22x02 - Past, Present and Fusion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x02 - Past, Present and Fusion

Post by bunniefuu »

Millions of years ago,
the evil Sledge

tried to steal the greatest
power in the universe.

Bring me the Energems.
But an alien named Keeper

entrusted them to dinosaurs.

You must keep the Energems safe.

As for Sledge...
It's a b*mb!

...he was blasted
deep into space.

Now the Energems
have been found,

and Sledge returns to battle
a new team of heroes.
Dino Charger!

(narrator) They are
"Power Rangers Dino Charge"!

(birds chirping)

(whipping sound)

Hey, bro.

Playing Three
Musketeers again?

I'm not playing.

Yeah, sure.
(dog whimpers)

Anyway, I need your help.

Feeding the pigs.

Right, right, again, um...

meet you there.

Come on, Rubik,
let's go feed the pigs.






I'm coming, buddy!

(barking continues)

What are you doing, Rubik?
You scared me.

(barking continues)



you filthy furball.

I'll shut you up.


♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers

♪ In a world full of strife

♪ We must fight to survive

♪ Try to break the chains
that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance

♪ To take the right stance

♪ Hold tight,
keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers

♪ Don't you ever stop

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers

♪ You will rise up to the top

♪ Rangers forever

♪ Dino Charge altogether

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪


Hold still!

(metal clanking)
What? Who are you!?

Don't touch my dog!

Get off me!

How dare you
challenge me, human!

(both grunting)


Take this!




The Green Energem!

Out of my way!

That's my Energem!



Enough playing around.

I'm not playing.


You'll pay for that!


What is this thing?




Come on, Rubik!

Get back here!


He's going to
a dinosaur museum?


So you really said
he could go, huh?

Just for the summer.

Sure hope this
thing makes it.

I check the tires,
engine oil.

Found the old manual,
just in case you need it.

Big bro,
I'll be fine.


Oh, I'm gonna miss you,
too, Rubik.

I'll miss you, too.

I love you, Mom.

And I'll miss
those pig pens.

I love you, bro.

Thanks, man.


(engine puttering)

(horn honking)

Why would both of these things
be in dinosaur fossils?

Maybe the dinosaurs
ate them.

You aren't serious.


You have a better theory,
Miss Di-know-it-all?


Hey, what was it
your dad said?

Helping is always...

The right thing to do.

Hey, you need a hand?

Oh, no, thanks,
I think I found the problem.

I just gotta stick
to the old owner's manual,

and I should be
good to go, yeah?

If I grew up on a ranch,
I'd never leave.

how great is that?

Cowboys and roundups.

Yeah, more like
fixing fences

and cleaning
pig pens, but...

Hey, something's up.

Help, please!

My husband,
he's trapped, please.

Hang on!

Are you okay?
Yeah, help him.

We're gonna get you out.

Guys, it's leaking gas.

Please, help him!

(all groaning)

We can-- we can
do this together.

On three.

One, two, three.

(all groaning)

What in the world?


Oh, are you all right?

Yeah, thanks a lot.

How did they do that?

Let me guess.

You're going to
the Dino Museum, right?

Is that the museum?

Go to the loading dock.

I very hungry.

you're always hungry.

Koda, Chase!

Where'd they go?
Look at that.

Oh, cool.


Take a pic for me?

Really? Now?

It swallowed him!

Whoa, a secret passage.

Hey! Wait!


I think it's
some kind of lab.

I've been serving burgers
here for a year

and never had a clue
this was down here.

Hey, check this out.

They're just like ours.



It looks like they're some
kind of... power source.

They are Energems.

Stay back.

Who... what are you?

My name is Keeper.

I assure you,
I'm quite harmless.

Energems harness untold
powers of the universe.

Long ago, I entrusted them
to guardian dinosaurs.

But when the dinosaurs
went extinct,

the Energems were lost.

Until... we found them.
(Keeper) Exactly.

And the Energems have
chosen to bond with you.


Why would they
bond to us?

Koda? Chase!

Miss Morgan?

You fought to defend a stranger
at great risk to yourself.

That's why the Red Energem
chose you, Tyler.

Your discipline
and intelligence

have given you the skills
to protect others.

The Green Energem was very wise
to choose you, Riley.


Why the Pink Energem
chose you...

is anyone's guess.

(Riley) Okay, but...

Energems, dinosaur spirits,
and bonding, uh,

I'm sorry, but this all sounds
a little bit unbelievable.

Show them.

I helped Keeper track down Chase
after he bonded to his Energem.

Then we found Koda.


Welcome to our team.

Your officially
Power Rangers.

Power what?

The Energems have given you
magnificent power.

And the dinosaur spirits
give you strength.

Five Energems
have been found,

but five more
are still lost.

You must use your
new powers to find them

before they fall
into evil hands.

Evil hands? You mean like that
thing we fought in the woods?

You expect me to fight monsters?

Really? I just want to dig for
dinosaur bones, not bond to one.

(alarm blaring)

What's going on?

I'm seeing more
seismic activity.

Same location as yesterday.

We better take a look.

I'm Tyler and I'm all in.


This all seems... crazy,

but... I'm in, too.
(Chase) Great.

We go now.


You fought bravely

to save the Pink Energem.

Now the world needs your help.

It's her decision,

She's right
to be hesitant.

Clearly, this mission
is just too dangerous...

for a waitress.

Go without her.

(Shelby) Wait!

Sure, I'm a little scared.

Who wouldn't be?

But I know more about
dinosaurs than any of you.

Fact is...

you need me.

And I want to help.

Don't forget your Dino Chargers.


Something's interfering
with the Red Energem power.

Tyler, you must stay.

But, I...


It's gonna be just ahead.


That's a volcano,

and it's gonna blow.



Hey, guys,
that's the T. rex Zord.



You wanted dinosaurs?

Welcome to the Power Rangers.


When someone bonds
to an Energem,

their Zord is awakened.

That thing is my...

my Zord?

And it's destabilizing
the red power.

You and your Zord
share the spirit

of the mighty
Tyrannosaurus Rex.

He's heading for the city.

These are Dino Chargers.

I created them to contain
the power of each Energem.

When a Dino Charger runs out
of power, we recharge it here.

It will energize your weapons
and morph you into battle mode.

I get to morph again?


Yes, I suppose
it is "cool."

Kendall, tell the others to
meet him at the city center.

I'll freeze
the entire planet,

and then I'll pry the Energems
from their frozen hands!

Vivix, rise!

(people screaming)



You again?!

Time to chill out!


I hope you came to
give back the Red Energem!

You mean... this?


Ahh! You broke my ice!

You'll pay for that.

It's morphing time!

Dino Charger, ready!

T. rex Charger, engage.


Unleash the power!

Whoa, now I feel Dino Charged!

Ha ha, okay, Rexie.

let's check out
your battle mode.

Dino Charger, ready!

T. rex Zord!

T. rex Charger, engage!


Go for it, Rexie!

Destroy him!
Ha ha!
Let's do this!


Down you go, ha ha.

You can't get me.

How do you like this?


Batter up, Rexie!

Dino Saber!

(grunting, roaring)

Ha ha, it's my turn,
big guy.

Power Slash!

I'll take it from here, Rexie.

Great job!

Is my Energem power a little
too tough to keep up with?

You'll never
defeat me alone!

Did you say "alone"?

Look again.



Better late than never.

Look good, Tyler.

For a first-timer.

Are you
really in there?

No more games!

I'll destroy all of you!

That is not Fury.

That's for sure.

But whatever it is,

it's about to learn
who we are.

It's morphing time!
Just try to keep up, guys.

Dino Charger, ready!



Oh, thanks.


Para Charger, engage!

Stego Charger, engage!

Tricera Charger, engage.

Raptor Charger, engage.


Unleash the power!

Wow, we look great together.
(Green) Whoa!

You're still
just weak humans!

Humans with dinosaur spirits!


I hope you're
ready to lose!

Get them!

It's about to get wild.



Call me the hot shot.
I never miss.

Power Charger, engage.


Dino Morpher Blast.

Dino Saber.

Dino Charge Morpher, combine!

Power Blast!

You not match for my...

Power Blast, ha!

I knew these skills
would come in handy.

Oh, no, you don't.



Raptor Charger, engage.

Dino Saber, Power Slash!

Dino Blade Blaster,
Rapid Blast!

One for you, one for you!

Gotta be quicker than that.



Dino Morpher Blast!

I'll finish
this guy myself.

Not if I
finish you first!

One, two, three!

Hey, you,
try this on for size!


Lucky shot!


Go, Rexie!

Take out that last Vivizord!



Now let's finish
this ice freak together.

T. rex Charger, engage.

I'll freeze you both!

Come on, Rexie.

Let's do this, energize!

It's not working!

Dino Morpher Blast!

Final Strike!

Ha ha.

I can't take the heat!


Monster extinct.

Thanks, Rexie.

These are so cool.

We did great!

You, too, Rexie.

No one's going
to believe this.

This just can't be.

Hey, we're back!

Can you show me how
to handle a sword like that?

You took out that giant monster,
how about you show me?

I'm glad you with
our team now, but I--

Don't worry,
I'll still make you your
favorite Bronto burger.

Oh, my gosh, wait till
my brother hears about this.

No one must know
about what we're doing.


You got it.


That monster we fought
was not Fury.

You said there weren't
any other monsters on Earth.

That monster
belongs to Sledge,

a ruthless bounty hunter.

million years ago,

he drove me to hide
all the Energems

which Kendall's been
helping me search for.

Somehow, Sledge has returned.

He'll destroy anything
to get the Energems,

including you.

Quiet, quiet!

Which of you mangy,
rotten, diabolical monsters

can destroy me
a Power Ranger?!

(laughing, banging)

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