21x18 - Emperor Mavro

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x18 - Emperor Mavro

Post by bunniefuu »

[Announcer] an alien armada has arrived and invaded our planet.

Wave after wave have att*cked us

With a ferocity never seen before.

To battle this new threat, the power rangers

Must master the abilities of the legendary rangers

To become super megaforce.

[Levira] so, have we received any new orders yet?

[Damaras] no. I haven’t heard anything.

What are we going to do? What’s happening?

An enemy attack?

[Levira] they’re destroying our ships!

[Male voice] make way for emperor mavro!

He’s here?

Bow down before his royal highness.

Your majesty!

[Emperor] as you can see, damaras, most of your fleet

Has just paid the ultimate price for your dismal failure

To conquer this planet, and to protect my son, prince vekar!

[Damaras] emperor, I can explain.

- Take damaras into custody! - Sire?

Your incompetence cannot be ignored any longer!

What? But, your majesty--

[Redker] silence! You were supposed to protect the prince,

And you failed-- now, you will suffer!

Inept fool! Not only did you not protect him,

You watched him get destroyed!

Wait! Damaras warned the prince. He tried to stop him.

[Yellzor] quiet! You’re lucky you don’t get worse than this!


[Emperor] take him away!

[Damaras] sire, please! Allow me to redeem myself.

[Emperor] damaras failed me, but the power rangers did the deed.

They destroyed my sons. Now, i’ll destroy them!

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

[Red] let’s finish off these stragglers!

[Yellow] this sure is easier when it’s just xborgs.

[Green] yeah, i’ll say.

I can practically beat these guys in my sleep!

Don’t mess around, jake. I don’t want you getting hurt!

Nice entrance!

[Silver] thanks. Time to mow these guys down!

[Green] man, these guys are like cockroaches.


I’m okay! But you’re not!

Jake, what are you doing? Stop clowning around.

I’m just trying to keep things interesting!

We’re supposed to keep things safe.

Fine, just one more trick! Yah!

It’s a strike! Nice.

Jake, what was that all about? Why were you fighting like that?

Don’t you guys realize? This is the end.

They’ve got no more monsters.

He’s right. We destroyed the prince and vrak.

The armada must only have soldiers left.

Exactly, bro! They’ve got no more amm*nit*on.

This is the beginning of the end.

[Troy] i’m not sure about that.

Troy, jake has a point.

[Sighs] come on, man. Can’t you see how easily we’re winning?

This is good news for us.

[Sighs] I just don’t think they’re done.

Hey. How about a piggyback race to the froyo?

You kidding, why would we have a piggyback race?

Come on! [Orion] what’s a piggyback race?

[Noah] three, two, one, let’s go! Oh no!

[Orion] do you wanna--?

[Laughs] funny.

I have a better idea. Follow me.

Where are we going? You’ll see.

More incompetence! Is there anything you fools can’t screw up?

We underestimated their strength.

Then it’s time I took care of destroying the rangers!

I won’t let you down, your majesty.

See that you don’t!

Oh, your majesty! Damaras feels personally responsible

For what happened to the prince.

Please, let him destroy the rangers.

Very well. But it’s on your head if he fails, levira. Understood?

[Redker] there he is, levira.

You’re really going to risk yourself for that?

[Levira] damaras. You have a chance to redeem yourself.

Only if he completes his mission! But I doubt he can!

Do you know who you’re talking to?


No cage can hold me!

All that kept me here was my allegiance to the emperor!

Huh! I’m impressed!

Now, at last, I will crush those rangers!

What do you think will happen now that

The armada appears to have no more leaders?

I’m not sure.

Think they’ll just give up and leave?

I doubt it. They’re still here.

They haven’t left yet.

Maybe they’re waiting for new orders.

Suppose there isn’t anyone to give new orders?

Six tickets for tonight’s show.

And no one else has come to save them.

We’ll just have to wait and see. Thanks.

Have you ever even seen a rock group?

Sure. I worked in a rock quarry with different groups of rocks.

We had limestone, quartz-- all kinds really. Why?

Well, this is a different kind of rock group.

[Gia] giddy up, horsey!

Okay, guys. We’ll give you a break.

Thanks for the ride! You did great!

[Chuckling] [groaning]

If troy was here, he would not be carrying on like this!

Ah-- troy doesn’t know how to have fun.

[Jake] more enemy ships? There’s hundreds of them.

Rangers, vengeance is mine! Prepare for your destruction!

Rangers, prepare for your destruction!

Is this their new leader?

Could be. He’s sizing us up.

Let’s strike first. Ask questions later.


[Emma] oh! This isn’t just any monster.

No. This is someone important.

[Evil laugh]

I expected more from you!

Getting my vengeance will be easier than I thought.

[Troy] not so fast!

- You okay? - Good, i’ll crush you all!

That’s damaras!

Who’s that?

He’s the most powerful warrior in the universe.

The most powerful... ...in the universe?

Now you will pay for destroying prince vekar!

If someone att*cks us, we will fight back.

And we’ll continue fighting until you leave our planet!

We are here to stay.

In your dreams!

Let’s take him on! Power up!

[All] super mega mode! Ha!

[Super yellow] super megaforce yellow!

[Super blue] super megaforce blue!

[Super pink] super megaforce pink!

[Super green] super megaforce green!

[Super silver] super megaforce silver!

[Super red] super megaforce red!

[Super red] you can’t intimidate us.

We’ve defeated every monster before you, and we’ll defeat you too.

[Evil laugh]

[Super red] we attack him as one!

[Super blue] troy! I’m okay!

Then, let me fix that!

[Battle cry]

He’s too powerful!

Ah, pull back! We need to rethink our strategy.

I’ll get jake, he took a bad hit!

There’s no escape, only obliteration!

[Super red] look out!

- I have to help troy! - [Grunts]

- Aah! - He can’t beat him alone!

[Damaras] get off me!

- [Moans] - troy! Jake!

Come on! Right!

I don’t think so!

Now to finish you, red ranger!

[Green] troy, watch out!

[Screaming, groaning]

Pathetic! [Cackling]

Back off!

Get out of my way!


Red ranger, you will pay dearly for the demise of the prince,

And the destruction you have wrought on my army.

It’s morphin’ time! Ah!

You will never morph again!

[Sinister chuckling]


Perhaps you’re more useful to me alive.



Guys, guys, wake up! Wake up.


I’ve brought you the red ranger.

I thought you might like to decide his punishment.


So this is the famous red ranger? It seems hard to believe!

What’s going on? Where am i?


Shall we destroy him?

It doesn’t matter what you do to me.

Hmm. Actually it might.

Maybe we should put that to a test.

The red ranger is quite a hero on earth.

I wonder if his people will give up their world to save him.

The rangers will come for me.

Take him back to earth and put him on display.

Let’s show the earthlings that we are in control.

[Cry of pain]

This isn’t over! We won’t give up. I’m coming back for you!

[Evil laugh]

Any word from troy?

Not yet.

But we’re gonna find him, okay? Right, gosei?

Earthlings! Listen closely.

The fate of your world depends on it!

We have your red ranger,

Your most revered fighter. The protector of the earth!

[Evil laughing] you have one hour to surrender your planet to the armada,

Or the red ranger is history!

No! This can’t be happening.

We have to save... Troy!

He needs us.

We’ve got to go!

No. I’ll save troy.

You guys are in no condition to move.

Tensou will help you.

Your time is up, red ranger.

I guess being a hero doesn’t count for much on earth.

It’s never been about me. We all fight for the earth.

That fight will continue, with or without me.

[Evil laugh] fight all you want. Look how far that’s gotten you.

Soon xborgs will flood every corner of the earth and conquer it.

The armada always gets what it wants in the end.

Finish him!

- Who did that? - Troy!

- I got you covered, bro. - [Damaras grunts]

- Jake? - You!

I should’ve crushed you with the others!

[Damaras] attack!

Get in there!

[Jake] go, go megaforce!

[Mega black] snake axe!

Super mega mode!

You guys are going down!

[Mega black] hang tight, bro. I’m coming!

Give it all you got, jake!

[Lost galaxy green] legendary ranger mode: mystic force!

I’ve had enough of that green ranger!

Hey, damaras! How come you’re sitting this fight out?

Too chicken to face me?

Chicken? I am the greatest warrior in the universe!

I will pulverize you!

- Uh oh. - [Roars]

That hurt!

You were a fool to think you could beat me!

[Tensou] hang on, troy. It’s me, tensou.


Okay, you’re free.

Thank you, tensou! Say goodbye, ranger!

- [Whimpers] - [bellows]

- [Red] stop! - [Damaras] what?


Well played, jake.

Thanks! I saved these for you.

[Damaras] i’ll defeat you both, just like before!

But this time, no mercy!

Make this count. Ready?

[Damaras] end this!

Huh? You?

We thought you might need a little help.

Just in time!

Help? Ha! What a joke!

All you rangers have done is served yourselves up to me

On a silver platter for annihilation!

Come on. Let’s power up!

Super mega mode. Ha!

Earth’s defenders never surrender!

Looks like you’re on your own, pal!

I don’t need anyone else!

Even in a team, you’re no match for me!

Sonic... Boom!

He’s powering up! Get ready!

No so fast!

Jake, double blast him!

How’s that for payback! [Roaring]

- Let’s double up! - Right!

Batter up!

This can’t be! No one knocks me down!

[Super yellow] great teamwork, guys!

[Super red] let’s finish him!

[Rangers] super mega cannon!

Ranger key-- activate!

Super mega blast!



[Redkar] I knew he would fail!

[Levira] but it’s not over yet! Watch!

[Giant damaras] one last chance!

You won’t even have that. Summon sky ship!

[Super silver] summon q-rex zord!

[Five super rangers] zords combine!

Legendary megazord. Ready!

[Super silver] legendary q-rex megazord! Ready!

[Giant damaras] i’ll get my revenge!


- Surprise! - [Screams]

- Orion! - Come on!

Say goodbye!

[Super blue] we can’t take another hit like that!

[Super pink] we’ve gotta find a way to counter his power!

Sure, he’s strong, but he’s just one guy.

We’ve got a whole team! If we work together,

We can take this creep down just like we did his prince!

He’s right! There’s strength in numbers!

[Super rangers] ultimate powers-- combine!

[Super rangers] ultimate legendary megazord-- ready!

It doesn’t matter what form you take, I will defeat you!

Uh oh.

[Rangers] missiles!

[Rangers] ultimate legendary zord blitz attack!

[Giant damaras] no! This isn’t happening!

[Super silver] yeah!

I am the most powerful warrior in the universe!

How did these puny rangers beat me?

[Super rangers] together!

[Super silver] we did it!

[Super red] that’s a super mega win!

[Jake laughing] you’re heavier than I thought.

[Tensou giggling]

You were awesome out there today, tensou!

Aw, gee whiz, it was nothing.

Aww... [Laughs]

[Troy] yes, he was. And so were all of you.

Thank you, guys, for coming to save me, injuries and all.

Jake? You put on one impressive show, bro.

Ahhh-- I mean, it was nothing.

Maybe now we’ll get some peace and quiet. Right?

That would be cool. Yeah.

Actually, today, orion and I went downtown

And got us all tickets for tonight’s rock concert.

- What? - You bought tickets for a rock concert?

Get outta here.

I thought it was time we all had some fun.

But if you’re not interested--

We’re kidding, we’re kidding!

- [All chattering] - awesome!

"The rebel rockers?" Yes!

I love these guys!

What’s a rock concert?

Something you’re gonna love.

- [Cheering] - ♪ [beginning]

♪ Shake it up and dance ♪

♪ Let’s take a chance ♪

♪ Gonna laugh for ever and ever ♪

♪ Every day ♪

♪ All we wanna have is ♪

♪ Fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ Fun any way ♪

♪ So just come and join us ♪

♪ One by one ♪

♪ Show what you know oh ♪

♪ And go ♪

♪ And know... ♪

This is the best rock group I have ever seen!

♪ Make this party last ♪

[Crowd cheering]

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