18x01 - Origins

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x01 - Origins

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed down
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

- , , , .

Ready or not,
here I come.

Brian, jimmy,
where are you?


a gap is an entrance and exit

Between the netherworld
and ours.

Do not peek in,
for on the other side

Is the home of the evil nighlok.

- Ahh!

Ahh! Ahh!

- Run.
Get away from here.

- Look before you,

This is the th leader
of the samurai power rangers,

Descendant of the man
who destroyed

Your masters years ago.

You have two choices:

Retreat now
or become rust on his blade.

- Don't bother.

I don't want them to retreat.

I want to take them for a spin.

Time to turn up the heat.

[Lively rock music]

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- Antonio.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

- Wonderful.

I'm so proud that the boy
I've devoted my life to training

Has grown to be
a master samurai

And is ready to lead others
into battle.

- But I'm used to
fighting alone.

I don't want to put anyone else
in danger.

The nighlok attack
s are escalating.

More and more of them are
coming across to do their evil.

- Sure, and if any more moogers
dare pay us a visit,

They'll get a taste
of my spin sword.

- Do not underestimate the power
of master xandred if he awakens.

His nighlok legions are too much
for one person,

Even one as strong as you.

Teams of samurai have battled
this evil for centuries.

- I'm really supposed to lead
a team?

- It's what your training
has prepared you for.

There are four others who have
trained for these dark days,

And they await the call

To join you and to fight
as samurai rangers.

- I understand.

I'll do whatever it takes.

- And I so will i.


[Rumbling noise]

What's that?


I've got a lump in my throat.

Is what I hear
the master's boat?

[Exotic music]

Ohhh, uh, it's good to be
on board again.

So, dayu,
where's the big red one?

Come on.
Answer me.

Just where is that barnacle
of a moss?

Where's master xandred?

Out with it.

- Octoroo, I get it.

You missed him.

- Come on.
Tell me. Tell me, please.

You're the only one who knows.

We've been without our leader
for so long.

We need him back.

Sure, he's mean to me,
but that's just boss being boss.

- Silence, you fool.

I have a splitting headache
this morning,

So zip those lips,

Unless you want to spend
the rest of your life

Untying those noodles
you call a face.

- Ooh-ah-ooh.

You're pretty grumpy
for someone talented enough

To talk with his mouth closed.

You two,
quickly give him his medicine

To ease his neck and noggin.

- Hurry up.

- That should help.

You'll be back to normal
in no time.

Feel better?

- Ohhh, I don't even want
to think about

What I had to endure because of
those lousy samurai rangers.

good thing I destroyed them all.

- Oh, great master xandred,
how should I say this?

I thought you knew
about the rangers.

They survived.

- Are you joking?

- What?

Those brats defeated me?

- Ooh, ooh, calm down, master.

- Oh, yeah,
let's get this party started.

I see that master xandred
is back in charge,

So let's celebrate.

- Rah!

It's unbelievable.

How did those brats defeat me?

- Forget celebrating, tooya.

That mouth on your skirt is as
ugly as master xandred's mood.

- Hey, if anybody here got hit
with the ugly stick,

It would be you.

- Listen, the best way
to welcome the boss back

Is to jump through a gap
and freak out some humans.

- Is that right, boss?

- Do it; then I'll make
those samurai rangers

Regret the day they messed
with master xandred.

- Son.

- Dad.

- I wanted to wish you good luck
for your final meet.

- Final meet?

the mentor to the red ranger,

Has told me the time is near.

You have always trained
with discipline and honor

Knowing that it is your destiny
to join the power rangers.

- Proudly.

- Now you must stand united
with them

No matter how great
the challenge.

You will not be alone.

There are others
who also await the call.

- [Laughing]

- Come on.

Almost got him.
Almost got him.

I own this game.

[Exotic flute music]

- Moogers,
get them.

[Alarm blaring]

- Jayden.

Master xandred
must have awakened.

A new breed of nighlok more
powerful than ordinary moogers

Have mobilized.

You cannot wait any longer.

The time has come to assemble
your team of samurai rangers.

- Are you sure I'm ready
to lead?

- One samurai is strong,
but a team is unbeatable.

Just remember
your father's words

As he left for his final battle.

- This is to be yours.

One day,
the great responsibility

Of being the red ranger
will fall to you.

protect the world from evil,

Stand by your allies,
and never run from a battle.

- Master xandred's on the move.

Come on.
We've got to go.

- Samurai rangers,
let's finish this.

- You're right, ji.

I'll never forget
his last words.

I must not fail.

I am the red ranger.

- The other rangers have spent
their whole lives

Preparing to fulfill
their samurai destinies.

Fulfill your destiny
to lead them.

I've been saving these
until you were ready.

Take them.

Your fellow samurai
are on their way.

- I'm ready to lead.

Symbol power.


- Never forget the mission
of the samurai ranger:

Be brave, work together,
and no matter what,

Don't ever give up.

- Samurai forever.


- Those lame rangers should have
- sashown up by now.

This should get their attention.


- The ranger emblem.

Wait. Wait. Wait.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Wait. Wait.

I'm kevin,
and I'm here to fight with you.


I'm sorry; I didn't know
the red ranger was a girl.

- I'm not the red ranger.

I'm the pink.

My name's mia.

- Are you the red ranger?

- [Laughs]
no, I'm the blue.

- Oh.

- You guys must be my peeps.

- You're the red ranger?

- No, I'm mighty green.

[Horse whinnying]

[Horse whinnying]

- Whoa.

- With an entrance like that,
you have to be the red ranger.

- Yes,
I am the red ranger.

- We're your team of samurai.

- Let me warn you now.

If you follow me,
there is no turning back.

Either we defeat the nighlok

Or they will take over
the world.

I will give these to only those
who are ready

To accept the challenge.

Do not accept because you were
trained to do so.

Accept only if you are willing
to commit and fight

As samurai power rangers
with all your heart.

- Without hesitation.

- I've been planning for this
since I was a little girl,

So yes.

- I'm ready to give it
all I've got.

- Okay, okay,
do we have to be so formal?

Let's do this thing.

Let's go.

- Heh-heh-heh-heh,
come on down.

- That's enough.
- Huh?

it's about time.


Oh, come on.

Who are you punks?

- We're the samurai rangers.


go, go, samurai.

Samurai ranger ready.


Huh! Huh!

Rangers together!

Samurai forever!

- Moogers,
get them.


- Watch out.

I'm gonna fillet
all you fish faces.


- Just like chopping down weeds
back home.

- Oh, wow.

I'm really getting my workout
for the day.

- Did someone order
a chopped mooger salad?

- Is this the best you can do?



- Jayden.

- Oh, no.
There's dozens of them.

- Yeah,
but we can hold them off.

- But they keep coming.

- I will help you.
Hang tight.

- Guys,
we can do this together.


Fire smasher.

- What's he doing?

- Have a nice flight.

- Wow, jayden's incredible.

- Yeah,
but there's too many of them.

Come on.
We've got to help him out.

- Okay.
- Yeah, let's do it.

Hydro bow.


- Sky fan.

Time to blow you away.

Earth slicer.

- Hey!
Huh! Huh!

That was a pretty good move,

But I've got more than one trick
up my sleeve.


Forest spear.

Spin cycle sayonara.

- Ooh-yah.

- Arrgh.

- Uh-oh.

- Take this,
skirt face.

- Ahhhh!

- Ha.

- Guess what.

Your ride's here.

- Time to take you for a ride.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

- I'm thinking this will make
an impact on you.

- Whoo.

Did you see how I rocked
that mooger?

- What about jayden?
- Ha-ha.

- Yeah,
we all did great.

- Great samurai moves.

You really are a master samurai.

- Thanks,
but we're not done.

Each nighlok has two forms.

You saw the first.

Now get set for the megamonster.

- Fe, fi, fo, fum.

Time to crush some ranger bums.

- Whoa,
look at the size of him.

- How are we supposed
to fight him now?

- Guys,
we can fight this nighlok.

Remember your training.

We all have our own

If we each use our symbol power,
we can morph into megamode.

- Cool.

- Hmm.
- Ohh.

- You're right.
Follow my lead.

Lion foldingzord,
megamode power.

Megamode power.

- We're right behind you.


- Dragon foldingzord.
- Turtle foldingzord.

- Bear foldingzord.
- Ape foldingzord.

megamode power.



- Huh!

Wow, check it out.

- Ohh, sweet.

- Definitely.
- Nice.


- Ha-ha-ha-ha,

- Here goes.

- Ehhh-ya!

Bad kitty.

- [Roars]

- We'll help you, jayden.

I'll come from the left.

- I'll take him from the right.

Time to wipe that smile
right off your skirt.

- My turn to give it a whirl.

- Ahh, I better get busy
making you dizzy.


- Oh, no.
I'm stuck.

Hold on, mia.

- Grin and bear it.

- Spit her out,
skirt breath.

- Ohh, thanks, mike.

- No problemo.

- Ha-ha, trying to get away, eh?

- My turn.


- Ohhh-whooa.

- Let me take care of this.

Megablade, dragon splash.

- Ahhhh!

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

- Megablade, heptagonal fury.

- Whooa. Whoooa!

- Strike.

- Ohhh!

- [Roars]


Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

That'll teach them to mess with
the samurai rangers.

- What a rush.

We did good.

- Piece of cake.

- We could have never done it
without each other.

- Thank you for leading us
into battle.

- Bravo,

Such energy,
such grace.

- Who is that?

- This is ji,
our mentor.

- Welcome to your new home.

You've all come from
different places and families

But share one noble goal.

I'm very proud of how
you've come together.

- We just followed some good
advice and worked as a team.

- Yes, but you are not
just any team.

You are the samurai rangers.

rangers together.

Samurai forever.
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