21x17 - Vrak Is Back pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x17 - Vrak Is Back pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[Announcer] an alien armada has arrived and invaded our planet!

Wave after wave have att*cked us

With a ferocity never seen before!

To battle this new threat, the power rangers

Must master the abilities of the legendary rangers--

To become super megaforce!

[Troy] previously, on power rangers.

[Vrak] i’ve abducted your silver ranger,

And i’m stealing his legendary powers,

And thanks to them, soon robo knight will be under my control.

What? Huh? Something’s wrong!

[Vrak] i’ve disabled your super mode!

Now I have giant drills planted in the land and in the sea!

Just one more drill, and all three will be in place.

Then I can drill down to the earth’s core

And make your planet crumble into dust.

And it’s all thanks to you!

[Royal vrak] so far, everything is going according to plan...

Tresnag has played his part.

Now the time has come for you to play yours, drill horn.

[Drill horn] it will be my honor.

[Robo knight] the rangers will be mine to destroy.


[Emma] there it is!

What are we going to do?

Rock rush card, activate!

[Royal vrak] throwing pebbles won’t do it!

Every second brings the end of your world closer!

[Troy] robo knight?

Power rangers! The time has come

For you to meet your end!

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

Robo knight, we don’t want to fight you.

This is between vrak and us.

Wrong. My mission is to defeat you all.

Emma, you know how to fly the command ship.

Use it. Try to take out that drill.

But what about them?

We’ll keep them busy down here. Go!

[Royal vrak] destroy them, robo knight!

As you command, lord vrak!

[All] go go, megaforce!


- Sea shower card! - Rock rush card!


Your att*cks have no power over me!

Wait! We can’t hurt our friend! Hey!

Royal power orb blast!

- [Groans] - troy!

- [Yellow] you okay? - We need to find a way to disable robo knight

Without destroying him-- we can still save him!

- You’re right! - We can’t give up on him.

- Yeah. - I highly suggest you rethink that strategy!

Robo knight doesn’t have your weakness for emotion.

He’s a machine! He has no feelings for you.

He’ll eliminate you without a second thought.

His only loyalty is to me.

[Blue] we’ll never give up on robo knight!

He is our friend. You’re just controlling him!

Believe what you want. It changes nothing. [Evil laugh]

Let’s go!

Summon command ship! Huh!

Hold on guys, i’m almost at the drill.

Target in range! Fire!

It didn’t even scratch its surface!

I’ll hit it again! Fire!


Destroy them!

With pleasure, lord vrak!

[Red] remember guys, just try to disable him!

[Yellow] robo knight, stop, you need to let us help you!

- Help yourselves! - [Laughing]

Knight takes pawns!

[Rangers screaming]

Robo knight! This isn’t you! Yah!

You’re the protector of the environment, guardian of the earth!

No, my mission is to destroy the earth. And you!

Knight dynamic, fire!

[Red] well, that didn’t work.

Permission to finish them off? Granted!

He’s not going to stop!

[Red] change of plans.

Accept defeat, this planet shall be destroyed!

It’s time for me to take him on alone.

What are you doing? Troy, you can’t!

[Yellow] huh?

I’ll distract him and you go stop vrak. Ultra mode, activate!

[Yellow] no, we won’t leave you.



Foolish ranger! Robo knight, i’m not giving up on you!

I’m fighting to get you back. You’re still my friend.

I have no friends, only my mission!

I am robo knight. Destroyer of the earth.

We’ll see about that.

[Yellow] troy! You can’t take him on alone!

Drill horn, stop them! Don’t let them interfere.

Going somewhere?

Yeah, right through you! This one’s for us.

- Ultra mode-- - activate!

Yeah. Yeah!

Fools! Once they defeat him,

He will become my third drill and earth will be doomed!

[Grunts] let’s get through that--


Ultra-whip! [Yells]

Robo blaster!

He blew me out of ultra mode!

You can’t defeat me!

I don’t want to!

I want to help you!

This guy is crazy tough.

And it’s about to get worse!

- What...! - [Battle yell]

Sorry i’m late!

No luck, huh?

No, couldn’t even dent that drill.

Where’s troy and robo knight?

Robo knight is destroying your red ranger,

And I will destroy all of you!

Master, i’m ready!


Here’s my big chance to show you the devastation that’s coming!

[Drill horn] i’ll crush the city!


[Screams of panic]

[Ultra pink] let’s summon the megazord..

[Ultra rangers] gosei ultimate megazord...


Gosei ultimate megazord-- ready!

Ultimate laser cannon!

[Drill horn screaming]

I will fulfill my mission!



[Giant drill horn] these fools still don’t understand that we can’t lose!

Brace for impact!

[All screaming]

[Yellow] quick, let’s get up and hit him hard!

Do you give up?

No! Not about this, not about you!


Ahh! I’m not giving up on you, robo knight!

Victory charge-- activate!

[Gosei] ultimate strike-- ready!

Ultimate strike!

[Gosei] mission accomplished!

[Pink] now we got to find troy!

Perfect! Another part of my plan falls into place.

You’re powerless. And once you fall, the rest of your friends will too!


Listen to me! Right now, you’re under vrak’s control,

That’s why you’re trying to destroy us.

But I know you want to protect the earth-- like us!

[Emma] troy! [Jake] troy!


[Troy] stay back guys! I’ve got this.


[Agonized cry] no!

Troy! Stop!

You’ve still got to have some good left in you!

There’s only my mission!

That’s why i’ll never give up on you!

Your mission is to protect the earth-- not destroy it!

[Jake] robo knight, you don’t have to do this!

[Emma] troy, please let us help!

[Troy] I can reach him! Ahh!

Oh! Gah! Ahh!

Robo knight, you have a mission to fulfill!

Yes, your destruction!


[Circuits frying]

Robo knight!

Red ranger, your voice pierced the darkness

That had engulfed me.

You bought me back to the light. Thank you.


I am damaged badly. Recovery may be impossible.

[Troy] no. We lost you once.

We’re not going to lose you again. [Grunts]

[Noah] that’s it! We’ll take robo knight to the command center.

Gosei can fix him. I’ll call tensou.


We’ll be right back.

Another one? [Noah] tensou, are you seeing this?

[Tensou] yes, but I wish I wasn’t.

Thank you, rangers! You were so distracted with robo knight

That you didn’t think twice before destroying drill horn.

You have created my third drill!

Say good-bye to your world!

I couldn’t have done this without you, rangers.

Now, i’ll activate the drills, and destroy your planet.


[Emma] what do we do now?

There’s one last thing I must do alone.

Goodbye, true friends.

[Gosei] bring robo knight to the command center!

We must plan our next move to stop vrak.

Right away.

Wait, where is he?

- Hey, where’s robo knight? - He’s vanished.

This is bad. Orion’s still missing, robo knight’s out there hurt,

And vrak has the drills he needs.

[Gosei] yes. It is w*r out there...

I understand your concern for your friends, but the earth is in great peril,

And you must focus on stopping vrak.

- [Beeping] - [troy] wait, look at his key.

Robo knight is still out there,

And he’s out there doing something good.

[Evil laugh]

Now it’s time to use the last of your life force

To charge my power orbs and activate the drills.

And we have a guest!

Vrak, I will not permit you to activate the drills.

I’ve waited too long, and i’m too close to let you stop me now!

No! [Screams]

Farewell! [Laughing] this base will become your grave!

Silver ranger, I must at least save you!

[Emma] what’s happening?

Does-- does that mean--

Yeah. He’s gone.

We’ll never forget him.

This is all vrak’s fault.

He’s still out there!

[Alarm sounds]

It’s vrak, he’s back in the quarry!

Like gosei said. Stop him and we’ll stop the drills.

Let’s end this. For robo knight.

Ah, the final stage.

The sea drill is active.

Now for the land drill!


And the third to explode the earth’s core!

It will all be over soon!

Finally. I have won.

[Troy] think again, vrak!

Once again, rangers, you’re too late.

There’s no stopping me this time.

All three drills have already been activated.

They’ve started digging into the earth’s core.

And how better to usher in the coming darkness but with a solar eclipse?

The eclipse will unleash the darkest of my powers,

And give the drills the speed to reach your earth’s core even faster.

This planet will meet its end as it deserves--

In darkness and despair!

Enough said, it’s morphin’ time!

[All rangers] go, go megaforce!

Earth’s defenders never surrender!

You never learn your lesson, do you?

Quick, megaforce blaster!

Let’s do this!


[All screaming]

- [Nasty laughing] - ultra mode-- activate!

Gosei ultra swords!

Activate! Ultra strike!

You mean, ultra lame. This is child’s play.

That’s impossible!

See the difference between the power of gosei

And the power of vrak?

Dark powers unleash!

Gosei shield!

[Rangers screaming]

Accept it. Your planet has zero chance of surviving.

We make our own chances! Charge!


Vrak, oh no!

Yes, the appointed time has arrived.

It’s over. Now i’ll use all my dark power to speed up the drills.

Guys, we need to try the blaster again!

[All rangers] megaforce blaster, ready! Dynamic victory charge!

Witness my new power.

My darkness will envelope you!

Guys, give it your all!

- Right. - You got it.

- Our team’s power... - ...is stronger than his.

- Wh-what? - Let’s blast him!

[All rangers] mega blaster! Fire!

[Groans] did we take him out?

[Moaning, groaning]

- [Groaning] - no! He survived!

Nice try!

My drills have almost reached your earth’s core!

[Red] we’re not afraid of the dark, or of you.

Then you’re more foolish than I thought!

Even when it’s darkest, the fire inside us will burn bright!

And we’ll keep robo knight’s fire alive by fighting for everything he believed in.

Darkness will always be stronger than the light!

Wrong, it only takes a single flame to keep hope alive!

The fire inside us will never go out!

It’s too late!

It’s never to late if we can still fight!

And we never surrender!

You deluded fools. [Evil laugh]

The only way to stop the drills is to defeat me,

And as we’ve seen, you’re powerless!

[Groans] this discussion is over!

- What? - Ha!

Wait, I have an idea.

Let’s combine our powers for a sky strike attack!

Yes troy, tap into the eclipse to increase

Your sky strike’s power a thousandfold!

Got it gosei! Vrak, it’s time you learned your lesson,

That good always triumphs over evil!

- What? - Let’s do this!

- Infinite sky strike! - No!

This is for the earth, this is for robo knight!

[Crying out]

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

Goodbye vrak!

[Yellow] we did it, we broke his spell!

- [Cheering] - [pink] at last!

[Gosei] rangers, the drills are disappearing, it’s over!

[Jake] you did one heck of a job out there, buddy!

We all did!

Hey! Look over there! Look!

[Gia] orion!

[Troy] orion, wake up!


[Jake] he’s okay, he’s okay!

[Noah] so what happened to you, orion?

It was amazing. My mind was foggy and...

And I could tell I was slipping away, but...

But then, there he was.

Robo knight?

The underwater base was exploding but he came for me.

I was barely awake, but I saw him.

He sacrificed his own life-force and transferred it to me.

He may be gone, but I carry his energy inside.

He’ll always be with me.

He’ll always be with all of us.

[Gosei] robo knight was a true warrior.

And so are all of you rangers.

You finally destroyed vrak and saved the earth.

Robo knight would be as proud of you all as I am.

His th ranger powers live on in the silver ranger,

And together you will defeat the armada once and for all!
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