22x12 - Knight After Knights

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x12 - Knight After Knights

Post by bunniefuu »

Millions of years ago,

the evil Sledge
tried to steal

the greatest power
in the universe.

Bring me the Energems.

But an alien named Keeper

entrusted them to

You must keep
the Energems safe.

As for Sledge...

It's a b*mb!

...he was
blasted deep into space.

Now the Energems
have been found,

and Sledge returns to
battle a new team of heroes.

Dino Charger!
Dino Charger!

They are
Power Rangers Dino Charge.


Wait, what?!


I can explain!

Not only did you
lose the Ptera Zord,

but now there are
six Rangers

with six Energems.


Oh, this is
going to be good!

I've been waiting
for my chance.

You shouldn't
have failed me.

But, Master!

Remove his courage.

No, don't!

I'm your bravest soldier,

Time to lose
your backbone.


(laughing maniacally)

Uh, ahh...

Please don't hurt me,

Wow, you make big,
brave Fury

into a little
scaredy cat.

Stop looking at me!


Do that to the Rangers

and let's see them
crawl away in fear.

(laughing maniacally)

With pleasure, Master.


♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers

♪ In a world
full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive

♪ Try to break the chains
that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance

♪ To take the right
stance ♪

♪ Hold tight
keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers

♪ Don't you
ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers

♪ You will
rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever

♪ Dino Charge
altogether ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪


The transmuter will refine
the power of your Gold Energem,

so that I can

...Dino Chargers.

Now, the Dino Charger
will power your Morpher.

Or your Gold Ptera Saber.

Ptera Charger, engage!

Truly magical.

Now, over here
are the crystal beds.

Bring your Energem.

Riley and Chase will show you
another way we use it.

Dad, I wanted so much for that
to be you escaping Fury.



Could it be?







You misspelled

Hey, that's not cool.

Well, you haven't said
much since Ivan arrived.

We know you're hoping
for your father.

But you saw
what Ivan can do.

He's gonna make our
team stronger.

Find Energems faster.

And then...

we're gonna find out what
happened to your dad.


You're right.


This is where your
Energem rests.

So it can power your
Dino Chargers.



Wizard's work.



Well, 'twas a thoroughly
entertaining afternoon.

Perhaps we'll see
each other again soon.

Wait, whoa-whoa-whoa,
where are you going?

You're part
of our team now.

I have not joined
your team.

I'm a Knight of Zandar.

When I pledge my loyalty
it is for life.

I'm sorry, I cannot make
such a decision so hastily.

Wait, what?


He-- he doesn't
have a choice.

He is the Gold Ranger.

(alarm blaring)

Alien bio signs
at the boat docks.

We'll have to worry
about Ivan later.

Let's go.



Right on cue.

Time to take their

Don't get
your heart set on it!


Vivix, attack!



You seaweed-heads
never learn!

Dino Morpher Blast!

Now that's
a hotshot.



Stone Age Slam!

Raptor Slash!


Ha, ha, ha!

Go prove yourself.

I'm on it!


Try to keep up!

I've got a bone to
pick with you!


Up here!

That's enough
playing around!

Bones, get over here!

Say goodbye to your
courage, Red Ranger!


I got you, Tyler.


Power slash!

I barely need to lift

a finger bone
to defeat you.

Flying kick!

Deflect bones connected
to the--

oh, now what?


Give it a rest,
Blue Ranger.



Koda, are you okay?

Skeletons are so in right now.

Time to remove
some backbones.

It's Ivan!


Hey, I'm the hotshot.


Nice kick.

Ptera Saber!



You better
watch your backs!

Good riddance.


Ivan's got to join us.

I'm gonna
go talk to him.




Wait... Ivan!

What's with you?

a Power Ranger now.

There are responsibilities
that come with that.

I am a Ranger.

But I'm also a knight.

I cannot join
your band

until they've
proven their worth.


If it wasn't for us, you would
still be stuck inside Fury.

If that isn't proof,
then I don't know what is.

My lady!

You make a valid point.

I should reconsider.

Lead me to your

Please-- oh!

Sir Ivan's a little bit
too big for his boots.

Oh, then-- then we just
get him new boots, yes?

Not exactly.

I think Chase is just

a little jealous
of Ivan's skills.


Watch out!

(all groaning)

(laughing maniacal)

You think some bones
could hold us?

You're pretty brave now.

Out of my way!

We'll see how tough you are
after I take your courage.


Oh, wrong one,
that's your funny bone.

I'm looking
for your...


Leave him alone!

Ah, won't need
those anymore.


Get back!

stay away from me!

Come on, Ranger,
show a little backbone!

Oh, wait, you can't,
'cause I have it.

(laughing maniacally)

And now for
the three of you!

You won't be

They're as brave as
any Knight of Zandar.

(Rangers quivering)

Your leader is
fearless no more.


Get 'em, Curio!

Don't come near us!


What a pack of
lily-livered fools.

What have you done
to them?!


This isn't normal,
I, uh--

Oh, it's the Gold Ranger!

We can't risk
losing again.

You're right, we already
have four rangers.

Let's go tell Sledge
how well we did.

Brave as
a Knight of Zandar, mm-hmm.




No, I--
I no wanna go.

Get down there!


That tickled!


Come on, Chase.

You're next!

Oh, oh!

It might bite me!

Shelby, please, please,
I am afraid of dinosaurs.

Please, please!

What is wrong
with you, Shelby?!


(Ivan gasping)


These massive metal
beasts could crush you.

And yet you rule over them

with a mere
wave of your hand.

Well, I...

Sir, I would like you to
join with me on my quest.

I've always dreamed of
going on a quest.

Sir, your dream
is about to come true.


(horns honking)


You should've
seen the Rangers

huddled together like
scared kittens!

(laughing maniacally)

Finally, all six
of them are mine!

Um, well, actually,

I only took the courage
from four of them.



Don't you dare come back
until you have all six

and their Energems.

(cheers and applause)


That man is
swallowing his sword.

Thank you, thank you
so much, everybody.


You've been a wonderful

Thank you, thank you,
everybody, thank you.

(clearing throat)

Fine sir,
your dragon's breath

and throat of steel
are truly admirable.

My mom told me
I should get a real job.

And a real job
you shall have.

Any sign of
Ivan yet?


If Sledge's monsters
attack now,

you're gonna
have to fight with the boys

whether they're
ready or not.

I doubt they're gonna
be much help.

(Koda shrieking)



There it is!

(all screaming)

Ah, ah, get me away
from the mouse!

Hand it over!
Hey, give me that!

Hands off my purse!

Oh, bad boy!


(alarm blaring)

Oh, this isn't good.

Bones is back.

And he's got company.

There's Ivan!

He's heading
straight toward Bones.

I have to help him.

Well, what do
we have here?


You've got to be joking.

Prepare to
incur the wrath of...

...the Knights
of Amber Beach!





(whistle blowing)


Vivix, rise!



(wheelchair beeping)




Where is your loyalty?

A worthy band
is indeed hard to find.



You've got to
go help!

Not fight that

I don't wanna go!

Oh, seriously,
come on, please.

There are monsters
out there.

Shelby and Ivan
need your help.

But, Keeper, we're...

...we're too scared.

Bones took only
a symbol of your bravery,

but not your bravery

Is there any battle

you would not fight
to save your friends?

Of course not.

Then you see,
everyone has fears.

But true courage

is finding the strength
to fight

even when
you are afraid.

Shelby and Ivan.

Against that monster.


counting on us.

We can't.

We won't let them down.

Your knights have
abandoned you, Gold Ranger!



Unhand me, you beast!

Even the bravest of Rangers
can't beat me alone.

Time for you to
lose your backbone.

(laughing maniacally)

Time for you to
lose your backbone.

(laughing maniacally)

Think again!



She's next.

Get her!


Dino Morpher Blast!

Dino Cycle Split.


Back off, bonehead!

My Lady.

Alone and yet...

...such courage.

Get rid of that
pink nuisance.



I'll deal with
Pink Ranger later.

For now, you're
spine is mine!


Not so fast!

Ha... hiyah!


You forgot about us,
you bag of bones.

And us.
And us.


But that's impossible.

I took your backbones.

They're gone!

You've regained
your bravery!

We've lost ours!

Run, Curio!


Thank you, Rangers.

Perhaps I shouldn't
have doubted your courage.

No worries, mate.

And now...

...'tis morphing time.

Dino Charger!


Energize, ha!

Unleash the power!

Dinosaur might, ready to fight!



Vivix like eggs.

Easy to smash.

And even easier
to slash!


You'll never catch me

but you will
catch my foot!


Ptera Bolt!


Ptera Strike!


Summon Ptera Saber!

Ptera Charger, engage!

Lightning Strike!

Let's double the power.

Lightning Bolt!


All right!

So it looks like
you found your knights.

Indeed, Lady Shelby.

Try this.


Ptera Charger, engage!

Triple power.

Ptera Charger, engage,


Dino Morpher Blast!

final strike!


Now, that's
knight worthy.



Fire the Magna Beam.

Dino Charger, ready.

Summon Ptera Zord!

Ptera Charger, engage!

Activate Ptera Charge Megazord.

Ptera Charge Megazord,

Ptera Charge Megazord,

Activate Dino Drive.

Battle mode, engage.

Summon Zords!
Summon Zords!
Summon Zords!

Dino Chargers, engage!

Dino Drive, activate!

All right!

Stego Saber, activate!

Power Rangers...


I'll break you!

Like this?

Stego Slash!



Follow my lead,

Ptera Lightning Slash!





Stego Saber.




Ptera Lightning Blitz!

I'm being fossilized!

Monster vanquished.

I was riding with
the young prince.

It was a day
like so many before.

And a day like none
that would follow.

When the prince became thirsty,
we stopped beside a creek.

And there it was,
glistening in the water.

The Gold Energem.

It's mine!


I was able to keep the monster
from harming the young prince.

But when he blasted us,
the Energem was knocked free

and the powerful beast revealed
himself to be... Fury.


I was certain
he would destroy me.

But instead...


...the Energem sent a bolt
of power up Fury's sword

and across mine,

bonding me with the spirit of
the Pterodactyl.




How dare you
bond to my Energem!


I struggled,
I struggled mightily.

But Fury was too strong.

And he dragged me
into his dark...

and evil body.

The Energem...
where did it go?

I've lost it!

The Energem
fell into the creek

where I thought it was
lost forever.

But, luckily...
it was found by--

Ooh, what is that?

Bronto Burger.


You want get fries?

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.


How, how does it end?

Oh, you know,
years of darkness,

then you saved me
and here I am.


And as I said,

a knight's loyalty
is forever.

I'm honored to
be part of your team.


Oh, make me a double.



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