21x11 - Love Is in the Air

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x11 - Love Is in the Air

Post by bunniefuu »


[Announcer] an alien armada has arrived

And invaded our planet.

Wave after wave have att*cked us

With a ferocity never seen before.

To battle this new threat

The power rangers must master

The abilities of the legendary rangers

To become...

Super megaforce!


Ready to go to ernie's?

Aye. Almost.

I just have to finish one more page.

Ten minutes?

More like... Two.


Hey, I bet I can hit the goal post from here.




No way.

Watch this.


Whoa, good kick!

It's gonna hit the post.yeah.

Ohh, mr. Burley!



I can't believe the rangers haven't been defeated yet.

It's like they just dance right around our commanders,

Bruisers, and xborgs and then do a little cheer!

It's like they're taunting me!

But this is no game. We must do better.

We have a whole armada at our disposal.

So fools, I have a plan. Levira!


You're going to come up with a foolproof plan.

Got it?

Yes, sire. I will crush them.


♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪



The trash cans are in place.

You have to hit each one,

And knock the lid down. You ready?

Yeah. Yeah.

Okay, go get your camera.



I know you can do this.


You ready? You rolling?

Okay, let's see what you've got, jake. Come on.


Yeah! Yeah!

All right!


Way to go!

Try it again.

Maybe a few different tricks.

Okay, here we go. Get ready for the big one.


Oh, yeah!

Yeah! All right!


Now that my plan is in motion,

I can relax with some tea.

Where's my new butler?

Where is he?



You rang?

What took you so long?!

Get me some tea.

Yes, your highness.

Ugh, out of my way!

Huh? Levira?

It is her!


What are they up to, those rangers?

After all these years, to see her again!

Oh, it sets my heart racing.

My childhood crush, levira, is actually here!

What are the odds? It must be fate.

I missed my chance when we were young, levira,

But I won't miss it this time.

You will fall for the first person you see...

Which will be me!

Here I come, my love.

What is he doing?

Growing a whole tea plant?

Wait, what are they doing now?


Yes! Yeah!

What took so long?

You're the lousiest lackey I've ever laid eyes on.



Levira, I made a cup of tea

For you too.

Hmm? Oh, thanks.

Now leave me be. I'm busy.

Drink up.

Then look on me and fall in love.

Oh, wait, okay, here's another one.



Do you like the tea?

Hmm? Yes, that will be all.

It worked!

Oh, he's so cute.


Yes, levira.

I have an assignment for you.

It's very important.

Can you handle it?

Of course, my dearest.

I mean, yes, ma'am. Gladly.

Will you catch this man for me?

Huh? What?


I'll capture him immediately.


Is that the guy?

What does she want with him?!

Get him!

Who? Me?!

What my levira wants, she gets.

Xborgs, capture this guy alive!


Wait! What are you doing?




Hey, over here!

[Noah] they're after you, jake.

Why do they want to capture just me?


Just look at him.

He's the monster, I mean,

Man of my dreams.

[Gasps] he's so brave!


[Noah] hold on, man.

Let me see if I can distract them.


Guys, we need your help.

Go! Go!



♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪


[Noah] morph, jake! Morph!


Go, go, megaforce!


And graceful too.

Whew! Finally got 'em.

They're after jake. Only jake.

They ignored me!

Levira will not be denied.

The black ranger will be mine!

Let's power up!

Super mega mode!


Super megaforce pink!


Super megaforce green!


Super megaforce blue!


Super megaforce yellow!


Super megaforce red!



Wipe 'em out!

Make sure they don't get their hands on jake!


This is none of your business!

Protecting our friends is always our business.

Bump up the power, guys!

Legendary ranger mode:

Mighty morphin'!

Ready! It's morphin' time!


Power lance!

Power dagger!

Power axe!

Yeah, you like that?

Power bow!


Power sword!


That was rockin'!

I'm a lover, not a fighter.

But if you push me,

I have to fight back...

For her!

Get him!


My turn.




Ha! Didn't even tickle.

Yeah? How about this?


Yep. That hurt.

I'd better get reinforcements.

I'll be back!

Now or later, we will stop you!

I knew he couldn't do it!

I'm such a fool to have asked him!

I'm sorry, my love.

We'll have to wait a little longer to be together.

Why do they want to capture just me?

Ooh, my jakey.

You're so handsome and hunky.



I can't wait to hold you in my arms.

She used me!

Just so she could meet that ranger.

How could she?

This cuts deeper than any sword.

Ooh! [Laughs

Ooh, the pain.

I'm heartbroken!

There's only one thing to do now.


What are you doing here?

Halloween's over you know.

You can't recycle your costume

While you're wearing it.

I was dumped!


So that's why you're here, huh?

Well, so what?

Do something about it.

And hold these.

I hate my life!

But I hate that ranger even more.

I'll get him for this!


Looks like the coast is clear.

What was that all about?

Yeah, why are they after you?

I don't know.

That creep just showed up on the field,

And said he wanted to capture me.

Yeah, that was weird.

They just ignored me and went after jake.

Did they say why they wanted you?


Sure were persistent though.

If they want you badly enough,

They'll try again.

Maybe these aliens think

It'll be easier to destroy us

If they pick us off one by one.

Yeah, could be.

Just let him try to get me.

That guy wouldn't have a chance.

He won't stand a chance with any of us if we just...

Stick together.

What did he mean by he's a "lover not a fighter"?

Yeah, and he said it was "for her."

Who did he mean?

Another monster would be my guess.

But why do they want jake?

Because he's... Cute.

[All laugh]

[Invidious] jake!

She's mine!

No! That fool!


I am burning with jealousy!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!




Now to pay you back.

You're going down in flames!


Now to pay you back.

You're going down in flames!


Huh? Levira?

Stop it!

[All] her?!

What are you doing?

I told you to capture him,

Not destroy him.

You're both incompetent and idiotic!

Now be gone!

Levira, move out of the way!

I won't.

Why must you be so cruel?

I've always had a crush on you,

But you just used me to get to him.

Now my love has turned to hate.

So I'll turn up the heat on both of you!

Invidious! No!


What's going on?

Put me down!

How could this monster be in to jake?

Ahh, I'm getting dizzy!

You think that she-monster loves jake?

That's my guess.

Yeah, and the he-monster loves her.

An alien/human love triangle?

Gross. Now that's one for the books!

What is going on down there?

Those two should be battling the rangers,

Not each other.

They've gone mad!

It appears that levira has developed

A crush on that ranger.

That is ridiculous!

How is that possible?

Perhaps it could be...

A spell.

I can't take any more heartache.


I'll protect you, my darling!


Get lost!


She's nuts!

Don't worry, dear.



Rangers, my love needs help!

[Levira] do something!

Guys, do something!

Come on!

It's morphin' time!


Go, go megaforce!


Megaforce red!


Megaforce yellow!


Megaforce pink!


Megaforce blue!


Let's get him!

Now you're going down!


Go go megaforce!


We face each other again

But this time...

You lose.

Ohh, be careful, my love!


The prince is disgusted!

We must stop them!

But that crazy invidious appears close

To taking out all the rangers.

Perhaps we should let this play out?


Besides we can't take action

Without the prince's authorization.

Then get him!

Yes, boss.

I know you can defeat him, my love!

Ugh, I'm not your love.

I like someone else.


We all know who that is.

Nobody will get between us.

Oh yeah? We will.

You got that right.

Let's power up!

[All] super mega mode!


Hey, since this guy's green with envy,

I should be the one to stop him.

You stole my girl!

You can have her!

Coming your way, ladies!


Our turn!


Ha, let's end this love story.

I'm all for that.

And I'm for ending you!


Flaming scorch!


See? Love does conquer all!

Let's fight firepower with horsepower.

Legendary ranger mode:


[All] shift into turbo!

Red turbo ranger!

Blue turbo ranger!

Yellow turbo ranger!

Green turbo ranger!

Pink turbo ranger!

Bring it on!


What's wrong, green?

Too weak to fight me one on one?

Leave him alone!


We work as a team.

[All] turbo attack!


Lightning sword!


Oh, I'm cooked.


I knew jake could do it.

My hero!

Man, she really can't take a hint!


This better be good. Huh?

Come here, you hunk!

Here's a better idea!

I stay far away and you go back up there.

Aw, come on lady!

Hunk? More like skunk!

What are they doing?

It's complicated, boss.

I will end this madness myself.


Levira, get back here!

My heart was broken,

Now I'll break you!

I finally got away from levira,

But now we gotta deal with this guy!?

This whole day has been crazy.

Levira, levira, I'll prove I'm stronger than him.

And worthier too.

Well, I do like strong men.

I have an idea.

Hey! You!

Stop this silly stuff. You hear me?

Quit the jealousy act

And just ask her out on a date.


Oh, it's easy.

Just say, "will you go out with me?"

There! Try it!

No way. I can't.

Well, do you want to impress her or not?

I know I'm getting impressed.



Will...you... Go out with me?


Maybe he's the monster of my dreams?

It's working.

Sure. Why not?

You will?

We can go to the space lodge for dinner.

Oh, you're so romantic!

And you're so beautiful.

And this is so weird.


Ugh! It's enough to make you hurl!

[Invidious] what can I do to make you happy?

Why... Destroy the rangers of course!

Anything for you, my dearest!

I will crush them into little pieces

And then we can be together forever!

Our beautiful future begins now!

Well, that backfired.


Looks like the love fest is over.

Oh, yeah.

Summon sky ship!


[All] release the zords!


Zords combine!


Legendary megazord! Ready!

I must prove worthy of my dearest.


Super mega cannon!


All's fair in love and w*r.

And here's the w*r part!



I won't lose when I'm so close to my dream!

Ready, set, go!

I promised levira I would destroy you.

And I will!

Super mega slash!


Hey, let's show this guy some tough love.

Red lion, combine!


Legendary samurai megazord! Ready!

Samurai, shmamurai!



Samurai final strike!

Fire smasher!


I'm sorry, levira.

I just couldn't beat them.

Let's send this guy back where he came from.


Glad he's gone!

You have no idea.



What was that?

I made it home.


Levira, I'm ready for our date.

I have no time for losers.

Go away!


And there's no way

I would ever fall for a power ranger!


Uh? I'm dizzy.


I still can't figure out

Why that alien fell for you.

After looking at the other guy,

I think that pretty much answers your question.


You know, jake,

You made it look so easy to ask

Someone you like out on a date.


You should follow your own advice.





Would you... Maybe want--

Guys, guys, guys. Look, check it out!

Look! The video I took of jake

Doing a crazy soccer stunt went viral.


Over six million hits!

Look! No way.




Call that taking out the trash!

Now that's what I call awesome!


Play it again, play it again.



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