21x15 - All Hail Prince Vekar

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x15 - All Hail Prince Vekar

Post by bunniefuu »

[Man] an alien armada has arrived

And invaded our planet.

Wave after wave have att*cked us

With a ferocity never seen before.

To battle this new threat,

The power rangers must master the abilities

Of the legendary rangers

To become super megaforce.

[Vekar] what part of "destroy the rangers

And conquer the earth" don't you understand?

If you imbeciles had just followed my orders,

This planet would be ours by now.

[Damaras] sire, please remain calm.

We'll get those rangers. You'll see.

Okay, rewind.

Did you just give me orders?

[Vekar] oh, what is that?

[Levira] we have guests,

And they're flying the emperor's colors.

What? My father sent a ship?

[Kingsmen # ] prince vekar. How very nice to see you.

And in such good health.

I know how great I look, so cool it with the compliments.

What brings you here?

[Kingsmen # ] we have a gift from the emperor.

[Vekar] father finally decided to buy me a present, did he?

[Kingsmen # ] not buy, build.

Presenting the emperor's greatest w*apon.

The armada megazord.

With indestructible armor and the latest,

Most powerful quasar lasers,

It should help expedite your mission.

[Vekar] is that my face on its chest? I love it.

I'll finally show my father what I'm truly made of

When I destroy the rangers myself.

♪ Mega ♪

♪ Force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Mega ♪

♪ Force ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Mega ♪

♪ Force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

[Troy] you called us, gosei?

[Gosei] rangers, against all odds,

What you've achieved so far

Is nothing short of extraordinary.

And for that, you deserve a reward:

A day off.

[Jake] sweet.

[Gia] wow. Awesome.

We could-- yes. ...have a picnic.


Or--just an idea,

What if gosei were to maybe let us

Take the sky ship out?

I'm afraid not, jake.

[Jake] oh. Ugh. Please, gosei?

Look, if there's an emergency,

We'll get there in no time with the sky ship.

Hmm. Very well. You've earned it.

[Rangers cheering]

[Vekar] I can just see it now.

Prince vekar exterminates the rangers.

I'll make headlines across the galaxy

And finally impress father.

[Levira] who will pilot the megazord?

[Vekar] the only person who deserves the glory: me.

[Damaras] ah, your highness,

I ask that you reconsider that plan.

Zip it, road block. I'm sick of you doubting me.

Are you implying I'm unfit to fight the rangers?

No, I mean--

[Vekar] oh, please. Rubbish.

We all know that vrak was my father's favorite.

My brother always hogged the glory,

But today it will be mine.

[Damaras] your highness, wait.

I'll prove you wrong, father. That's a promise.


[Emperor] damaras, you must make sure that no harm

Comes to my fool of a son, vekar, on this mission.

Understood? [Damaras] yes, sire.

[Emperor] he's an empty-headed blunderer,

Nothing like his brother.

Still, he's my first born and heir.

But he needs your guidance.

You must ensure that this invasion goes smoothly,

In spite of him.

[Damaras] yes, I understand.

[Argus] boss.

Ah, argus.

The only one I can truly rely on.

I have a plan to earn my birthright.

Argus, it's time to heat things up.

Will you join me in the battle to end all battles?

Your wish is my command.

[Vekar] good.

[Orion] what a view.

It's a nice reminder of what we're fighting for.

Not a bad guy in sight.

This is amazing.

This is great.

Mm-hmm. So peaceful.

Everyone hold on.

What's happening.

[Argus] that's it. Don't stop until you destroy the ship.

[Troy] think again.

[Argus] right on cue.

[Emma] thanks for ruining a really fun day.

It's about to get even worse.

Enough already, let's power up.

[Rangers] super mega mode!

Let's swap and double our power.

Yeah, we'll take 'em out quicker that way.

[Red] move in.


[Blue] I'll handle the robot.

You don't have the strength to defeat me.

True strength comes from within,

From having the courage to never give up.

[Argus] then keep fighting and eat dirt.

[Argus] one saber down,

And soon you will be, too.

More xborgs?

We gotta take them down quick

So we can help noah.

Super mega cannon.

[Rangers] activate!

Super mega...


[Red] who are they?

[Kingsmen # ] we're the royal guard.

Coat of firearms, activate.


[Yellow] what is going on?

[Silver] these new guys are seriously tough.

[Kingsmen # ] and we've only just begun.

[Kingsmen # ] you could have at least put up more of a fight.

Give up, ranger. Never.

[Yellow] you really think we'd go down that easy?

No way. [Silver] leave this to me, guys.

Legendary sixth ranger mode.

Wolf warrior.

Knight power strike.

What? Huh?

[Argus] you're better than I thought,

But enough playing around.

Solar slash, energize.

Guess I'll just match your move

With one of my own.


Radiant saber.

[Green] noah, are you okay?

I'm fine.

I want to finish this myself.

[Vekar] excellent. Huh?

Well done, argus.

It seems my "shock and awe" tactics have done the job.

Feeling tired, rangers?

[Blue] just what are you up to?

[Silver] you, you're the one who destroyed my planet.

[Vekar] yeah, so?

What do you want, an autograph?

Rangers, this planet will soon be mine.

It's as simple as this:

Surrender, or surrender.

[Red] "surrender" isn't in our vocabulary.

Haven't you learned that yet?

Fine, have it your way.

But don't say I didn't warn you.

Levira. Launch the megazord.

[Levira] yes, sire.

Deploying the mighty armada megazord.

[Silver] are you kidding me? He has his own megazord?

[Red] guys, be ready for anything.

[Vekar] as if you're the only ones with this technology?

With this almighty w*apon,

Nothing can stand between me and my triumph.

[Red] summon sky ship.

[Silver] summon q-rex zord.

[Rangers] zords combine.

Legendary megazord, ready.

[Silver] q-rex dino zord, ready.

[Red] guys, we need to go all out.

[Red] who knows what that machine is capable of.

Oh, you'll find out.

Then we better shift into gear.

[Rangers] activating turbo falcon!

Engine cell.

Turbo falcon, mach speed.

[Vekar] oh, please, is that all you've got?

You can't defeat what you can't hit, rangers.

[Levira] that megazord is a work of art.

It's capabilities are incredible.

He could defeat the rangers.

I hope so, for his sake.

[Red] impossible. It's so fast.

[Yellow] don't worry. We've got more keys.

I warned you.

So brace yourselves, because I'm unstoppable.

[Red] we'll put that to the test.

Orion, let's join together.

You got it.

[Rangers] megazords combine.

Legendary q-rex megazord, ready.

You fools are deluded if you think

That piece of junk will cause any damage.

My armor is indestructible.

[Red] evasive maneuvers.

Armada arrows, fire.

Soon you will be powerless to stop me.

[Red] ugh, that thing is too strong.

This is crazy.

What do we do now?

Gotta find a weak spot.

So what's the plan?

[Silver] think quick, 'cause our legendary power is fading fast.

[Green] orion's right. We can't hold this combination much longer.

Game over, rangers.

Armada galactic strike.

[Red] brace yourselves.

[Blue] the megazord can't take much more.

[Red] you guys have to eject.

Ugh, I'll finish this alone.

[Rangers] no.

[Red] we can't leave the earth without any rangers

To defend it.

[Green] but troy, we can't abandon you.

[Red] please, you've got to go now.

[Vekar laughs] they're already on the ropes,

And I'm not even at full power.

[Red] emergency eject sequence, activate!

I will destroy you.

Troy, no!

[Vekar laughs] yes. One ranger gone.

Now I'll hunt down the rest

And then the earth will bow down to me.



[Vekar] hunt down the rest of those pathetic rangers now.

[Damaras] well done, sire.

I have opened some vortox juice in celebration.

[Vekar] just send argus to finish the other rangers.

[Argus] hello, blue ranger.

[Noah] argus.

I'll say it once.


The only way to get past me is to fight.

Looks like I have no other choice.

Super mega mode.

[Argus] with the way you're fighting,

You'll never pass me or see your friends again.

Just watch me.

Settle down.

We need to regroup.

This is bad.

It's like-- it's like armageddon.

You okay?

All right, come on. We need to go find noah and troy.

Before it's too late.

Ha, pathetic.

My friend risked himself to protect our world.

There's no way I'll let his sacrifice be in vain.

I will stop you.

Solar slash, energize.

Give up now?

I'll never give up.

My friends need me,

And I'll use up every ounce

Of my ranger power to stop you,

If it's the last thing I do.

Solar slash, energize.

This can't be.

Solar slash, energize.


He destroyed argus.

He was my best soldier.

The only one I could trust.

The rangers have gone too far this time.

Fire up the megazord.

I will finish this myself.

Please, stop.

Out of my way.

I will destroy those rangers on my own.

[Damaras] price vekar, wait.

Guys, hello?

[Jake] noah. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

You okay?


Any sign of troy?


What's wrong? Can't find your friend?

Well, we found you.

[Noah] what?

It's troy.

[Emma] troy, you're okay.

[Noah] troy, I can't believe it. [Rangers rejoicing]

[Kingsmen # ] so, the red one survived.

[Gia] more royal guards.

[Kingsmen # ] unfortunately, your luck's run out.

[Rangers] let's power up!

Super mega mode!

Fire everything you've got at them.

[Red] super mega cannon.

[Rangers] activate.

♪ Power rangers ♪

[Rangers] super mega...


♪ Go rangers go rangers ♪

Super silver spear!

Power of six,

[Echoing] unite!

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

[Red] royal or not, they're gone.


[Vekar] what goes around comes around.

Be prepared to be annihilated.

[Red] activate megazord!

[Rangers] ready!

You can attack with everything you've got,

But you're no match for me.

Let's blitz him.

Mystic dragon zord, activate.

[Rangers] ancient power, mystic spell seal.

[Vekar] is that all you've got? Pathetic.

[Red] don't let up.

[Rangers] ninja zord, activate.

Star blazer.

Nice try.

[Red] activating turbo falcon.

Face it, rangers,

I win, you lose.

I won't let you take this planet, too.

You don't have a choice.

[Yellow] you couldn't be more wrong.

You always have a choice.

That's right, and ours is to never give up.

That's the difference. That's why we will win.

Because we keep going until we find a way.


We're the power rangers for a reason,

And evil will never prevail.

[Pink] yeah.

[Rangers gasping]

[Gosei] congratulations, rangers.

Your incredible bravery and perseverance

Have unlocked the ultimate megazord combination.

I choose that.

[Red] let's see what it can do...

[Silver] together!

[Rangers] ultimate powers combine!

What? What's happening?

Ah, my eyes.

[Rangers] ultimate engine cell.

Ready, guys?

Let's go for the ultimate combination.

[Rangers] ultimate legendary megazord,


[Ranger] ultimate legendary megazord,


[Red] whoa, what power.

[Silver] yeah, the strength of this ultimate megazord

Is enough to go toe-to-toe with the prince,

And then some.

[Vekar] oh, I'm scared.

That thing's about to become scrap metal.

[Red] let's shut him up.

[Vekar] you really think you can beat me with that tin can?

I'll destroy you all and lay waste to your planet.

[Rangers] missiles, locked and loaded.

No, I can't dodge them.

[Rangers] drill strike.

[Drill whirring]

You can't beat me.

I am the all mighty prince vekar.

[Red] let's finally rid the earth of this creep.

[Rangers] super mega, final strike!

Flying fist!

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪


No, no, no!

This can't be happening!

This was supposed to be my big moment, not yours!

[Rangers] super mega rangers, that's a super mega win.

Ah, the prince is gone? Now what?

Now we avenge him.

[Orion] I've waited for this for a long time.

Do you think it's really over?

It's hard to say.

We destroyed two major threats,

But the armada is full of surprises.

[Jake] look, no matter what, this is a special moment, man.

Today, against all odds,

We defeated argus and the prince.

We didn't give up,

And because of that the aliens have no leader.

We've won.

Come on, bring it in here. Yeah.

[Jake] yeah. Yeah.

Earth's defenders never surrender!

[Damaras] I'm sorry, prince vekar. I failed you.

It's all my fault.

I shouldn't have let you fight on your own,

But I will make those rangers pay.
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