18x02 - Origins pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x02 - Origins pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed down
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

- There is more
to being a power ranger

Than mastering a sword.

You must also learn to use
your inherited samurai symbols.

Aha, fire symbol.

Yes, water.

- [Coughing]

- Good, earth symbol.

- Oh!

- Sorry!

Are you okay?

- Yeah, fine.

- [Chuckles]

Ah, the symbol for wind.

Very good.

- Ugh!
That's not right.

Was it this way?

That's it!

- The order of the strokes
is wrong.

Mike, you must practice more.

- Okay, I get it.


How about a lunch break?

You'd be amazed
at how well I practice

After a few slices of pizza.

[Lively rock music]

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- Antonio.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

- [Gulping]


This medicine
makes me feel better,

But that music is giving me
a splitting headache!

- Ooh, ah, ooh.

- Everybody's a critic.

- Ugh!

If only we could get this
ruinous sanzu river to rise

And flood the human world.

We'd sail into their cities
and rule their pathetic world.

- Ooh, ah, ooh.
Boss, take a look.

There's something of interest
in this book.

- What is it, octoroo?
Speak up!

- Legend has it, every time

Something really bad happens
on earth,

The sanzu river's
water level rises.

So if we scare those humans,
their tears will fill our river,

And we can escape
the netherworld.

- [Laughs]

Hmm, sounds fun.

That noodleface
can actually use his noodle.

- Ha!
That plan might work.

I'm glad I thought of it.

Scorpionic, get over here.

- [Snarling]

Master, you rang?

- [Slurping]

Hey, kev,
do you ever take a break?

- Every second
that you're not training

Is a second wasted.

- Hey, don't blow a gasket.

[Slurping resumes]

All right, kev.

Let's see
if your practice makes perfect.

- Hey, guys, I can't find emily.


- Emily!

- Emily--

Mmm, that smells good.

- Emily!

- Spike!

- Uncle bulk!

- Spike!

My favorite nephew.


You've really grown.

How's skull?
I mean, your dad?

- Oh, great, great.

- Well, let me help you
with all your stuff.


First let's get something
to eat.

- Yeah, yeah, I'm hungry.

- I'll take that.

- No.

- No, I got it.

See what you did?

Now, let me take the bag.

You know, kid, you really got
to watch where you're going.

[Birds tweeting]

- Any sign of ily?

- No.

- Mike, how about you?

- How about what?
- About emily.

Were you even looking for her?

- Yeah, but I got hungry.

Emily probably went out
sightseeing or shopping

Or something.

I'm sure she's okay.

- I don't know.

She's a country girl.

She wouldn't wander around
the city by herself.

- Want a bite?

- No, thanks.

I never snack between meals
while in samurai training.

- When aren't you in training?

- Never.

- Wow, you're really serious
about the samurai lifestyle.

- Of course.
Aren't you?

- Yes, but I'd also want
to have a normal life.

You know, find my
prince charming someday.

I'm getting used to the idea
that now I'm a samurai,

But it's a little scary.

- Well, it's a big adjustment.

You'll get used to it.

- What about you?

I heard you left your dreams

Of swimming in the olympics
to be here, kevin.

Don't you miss it?

- No.

When a samurai decides to serve,
he is committed.


- Wow, forever?

That's a long time to go
without a snack.

- Hey, there she is.

- Ha!


- Emily.

- You've been training
all by yourself?

- Yes! The dedication
of a samurai.

- It's not just that.

I promised my big sister
to work hard

So that I can be as good
a fighter as the rest of you.

- Your big sister?

- My big sister was supposed
to become the yellow ranger,

But she got sick.

I had to take her place.

- Wow, that's a lot
to ask of you.

- It's been tougher to see her
go through her illness.

And anyways, I wasn't
a superstar at school.

- Don't sell yourself short.

- Oh, I do have talents.

I'm really good
at playing the flute,

And I can definitely handle
a sword.

So becoming a power ranger
is a fresh start for me.

- Did you hear that?

She has the heart
of a true samurai warrior.

- You've been training hard.

You need this more than I do.

- Ah!

- Thanks for taking me in,
uncle bulk.

Dad said that you could help me
become something great.

And then he laughed
for about minutes.


- He's right.

And what I'm going to do
is train you to become...

A samurai.

I'm an expert in the field
of samuraiology.

I've been studying
samurai movies for years,

And I have a bit of history
with the power rangers.

Hey, how come you don't have
a kabob?

- Well, after bus fare,
I'm broke.

- Oh, forget eatin'!

- Even lunch?

- You stick with me,

And you will learn
everything there is to know

About the samurai power rangers.


- [Screams]



- Yup, just like his father.

[Alarm blaring]

- What's that?

- That's a gap sensor.

It goes off the moment
a nighlok comes through a gap

From the netherworld.

- Sweet.

- Where are they?

- City hall.

- Samurai,
we have a battle to fight.

- Well, don't just stand there.
Follow him.

- Move your tails!

I'm here!

[People screaming]

- Don't attack them so quickly!

They sweat and squeal more
if you corner them slowly.

You buzzing tin can!

Who's this?

All: samuraizer!

Go, go, samurai!

Samurai ranger ready.

Huh! Huh!

Rangers together!

Samurai forever!

- Attack!

- Let's roll.

- Hydro bow.

- Sky fan!

- Forest spear!

- Fire smasher!

I hate to fire-smash
and dash, but...



- Ha!
There goes the neighborhood.

- Oh!

- Crunch time.

- Oh, no!

I hit you by mistake!

- Bye-bye, ranger.
- Huh?

- Emily!
- Watch out!

- Ah, yes.

- Jayden, I'll cover you.

- Whirlwind scythe attack.

There. Beating them is like
taking candy from a baby.


- [Grunts]

We must stand and be strong.

Either we defeat the nighlok,
or we will be defeated.

- Understood.

- Yeah, yeah, I know.

- Emily!

Are you okay?

- Mia, stay with her.

There's a girl left behind.

I must save her.

- Don't worry about me.

Go help the red ranger.

- You?

- Don't worry;
we'll protect you.

- Hannah!

- Mommy!

- We've got to help jayden.

- Come on.

- Why, you!

- I got to admit
that dude has style.

- Time to skewer a samurai.

- He's able to stay so focused
on defeating evil.

I only hope
I'm up to the challenge.

- Kick back and take a seat.

Whirlwind scythe attack.

- [Together]
go, go, samurai!

[All yelling]

- Jayden, what now?

- Our spin swords
will turn him into dust.

All: spin sword,
quintuple slash!

- Ah, big deal.

Now you're really going
to get it.


- ♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever

- Yeah, that was excellent.

- We're not done yet.

Hold on, guys.
Here's the megamonster.

- Don't think you've won
just yet, rangers.

- Let's go.

- Lion foldingzord.

- Dragon foldingzord.

- Bear foldingzord.

- Ape foldingzord.

- Turtle foldingzord.

All: megamode power!


- Here, choke on this.

- This isn't good.

Where's the turbo switch?

- Zords alone
aren't enough here.

We have to combine forces.

- A zord combination, right?

Let's do it.

- Right.
- Yes.

- Great.

- Samurai rangers,
zords combine.

We're locked and ready.

- Hey, are we supposed
to look like this?

- I'm not sure.

- What is that,
a ranger totem pole?

- If totem poles crush nighlok,
you've got it.

- You ranger babies
are playing with blocks?

- Kevin, what have you done?

- Oh, no, did I make a mistake?

- You left me out.

- Oh, no!
I did it wrong!

- What's the deal?

Why am I low man
on the totem pole?

- Whoa!

- Hey, don't make it wobble.

- Ha!

Get ready, blockheads,

'Cause you're all about
to take a tumble.

- This time, I'll start it.

- Rip it out, red.

- Yeah.
- Yes.

- Samurai rangers,
zords combine.

All: huh!

Samurai megazord,
we are united!


- Now, that's a megazord.

- Awesome.

- Sorry, guys.

- No worries, kev.
We've got it now.

- Heads up, everyone.

He's closing in on us.

- [Yells]

Rangers: katana power!

- All right!
- Yeah.

- Oh, I hope that building
was insured.

- That nighlok's going down.

- Giant moogers!


- Oh, looks like we have
some party crashers.

- Should I yank your chain?

- What do we do now?

- Who knows?

- Stay strong.
Stay brave.

Furious lion howl.

Watch this.

Let's squash this scorpion.

- Time to back up
and use my backup.

- Well, we're not backing down.

Now it's your turn.

- [Snarling]

All: katana power!
Samurai strike!

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

- Come on!

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together,
samurai forever ♪

- Uh-oh.

- Yeah.
- We did it!

- Nice going.
- Way to go!

- All right.

Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

- Ooh, that was amazing

How the zords came together
like that.

- It's great
when we work as a team.

- Well done, all of you.

- Thanks, "g."

- Hey, emily, what's up?

- Well...

I almost let you all down today.

- You did great, emily.

You were really strong.

- Your big sister
will be really proud of you.

- Yeah.

- Hey, guys,
I have a surprise for you.

I've learned a new symbol.

- Really?

- Symbol power!


[Hip-hop music]




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