21x10 - The Perfect Storm

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x10 - The Perfect Storm

Post by bunniefuu »


[Man narrating] an alien armada has arrived

And invaded our planet.

Wave after wave have att*cked us

With a ferocity never seen before.

To battle this new threat,

The power rangers must master the abilities

Of the legendary rangers...

To become...

Super megaforce.


Excellent! The electrical storm conditions are perfect!

Have you located the "power-mid" my brother vrak was working on?

Yes, sire. The storm should energize vrak's power crystal

And allow us to activate

The power-mid's incredible destructive force,

But we must move quickly.

Don't tell me what to do! Now, move quickly!

I have deployed commander sirjinkor.

Soon, this planet will be ours.

[Thunder rumbling]

Gosei, I'm going outside

To check on the communication module.

Be careful, tensou.

I sense an electrical storm gathering.

Your metallic frame could possibly attract a lightning strike.


I'll only be out there for a minute.

Whoa! Gosei was right!

Those clouds don't look friendly at all.

Oh! I should hurry

And get back inside.


Whoa! What just happened to me?

Wait. I don't even know who me is.

Who am i? Where am i?

Hello? Is anybody out there?


Hey, guys.

Hey! Hey, buddy!

What's up with the umbrella?

You kidding me? There's this freaky

Lightning storm going on right now! [Shivers]

Oh, awesome! I love lightning!

Well, you know, from a distance.

I'm sorry, guys.

No fro-yo today. The machine's busted.

[All groan] [morpher beeping]


What is it, gosei?

Rangers, tensou went outside and did not come back.

I need you to find him.

Maybe he got scared away 'cause of the storm passing through.

You know, the thunder and lightning?

[Gosei] that could very well be, noah.

We're on it, gosei.


[Phone beeping]

[Man on phone] fro-yo repairs.

What is the delay?

We must harness the storm's power now!

This could be the best chance to crush the rangers,

And I won't lose it!

Activate the power-mid and destroy them all!


♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪


[Man] boy, I'm glad that that storm finally let up.

[Siren blaring]

None of this looks familiar.

Why is everyone ignoring me? [Car horn honks]

[Yelps] that wasn't nice!

[Tensou yelps] whoa!

They're all too busy to even notice me.

Am I really that short?

Oh, hello!

Can you tell me who I am?

Or anything at all?


Fine. Be that way.

How rude!

I wish I was taller so they'd pay attention to me.

Maybe that furry guy can tell me who I am.

Hello? Throw me a bone here!



Tensou? [Groans]




Hmm. Oh, well!

Who's that handsome guy?

Huh? Wait a minute!

That's-- that's me!

Well, whoever I am, I'm a looker!



Guys, I spotted tensou.

I'm going in.

Huh? Whoa!

Another me!


Maybe he knows who I am.

Excuse me, friend.

Could you please help me out?



[Gasps] oh, no!


Everyone, some guy in a tan raincoat

Took tensou on the bus towards carson street.

I think he mistook him for his suitcase.

Carson street? I'm three blocks away. I'm on it.


Hey, bus driver!



I've been captured. Better stay quiet

Till I can escape.


Enjoy your food!



Hello? Yes, I have it with me.

[Whimpers] I'm bringing it to you.

Oh, boy.

[Grunts] hey!

Wait! [Grunts]

Slow down! [Grunts]

Come on!




Whoa! Excuse me!


Hey! Hey!




Where is he?


Ah-ha! There he is!




Hey, tensou!

Hmm? Tensou!

What's a "tensou?"

Tensou! Bless you.

Oh, uh, thank you.

You know, I have some truly horrible allergies.

I've had them for years.

I found out when I bought my first cat, jellybean.

And I just started sneezing and sneezing.

And eventually, I had to give her away.

Oh! I'm--

Oh, you're probably sneezing because of this weather.

Did you see the storm that came through this morning?

What a doozy!

Oh, no!

[Stammers] c-can you stop the bus, please?

Stop! Stop the bus, please!


Man! [Sighs]

Guys, i-- I think I lost them.

They-- they might have gone through hodges park.

I don't know. [Troy] I'm nearby.

I'll look for them there.



Emma! Good. You're here.

There's something wrong with tensou.

He-- he doesn't recognize me.

Yeah. I saw him trying to talk to this suitcase.


Man! Looks just like him.

We have to find him before that man realizes

That tensou is not his real suitcase.


Okay, let's go.


There's no sign of a guy in a trenchcoat or tensou.

[Morpher beeping]

[Noah] have you found tensou yet?

We lost him.



What are you doing?

Looking for a tag or a label or something.

Maybe it'll... Give us a clue.

Wait. What if we open it?

Maybe there's some info on the guy inside,

Like, um, i.d. Or somethin'.

What if there's a million dollars inside?


It doesn't belong to us.

We can't just look into someone's case

Without their permission.

Yeah, you're right.

[Gia] guys, I see tensou and the man who has him.

They're at the mall.


[Troy] all right. We're on our way.

[Gia] okay.


Hey, gia, where are you?

[Gia] I'm on the first floor.


Where is he? He went that way.

Throw me the suitcase. I'll try and switch them.

I got it. I got it.




[Jake]go, gia! I am going!



[Boy] sorry!



Who's she?

[Groans] go after him!

[Morpher beeping]

[Noah] uh, guys, we have a problem.

[Sirjinkor growling]

We see a monster with a bunch of xborgs.

Can you handle them? We don't want to lose tensou.

Yeah, we can handle them.



Why are you always interfering, humans?

Today, I have a mission to complete

On mount edenova.

Not on our watch. Come on!

Let's power up! [Both] super mega mode!

[Both] hah!

[Both grunt]

[Elevator dings]


[Phone beeping]



Yeah, I'm minutes away.

[Elevator dings]

I'll take care of it. It's what I do.

Uh, excuse me?

Uh, do you happen to know what time it is?

Hang on.


[Man] it's : , but you should know.

You're wearing a watch.

Oh! Silly me.

Of course, I am. I'm always forgettin' stuff.

Have a good day!

Sorry. It's just some kid wanting to know the time.

[Jake] tensou!

Hey, who are you guys?

[Troy] take it easy! What are you doing?

Help! Quiet, tensou.

Calm down. We're your friends, remember?

Ten-who? What?

Shh. Uh, I don't know you.

Okay, this isn't working. We've got to keep him

Undercover for now.

You're right.

Hold on.


They did say they were friends.

I hope this is a good idea.


Oh, hey, little guy!


Looks like we're in the same boat.

All right. Push on, my friends,

Whoever you are.

Legendary mode!

[Grunts] dino thunder tricera shield!


No! Where did it go? My power prism!

[Green ranger] we need to save our strength.

Got it!

Now, to destroy your world!


No! He got away!

We gotta find him now!


[Noah] how's tensou doing?

He's a bit confused. You'll have to take a look at him.

Okay. The monster disappeared.

It has some sort of stone that seems to be important to him.

[Noah] he said he was headed to mount edeneva.

Hmm. We'll meet you there.

Come on.

This is it! The w*apon vrak never finished.

Prince vekar, allow me to report

We have found the location of the power-mid.

You know what to do, commander.

Insert the power prism now.

Yes, your highness.


The power-mid is activated.

How far are you? We're almost there.

I want to get back in the stroller!

[Laughs maniacally]


Such incredible power!


Looks like somebody's trying to stop us

From reaching the top.

Come on.

[Both grunt]


[Tensou] ahh! [Orion] good timing, guys!

We could use some help.

[Troy] better make sure tensou stays safe.

[Sighs in relief]


[All] go, go, megaforce!

Super mega mode!

[All grunt]

Whoever you are, you're sure brave.

Hang tight, buddy. Now, let's take care of these guys!

[All grunt]

Time for me to do my part...

And run away! [Whimpers]

[Yelps] watch where you're falling!


Shutting down.

That's all of 'em. Quick, tensou!


[Gia] tensou!

Tensou, are you all right? Rebooting!

Tensou? Where am i?

Who am i? Wait a minute.

I know who I am! I'm tensou!

[All laugh] what am I doing here?

[Tensou] where's gosei? [Troy] it's a long story.

[Jake] but it'll have to wait. [Gosei] welcome back, tensou.

Rangers, a monster is absorbing

A massive power from this morning's storm.

Soon his strength will be greater

Than even your combined might.

Get to the mountaintop right away.

We're on it, gosei. Come on, guys.

Stop! Be careful. I've got fragile parts.

I'll be gentle.

He's still chargin' up.

Let's go!


Soon I'll be the mightiest creature on this planet!

Quick! We don't have much time!

[All] it's morphin' time!

Wow! Maybe this isn't so bad.


I'm full now. Full of power!

[Laughs maniacally]


[Groans] what?

Rangers, you're too late!

Hang tight. Go get him, rangers!

[Sirjinkor] you can't match my power now!

Time to go super mega!

Let's power up!

[All] super mega mode!

Now, let's get him!

I'm more powerful than you can comprehend!

[All groan]

[Sirjinkor laughs]

That's just a taste of what's to come.

Time for legendary squadron mode.

I'll go mighty morphin'.

[All] legendary ranger mode!

It's morphin' time!

Mighty morphin' white ranger saba!


[Super mega red] orion, duck!

[All] legendary strike! Ready! Fire!

[Super mega silver] right!

Curse you!

He sure is a stubborn one.

A hardhead's more fun to pound on.

We'll stop him with the power of the zeo crystal.


[All] legendary ranger mode, zeo!

Power rangers zeo! [Echoes]

Let's go for it!

[All yell]

Dynamite attack!






Guess he couldn't weather that storm.

All right!

Wait! He's not finished?


He's tougher than we thought.

[Growls] I told you the power I absorbed

From the power-mid is unequal.

Nothing can stop me!

Now I'll do what no other monster before me could do!


This can't be good.

[Sirjinkor] witness the end of your world, rangers!

[Laughs manically]

[Super mega green] it's an asteroid! If it hits the earth,

We're done for!


[Super mega green] it's an asteroid! If it hits the earth,

We're done for!

[Super mega red] we've gotta stop it

Before it's too late!

[All gasp]

Maximize the commander now!

Boss, not yet!

Out of my way! [Grunts]

[Groans] one of our plans is finally working!

I'll distract the rangers so they can't stop us.


See? Now, an even bigger storm is brewing!

[Super mega red] summon the sky ship!


[Grunts] release the zords!

Super mega wheeler! Super mega sub!

Super mega racer! Super mega jet!

[All] zords, combine!

Legendary mega zord, ready!

We'll finish him, then stop that asteroid!




Let's go legendary!

[All] red lion and samurai powers,


Legendary samurai megazord,


[Super mega silver] q-rex megazord, activate!

[Super mega silver] q-rex megazord, ready!

You'll never stop me

Or that rock!

We've gotta shut him down fast!

[Both grunt]


Your turn!


We need to finish him now!

[All] samurai fire smasher!

That's gonna leave a mark!

[All] samurai strike!


Foolish rangers!

You've just sealed your destruction!

[Laughs maniacally] [all gasp]

Look up in the sky!


[Super mega silver] oh, no! The asteroid's entered the atmosphere!

It will hit the earth in exactly seconds.

You must stop it.

It's massive. Ahh!

If we can't stop it from hitting,

It'll take out all life on earth!

What are we going to do?

Guys, what's the plan?

Blast it into space dust!

[All] super mega cannon!


[All gasp] it didn't work?

This is bad! This is very, very bad!


What do we do now?

Think fast!


[Super mega silver] yeah, that might work.

I think I can use my drill to break it apart.

But how? I just need to get to it.

We could throw you,

But it's dangerous.

There's no other choice.

All right. [Grunts]

[Super mega blue] remember, you've got to time

Your drill strike just right

Or you'll be crushed!

Then I guess I better time it right.

[Super mega blue] good luck!

We're all counting on you!

Go! Hah!


Come on! Come just a little closer!


Let's do this!

Super mega triple drill attack! Hah!




Yes, it worked!

Nice! We did it!

I knew he could.

Super mega rangers, that's a mega win!


[Gosei] thank you, rangers, for another job well done.

And of course, thank you for returning tensou.

Yeah, and it looks like he sure likes his new toy.

[All laugh] hi.

Check out my wheels!

I'm stylin'! [Giggles]

See you later, tensou.

Bye! Okay?

See you soon, rangers.

This should keep him busy for a while...

And me entertained.

[All laugh] peek-a-boo!



Hey, ernie!

[Ernie] hey, guys! Just in time.

The fro-yo machine's back up and running!

[All cheer]

Here's a low-fat treat.

Ernie! [All] thank you!

[All speak excitedly] [ernie chuckles]

[Both] cheers!

Well, that ought to do it.

You had a blocked valve in your fro-yo pump.

Oh, thanks again for bringing

A replacement valve for the fro-yo machine.

By the way, I'd keep an eye

On those kids if I were you.

They seem, kind of,



[Jake] oh, wait.

He-- I was--

[All laugh]


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