21x16 - Vrak Is Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x16 - Vrak Is Back

Post by bunniefuu »

[Announcer] an alien armada has arrived

And invaded our planet.

Wave after wave have att*cked us

With a ferocity never seen before.

To battle this new threat,

The power rangers must master the abilities

Of the legendary rangers.

To become super megaforce.

[Troy] previously on power rangers...

What goes around, comes around.

Be prepared to be annihilated.

Lets blitz him.

You can't beat me! I am the almighty prince vekar!

Flying fist!

No, no, no!

This can't be happening!

Huh. It's no surprise that my dim-witted brother

Was too weak to challenge the rangers.

But he was a convenient distraction.

Now, I am finally prepared to execute my master plan.


And it begins.

The first drill that will allow me

To tear this planet apart is in place.

Now, to capture my power source.

I'll take care of the trash.

Okay. Thanks, orion.

See you tomorrow.



♪ Mega ♪

♪ Force! ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Mega ♪

♪ Force! ♪

♪ Megaforce! ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Mega force all together ♪

♪ Mega ♪

♪ Force! ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

Sixth ranger,

Your alien life force will soon be fully drained.

I'll use it to disable the ranger's legendary powers,

And finally turn one of their own

Against them.

The rangers think they've won,

But they're in for the biggest surprise

Of their very short lives.


What is it?

I don't know.

This can't be good.

[Man] it's huge. Look at that.


What's happening?

Yo, what is that?

Oh, boy. Oh, boy. This is bad.

It's worse than you think, tensou.

Look at the legendary ranger keys.

[Tensou] they're turning to stone.

What's happening?

I haven't sensed evil like this in a long time.

Alert the rangers.

[Morphers sounding]


[Tensou] get to the quarry.

[Jake] noah, come on.


What's that?

[Morpher sounding]

What's going on?

Rangers, did you miss me?

[Vrak laughing]

Vrak? He came back?

Did you really think that I was gone for good?

That's okay. We take care of creatures like you.

Just ask the prince.

My useless brother? You did me a favor.

How can you talk like that about your own brother?

He was a fool, but first in line for the throne.

Now I'm back to claim my birthright.

Hey, where's orion?

No idea.

Lets go without him.

It's morphin' time!

Go go megaforce!

Megaforce red!

Megaforce blue!

Megaforce yellow!

Megaforce pink!

Megaforce black!

Earth's defenders never surrender!

I think you will find things are different now.

We almost destroyed you once, now we'll finish the job.

Rock rush, activate!

Rock rush.

- Mega quake card. - Sea shower card.

- Twist tornado card. - [All] activate.

Trifusion blast!

He's mirroring all our att*cks. How?

You have no idea what you're up against.

With my new form and the alien energy source

I've recently acquired,

I am power incarnate.


[Red] how many disguises does this guy have?

Now you see me as I truly am, rangers.

I am prince vrak, heir to the galaxy.

But I can still unleash all my other modes.

Remember these?

[Red] don't let him intimidate you.

We better power up.

[All] super mega mode!

[Devices falter]

Huh? Huh?

[Black] something's wrong.

[Pink] what's happening?

[Yellow] our morphers aren't working.

Wow, you power rangers are quick.


Yes, I've disabled your super mode.

- What? - How?

No legendary rangers can help you now.

I've turned your keys to stone.

Now I'm going to tear your earth apart.

[Vrak laughing]

The first drill is already in place,

And two more will soon follow.

And don't hold your breath waiting for your sixth ranger.

I've got him.


Yes, he's the alien power source I've tapped into.

I will drain him of all his life force

And leave nothing but an empty shell.


Soon, I will have drained your pathetic silver ranger

Of all his life force.

- He has orion? - What?

- Huh? - Oh, no.

Seeing you like this makes all the waiting worth it.

What will you do without your super mode?

We stopped you before, and we'll do it again.

Megaforce blaster, ready!

That's worthless against me now.

Witness my might.

[Vrak] try something else.

I want to crush your hope before I crush you.

We'll never give up. Shark bowgun!

Phoenix shot!

Okay then, I'll just crush you.

Think again!

We won't let you hurt this planet.

Empty words.

I'll show you I mean every word.

Sky strike.

[Laughs] what? Wha--?

[Power rangers] troy!

Ha. See? Pathetic.

Yes. Suffer.

You're strong, vrak. But we have a planet to protect.

And I promise you we will not lose!

You rangers are a nuisance.

Like bugs buzzing around my ears.

You know what happens to little bugs?

We crushed your bug friends creepox and malkor,

And we'll do the same to you.

Wrong answer!



Worry about yourself.

But I'll tell you what,

I'll let you join your worthless leader.

No, that's enough!

I'll decide what is enough. Power is destiny.

I'll demonstrate.

This is what real strength looks like.

Dig deep, guys.

We've got to find a way to stop him.

I won't finish you off just yet, rangers.

I want you to suffer with the despair of this defeat.

Plus, there's someone else who should have the honor

Of destroying you.

[Red] you can't scare us off, vrak.

Do your worst.

Whatever you have planned, we'll meet it head on.

[Vrak] good. That's just what I want.

Like a game of chess, I have out maneuvered you.


My next move is prince takes knight.

And soon, checkmate.

Wait, that looks like the robo knight zord.

I will never join you.

I won't abandon my mission to protect the earth.

Resist all you want. With the sixth ranger power

I'm draining from the silver ranger,

Soon you'll be fully under my control!

No, I will never give in to you.

You have no choice, robo knight.

You can't defy the sixth ranger power.

It's your own.

You have no defense against it.

I just happen to know how to corrupt it,

And reprogram you to do my bidding.

No, never.

See? Already you're succumbing to the power.

But don't worry, robo knight.

You'll be reunited with your human friends soon enough.

As their foe.

Tresnag, drill horn.

Yes, your highness?

We are here to serve you, my liege.

You commanders were always loyal to me.

So you will be rewarded with a special mission.

To serve me, and my newest minion.

Dark robo knight.

What is your command, lord vrak?


[Gia] this can't be happening.

[Troy] I can't believe this.

Look, guys. Vrak was right.

The ranger keys have been turned to stone.

What are we going to do about orion?

Unfortunately, I am unable to locate him.

The only way to save orion is to defeat vrak.

Vrak's obviously been planning this for a while.

He's been one step ahead of us the whole time.

And now he's at the pier.

[Gosei] rangers, go.

[Vrak laughs]

[Red] there he is.

What are you up to now, vrak?

I was just admiring your precious planet

For the last time.

[All] mega blasters!

[Rangers gasp]


I'd like to introduce you to

My right and left-hand monsters.

They can both pack quite a punch.

Enough of your games, vrak.

[Blue] oh, he meant that literally.

[Red] we pack quite a punch, too.


Rock rush!

[All] activate!

Can't you see I'm on a different level than you all?

I planned for everything this time.

[Blue] what did you do to orion?

Orion? He doesn't even belong on this planet,

But I'm putting him to good use,

Or rather, I'm putting his legendary powers to good use.


We won't let you hurt our friend, vrak.

It's too late,

And I have another surprise for you all.

Meet dark robo knight.

[All] robo knight?

[Pink gasping]

[Black] but something's wrong.

Yeah. We have to save him.

[Dark robo knight] I need no saving.

I used the silver ranger's life force to reprogram him.

He serves me now.

[Blue] that's what he's been doing with orion.

[Red] but there's no way robo knight would ever work for him.

My mission is to destroy the earth,

And its environment,

And I shall start by eliminating all of its protectors.

[All] what?

Vrak has shown me the truth.

This planet does not deserve to survive.

No, robo knight.

Your mission was to protect the earth.

You were its strongest guardian.

Look deep inside yourself, and you will see that.

This planet's defenders must learn.

It is time to surrender.


[Blue] maybe if we disable him,

We can reprogram him.

Robo knight, let us help you.

You are the one who needs help.


I will not permit you to interfere.

[Yellow] noah.

[Red] stop! This isn't you.

[Red] robo knight, stop it!

Now you will be eliminated.

[Red] robo knight, stop it!

Now you will be eliminated.

Wait, they have not suffered enough yet.

I want these so-called rangers

To witness my drills destroying their planet.

And them along with it.

[Vrak] we have work elsewhere.

[Blue] impossible!

We've lost orion and now robo knight again?

I just can't believe after all this time,

We have to fight robo knight.

What are we going to do?

We go ultra.

Tresnag, your time has come!

Yes, sir.

I will do anything for your glory.

And truly glorious it'll be.

We'll succeed where my brother failed.

I am at your disposal.

I spared the rangers for a reason.

We need their power to place the next drill.

I am at your command, lord vrak.

One by land, and one by sea.



You're not getting away this time.

Why would I run away? We've been waiting for you.

Robo knight, come forward.

[Pink] you really are a coward.

Don't force robo knight to do your dirty work.

Fight us yourself.

My mission is to put an end to the earth.

All threats to that goal must be eliminated.

How can we break vrak's hold on him?

Vulcan cannon, activate.

Summon vulcan cannon.

Vulcan cannon, set.

Robo knight, you know this isn't right.

Vrak's plan is evil.

He wants you to destroy the very earth

You were created to defend.

[Vrak] it's no use. Your friend is gone.

Robo knight is fully under my control.

He has been reborn.

No, we'll bring him back

And destroy you at the same time.

Easier said than done.

Robo knight, stop.

I don't want to fight you.

You have no choice.


[Red] come on.

We need to help him.

Not so fast.

Tresnag, go.

Yes, master, I will crush them for you.

If only those fools knew.

Every time they use their ultra powers,

Tresnag will absorb their energy,

Just like I did with orion.

I don't want to fight you.

I want to fight vrak.


You fool.

You can't touch me,

But your timing couldn't be more perfect.

I've made these orbs to hold the powers

I've taken from the silver ranger.

Now I'll steal yours to finish my plan.

Not if I can help it.

You like science.

Aren't you excited by the technology

That will destroy a planet?

All I want to see is you destroyed.

Robo knight may be down,

But I'm not!

I thought the power rangers would actually have some power.

I'm draining orion like the batteries in a toy.

You can never understand orion's power.

It's meant for good, not evil.

My people have traveled across the universe

Destroying planet after planet,

To take their power.

When I'm done with orion,

There will be nothing left. Just like your precious earth.

You keep forgetting,

We won't let that happen.

[Vrak laughing]

[Tresnag] I want to see some real power!

Let's show this creep what ultra mode can do.

Is that all you got?

We're not done.

[All] ultra power dynamic strike!



You want my power? Here! Have some!

I've wasted enough time getting my own hands dirty.


Robo knight, come!

Tresnag, finish your mission.

Wild horses couldn't drag me away!

[Red] noah!

[Blue] let's end this quick

So we can go after vrak and robo knight.

[All] mechazords, activate!

[Gosei] summon mechazords.

[Green] these mechazords still rock.

[All] gosei great megazord, activate!

[Gosei] summon megazord.

[All] gosei great megazord, ready!

Now, to finish master vrak's plan.


Come on, rangers,

At least try to put up a fight!

[Grunts] right, let's use all our mega power

To put this horse down!

With pleasure.

Sea brothers, activate.

[All] sea megazord, activate.

Sea gosei great, ready!

Bring it on hammerhead. I'll hammer you good.



[Blue] hammer shark punch!


Saw shark punch!

Victory charge,


Yes, that's it.

Let's strike him out.

[All] victory charge! Sea strike!

Yes. So much energy.

My mission is finally complete, master.

That's a mega win!

[Vrak] perfect. They played right into my hands.

Tresnag soaked in all the power used against him

And has become a drill.


What is that?

[Yellow] oh no.

[Blue] it's another one of vrak's drills.

[Vrak] thank you, rangers.

You played your part perfectly.

[Vrak] power meant to protect the earth

Will now be used to rip it apart!

[Vrak laughing]

The silver ranger, robo knight and you

Have all made my plan a reality.

Now I have giant drills

Planted in the land and in the sea.

We've been set up.

[Blue] and we fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

It's unbelievable.

Just one more drill and all three will be in place.

Then I can drill down to the earth's core

And make your planet crumble into dust.

And it's all thanks to you!


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