18x05 - Day Off

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x05 - Day Off

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed down
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

[People grunting]

- Hey, guys.

- Huh!
- Ha!

Ha! Huh!

- Guess what?

- You overslept?


- Yeah, well,
that's nothing new.

- So what's up?

- Ji just told me he wanted us
to take the day off.

- Really?
- This isn't a joke?

- But we just started
our workout.


- Dude, you're telling me
you're gonna disobey

A direct order
from your samurai mentor?

- Well...

I guess not.


- What to do?

I could shop for shoes

And art design
for fighting monsters,

Or I could catch a flick.

- But it's such a beautiful day.

It'd be a shame
to stay cooped up inside.

- Em, I can teach you
how to shred.

- Well, I was thinking
rainbow's end.

I've never been
on a roller coaster before.

- What? Never?

- They don't have amusement
parks out where I'm from.

- Then it's settled.

- Rainbow's end,
here we come.

- Yeah.
- Let's go.

- Hey, jayden, we're going
to the amusement park.

- Have fun.

- You're not coming with us?

- Not this time.

There's something I need to do.

- He's so mysterious sometimes.

I wonder what's so important.

- Our day off is a-wasting.

Jayden can take care
of himself.

Come on.

[Stirring string music]

♪ ♪

[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

[People screaming]

[Girls laughing]

- Oh.

- I wonder why
jayden didn't come.

- He seemed to have
a lot on his mind.

- We'll bring him back
some cotton candy

To cheer him up.

- Wait.

Maybe this is a test.

A samurai never takes
a day off.

- Kev, stop being paranoid.

- Look, if he wanted us to stay,

He would have said so.

- I don't think jayden
will take a day off

Until the last nighlok
is defeated.

- Okay.

I'll stay for a while.

- Whatever, kev.

The rides are awaiting.

[Girls giggling]

[People screaming]

- Spike, sometimes
in the samurai life,

You have to balance
the serious stuff

With a little fun.

- Uh-huh.

- [Chomping]


- [Giggles]


- Stop laughing at me.

- [Giggling and snorting]

- Sticky.

Very, very...



- Hey, there's my favorite game.

Splatter rat.


I'm gonna go play it.

- Hmm.




[Sonic zapping]



- You're not ready
to use the beetle just yet.

You're literally playing
with fire.

Jayden, you must be prepared
to give % of yourself,

Not just physically,

But mentally.

- But I'm giving %.

- Yes.

But you're lacking balance
in your life.

You're pushing yourself
too hard.

And that's not letting you be
at your best.

- Yeah.

Maybe I am pushing myself hard.

But I'm the red ranger now.

I have to be the best
and keep getting better.

- I understand
why you stayed behind today.

But there was a time
when you were younger

When we both trained hard.

But you still allowed yourself
to have fun.

I know you wanted
to go with the others.

- The nighlok grow stronger.

I must master this beetle disk
before it's too late.

- The responsibility
you bear is great.

But while you need
to master the disk,

You also need to master balance
in your life

As a samurai.

[Banging and bonking]

- [Giggling and snorting]

[Giggling and snorting]

[Giggling and snorting]



[Bell dinging]

- I won! I won!

[Giggling and snorting]

- Not too shabby, spike.

Looks like my training
is working for you.

- I'm gonna call him sam,

Short for samurai.

- Hey.

That is not bad.

He could be our mascot.


- Oh.
- Hee-hee!

- That was fun.
- Yeah.

- Time to squeeze in here
and scare up a lunch date.

[Sonic zapping]

[Women screaming]

Master xandred,
why did you send me

To this useless world?

- Help!

- Huh?

- That sounds like trouble.

- So much for my normal day.

- [Grunting]

- Run!

- Humans?

Huh, they're a waste
of gd d space.

Time to crank up the fun
to a higher calibur.


[Sonic zapping]

Leapin' lizards.

Samura rangers.

- Here, let me help.
- Come on.

- That's not enough, dreadlocks.

- You're saying there's
something wrong with my hair?

- Yeah, it's so dreadful,
it needs a trim.



[Grunts] huh?

[Sonic zapping]

- Oh! Mike!

- Purty colors.

Y'all come down here
to give me a warm welcome?

All: strike!

- Huh? This isn't good.

What do we do now?

- Huh!

[Sonic zapping]

- Ah!

- Our spin swords don't work
on this creep.

- But how is that possible?

- Leapin' lizards.

Truth is,
y'all ain't so hot

'Cause your swords
ain't got no mojo.

- Oh, there's nothing we can do.

- What's this monster made of?

- Mostly red fur.

- I'll give you what fer.

[Booming zap]

Now that I got your attention,

Here's some big news
that'll knock you flat.

[Sonic zapping]

- Ah!

[All groaning]

[Swords clanking]

- Tarnation.

[Exhales forcefully]

Now, that's a bit more like it.

So let's pretend
you're all blades of grass,

And gues who's gonna be
the lawnmower.

[All gasping]

Let's see who makes the cut.

- Oh, yeah?
- [Groans]

- Jayden!
- Watch out!

[Sonic warbling]

- [Grunting]

Hey, what gives?

- Oh, man.

Even jayden's sword won't work.

- Yeah, it goes right
through his body.

- You attack like
a toothless gator.

So useless.

Check you later.


- Nice move.

- Guys, let's use our swords
and attack together.

All: right!

[Electrical zapping]

- Hey, what you trying
to pull now?

[Sonic zapping]

All: spin sword!
Quintuple slash!

- Oh!

All: huh?

[Electrical zapping]

- Got him.

- Ooh, your rainbow rage
just tickled my tummy.

[Electrical zapping]

You can't faze me.

So all that's left for you now
is the crying.

- This is serious.

What are we gonna do?

- Whoa, what is that?

- I've never seen that before.

- Oh, feels like
I ate cactus needles.

I'm drying out.

Next time you won't be so lucky.

Huh. Later, rangers.

[Sonic zapping]

[All groaning]

Bad mojo.
[Sonic zapping]

- I don't mean to sound
like that nighlok,

But our spin swords
and symbol power were,

Well, useless.

- It's scary to think
what he could have done to us

If he hadn't dried out.

- No, thanks.

I'd rather think about how
we can beat him.

- Exactly, emily.

Fear is the enemy.

If you believe in yourselves,
you can win any battle.

Confidence is what brings power.

- You weren't there.

Our weapons couldn't touch him.

- That's not true.

Don't forget,
we did injure him.

[Electrical zapping]

- Ooh! Ow!

- I've been working
on mastering a new power.

- So that's what
you've been doing today.

- A new disk.

What is it?

- There are secret disks

Passed down from previous
generations of samurai.

- Most have been lost in battle.

This may be the only one left.

With this, we at least stand a
chance of beating the nighlok.

- However, in order
to master this disk,

One needs double the samurai
power they already have.

- Don't worry.
You all focus on recovery.

- But twice as much power?

Can you really handle that?

- Thanks to ji,
I've been trained

To believe I can do anything
I can put my mind to.

- So why didn't
you use it earlier?

- Next time.

Do I really have it in me
to master this disk?

I'll train all day and night
if I have to.

- Blood fire.

If I had had a quart more
of that evil water in me,

Those useless rangers
would have been through.

- That's no joke.

You needed that soak.

- I'm full up.

Now, leave me be,
noodle face.

- That sanzu water
should fill the bill

For a ranger deranger like you.

When the fur flies
with those rangers,

Their world will be ours.

- Hmm.

We would already own it

If you hadn't dried out
like a pathetic prune.

- You don't own doodly.

[Guitar twangs diskordantly]

- What was that?

- Hoo-ha-hoo,
can't we all just get along?

- Dayu, let's allow dreadhead
some time to relax and recover.

The way he had
those humans running

And screaming as glorious.

Thanks to him,
the sanzu river is rising.

And what's even better
is there's nothing

Those inept rangers
can do to stop him.

[Sonic whoosing]

- [Gasps]

[Sonic whooshing]

- [Grunting]


[Sonic whoosing]



- Jayden.

- [Grunting]


[Sonic zapping]





My team, the whole world
is depending on me.

I can do this.

I must do this.

[Sonic whooshing]

[Flames crackling]

- Believe, jayden.

You can do it, jayden.

I know you can.

- Aaaahhhh!

- You can't run far enough
to escape my wrath.

I'm gonna flatten this place
like a pancake.


[Sonic whooshing]


Ah, so it's you.

- Hey, useless.

- Hey, that's my word.

- Go, go, samurai!


- Jayden!

Are you okay?

You should have given it
a rest.

But just like when you
were a kid,

You insisted on doing things
until you got sick.

You will never stop trying
to save others.

Wake up.

The nighlok is back.

- [Grunting]


Time to clash again.


- Ah!

[All grunting]

- Flip and dip all you want,
but in the end,

I'm sending all your
helmet heads down the river.

- Yah!

- Hey, blue,
that's for you.

- Ah!

[All groaning]

- There's no point in trying
to stand up, dude,

'Cause I'm about
to knock you down for good.

- Kevin.
- Oh, no.

[Trigger clicks]


- Wah! What's that, a gnat?


- It's jayden.

- What's this?

That big blade of yours ain't
buying you no respect from me.

If'n you want to tangle,
suit yourself.

- Whoa, careful, jayden.

- Well? I'm awaiting.

What's keeping you, scaredy cat?

- What?
Why doesn't he charge?

- Come on, jayden.
Go for it!

- [Gasps]

[All gasp]

- I see why he's holding back.

- Sheesh, I've seen glaciers
that move faster than you.

Both: jayden!

- Smash him, jay.

- Hey, poser,

Is that all you got?

[All gasp]

All: jayden!

- I've got to try.


Fire smasher.

Kayden blast mode!


[Sonic whooshing]

- Wah!

[Sonic zapping]

- [Grunting]

[Sonic zapping]

[Sonic roaring]

All: whoa.

- Now, that's hot.

- Hey, you guys,
lend me your power disks.

- Okay.

- All right.

- [Grunts]

- Sure...
- Hope...

- This...
- Helps.

- What you got there, boy?

Rainbow peashooter?

- Five-disk beetle cannon.

All: huh!

- Useless pile of junk.

[Sonic zapping]

- Fire strike!

[Cannon zapping and whirring]

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers! ♪

- What in the world?


My dreadlocks feel like
lead locks.

This can't be happening!


[expl*si*n booms]

- Righteous!
- We did it!

- Yeah!

- Guys, hold up
on the celebrating.

This nighlok is about to get
a lot bigger.

- Hi, rinky-dink rangers!

All: whoa!

- That's a whole lot
of dread.

[Electronic beeping]

All: yah!


Megamode power!



Zords combine!

[Mechanical whirring
and clanking]


Samurai megazord,
we are united!

united, united.

- It's time to give you
a mega-haircut.

- Whoa!

No, you don't!

- Oh!
- What?

- It didn't work.

- Huh, your swords
still have no effect on me.

- Whoa!
- Oh!

- We got to try
something else.

- No use fighting it.

You're all cruising
to a losing.

- Uh!
- Oh!

- Now what?
Any ideas?

- We've only got one option.

It's time to unleash
the true power of this disk.

- Huh?
- What?

- Hey, nighlok, over here!

- Huh?

- All right, time to give this
a mega-shot.


[Flames whooshing]

- What?

[Engines whirring]

- Hey, a beetle.

- Excellent.

- A zord came out
of that disk.

How cool.

- Now, that's what
I'm talking about.


- Time to load up.


Let's put this thing in drive
and get to it.



Beetlezord, go!

- Don't go thinking
you can bug me

With your roach coach

- Well, guess what?

Things are about to get
real buggy for you, buddy.

- Hey, quit pulling my leg!

- This spin move
will make you flip.

- Whoa, hey!



- We got him!
- Yeah!

- All right!
- Way to go!

- I'm bringing in
the exterminators.

Giant moogers,
move in!

Get in there
and give him the business.

On the count of three,

One, two--


- Huh!

Now the real battle


Samurai a*tillery.

[Engines whirring]

Useless, huh?

Let's see how useless
you think this is.

- Nice!
- Yeah!

- Wow!
- Sweet!

- Time to go for it.

Beetle blaster megazord,
armed for battle.

- Say what?

- Jayden, what's going on?

- I'll explain later.


All: huh!

[Moogers yelling]

- Don't back down!
Get him!

[Arrows whistling]

- Beetle cannon!



- It doesn't matter
how big you are.

You're still moogers.

- Oh!

[Zapping and whirring]

[Electricity crackling]


- Now it's your turn.

- Haven't you sussed it out?

Your sword is useless
against me.

Got you.



- Let's see how useless
you think this is.


[Electronic whirring]

All: rotating beetle blaster!

- Whoa!

When that thing spins,
it ain't no good.

[Rapid whirring]

[All shouting]

- Wha!

Oh, sh**t!

Next time, use less,

'Cause you just made me


- Huh!
- That was epic!

- Wow.

- Have yourself
a good night.

[People screaming and laughing]

- I'm so glad the mentor
gave us another day off.

- It's only fair,

Since our last one involved
scrapping with a nighlok.

- Well, if mentor felt
it was all right,

I guess I shouldn't argue.

- Who is gonna argue...

With cotton candy?


- This really isn't in line
with my training diet.

- That's true,
but it's okay.

Cotton candy
or a day off from training

Can be good for you.

Ji reminded me that

Keeping balance in life
is important.

It lets us be at our best.

- Mmm.

- Come on,
you stick-in-the-mud.

The rides are this way.

- Gosh,
my first roller coaster!

[All screaming]
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