23x13 - Recipe for Disaster

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x13 - Recipe for Disaster

Post by bunniefuu »

(announcer) Long ago, an alien named Keeper

entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs.

(Keeper) You must keep the Energems safe.

(announcer) Millions of years later, the Energems were found,

and the evil Sledge fought ruthlessly to steal them

until the Rangers finally defeated him.

But from the ashes, a new threat arose.

Only one team of heroes can stop him.

- Dino Charger! - Ready!

(announcer) Power Rangers

Dino Super Charge!

Long ago, when your good Energems

were created, the evil residue left behind

became the Dark Energem.

It is the one thing that can cr*pple the power

of the ten Energems.

It was hidden deep within a planet called Sentai .

Centuries later, a mysterious w*rlord

discovered its location.

He destroyed the entire planet, then disappeared

with the Dark Energem.

Now that the Dark Energem has resurfaced,

the Silver Ranger needs

all the help we can give him to destroy it.

(Kendall) I'm afraid Keeper's right.

And that's why all of the data

on our Zords and Megazords has been transferred

to the Silver Ranger.

Until we know his location,

there's simply nothing more we can do.



♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight, keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge all together ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪

Here it is, Master Heckyl.

My secret project: Fortress!

(Fortress grunting)

So this is your invincible monster.

He isn't just powerful,

he knows all the Megazord moves.



Show me the Megazord fight.

That's the Pachy Wrecking Ball!

Then it's Pretend to be a Wrecking Ball,

just like we practiced.



Play the next fight!

Those Spike Bulls never stood a chance.

But Fortress could counter any Megazord move ever.



Whoa ho! No one could stand up to Fortress.

Not even me!


Except that you won't be there

to call out the moves during the battle.

No, but you will!

Once he's Magna-Beamed into a giant,

you'll have a cockpit inside him.

Just like the Rangers' Megazords.

My own monster Megazord.


I like it.


(French accent) Bonjour. What may I serve you?

I'll try the Bronto Burger, please,

and for dessert, oh!

You serve Pavlova. Mm-hmm.

I'll have a slice of that, thank you.

Excellent choice.

Is the Pavlova done yet?

Catherine Allister, the food critic,

just ordered a slice!

It was done. This is the third try.

Yeah, we're having some quality control issues.

Ah. Perfect.


Ah. Wow.

That looks all right.



Don't worry, I've double-checked

every ingredient this time.

Whipped cream, fruit.

Let's go.

This thing better be good, Chase.

One bad review from this lady,

and the cafe could shut down.

But no pressure!

(forced laugh)

(Chase) May I present to you Pavlova.

It's a favorite dessert of my home country,

New Zealand.


What was that?

Well, you know, it... just looks so good

that my stomach started growling.

Yes. Grr.


(all chuckling)

(cake bubbling)

(Shelby) Oh, no!

(all shrieking)

I'm so sorry!

This is a designer handbag!

Now it's Pavlova handbag!

Your cafe is about to receive

the worst review I have ever given!

But, please, give us another chance!

You call yourself a New Zealander,

and you can't even make a Pavlova?!

Look, I don't know what happened!

I followed the recipe every time.

No second chance!



(Kendall) Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?

This is a sterile laboratory.

Sorry, Ms. Morgan.

Chase wants to be % sure

we follow the Pavlova recipe precisely this time.

Hey, can we borrow your digital scale?

We're trying to get it right, down to the nano-ounce.

But-- but--

Hey, Ms. Morgan!

Thanks for letting us use your equipment.

Huh? My Energem!

(gasps) Where is it?


Must have gotten knocked into the Pavlova.

We didn't find anything when we cleaned up.

Oh, no. That means...


Oh, this is a designer handbag!

It's in her handbag. (all groan)

Guys, I'll be right back!

Don't worry!

(all shouting)

Ha! This planet's a trash heap!

Silence, Doomwing.

Well, speaking of trash, look who's here.

It's Heckyl and his motley crew.


So that's Heckyl, huh?

How dare you return to my planet, Singe.

He came on my command.

I am Lord Arcanon.

Long ago, I hired Sledge to capture an army for me.

Oh, it's true!

Sledge worked for a monster named Arcanon,

the only monster he was ever afraid of!

Sledge's monsters and his ship are mine.

I have come to pay the bounties and collect my prisoners,

including you, Heckyl!

You and Snide belong to me!


Uhh! Whoa!


Ah! Not now.


My turn!

Let me show you some real power!

Magna... Beam!

(siren blaring)


You are built to fight Rangers, Fortress.

But first, let's show these cretins

what you've got-- uhh!



But I have more than just my own powers.

I have stolen the Rangers' technology.

Summon the Zords.

Yes, my lord.

Dino Charger ready!

Summon T-Rex Zord!




Oh, he summoned a Zord?

But how?

You don't know what I'm capable of.

This is just the beginning.

(Shelby) What is it, Ms. Morgan?

(Kendall) The T-Rex Zord was just activated!

But how?

The Plesio Zord and Pachy Zords were just activated, too!

What is going on?! I don't know.

Activate Plesio Charge Megazord.

Pachy Rex formation.

Zords, combine!

Plesio Charge Megazord, Pachy Rex formation!


It worked!

Lord Arcanon,

we're controlling a Megazord!



They have a Megazord? Impossible!

They're in the Plesio cockpit? No way.

I'll destroy Snide and the Rangers.

With their own Megazord!

Hey, who's this Lord Arcanon creep?

And how are they doing this?

I don't know.

But I'm going to find out.

Pachy Zord Wrecking Ball.

Uhh! Agh!

How is Arcanon battling monsters

with our Megazord?

We have to get out there.

I'll warn Chase.

No more playing around.

Give me your best shot!

T-Rex... blast!


That's nothing!

(all shouting)

What do we do?

On your feet, Singe!



(all shouting)

(Arcanon) It's breaking up!

(all grunting)

You promised this would work!

That thing is too powerful, my lord.

Singe... you've become weak.

We stole the technology to all the Ranger Zords.

Didn't we?

Yes, my lord!

It'll be a Zord stampede! (laughing)

Be careful, everyone.

Six more Zords have just been activated.

Ms. Morgan, I found her.

I'll be back to help as soon as I find my Energem.


Ma'am, wait up!


If you've come to ask for a second chance,

I told you no!

No, no, no, that's not it.

Ma'am, when I made the Pavlova,

I think something really important of mine

fell into the mixture.

I think it may be in your bag. Can we please check?

Fine, if it'll get rid of you. Be my guest.

Thank you.

Uh... (gasps)

My Energem! Oh!

Happy now?


Look out!


(both grunting)

Are you okay?

I'm fine. Okay.

You need to get somewhere safe.



I want to help you.

You said you followed your Pavlova recipe exactly.

Yeah, a bunch of times.

I'm sure of it. I don't know what went wrong.

Repeating the same process

with the same ingredients over and over

is not going to get you a different result.

Mix things up. Trust your Kiwi ingenuity.

Okay? Okay.

All right. Will do.

Now go.

Don't worry about me!

I'm tougher than I look.


Yes! I get to destroy the T-Rex Zord!

Time for the next phase.

Follow my lead, Singe.

As you wish.

Activate Dino Charge Megazord.

Tri-Stego formation.

And activate Ptera Charge Megazord.

Para-Raptor formation.

Zords, combine!


Ready, Singe?

Yes, my lord.

Two on one? Twice the fun! Attack!



They formed two Megazords?

We've gotta stop them. Try calling your Zords.

Raptor Zord!


We not have control of our Zords.

They're headed to the city center.

Come on!


It's no use! He's blocking all our moves!

I can't believe this is happening!

Uhh! Aah!

(all shouting)

(both) No!

Curse him. Snide has defeated all the Zords!

Not all of them, my lord.

We haven't tried the Titano Zord.

Forget it, Doomwing!

The Dino Charges you made are useless.

We came here for the Energems.

I have a new plan to get them.

Follow me!

As you wish, my lord.

We're not done with you, Snide!



It's those monsters!

They left their Zords.

Hey, is this a Dino Charger?

Hey, guys, what--


The Zords are empty.

Maybe we can control them now!

They're helpless.

Time to smash them!


That monster will destroy our Zords.

We must stop it.

It's Morphin time!

Dino Charger!

(all) Ready!

Dino Chargers, engage!

(all) Energize! Ha!

Unleash the power!


Dino Charger, ready!

Dino Super Drive Sabre!

Dino Super Drive Charger, engage!

Dino Super Drive, activate!

Battle Mode, engage!

All systems go-- we're back in the driver's seat, guys.

We must force this beast back!

It doesn't matter that you're back in control, Rangers.

No Megazord can beat Fortress!


Brace yourselves!

(laughing maniacally)

How he so strong? We must push harder!

On three-- one, two, three!

(all grunting)


Let's show Snide who's king of the castle!

(all) Dinosaur might, ready to fight!

Power Rangers...

(all) Dino Super Charge!

It's about to get wild!

Bring it on!

I can do this all day!

Stego Sabre!

The scoundrel counters every move we make.


Guys, it's clear this monster has been studying

our Megazord combinations.

It knows all our att*cks.

That means, logically, we can't beat it.

No way-- we just have to keep trying.

Hold on... it's just like the Pavlova recipe.

Chase, what are you talking about?

If we keep doing the same thing,

we won't get a different result.

They know all our Megazord combinations.

So we need a new combination to win.

Let's use a little Kiwi ingenuity!


I've been working on a new formation.

It's not ready yet. I'll need some time.

Got it, we'll hold 'em off as long as we can

with the Titano Charge Megazord.

(all) Let's do this!

Dino Charger, ready!

Summon Titano Zord! Ha!

The Titano Zord? No problem!



Activate Titano Charge Megazord!

(all) Dino Chargers, ready!

(all) Ha!

Dino Chargers, engage!


Titano Charge Megazord, engage!

Titano Charge Megazord, ready!

Let's do this! Ha!



Let's use the Titano Axe! Ha!


(Koda) He stop our attack!

You're strong, Rangers.

But it's only a matter of time before I destroy you!

Oh, no! We can't hold 'em back much longer!

I see Kendall!

(tires screeching)

Guys, the new combination's done.

It needs your first five Zords, plus Titano.

Wow, you're awesome, Ms. Morgan!

Yeah! We're on it!

Guys, you know what to do.

(all) Dino Chargers, ready!

Summon Zords!


Uhh! Good job, Ms. Morgan.

What's this new combination called?

The Dino Charge Ultra Zord.


(all) Activate Dino Charge Ultra Zord!

I've got a bad feeling about this!

Zords, combine!

Dino Charge Ultra Zord, ready!

Huh! Snide, you're finished!

We've never seen this Mega Zord before!


A Megazord is a Megazord.

You've simply got to adapt.


Let's see what this thing can do!

Para Zord Blast!


How'd you like that, brick brain?

Gah! Yah!

Bladed Raptor Slash!



Dino Super Drive Sabre, activate!

Dino Chargers, engage!

See how you handle this, Heckyl.

Dino Super Drive Sabre...

(all) Ultra Plasma Final Blast!


Monster extinct!

(all cheering)



(Arcanon) Your minions left at the first sign of trouble.

But do not worry.

We stuck around.


Let me help you up!






(cries out)


You belong to me, Heckyl.

Lock him up... again.

I warned you my boss had a bad temper.


It's a perfect replica of what you built, Ms. Morgan.

So they had an updated Create Dino Chargers.

But how did Arcanon get the information?

Other than us, there's only one person who has our data.

The Silver Ranger.

There's no way the Silver Ranger

gave Arcanon the data.

That would be... Evil.

The Silver Energem would never have

bonded with anyone evil.

That must mean the Silver Ranger's

been captured.

Then we've got to find a way to rescue him.


Hi! Uh, may I take your order?

A slice of Pavlova, please.

Hold the expl*si*n.


And the final touch...

The New Zealand flag.

(door bangs open)

Guys! That food critic's back!

And she ordered... Pavlova.

A slice on the house for you, ma'am.

And this time, it's my grandma's recipe.

Let's hope it's better.

(Shelby whimpering)


I suggest you make another one.


You'll be needing it, and many more,

once my review is published.

Tastes like a slice of New Zealand.

Ohh! Thank you. Yes!

(all cheering)

Uhh! Yeah!

Thank you.


(Shelby) Great job, Chase!

I heard you loved solitary confinement.

I don't like the look of this.

What's happening?

Don't worry, Heckyl.

I kicked out all the dungeon rats.

But they'll probably come back.



Listen up!

Lord Arcanon is in control now.

You'll do as he says, or deal with me!

(all whimpering)

Heckyl is nothing but a headache.

I say we destroy him.

No... he'll behave.

As long as I have this.

What about the Rangers?

None of them will survive.

(chuckling maniacally)


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