23x04 - A Date with Danger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x04 - A Date with Danger

Post by bunniefuu »

Long ago, an alien named Keeper

entrusted the greatest power in
the universe to dinosaurs.

You must keep
the Energems safe.

Millions of years later,

the Energems were found,

and the evil Sledge fought
ruthlessly to steal them.

Until the Rangers finally
defeated him.

But from the ashes,
a new threat arose.

Only one team of heroes
can stop him.

Dino Charger!

Power Rangers Dino Super Charge!


Careful, those wires
are live.

The telescope.

Looking into
outer space.

Sorcery, I say.

Hmm? No, just, uh,
lenses and mirrors.


Should be perfect.



Ah, first place

and the Beach Half Pipe.

Another date?

Or look at my great
trophies routine.

That means it's, what,
the fourth date?

Actually, trophies
are the fifth date.

I do believe the fourth date
was the push-up contest?

Ha-ha, no.

For your information, I don't do
the push-up contest anymore.

That because girl
beat him.

(Chase grunting)


Look, this girl, she's...
she's different.

She makes me feel so...

I don't know,
so, so, ahh!



I hope there's a spark
between you!

Who's that?

Is there any reason
why I shouldn't slice

whoever you are
into smithereens?!

You shouldn't do that.

If you want
the Energems.

How does he know
about the Energems?

Rumor has it that they're
loose on this planet.

And that you're willing
to partner with anyone

that can bring you one.

What makes you think
you can get an Energem?

Oh, please, I travel
in a burning asteroid.

Need I say more?

I like what
I'm hearing, Fury.

The Rangers may be about
to meet their match.



♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight
to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains
that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right
stance ♪

♪ Hold tight,
keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you
ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up
to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge altogether ♪


♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪

Watch this, Kaylee!


Um, Chase, I've been watching
you skateboard for an hour now.

And I was--
I know, it's awesome,

But, hey,
I want you to know

even though I've got
mad skills,



I'm just a regular guy.

Oh, look at the time,
I forgot,

I have this thing
I need to do.

But you're not
wearing a watch.

Ah, oh, well...

I'll call you
later, Chase.


"Dear Tyler, you don't know me
but I was the last person

to see your father
before he disappeared."

Unleash the power!


Unleash the power!


(menacing laugh)


Hold it
right there.

Ah, you're just in time

for your
own destruction.

Today, you'll fight
against Singe.

Who's Singe?
He must've att*cked
the city.


What are you up to?

So these are
the so-called heroes.

Heroes give me such
a headache.

Only one way to cure
a hero headache, crush them!

Just try it.


Move, Fury!

You're hitting everything
but the Rangers.


How's that?

What kind of blaster
is that?

It's called a last blaster

'cause it's the last blaster
you'll ever see.

We gotta take cover.

A game of hide
and go blaster.

He hit that lady.

I'll go and help her.

Go, Chase.
(tires screeching)

(woman groaning)


Don't worry, ma'am,
I've got you now.

Here, I'll take her.

What? I, uh...

(clearing throat)

I appreciate
your help, Miss.

Thank you, dear.

There you go, ma'am.

uh, I mean...

Uh, the nice
young lady here

will make sure
you're safe.
Thank you.

Okay, thank you.


Power Axe, ready!

Time to teach you a lesson.

Spiral Attack.


My turn.

Oh, no, Chase!

No more heroes
or hero headaches.


lots more heroes.

Are you all right?

Who is this candlestick?

Let me show you.

This guy's tough,
but we can beat him.

My headache's getting worse.

You're going to have
more than a headache.

Take him down.

Oh, flame flare.

Look out!

I might have to destroy you
another day.

My head is k*lling me.

Forget your stupid

Finish them off!

You're telling me
what to do?

You've been here
millions of years

and haven't recovered
one Energem.

I'll get rid of your headache
by getting rid of your head!

Now's our chance,
Shelby, Koda.

Dino Morpher Blast!

Let's go.

Ah, they disappeared.

Ah, we almost had 'em.
(Shelby sighs)

I took a photo
of the Black Ranger

just like you wanted,
Master Singe.

Don't call him


So, Singe,

where are the Energems
you promised Snide?


It's the Black Ranger's

I have a new strategy
that I think you'll
appreciate, Heckyl.

Humans are obsessed

with a crazy little
thing called love.

Go after the ones
they hold dear

and they'll fall apart.

Parting is such sweet,
sweet sorrow.

Bring me
an Energem, Singe,

or you'll have no tomorrow.

"Hope to meet soon."

Who is this

He and my dad were on
the same expedition

when my dad went missing.

This could be the breakthrough
I've been waiting for.

If it means finding out
what happened to your dad,

you have to meet
this guy.

Good luck, Tyler.
Thanks, Shelby.

And this is my trophy from
Skate Down Under in Auckland.

Oh, wow, that's a nice one.

For sure.

Yeah, and check out these,
uh, medals I've won.


Chase, um, this isn't
why I asked to see you.

Um, I'm breaking up
with you.

Okay, great, so, uh,
this is a med--


I appreciate your enthusiasm
for yourself.

But the truth is that
I've, um, met somebody else.

I have to go now.

Wait, wait!



Who is this chump?

Come on, I have to know.

Well, this may come as
a shock to you, but...

he's the Black Ranger.

Oh, well,
I'm the Black--

You're the what?

I'm... Black Ranger's
biggest fan.

Me too,
he's just so real.

No one's more real
than me.

Good-bye, Chase.


I can't believe the Black Ranger
would do this to me.

But you are Black Ranger.

Well, that makes it
even worse.

She dumped me for me!

It's terrible.

I went behind my own back.

I stole her from right
under my own nose.

And why is she
so gaga over him?


Where did you take her
on your date?

the skate park.

And it went so well.

I did like tricks
for her

and nailed every
single one of 'em.

Did you ever ask her
what she wanted to do?

Well... no.

She clearly knows
you like skateboarding.

Do you have any idea
what she's into?

I, uh, was I, was I,
was I supposed to ask?

Oh, man.

Now she likes
Black Ranger.

I'm never gonna have
a chance.


Chase, what are
you thinking?

Well, I better be going.
(nervous chuckle)


Don't do anything stupid.

I've already done
one stupid thing.

I'm not gonna be repeating


Oh, my.

Your dad was the best
geologist that I ever met.

He found some of
the darndest things.

Now, take a sample
of this.

So where did you last
see my dad?

Uh, we were exploring
a huge cave network.

Found some great formations.

One night
the crew had gone home.

Your dad and I were deep
in the cave.

Deeper than any
of our maps showed.

Wait, is that an earthquake?

(rumbling, crashing)



(grunting and groaning)


Your dad saved me,

But then the cave
collapsed around him.


I know it's thanks to your dad
that I'm still here.

He could've
gotten out, right?

Those caves went
for miles and miles.

Anything's possible.

If anyone could find
a way out, it's my dad.

You are your father's son,
that's for sure.


Hey, that, uh, gem you have?

Can I see that?

Uh, yeah.

Where'd you find this?

Uh, just on one of my hikes,
it seemed unique.

That, my friend, is a once
in a lifetime kind of find.

Really something.

Thanks again, Rusty.

(birds chirping)

(clearing throat)

Nice to see you

It's you.

So, uh, what do you, uh,

you know,
do with your free time?

Well, promise not to laugh?

Yeah, sure.

I love everything
about outer space.

Space? Really?

I'm gonna be
an astronaut.

That's amazing.




Hold on.

Okay, your surprise
is ready.

You can look now.

A telescope,
that's fantastic.

Ah, I'm glad
you like it.

Maybe someday you'll visit
those stars in person.

I'd really like
to know who did such
a nice thing for me.


Can't you at least
tell me your real name?

Sorry, Kaylee,
I just can't.

Come on.

Show me your
favorite planet.


(Chase sighs)
We're a perfect match.

I see the Black Ranger
has made a new friend.


She's so cool.

She wants to be an astronaut,
you know that?

She'll do it, too,
she's so smart.

She really likes me.

But Chase, do you have
a future together

if the Black Ranger
can never reveal
his true self?


Yeah, I knew going on
a date as Black Ranger

was a bit iffy, but...

it was the only way I could
get a chance with her.

By speaking
with an accent?

Hiding behind a mask?

If Kaylee can
never know

the true identity
of the Black Ranger,

can she truly be happy
with him?

It's funny.

I've never felt so close
to anyone, but...

I don't even know
who you are.

Well, that's exactly
the problem, Kaylee.

Being with you
is amazing.

But I'll never be able
to tell you who I am.

So, maybe...

we should just
be friends.

Kinda thought
that was coming.

It's gonna be hard
to get over you.

Oh, I'm sure there was
someone in your life

before me, right?

Oh, my skate date.

He was nothing
compared to you.

He was so wrapped up
in himself,

always trying
to impress everyone.

You know, guys get
nervous around girls.

Maybe he was afraid you
wouldn't like him,

so he kind of overdid it.

Look, whoever he is,
I'm sure he wishes

he hadn't messed
things up with you.

It was really nice
getting to know you.

Good-bye, Kaylee.


Now I've lost her twice.

(Kaylee screaming)
No, no!


Help, Chase!


Help, Chase!

Destroy him!

This isn't the plan.

Get to safety, I'm gonna
go call the, uh,

the, the police.

Thanks, Chase,
be careful.

Just as I said.

Lover boy shows up,
and now he goes down.

No! Oh!

Chase, are you okay?

Miss Morgan said
you were in trouble.

I'm fine.

He's the one
who's in trouble.


It's morphing time!

Dino Charger!


Dino Chargers engage!

Energize, hah!

Unleash the power!

Power Rangers!

Dino Super Charge!


You don't mess with us,

and you don't mess
with our friends.

Dino Steel, armor on!

Headache coming on,

Yes, and destroying
you all is the cure.

Tyler, are you there?

Go ahead.

You need to get
back here fast.

Got it.


Come on, guys, let's
form the Triple Spike.


En guarde, flame fiend!

Weapons combine,
Triple Spike!

Use it to block him.

You pathetic pip-squeaks.
Flame flare.

(all grunting)
Hold on, guys.

Ivan, help!

Do not fear, friends.

Ptera Strike!

Now to finish him.

Oh, I've gotta find a way
to end this.

Oh, man, where did
he go this time?

Now you're mine!

I'm not available.

But you do have
a little present

you can have instead.

Here you go.

Para Chopper Blast.


Thanks, Shelby.

You're not gonna like
what's coming up next,

rust bucket.

Dino Chargers engage!

Dino Morpher,
Power Chopper Blast!


this is just rude.

They think I'm gone.

How 'bout
a big surprise?

I like your style, Singe.

Fire the Magna Beam.


(maniacal laughter)

Time to put
my foot down.


Chase, Shelby?
We're okay, guys.

That scoundrel never
left at all.

Fooled you.

Oh, no, he's even more
powerful now.

And there are only
five of us.

Ah! Ahh!

Hey, I sure could use
a crew in here, you know?

It's Tyler!

Let's get up then.

Nice to see you guys.

Back at you, mate.

Now let's cut this monster
down to size.

Summon Para Zord!

Power Chargers engage!

Activate Plesio Charge Megazord
Para Formation!

Zords combine!

Plesio Charge Megazord
Para Formation! Ready!

Dino Charger ready!

Dino Super Drive Saber.

Dino Super Drive Charger

Dino Super Drive

Here he comes.

And here you go.

(all screaming)

This'll be a cinch.

Para Zord Blast!

All right!

Plesio, now!


I figured out
this guy's problem.

It's self-esteem.

Yeah, he's got too much
of it.

Time to take him down a notch.


Let's douse this fire with
Para and Plesio power.

Three, two...


Galactic Para Blast!


Even your Megazord
is mega lame.

Looks like we're gonna need
more power to take him out.

Summon Raptor Zord!

Zords combine!
Raptor Formation, ready!


Bladed Raptor Slash!



Barely a scratch.

Man, he's powerful.

But wait, there's more.

(all screaming)

Try again and lose again.

you're incredible, Fury.

Oh, wait, that's Singe!


Quiet, you putrid punk.

We'll see who has
the last laugh.

Reversing magnification!


What? Not now!

He shrank?

He got away again.

Next time
we've gotta finish him!

Hey, what's that stench?

You! Get up!

This is my cell!

Not anymore.

Master Heckyl told me I can
choose any cell I want.

It seems he was impressed
by my performance today.

Until the Magna Beam

You don't know how
that happened, do you?

It's a rusty
old ship, Singe.

Accidents happen all the time.

Watch your step
or I'll step all over you!


I'm sorry, I thought you were
only wrapped up in yourself.

But you risked
a lot to save me.


Nah... (sighs)

I'm the one
who should apologize.

I mean, expecting you

to watch me skateboard
for hours,

showing off
all my trophies.


Even I would've
broken up with me.


So... what do you think?

Should we give it
another shot?

Just promise me

you won't focus on yourself
quite so much.

Yeah, I can do that.

Chase, I thought you were
focusing on the grill.

Exactly, Shelby.

I'm focusing totally and
completely on the girl.

I said the grill,
not the girl!

The grill?


Oh, fire!


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