22x13 - Sync or Swim

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x13 - Sync or Swim

Post by bunniefuu »

Millions of years ago,
the evil Sledge

tried to steal the greatest
power in the universe.

Bring me the energems.

But an alien named Keeper
entrusted them to dinosaurs.

You must keep the energems safe.

As for Sledge...

It's a b*mb!

He was blasted deep into space.

Now, the energems have been
found and Sledge returns

to battle a new team of heroes.
Dino charger!

They are Power Rangers
Dino Charge.

Sledge is going to
be so pleased with me.

Now, for the final step.

(relieved groan)

Oh! It's you.


Is the expl*sive finished?

Yes, sir.

Don't touch that!

One wrong move could blow
a hole in the ship.

That would
mess up my manicure.

Take Smokescreen with you,
then hide it,

so it destroys
the rangers.

I can do this by myself.


I can fart out some fog
so no one can see us.

Putting me in charge is the
right choice, Master Sledge.

He did not put you

and your stinky fog
in charge.

Overgrown windup toy.

You think you've--


Bring me an energem

and you'll
be free,

but fail me and...

Say no more.

Come on.

I'll carry this.

Goodbye, Rangers.



♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight
to survive ♪

♪ Try to
break the chains ♪

♪ That divide ♪

♪ There is only
one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight ♪

♪ Keep our
power alive ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you
ever stop ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up
to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Dino Charge ♪♪

Now remember,
each kid gets a sifter,

a safari hat and a shovel,

and oh, let's
see, what about food?
Hey, hey, hey...

Deep breaths.

It's all taken care of.

The event's gonna be great,
Miss Morgan.

I know.

I'm a little
stressed out but kids

look forward to the museum's
fossil fun day all year.

Now let's go over
everything again.

Koda, could you
hand me that rope?

Thanks, mate.

That is everything.

Almost ready to go.


wait, wait, wait.


I got that coat

we saw in
the store window.

What do you think?

It's... fine.


But you said
it looked great.

It did.

On the mannequin.


Your truck is really cool.


At least someone around
here has good taste.

It has a five-ton wench,

V engine and three...
(horse neighing, galloping)

What in the...?



He's like something out
of a romance novel.

You have got to be kidding me.

Mate, he's literally
a knight in shining armor.

I come prepared for battle!

Digital portraits, eh?

All right.

(camera shutters clicking)

There's the Red Ranger's car.
Go plant the b*mb.

First, let me
fart out some fog!


No! They'll see us,
you nitwit.

I'll tell you when to fart.

I'm in charge!

I'll fart when I want to.

Now, go put this
in Red Ranger's car!

You go!
Come on.

We don't have all day.

Okay, okay.

Better I do it myself, anyway.

That idiot would only
stink up the operation.


This will blow up the rangers
and everything in sight.

Look at that fool.

He could never
be in charge.

(camera shutters snapping)

Oh, good grief.

Nothing to see here, folks.

The museum entrance
is right over there.

What? Come on.

'Thank you.

Thank you.

Good day, peasants.

Have fun.

I think we need to get some
clothes for Ivan

that are a tad less...


I can take you shopping.

'Twould be
a pleasure, milady.

Allow me.

A brisk gallop through
the woods is now in order.

Dude, you're just
going to the mall.

Why don't you take the others
in your motorized buggy

and we'll meet you
at the park.

My... buggy?

He's getting
in the car.

It's just a matter
of time and then, boom!

How long did you
set the timer for?

You were supposed
to set the timer.


You said you
were in charge.


There they go.

We have to set that b*mb
or Sledge will destroy us!

Come on!

Hello, how you
doing today?

Here's a hat
for you.

And here's one for you.

How you doing, guys?
Thank you.

Here you go.

Hey, hey, hey.

That is a hat.

Not a bucket.

(blowing raspberry)

You two okay?

Here you are.

A shovel and a hat,
good luck.

Watch out, it's a bit muddy
right here.

Leaky sprinklers.

Oh, sorry,
it's a bit muddy.

Mind if we go around?
I'd love to help you guys out.

Thank you.

Ivan, you look fancy.

I know.
It's very nice.

Yeah, looking suave,
my man.

It was my lady who
chose my new wardrobe.


Isn't that my jacket?


Doesn't it
look great?

I humbly admit.
I do wear it well.


Oh, Ivan?

Could you help this kind lady?

Oh, 'twouldst be my honor.



Careful, she'll ruin
her shoes in the mud.

Not while a knight
of Zandar

stands at her side.

Such a gentleman.


Chivalry is not
dead, milady.

Hurry on in, folks,
step right up, keep moving,

courtesy of the knight
of Zandar, this way.



Well played, Sir Tyler.

Well, played indeed.

I can't believe you
didn't set the timer.


Oh, okay.

There's the red ranger's car.

Now we need your
disgusting fog.

And you thought
you could do this alone.

Good thing I ate beans.


Oh, that's gross.

Oh, man, where's that smell
coming from?

Ugh, that stinks.

This fog is... red.

Anyone see where
it's coming from?

Yeah, I think it's coming
from the parking lot.

Check it out.

Don't touch that.

I'm in charge, remember?

Be my guest.

But if you mess it up,
it's kablooie!

Like I said, hurry up
and set the timer.


It's ready.
Let's go!

Look, monsters!

Halt, scoundrels!


Smell you later!


Oh, that's rank!

That smells so bad!

I lost them in fog!

(Tyler grunts)
I'll take care of it!

No need!

(grunting, groaning)

I've got him I say!

Surrender, you menace!

It's me!

Get off.

Yes, hmm.

Uh, ahem.

Great, you've
ruined my jacket.

Well, actually, it suits you
rather well now.

While you two were messing
around, you didn't happen

to see where the monsters went,
did you?

Did you see him?
No, no.
I didn't see anything.

I could have sworn he
was here a second ago.

There they are,
come on, let's go!

Whatever happened
to teamwork?

I got this!
No, I do!

I'll beat
you there!

(b*mb beeping)

Get to the ship before that b*mb
blows up half the city!

It's my pod!

No time to argue!

We'll both go in it!

I'll just get in first!


What do you think you're doing?

You forgot about me!


Being a leader is so lonely.


Halt, alien toadwart.

Running from us
will not be your salvation.

Whatever that means.
It's Morphin'--

Put a little bit of pizzazz
into it, Sir Tyler.

Let me show you
how it's done.

(communicator beeping)

Did you find anything?

Uh, everything's
under control, Ms. Morgan.

Oh, morph already!

Dino Charger!



(mecha voice)
Dino Chargers, engage!

Energize, ha!

Unleash the power!

This what
you wanted?

One against... six?

Power Rangers, charge!

Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Power Ranger Red!


Power Ranger Black!


Power Ranger Blue!


Power Ranger Green!


Power Ranger Pink!


Power Ranger Gold!

Dinosaur might,
ready to fight!

Power Rangers!

Dino Charge!



They're about to encounter
the fury of the Gold Ranger!

Yeah, but only after things get
wild with the Red Ranger!

Destroy them all!


(all grunt)


(rangers shouting)

I shall destroy thee,

Not if I destroy
him first!

(mecha voice)
T-Rex Charger, engage!

Dino Steel!

Armor on!


Parachopper Blast!

Stego Shield Block!

Stego Shield Punch!

Time for... Raptor Claw!



(Shelby grunting)

That's hot!

I'm more than
just fog, see?

A little help!

Rust in pieces!

What's this?


Don't fret!

A true warrior
has arrived!

I'll show you
a true warrior!

Let's see what
you've got, rangers!

Careful, Tyler,
you might get hurt!

Hey, get off my back!

(electrical discharge)

Sir Tyler!

Look, Ivan...

I can't compete
with the shining armor

and the horse,

but we have to work together.

It's true.

I am the whole package.

But you, sir,
are the Red Ranger.

How can I compare to that?


Let's dispose of this
stinking scallywag...



Let's do it!

You've had smoke.

Here's fire!

All right, Ivan!

Let's take him!

(smokescreen screaming)

It's all going downhill!

Let's finish him as a team!


I've got to get 'em back
to that b*mb in the car.

Then they'll blow up with
everything else in the park!

A b*mb?


Oh, no!

Who said b*mb?

I didn't say b*mb.

That's what they were
doing to Tyler's car.

Let's help get him out of this
city... permanently!

I'm with you,
Red Ranger!

Dino Charger, ready!

(mecha voice)
Terra Charger, engage!

Weapons combine!

(mecha voice)
Dino Spike Charger, engage!

Red Ranger, launch!

Dino Spike!

Final Strike!


Final Strike!

I feel a bit foggy!

That was

Quite so!

We have to stop that b*mb now!

You get one bone,
not a whole dinosaur!

(communicator beeping)

Miss Morgan!

Miss Morgan, are you there?


(b*mb beeping)


I'm done fooling around
with you, Rangers.

Magna Beam!



We have to get bigger.

I'll pilot the Mega Zord
and handle Smokescreen.

The rest of you,
defuse that b*mb.

Dino Chargers, ready!

Summon Zords!


(mecha voice)
T-Rex Charger, engage!

Zords, combine!

Dino Charge Mega Zord, ready!

Dino Drive, activate!

Battle mode, engage!

Time from some Stego power!

(mecha voice)
Stego Saber!

Go defuse that b*mb!


I have an idea!


Enjoying the stench?

Ugh, that stinky fog
is pretty thick.

Let's see how tough you are when
smoke gets in your eyes.

Serpent's Transformation!

Whew, It's not my eyes
I'm worried about.

It's my nose!

You're lost in a fog,
Red Ranger.

(Tyler groans)

Now, to destroy you!

Now, to destroy you!

Is that... the Ptera Zord!

Sir Tyler, just as we
must work together,

so must our Mega Zords!

Sounds like a plan.

Activate Tri-Stego
Ptera Formation!

(mecha voice)
Zords, combine!

Dino Charge Mega Zord,

Tri-Stego Ptera Formation!


Nice to have you riding
at my side, Ivan.

I believe it is time
to slay this dragon.

(indistinct chatter)

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.


Those are shovels.

Not toys.

Don't mess with me, kid.

Would you stop!

No, not you, too.
Come on.

Everybody look around.

I found it.


There was less than
two minutes left.

Let's move it away
from these people!

Come on!



Careful, careful.


Master, grow the b*mb
so they can't move it!

Hit it with the Magna Beam, now!



Watch out!

We have to evacuate!


That's gonna blow up
the entire city!


Stego Slash!

Your fighting stinks
as bad as you smell!

(Smokescreen groaning)

Time to stop this!


Hold on!

Get off me!

As you wish!

Stego Saber!



But Wrench
was in charge!

Monster, extinct!


Out! Everyone must evacuate!

Thank you, as fast
as you can, thank you.

Tyler, we got less than
a minute on the clock

and a b*mb that's
too big to move.

I have an idea.
Me too!

I bet it's
the same one.

Guys, we're
on our way!

What could they be planning?

Where are they going?

Shall we offer it back to the
fiend who sent it?


Let's go!

I need an update.

In a manner of seconds,

the b*mb won't just take
out the rangers...

It will destroy
all of Amber Beach!

(maniacal laughter)

You mean that b*mb?

Huh, what the...?


(panicked shouts)

Fire the lasers!


That's gonna hit us!


Fire everything!

(all screaming)

We almost got him!

But we saved the city.

Nice work, Red Ranger.

Nice work,
Gold Ranger.

We're more
successful together.


I have no words!

Actually, I do!

But I can't say them
with a lady present.

Go ahead, darling.

I just love it
when you get angry.

That's a terrible idea!

You useless, cowardly

tinheaded son of
a washing machine!

I ought to rip you to pieces
and turn you into a toilet!


Tyler, what did you buy?


A gift.


Who's it for?

No one.


Tuna dactyl melt on rye,
toasted to perfection,

just as you desire.

Sweet, thank you, Iv...

Aww... what
a nice surprise.

And grilled cheese
for the rest of you.

I, too, have a surprise.

I love surprises.




My cup runneth over.

You really did
look good in it, so...

I figured
I'd replace it.

Come, let us take one of those
self portraits together.


Those two are taking a selfie?

I think I liked it better
when they didn't get along.

Oh, goodness.

The little light,
it takes the pho...
Right, there you go.

That looks so cool.

Let us do the famed
duck mouth.

You read my mind.
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