18x07 - A Fish Out of Water

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x07 - A Fish Out of Water

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed down
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

- What are you doing?

Just eat, already.

- There's a right way
to do everything

Within the samurai code.

- Wow, you're so wound up,

I'm surprised
you can digest your food.

- I came up with a new recipe.

Everybody loves peanut butter
and jelly sandwiches, right?

So for breakfast,
what could be better

Than a pb&j omelet?

[Ominous music]

- Darn, I'm stuffed.
I just ate.

Rain check?

Precision and discipline, huh?

- Everyone,
I have excellent news.

The missing swordfishzord
has been spotted

At limintau beach.

- A swordfish?

- A zord that went missing
in action years ago.

If we don't catch it now,

Who knows when we'll get
another chance?

[Alarm blaring]

A nighlok attack.

- Kevin.
- Yes?

- We'll take care
of the nighlok.

I want you to go catch
that swordfishzord.

Are you up for a solo mission?

- Up for it? I've been waiting
my whole life for it.

- With your mastery
of symbol power over water,

I'm confident you'll capture
that zord.

- I'm ready for this.

[Dramatic music]

[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

- Where's the nighlok?

- Are you all right?

- He can barely move.

- [Cackling]

- What's that smell?

- Hey, you saying I've got
a certain air about me?

- Samuraizer!

All: go, go, samurai!

All: huh!

- Let's get him.

- Once you sniff my funky smell,

You'll say I'm a knockout.

- If dad could see me now...

- Our family has been serving
as samurai

For many generations.

You have always trained
with discipline and honor,

Knowing that it is your destiny
to join the power rangers.

- This is what all the hard work
all those years has been for.

I won't go back
without the swordfishzord.

Now, that's what I call
symbol power.

I'll lure the swordfishzord
onto this disk in no time.


I just missed him.




[Humorous music]

♪ ♪

- Uncle.


- Can't you see I'm busy?
What is it?

- I'm stuck.
- Me too.

I can't decide
whether I should make

A sand sculpture of a samurai
in full armor

Or a sand castle
with a real moat.

I'm stuck.

- No, I'm stuck!

- One whiff of my breath will
leave you feeling in the dumps.

- No, thanks.
I'll pass.

- But I insist.

- Ugh!
Have you been gargling garbage?



- Mike!

Mike, are you okay?

- That stink immobilized him.

- Come on, stinkpot.

- Garlic and onions
are all I eat.

Pickled toothpaste's
quite a treat.

But I haven't brushed my teeth
in ages.

Give it up.

You're no match
for the fink of stink.

Whoa, looks like
you're falling for me.

Hey, take a breather.

- Jayden, are you all right?

You really are a stinker.

- Come here.

You look pretty in pink.

Wish I had a sardine sandwich
to share with you.

Oh, wait!

I could rumble up
a big, juicy burp.

Maybe I'll serve it up
with a side of halitosis.

Here it comes.

From my head to my toeses,
I don't smell like roses.

[All coughing]

- Nighlok.

- Ooh, ah, ooh,
what a nice surprise.

The river water's on the rise.

- What's today's
brilliant scheme?

- Yamaroar,
the nastiest-smelling nighlok

In the netherworld.

I noticed his stench in the air

And ordered him to go
stink up the human world.

- Ugh, sounds charming.

- You know, he was created

When lightning struck
some toxic waste.

He's been stinking up
the sanzu river ever since.

- His breath is so bad,

It incapacitates humans
when they inhale it.


Not even my medicine could help.

- Right.

- Yeah, during his last rampage,
he did great.

The humans got so freaked out
that the river rose a foot.

[Animal squawking]

[Waves crashing]

- [Exhales]

Okay, let's try
another symbol power.

One of them has to work.

Symbol power.


Symbol power.



Symbol power.




What happened?

- You fainted.

I didn't want to leave you
out there to roast.

- Thanks so much for your help,

But I really have to go.

I have to catch a fish.

- [Chuckles]
I say that every day.

- You don't understand.

- Hey, whoa!

Take it easy there, fella.

[Phone beeping]

- Hello?
- Kevin.

The rangers have been poisoned.

- Poisoned?
- Yes.

They all inhaled
the nighlok stench.

Their fevers are next to
impossible to recover from.

- I'll be right there.

- No, the archives say
they can only be saved

By a purifying power.

I think the oceanic powers

Of the swordfishzord
could do it.

Kevin, you must catch it
and bring it back here fast.

I fear it may be
our only hope.

- I'm on it.

thanks for everything,

But I have a swordfish to catch.

- [Roars]
- [screams]

- I shouldn't have drunk
so much soda.

I really have to burp
something awful.

[Alarm blaring]

- Oh, no, not now.

Kevin, we have an attack.

- [Groans]

- Jayden, what are you doing?

- You heard the gap sensor.

There's a nighlok to fight.

- Jayden.

- You can't defeat a nighlok
in your condition.

- Maybe not, but at least
I can slow him down.

- Just wait
until kevin comes home

With the swordfishzord.

I think it can cure
all of your fevers.


- Kevin, mentor's exaggerating.

Don't worry about me.

Stay focused on your mission.

I didn't randomly choose you
for this mission.

I chose you because of
your commitment and discipline.

I know you can overcome
any obstacle.

- I won't let you down.

- I'll take care of the nighlok.

[People yelling]

- I told you I'd bowl you over
with my breath.

Hey, humans!

Step right up,

But after one whiff,
you'll fall right down.


Want to try my broccoli breath?

Back for more?

- Go! Quickly!

You got me once, but now I know
not to breathe your stench.

- It's nice
that you're a big fan of mine,

Because when you fan your sword
like that,

You're spreading my stink
even further.

- Oh, yeah? Your breath
won't work this time.

- Uh, come here.

Come on.
Sit down.

Drink this.

Young man, why are you
doing this to yourself?

- I have to bring in
the swordfish,

But my symbol power isn't--

What I'm doing isn't working.

- So why make yourself sick?

There'll be plenty of easier
catches than a swordfish.

- No, this fish is special,

And it has to be now.

- Then get to it.

It's time for you to catch
that swordfish.

- Maybe you're not quite
smelling it yet,

But the sour stink of defeat
is headed your way.


You can try to stop it,

But my nostril-numbin' p.u.
Is still working on you.

The "eyes" have it.


You've lost your swagger
and your outfit.

Watch out, ranger.

A third strike of my super stink
might put you out for good.

- I have a feeling
he's right out there.

I just need to focus.

- [Exhales]


[Dramatic music]

I can do this.

♪ ♪

It's on the disk.

I did it!

- Exactly what kind
of swordfish was that?

- I told you it was special.


[Dramatic music]

- Looks like you've got
your second wind.

But three strikes,
and you're out.

Bye-bye, ranger.

- You shouldn't be here;
you're sick.

- Oh, yeah?
And you're as fit as a fiddle?

- Look out!

- That stunk.

All: huh?

- Did someone order the fish?

- Kevin.

[Triumphant music]

♪ ♪

- Not purifying rain!

There goes my stink power.

- It worked.

That swordfish healed us.

- That fish is off the hook!

- It's time to clear the air.


All: go, go, samurai!


[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪


Samurai ranger ready!


- Ooh, I'm scared.

All: rangers together!


Samurai forever!

- Rah!
All: huh! Haaaaa!

- So back for more, eh?

You rangers can't defeat me.

My skunky aroma

Will make you say good-bye
to your senses.


- [Snarls]

- It's time for you
to chill out.

Spin sword, dragon splash!

If anyone's ever needed a bath,
it's this jerk.


- Oh!

That water's so freezing,
it's got me wheezing.


- Fire smasher.

- Jayden, use my swordfish disk.

- You do it.
I'll help keep it steady.

- Yeah?
You got it.

- You trying to disk me?

Both: cannon blast mode!

All: huh!

- Five-disk swordfish cannon!

- I wanted a blast
but not like this.

- Strike!

That's one down...

- Thanks for your help, rangers.

Now I can make
a really big stink about this.

- Lion foldingzord!
- Dragon foldingzord!

- Bear foldingzord!
- Ape foldingzord!

- Turtle foldingzord!

All: huh!

Mega morph power!

- Now we're ready to roll.

Zords combine.

All: samurai megazord.

We are united.

- I got big news for you.

The bigger I am,
the bigger the stench.

- I can't see.

- Everyone, be careful.

- We're sitting ducks.

- [Laughs]
- [yells]

- Things getting a little foggy
for you fogies?

- This isn't good.

- Maybe the swordfishzord
can cancel out this fog.

- Good call.

- Kev, you got this one?

- Better believe it.


Have a taste of my flying fish.

Swordfish torpedo!

- I hate fish!

- Let's make a point.

- Whoa!

Cut that out.

- Let's combine

And show this creep
what we can really do.

- Yeah, kev!
Do it, bro!

- You ready?

- Oh, I'm ready.

- Samurai armament!

Okay, stinkypants.

Time for you to get a whiff

Of how the swordfish
supercharges our samurai style.

Oh, yeah, now we're popping.

Time to air things out,
dragon breath.

- Say what?

All: swordfish phaser megazord

Armed for battle!

- Katana power,
twin blade mode.

You can't just order us around

Swordfish torpedo!

- Our megablades
should do the trick.

Huh! Ready?

- Huh! Huh!

- Huh! Willing. Huh!

- And able.
Huh! Ha!

All: megablade activate!

[Fast-paced rock music]

- Power up.

All: megablade!

Strike precision!

- Time to take out the trash.

All: swordfish splash!

- Whoa, man, this stinks.

- Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

- Impressive.

- I'm ready.

I'm gonna go hit the water.

- Don't do it!

- [High-pitched laugh]

You're still stuck in the moat.

- Ah, the sweet smell
of success.


- So how does it feel to see
all that training pay off?

- It feels great.

But it wasn't just my training.

You know, all the practice
and dedication in the world

Doesn't mean much

Unless you truly
believe in yourself too.

- Hey!

Next time we have a day off,
we should come back

And spend the whole day
at the beach!

- Only if you promise
to bring some sunscreen.

Man, I got fried out here.


- So the samurai rangers
have returned.

But so have i.

[Dramatic music]
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