23x06 - Forged Under Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x06 - Forged Under Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

Long ago, an alien named Keeper
entrusted the greatest power
in the universe to dinosaurs.

You must keep
the Energems safe.

Millions of years later,
the Energems were found,

and the evil Sledge
fought ruthlessly to steal them

until the Rangers
finally defeated him.

But from the ashes,
a new threat arose.

Only one team of heroes
can stop him.

Dino Charger!

Power Rangers

Dino Super Charge!

(Mr. Navarro)
We're gonna have some
great adventures now, Tyler.

What about Mt. Whitney?

It's supposed to be
a great climb.

Sounds good!
Put it on the list--

right below
"sky diving".

This is the awesomest
day ever!

These are Zotak Rings!
Where did you get those?

I have a lot of tricks
up my sleeve, Fury.

Zotak Rings neutralize the power
of anything they surround...

including Energems.

We don't want to neutralize
the Energems--

We want to steal them!

You really need
some anger management, Fury.

He's right though.

All your fancy plans
mean nothing without results.

Bring me the Energems,
or I'll neutralize you.


♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world
full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains
that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight,
keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up
to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge all together ♪


♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Dino Charge ♪


En garde!

Speed isn't everything,
Sir Riley.

(Tyler and Mr. Navarro cheering)

Hey, guys!

Welcome back, Tyler.
Mr. Navarro.

Come on, dad.
Let me show you around.

Want see
my cave painting?

(Mr. Navarro)
That's beautiful.
It looks very authentic.

You must have studied
at the university.

At the uni-- what?

Dad, there's something
I need to tell you about Koda.

He's actually a cave...

Your sword!

If I'm not mistaken,
it's from Zandar.

Yes, that is right.

Beautiful replica.

King George himself
gave me this sword.

The King George
gave it to you?

Yeah, right.

Next you'll be
telling me that--

that he's the prince
of Zandar.

Prince Philip III.

Pleased to meet you,
Mr. Navarro.

(skeptical chuckling)

It's true.
He is the prince.

And Koda is a caveman.

He discovered the blue Energem
, years ago.

Oh, and Ivan was a knight
of Zandar, years ago.

When they bonded
to their Energems,

they stopped aging.

Just as you stopped aging
ten years ago.

Honestly, you and Tyler
look more like brothers

than you do
father and son.


Come on, bro!

(Tyler laughing)

Hey, what have you been
working on, Ms. Morgan?

Once I'm done,
Tyler's T-Rex Supercharger

should be able to
access weapons

from all of our Energems.

And, we still have two left
to transmute:

The graphite and aqua Energems.

That Energem stole ten years
of my life.

Then again,
it saved my life.

How did it happen?
It was a decade ago, but...

Still seems like it was
just yesterday.

Rusty and I were exploring
a vast network of caves,

when the place
started to collapse...

Rusty was in trouble,
so I went back for him...

(Rusty screaming)
He got out, but I was trapped
by falling rocks.

After the dust cleared,
I realized I couldn't move...

That's when I saw something
in a fossil!

I didn't really understand
what was happening,

but unfortunately
somebody else did.

(monstrous grunt)
A creature I'd seen
stalking us a day before.

Give me the aqua Energem!


Days later, I found my way
out of the cave, but...

Fury never stopped chasing me.
He was relentless.

It was like
he could smell my Energem.

That's when I knew I couldn't
go home again.

Risk putting my family
in danger?

Can you ever forgive me?

Of course.

Dad, you didn't
have a choice.

But you don't
have to run any more!

(alarm buzzing)

(Mr. Navarro)
What's that?

Alien bio signs.

Let's check it out!

Oh, Mr. Navarro,
Prince Philip,

I'm still transmuting
your Energems.

I can't interrupt the process.
You both need to stay.

I-- I think I should just...
I should go, too.

Dad, don't worry.
We'll be fine.

The Rangers aren't taking
the bait!

Sit tight, Hunter.
They'll come.

Looking for trouble, Hunter?

'Cause you found it!

(grunting throughout)

You Rangers are such pests--

and I'm the exterminator!

Don't worry.
Only my pride is hurt.

They're distracted,
just as I hoped!


Fury, you blundering Budinski!

I was about to use
the Zotak Rings on the Rangers!

Crossbow Laser Storm!

Dino Morpher Blast!


Don't steal my thunder,

Magna Beam!

Ugh, you're in
for a surprise.


Singe, what have
you done?!

I-I feel weak...

But I'm still ready
for wreckage!

We got big trouble!

(maniacal laughing)



He's playing
cat and mouse--

And we're the mice!


(maniacal laughing)


He's playing
cat and mouse--

and we're the mice!

I'll use T-Rex Supercharge Mode
and deal with Hunter!

We'll call out Zords
and vanquish this feisty feline.

Let's flatten this furball!

Dino Chargers, ready!

Summon Zords!

(Mecha Voice)
Zords combine!

Dino Charge Mega Zord,

Tri-Stego-Ptera Formation!


Dino Charger, ready!

Dino Super Drive Saber!

Dino Super Drive, activate!

(all grunting)
Mega Zord, upward!

I'm weakened,
but I can still beat you!

Dodge the blast!


First I'm bait,
now I'm bored!

You're about to get
real busy, Hunter!

Dino Charger, ready!

Summon T-Rex
Super Charged Zord!

(Mecha Voice)
Dino Charger, engage!

T-Rex Super Charge Morpher!


(Mecha Voice)
Dino Charger, engage!


T-Rex Super Charge, ready!

(grunting and shouting

T-Rex Super Charge Kick!

Weapons, combine!

Ready for the next one?

I'll pass, thanks!

Come back, coward!

Don't worry,
I'm not going any where!

(pained grunting)

What's happening to me?

Ha! Ya got him!
I'm great bait!

Ugh! Let me go!

(grunting throughout)

Curse these Zotak Rings!

I can feel them,
zapping my power!


Dino Super Drive Saber,

(Mecha Voice)
Dino Chargers, engage!

Dino Super Drive Saber...

Lightning Charge!

Final Strike!


(grunting and growling)

Singe will pay
for making me weak!

He got away-- for now!

(alarm buzzing)

Help! Guys!

(console shorting out)
We have to help Tyler!

Yeehaw, we got him!

And the Zotak Ring
is draining his power.


I'm free!


Tyler, are you okay?

Be careful.
Somehow Singe neutralized

my T-Rex Super Charge Mode!

In here, Hunter!

(Koda) They in warehouse!
Let's find out
what they're up to!

This time I'll aim
for their Energems.

You won't escape!
Don't want to.

Take 'em down!

You ragged Rangers
fight like you're asleep!

I hope you're hungry,

'cause you're about
to eat those words!

(grunting throughout)

How about a slice
of Dino Saber?

My hands are
too fast, Hunter!

So are my feet!


You're going down, singe!

We'll see
about that!

Oh, no!
That w*apon again!


(Power Rangers
screaming, grunting)

Something on my Energem.

Dino Charger, ready!


These rings-- they're keeping us
from morphing!

Come on, Hunter.

Their powers
have been neutralized.

Let's get their Energems.

(startled grunting)

You'll get
nothing today!

(Mr. Navarro)
Got you covered, guys!

How dare you interfere!

Time we made
our exit!

(Mr. Navarro and Philip)
Dino Morpher Blast!

They got away!

We'll find them...

Since they can't morph,
we won't even have to

break a sweat
to destroy them! (laughing)

So, what is it,
Ms. Morgan?

Some kind of alien technology.

It's a control device

that interferes with the bond
between Ranger and Energem.

That's why
we cannot morph.

I'm gonna try to break the ring
off using the transmuter.

(transmuter whirring,
electricity crackling)


Cross your fingers, everyone.

(electricity surging)

Come on...


It came off!


It worked!

Oh, dear...

That's not good.

There's a crack.

It cracked?!

Can I morph?

It would be very risky.

The crack may
continue to grow.

We must stop it before
the damage is irreparable

and your powers are
compromised forever.

No worries.
Ms. Morgan can fix it.

Can't you?

I doubt it.

We need the right combination
of heat and pressure.

Sampson Caves!

In the main cavern
there's a lava pool.

Heat and pressure!

That just might do it!

We've got
to try!
Good luck.

Tie an Alpine Butterfly loop
in that rope so--

Don't worry.

I've done this before.

I guess you have.


I sure love
an adventure!


(lava exploding)

This rock's unstable.
Be careful.

The temperature's
rising fast.

All right.
Let's see if it worked.

So, how's it look?

The crack's only
gotten bigger.

We need
to go hotter.

I could use Dino Armor X
and dig further down

to the mantle...!
(rocks crumbling)

No, it's too dangerous.

I can't
let you do it.

Dad, I know you're just
trying to protect me,

but it has to be done.

I'm the only one
who has used

Dino Armor X Mode before.

This is about more
than you and me.

We have the entire world
to think about.

I'll be right here.

Good luck, Tyler!

Dino Armor X Charger, ready!

Armor X, ready!




(Mr. Navarro)
The hole collapsed
after he dug in.

There's gotta be
a way to help him!

His suit can withstand
a lot of heat.

If his Energem isn't
completely cracked,

he should be okay.

There's simply nothing more
we can do to help him.

(digital beeping)

You've got company.

Alien bio signs just outside
the cave, closing in fast.

You've got to morph
to protect yourself and Tyler.

We'll meet you.

I'm heading out now.

Prince Philip,
let's go.

Why aren't we going, too?

It's too dangerous for you
without your Energems.

Philip and I
can still morph.

We'll go.

Mr. Navarro!

Any word from Tyler?
Not yet.

(monster )
I've got a word for you...

(monster )

Dino Charger!

Unleash the power!

(Mr. Navarro and Philip)
For Tyler!

Let's do this!
Rapid Blast!

(grunting throughout)

Time to crush
these cockroaches!

(Mr. Navarro)
Don't mind if I do.

Shelby, we're practically

Powers or no powers,
we're Rangers.

I say we go.

Let's do it!
All right!



Trying to get to the cave
to help your friends?

You don't have the power
to get past me!

That's what you think!

(grunting throughout)

Four at once!

I'll get him!

(grunting continues)

Resist and you'll
cease to exist!

(rocks crumbling)

It's so hot!

But I gotta
get to the lava!


My powers...
getting... weak!

The heat's too much!




You've morphed for
the last time, Rangers!

(Rangers screaming, grunting)

On your feet, guys!

Finally, the Energems
will be mine!


Think again, Singe!

Tyler's okay!

I'm more than okay,
and so is my Energem!

It's time I got Super Charged!

Dino Charger, ready!

T-Rex Super Charge Morpher...


T-Rex Super Charge, ready!

Super Charged Morph Blast!

That blasted blaster!


Curse that Ranger!
He's destroyed my

Zotak Ring Controller!


What's happening?
I do not know, Sir Riley.


The rings are gone!

Ha! You know what
that means!

Can't be good!
Dino Charger...


Unleash the power!


Dino Morpher Blast!

I liked the snotty
teenagers better!


How 'bout we
try something new?

I grand idea indeed!

Stack 'em up,
if you please!


Hop on!


(Mecha Voice)
Ptera Charger, engage!

Dino Morpher,
energy combine!

Ptera Saber Final Strike!

My last hunt is over!

You trashed my controller,
now I'll trash you!

Save the trash talk!

(Mr. Navarro)
Yeah, for garbage day!


Hey, don't mess
with my dad!

I'm gonna snuff you out,

(grunting throughout)

Try me, Dino Boy!


Tyler, it's time to try
your new Super Charge ability!

Do it, son!

Our Energems are free.

You should be able to access
all of our weapons now!

That's gonna be
so awesome!

Go for it!

All right,
let's do this!

T-Rex Super Charge,
Tri-Steggo Formation!

(Mecha Voice)
Stego Charger, engage!

Tricero Charger, engage!

T-Rex Charger, engage!


T-Rex Super Charge,
Tri-Stego Formation, ready!

He did it!

Stego Zord Block!

These new Dino powers
are dino-mite!

Tricera Zord Power Drill!

(Singe grunting)

Now for the triple play!

T-Rex Super Charge,
Tri-Ankylo Formation!

(Mecha Voice)
Ankylo Charger, engage!

Tricera Charger, engage!

T-Rex Charger, engage!


T-Rex Super Charge,
Tri-Ankylo Formation, ready!

Destroy him!

(monsters grunting)

Tricera Zord Power Drill!

And part two
of this super combo,

Ankylo Zord
Hammer Punch!

(monsters screaming)

Tri-Ankylo Formation

is Morphenomenal!

Try another one!

T-Rex Super Charge,
Ankylo-Pachy Formation!


T-Rex Super Charge,
Ankylo-Pachy Formation, ready!

Just call me
a one-man wrecking crew!

Pachy Zord Wrecking Ball!

(monsters screaming)

Let's finish this!

T-Rex Super Charge,
Para-Raptor Formation!


T-Rex Super Charge,
Para-Raptor Formation, ready!

You cannot win,
so stop trying!


Is that all you got,
you walking carnival?

You're going to wish
you didn't ask for more!

T-Rex Super Charge Blast!

Final Strike!

I'm really feeling the burn!

Now that's called
fighting fire with fire!

(grunting, grumbling)

His flames can't stop me
for good...

Just for now.

Singe, get out of my cell now!

Or I'll-- I'll...

How dare you interfere
with my plans today!

That was the last straw,
Kibble Breath!



You're acting
like children.

It was Fury's fault!

You put Zotak Rings
on my horns, and--

Oh, he's mad...

Don't lock us in here!

Anything but that!

The Rangers love it when we
fight amongst ourselves.

We'll never beat them
unless we can work together.

(growling and moaning)

Maybe a little quality time

will help you learn
to play nice.

No, let me out!
No, come back!

And then, just as the earth
started to rumble,

I dipped my Energem
into the lava, and boom--

all fixed!

Hark, tell me more, please.

What did it look like
down there?

Ooh, Sir Ivan,
I'm glad you asked.

A picture...

Is worth
a thousand words.

Is that lava?

Yep! Sure is!

You took a selfie?

I don't understand
how he survived the heat.

Okay, that's impossible.

It's amazing how the impossible
suddenly becomes possible...

when you have
so much to lose.

Hey, dad!


Keeper and I
have been talking.

We both feel that
my geology skills

should be put
to better use.

The search for
the Silver Energem

is what I need to focus on now.

W-wait, what--
you're leaving?

Someone very wise
recently reminded me

that this is about much more
than you and me.

We have the whole world
to think about right now.

Yeah, I know, but...

But, dad,
I need you.

I've seen you in action,
and I hate to admit it,

but you're not
eight years old any more.

Trust me, you've proven
you can take care of yourself.

Thank you.

Come here!

I know it's not the center
of the Earth, but...

This one means more.
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