22x18 - World Famous! (in New Zealand)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x18 - World Famous! (in New Zealand)

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) Millions of years ago, the evil Sledge

tried to steal the greatest power in the universe.

Bring me the Energems.

But an alien named Keeper

entrusted them to dinosaurs.

You must keep the Energems safe.

As for Sledge...

It's a b*mb!

He was blasted deep into space.

Now, the Energems have been found and Sledge returns

to battle a new team of heroes.

Dino Charger!

They are Power Rangers Dino Charge.


But I'm scheduled to work seven days in a row.

I need a break.

And you will get a break...

on day eight.

Excuse me guys. Whoa, coming through.

Whoa, make way. Excuse me, guys.


Someone took a photo of a UFO.

Look familiar?

Hey, that is Sledge's transport pod.


Photo taken by Albert Smith.

Albert gives bigfoot tours.


We need to check this out right away.


Albert lives in... New Zealand.

My home country.

(Shelby laughing)

Change the work schedule Ms. Morgan,

we're heading down under.

Yeah. Woo!


You completed your mission already?

Not yet.

I just came back for dinner.

I'm hungry.

Keep searching Meteor,

or you've already had your last meal.

(Meteor grunts)

Send him back to Earth.

(Vivix grunts)

(alarm sounds)

(Meteor screaming)


♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains ♪

♪ That divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight ♪

♪ Keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪


(indistinct chatter)

(Ivan) I propose we take a gander around Auckland

before we locate this Albert character.

Ah, okay.

So here we have the Sky Tower.

It has a restaurant at the top that rotates all the way around

from which you can see all of Auckland.

(camera clicks) Ooh, let's go.

We need to catch the ferry. Come on.

(Chase) Yeah!

Yeah, I love you mum.

I wish we were in the South Island

so we could see your family.

Yeah well luckily I'm going home for Christmas.

Oh, no way.


Oh! What are dolphins?


There they are. They're jumping.

(dolphins chattering)

We go swim!

(all) No!

No, no!

(Shelby) Is this the right place?

We're really out in the boonies.

(Chase laughs) Well here we call it the wop wops.

(Tyler) Hello.

Is anybody here?

Good day.


(Chase) Big Foot Tours.

Yep, this is Albert's place.

(Shelby) Hey, guys.

(flies buzzing)

Check this out.


Now why would anyone hang something like that up there?



Thought you were a bigfoot.

Oh, you must be Albert Smith.

That's me.

World famous... in New Zealand.

(Albert) Horn of a unicorn...

(Tyler grunts) footprint of a bigfoot,

and I wrestled a giant squid once.

He got my eye but I got his leg.

(Ivan) Ah!

A giant squid.


Uh, please, good sir, if you could just tell us

more about this photo.

So you guys are UFO hunters.


I've seen it five times, all over the city.

Here's the proof.

(Albert) Excuse me a moment.

When I come back I'll tell you how I got this

giant dragon's egg.

They're definitely transport pods.

Guys, Albert seems a little..


(Riley) Really? Just a little?

Come on, let's find out where he took the photos

and get out of here.

Cool, a police scanner. (indistinct voices on scanner)

Yeah, I like to know what's happening around town.

You know my dad took me bigfoot hunting once.

How many did you catch?


But I did catch a cold.


it was a great adventure.

Well, that's what life should be, don't you think?

One great adventure.

Good luck finding those UFOs.

Thanks for your help Albert.

(Riley) We'll check out those locations you got us.

(Ivan) Bye.

How's it going? Hey. Good.

Can I get a vegetarian wrap please? Yeah, you sure can.


are the five different places Albert took photos.

Okay. It seems like Sledge is looking for something.

But what?

(snapping, chain rattles)

Hey, he took my bike.

(Kono) We stop him.



Huh? Huh? Oh.

(Shelby) I can't believe it.


Let me go!

(ranger humming)


The Purple Ranger.

So that's why Sledge has been searching New Zealand.

He wants purple Energem.

Oh! (Ivan) Hey, halt.


(Kono) Hey, come back!


Oh, I finally found you.

Now give me the purple Energem.

(surprised gasp)

Have it your way.

Vivix, destroy him.




(Tyler) Not while we're here.

(rangers grunting)

(grunting throughout)

(Meteor laughing)

Get me all seven Energems.

(Ivan) Fear not my violet friend.

Summon Ptera Saber.

(ranger grunting)

(Tyler laughing)

Did you guys leave your fighting skills back

in Amber Beach?


I don't know Tyler.

I think these creeps have always been this weak.

(grunting throughout)

See what I mean?

Why kick one vivix...

when I can kick six?


(Tyler) Oh, let's finish this.

(all) Energize Dino Morpher Blast.

(Ivan) Lightning Strike.


(Meteor) Nice try rangers.

(Tyler) What where'd he go?

(Chase) I don't know man.

(loud burst)

(Riley) A pod.

He's escaping.

Monster got away.

(Tyler) Where's purple go?

There he is.

Likely he's never seen a monster before.

I'm so sorry.

Don't worry.

We're on your side, mate.

Wait a second, I know you.




You're a Power Ranger?

Is that what they call it when I change?

A Power Ranger.


And what's this?

(Ivan) 'Tis an Energem.

It holds powers beyond your imagination.

The UFOs you've been seeing belong to those monsters.

They want to steal that Energem and use it for evil.

I just wanted to do good deeds for my town.

Well, now you could do good deeds for the world.

Sounds like a grand adventure.

Oh, oh...




My reanimation machine worked.

It brought Ice Age and Stingrage back to life.


After Meteor's failure

I know I can't trust this mission to a new monster.

So I'm giving you both one more chance

to get me the Energems

or I'll destroy you again myself.

(Sledge growling)


We know fighting monsters can be scary,

but we'll make sure you're ready Albert.

Don't you worry.

All right and....

Go! (watch beeps)

(Chase) Hey, something wrong?!

Just do the best you can.

It's okay if you can't keep up.

Can't keep up.


I'm just giving you a head start. (laughing)




Don't overdo it, Albert.


(Albert) Keep up slowpokes.

(Ivan) I beg you...

no more running.

(Tyler laughing)

He's definitely ready.

(Chase) He's a beast.

So, Albert.

How did you bond to your Energem?


About a year ago...

our town was hit with a freak snowstorm.

My friends were hiking in the mountains

and their sweet little girl Cindy got lost.

(Cindy) Help!

I was the only one with a chance at finding her.

I know the mountains like the back of my hand.

Don't worry little lady, Albert's got ya now.



What's this?

And suddenly I could turn into a ranger.

I got myself a police scanner and soon enough I was stopping

thieves and pulling cats out of trees,

doing all kinds of good things.

Folks count on me.

Kind of a local hero, you know?

We know how you feel.

(Dino Coms beeping)

Alien bio-signs.

Downtown Auckland.

Time to show 'em what the Purple Ranger

is really made of.


Time for a cold snap.


Have some meteorites too.

(crowd screaming)


We're gonna wipe you all out.


(Tyler) Not so fast.

(monsters grunting)

There's three of them.

Three times the freeze.

Three times the sting.

Three times the heat.

Sledge must be desperate.


Follow what we do.

It's morphin' time.

Dino Charger.

(rangers) Ready.


(rangers) Energize.

(rangers grunt)

(Tyler) Get him.


Albert are you okay?

No, I'm not!

Albert, what's wrong?

I'm so sorry.

But I've never fought monsters before.

Hah. Here they come.

I want to fight them, but I'm too afraid.

I'll protect you.

(grunting throughout)

See? I got this.

(Albert whimpering) Take that!




You're all grounded.

Get it?

Freeze Black Ranger.

Not today.

Get off ice man.

We destroyed you once...

And we'll destroy you again.

There you are.

Why didn't you tell us you were scared.

It's easy to catch a bike thief or a purse snatcher.

But those monsters, they want to destroy me.

You can get past your fear

like when you wrestled that giant squid.

I never wrestled a giant squid!

Heck, I can't even swim.

And I never caught a bigfoot.

I'm a fraud.

Everything about me is fake.

Even this.

I'm nothing but a coward.

No way!

The Energem doesn't make mistakes.

You saved that little girl, right?


Well, yes. Yes, I did.

Then you're no coward.

Stay here.

Let's finish this.

(grunting throughout)

(Tyler) It's over.

(Meteor) I'll stop them by launching a meteor ball.

Not so fast.



You're not launching anything.

All right monsters, come and get it.

That's not yours.

Think fast.


Oh, Sir Tyler, perhaps some Pachy power?


I'll launch it right back at them.

Royal Dino Punch.





Hey! Oh!

(grunting, expl*si*n)

(Tyler) Awesome.


{\i } (grunting){\i } (Sledge growling)

Wrench! Those two monsters

you brought back are worthless.

Let's see what a big meteor can do.



(Chase) We need the Dino Charge Megazord.

Wait, where's Albert?

I'll take care of it.

Can you handle Meteor?

Of course, Sir Tyler.

Dino Charger, ready!


(mecha voice) {\i } Zords combine.{\i }

{\i } Dino Charge Megazord, ready.{\i }

(rangers) Dino Charge, activate.

Come on guys, let's do this.

Time for a meteor shower.

We can't let them get your Energem.

It's time to get out of here.

(Ice Age laughing)


(Stingrage) You did it! Now, let's get their Energems.

(Albert) Come with me, I know where to go.


(Ice Age) You won't escape us.


(rangers grunting)

If he keeps up this meteor shower we're done for.

Don't panic guys.

We'll have the Pachy Zord ambush him.

That's a great idea.

Dino Charger, ready.

Summon Pachy Zord.


(mecha voice) {\i } Pachy Charger, engage!{\i }



(roaring throughout)


Now that hit the spot.

(laughing) Yeah.

How about we try something new, 'ey?

(all) Activate Dino Charge Megazord Ankylo-Pachy formation.

(mecha voice) {\i } Pachy Charger, engage.{\i }

{\i } Zords combine.{\i }

{\i } Dino Charge Megazord{\i } {\i } Ankylo-Pachy formation.{\i }

{\i } Ready.{\i }

(Riley) I can feel the power of this combination.

Me too. Very strong.

(panting, grunting)

(Albert) Come on, come on.

Just a little bit further.

Bring on whatever you want rangers.

(all) Pachy Zord Wrecking Ball.

(Chase) Bring it.


You have to do better than that.

(grunting throughout)


(all) Ankylo Zord Hammer Punch.


We're almost there.

(Stingrage) Surprise!


Did you really think you could escape us?

Albert, go!



Not this time.


Stop! What are you doing?

Trust me.

You're not leaving here with your Energem old man.

Oh, at least give me a fighting chance.

Hold on a second.

(groans) Oh, my back aches!


I'm coming for you scallywags.

Old Albert's gonna teach you a lesson.

(groans) Oh, my back!

I may be old but I'll soon give you a whooping.

He thinks he can kick our butts.

The only thing he'll kick is the bucket.

You two need to learn some respect for the elderly.

And I'm gonna teach you.



You fools walked right into my trap.

That's the last time you underestimate Albert Smith.

Tyler, hold still.


Ah! Thanks.


So that's why you took me all the way out here.

You tricked them.

You sly dog.


Finally caught myself a couple of bigfoots.


(monsters grunting)

Thanks, Albert.

No! Thank you.

My boy, you helped me find my courage.

And you also made me realize...

that I can't remain a Power Ranger.

(grunting throughout)

(Chase) Let's finish this.

(all) Pachy Zord Wrecking Ball.


Pachy Zord Wrecking Ball Final Strike.


(Chase) Monster extinct.

Are you sure about this, Albert?

You'd be such a great ranger.

New Zealand is my home.

There's just no way I can leave it.

Plenty of other people can be a ranger.

But nobody here can replace me.

Albert is right.

His duty as the Purple Ranger was to keep the Energem safe

from our enemies, but his work is done now.

I'm ready Keeper.

Hold your Energem to the head of my staff.

This will unbond you from it.

Thank you, Albert.

You've made us all very proud.

It's been a pleasure, sir.

Promise you'll bring your dad here someday

we'll all go bigfoot hunting.

I'd love that and I know he would too.

Now off you go, you've got a plane to catch.

Ooh, Albert... other eye.

And I've got a town to protect.

Go get 'em, Albert.

(Shelby) We'll miss you.

(Ivan) Bye.
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