I'll give you the show
of your life, nighlok.

- Jayden!

- I wish I had some popcorn.



- Samuraizer!

Go, go, samurai!

- He won't hurt kevin.

- I hope you're right.

- I can't believe
this is happening.

- What are you thinking?
That's kevin!

- Wake up, kev!

- You're fighting jayden!
You can't do this!

- Come on, kevin.

I know you're in there.

- Spin zord, dragon splash!

- Ahh!

- Oh, man, this is so not cool.

- Shut your pie hole!


- Ugh!

- No talking during the show!

- Looks like we have a winner.

- Who are you?

- It doesn't matter who I am.

What matters is who's winning.

It's not the man in blue.

- What?
How can you tell?

- Because he's fighting

As if he's trying
to win a training point

Rather than a real duel.

It's a lot different when you're
fighting for survival.

- Huh!


- You fight with instinct.

You have to watch your target
like a hawk.

It's easy to get tired
in a long battle

When there's no one to say stop.

The red warrior
has a good stance.

It reduces arm fatigue.

He'll stay strong.

And when the blue goes
for the point,

The red will see his opening,
and he'll strike.

He's looking
for a decisive blow.

That's the difference
between these two.

- Huh!

- Come back to us, kevin.

This should break the spell.

- [Grunting]


- What have you done?

My puppet!

- Kevin!


- I was right.

The red ranger
is the perfect opponent

For my uramasa.

- Kevin...


Wake up, kevin.

- He probably needs some air,

- What happened?

- Right now, we have
some work to do.

- Red ranger, you had this
planned all along!

- When we fought in the forest,

My resist-symbol power
protected me

From your mind-control ray.

Symbol power!

We weren't sure
if the resist disc's power

Would work on kevin too,

But I had to try.

I had no other choice.

Sorry I had to risk
fighting you,

But I had to get into
a close enough position

To use the disc.

- Fighting me?

- Because you're
such a good fighter,

It took me a lot longer
to get close enough to use it.

Luckily, it worked.

- If you're up to it,

I think it's time
we battle someone

Who isn't on our own team.

- You're on.

All: samuraizers!

Go, go, samurai!

All: samurai rangers ready!

- Tigerzord, crush them!

- You guys take care
of the nighlok.

I'll handle the tigerzord.

- We're on it.
- Let's go!

- Lionzord!

Megamode power!

I hate to put another ally
in harm's way,

But we have no choice.

I knew this
was going to be tough,

But not this tough.



Time for this catfight to end.


Stay down.

I got to do this fast.

Resist power!


All right, our cook cat's back
on our side.

- Oh, blue!

- Look!

The tigerzord is back!

- Jayden, you rock!

- What?

Now they've turned tiggy
against me too!

- Show's over, nighlok.

- Not so fast.

All: spin zord!

Four allies strike!

- That's not fair.

You teamed up on me.


Now you've got a big problem.

Bad kitty.

- Welcome back home, tiger.

Let's finish this.

- Yield to my shield.

- Oh, yeah?
This cat has claws.

- Agghhh!


- Attack, boy.

Sometimes when you play
in the dirt,

You just end up losing ground,

But here's a move that'll help
us part ways with this creep.

- Uugghhhaaah!

- This vault is all yours,

- No!
What's happening?

I'm earthquaking
in my boots.

This can't happen to me.

I'm the baddest of the bad.

- Come on!
Let's help jayden.

All: megamode power!

- Jayden!

Zords, combine!

All: samurai megazord!
We are united!

- Samurai a*tillery.

All: dragon drill megazord!

Armed for battle!

- Ugh!
You're nothing but a hairball!


Your megazord is useless.

My shield is the real deal.


- I think
we can break his shield

With the tiger drill.

Get ready.

All: megablade, activate!

- Tiger drill, charge!

- Ugh!

I can't be beat.

I'm the baddest
of the baaaaaad!

- Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

- Whoo, let's go.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

- Too bad.

My turn.

Double sixes, yeah!

- [Sighs]

After today,

I don't feel much like playing.

- It wasn't your fault.

That nighlok was the one
playing games

And using us as the pieces.

Tiger's one
of our toughest allies,

And even he couldn't resist
that nighlok's spell.

- But I raised my sword
against you.

- And I raised mine against you.

Sometimes we can't avoid
putting each other at risk.

- But we have to do what's best
for the greater good.

- You sound like mentor.

- Hey, we're starting
a new game.

Come on.

- All right.

But I'm blue.

- Yeah, I think we all agree

That you're the best one
to control that.

- Hand me the dice.

- Okay.

- Wait, take the card first.

- Okay.

- Jayden, you too.
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