21x05 - Samurai Surprise

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x05 - Samurai Surprise

Post by bunniefuu »


An alien armada has arrived
and invaded our planet.

Wave after wave
have att*cked us

with a ferocity
never seen before.

To battle this new threat,

the Power Rangers
must master the abilities

of the legendary rangers

to become...

Super megaforce.

My father, the emperor,
won't stand for failure.

How many more times will
these rangers beat us?

Let me see.
If there are five rangers--

that wasn't
a serious question.

It's called venting,
you reject!

Yes, boss.

And we have plenty more
tricks up our sleeve.

Then start tricking,
so I can get my treat.

The end
of the Power Rangers.


Oh... Isn't she beautiful?


Check that engine.

Look at that helmet.
Those flames?

Oh, bet the thing has
fuel injection too.

Excuse me.

Oh, sorry.
We were just looking.

It's an incredible bike.

Fast, too.

Nice gear.


Nice guy.

Nice guy?

Do you know
who that guy was?


Wait, that was mentor Ji
from the samurai Power Rangers?


Mentor, wait!


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers
megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪


Aah! We're under attack!

Everybody get down!

He's outside the door!

Be gone, weaklings!


Wait. I know you.

Missed me?

[gasps] Matacore!

What is an elite guard
of the armada doing here?

This isn't good.

Your father has sent me

to expedite his mission.

Despite having
an entire armada fleet

under your command,

Earth has not yet
been taken over.

[Damaras groans]

Well then,
it looks like

I must do
everything myself.

Everyone, prepare for
immediate deployment.

We leave in five minutes.

For Earth?

No, for Mars.

Of course, for Earth!

Damaras, I want
every available

x Borg and ship
on standby.

If my father
wants this planet,

then that's
what he'll get.

Stop him, Damaras.

As your top commander,
I strongly suggest

you stay here,
where it's safe.

Absolutely not.

This is my chance to
show father I'm worthy.

Fire at the thrusters.
Yes, boss.

Soon, Earth will be ours.


[people scream]


People of planet Earth,

I am prince Vekar.

Consider this
your eviction notice.

Luckily, I am
feeling generous.

So I will give you
two options.

or be destroyed.

[Troy] Never!

How dare you
interrupt me!

So you're the one who's been
causing all this trouble.

I was expecting
someone kind of different.

What's that
supposed to mean?

We expected someone,
say, more impressive.

How dare you!

It's morphin' time!


Go-go megaforce!


♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪


Protect me! Aah!


X borgs! Attack!

I'll show you impressive!

We gotta get this guy
a dictionary if he thinks

this is impressive.


Let's take it
to the next level!


Super megaforce red!

Super megaforce blue!

Super megaforce yellow!

Super megaforce green!

Super megaforce pink!

Super mega hurry up

and destroy them already!

Guys, get rid
of the x borgs!

Then we go after
the prince.


There's so many of them!

Gia, let's switch
to double our power!



That's more like it!


Emma, take my blaster!


Thanks. I'll have
a blast with this.


Thanks for
the favor, Noah.

And your blaster,

Hey, prince, it's time
for you to leave.

I doubt that.

Allow me.

Let's go legendary.

Legendary ranger mode.

Mighty morphin'.

It's morphin' time!


Power daggers!


Power bow!


Power ax, fire!


Power Lance!


This guy's crazy tough!


Enough already!


At least try
and put up a fight!


[Matacore laughs]

Well done, Matacore.

Even powered up,
they're no match for you.

Now finish them off!

We gotta try
another legendary mode.

Yeah. Let's mix it up!


These fools can't
make up their minds.

Legendary ranger mode!

Lost galaxy!

Go galactic!


You guys keep him busy!

I'll take care
of the prince!


Aah! Protect me!
Stop right there!

Fine! I'll take you
both down.

Choose your words
carefully, Blue.

They could be your last.

Yeah, bring it.

[Argus growls]


Whoa! You knocked me
out of legendary mode!


Trans blaster! Fire!

Right back at you!


Mane of flame!






This guy's tough.

What's the plan?

We keep fighting.

You're strong,
but you forgot something.

What's that?

Good always wins
over evil.

Not this time.


Solar slash energize.

This isn't good.

Solar flare erupt!



He demorphed me again?

Defeated, defenseless,
and all alone.

Argus, put him
out of his misery.

As you command.
First, he'll fall.

And then the rest.


This will show my father
I can handle the job.

Argus, obliterate him.

Yes, boss. [chuckles]


I don't think so.

I told you,
good always wins!

My sword!

Not my face!
Anything but my face!

Come on!


Aah! Help me! Argus!

They got me! Who knew
pain could be so painful?

[Vekar groans]

The prince is hurt.

We must retreat.

We were so close
to beating those rangers.

The prince shouldn't've
gone in the first place.

I'm too dizzy to stand up.

Where am I?



We had our chance
to take out the prince,

and we let him slip
through our fingers.

The pain!
My whole arm feels numb!

Don't touch me!
I need a medic!

It's a paper cut.

Your majesty. What should
we do about the mission?

We have ships in place,
awaiting orders.

How dare they scar
my precious self!

Matacore-- ow!

Go now and destroy
those rangers!

It will be my pleasure.


No. Even with the keys,

we still got
totally wiped out.

And we can only stay
in legendary ranger mode

for a short time before
our energy is drained.

That monster'll be back.

When he is, I don't know
if we're ready for him.


Get into your
opponent's head.

Use your instincts
to sense their next move

and feel
their attack coming.


Plain, please.

Plain? Okay.
Coming up right away.


What? You never
seen a ranger

order a fro-yo before?



You're Jayden.
The red samurai ranger.

You're-- well, legendary.

I'm Troy.
It's an honor to meet you.

I know who you are.

We've been watching you.

We know what you're
up against, and...

I thought this might help.



This disc belonged
to your father.

Use it to double
your power.


Fire smasher!
Dual mode!


Thank you--


wait-- where'd he go?


How did he do that?


Hey. Did you just see--

[morphers beep]


Are you sure
you don't want--

where did they go?

[people scream]


The end for
these rangers is near.

[Matacore cackles]

That's enough!

Rangers. Great.

I have come to save
the prince's honor.


Yes. You will pay dearly

for injuring Vekar.

We barely hit him.
As soon as our weapons

came out, he ran away.

Whatever. I will uphold

the prince's reputation

and ruin yours.

He can't be too smart
if he works for that prince.

Let's take care of him.
Let's do it!

Time to slice
and dice 'em!




Keep it up! They're falling
like bowling pins!

And they're
just as smart, too.



Let's take it
to the next level!


Go-go megaforce!


Here, let me give you
a hand with that!


Enough of you small fries!

I've got an ax to grind
with that Matacore guy!


Do you wanna fight me,
black ranger?

Wish granted.


So where's your
almighty prince?

Can't he fight
his own battles?

He's resting. He's in
no condition to fight.

Was he ever?

You will pay
for your insolence!


Jake's in trouble!

Time for the big g*n.



Now, to destroy you all.


Come on!
Let's get this guy.

All you're going
to get is pain!


Even three of you
are no match for me!


We need more power.

Got it!



Now's our chance.
Send in more x borgs

and crush the rangers!

Fight all you want,
your defeat is inevitable!


Make them pay
for what they did

to our prince!


We need
our legendary powers!

It's morphin' time!

Jayden said
to use our instinct

to sense their next move.

Let's do that,
and use our best

legendary mode
to fight them with.

Legendary ranger mode!

Operation overdrive!


Legendary ranger mode!
Ninja storm!


Ninja sword!


Legendary ranger blitz!


Troy's right!
We just need to stay

one step ahead of them!


Legendary ranger mode!

In space!


I sense
a new attack coming!

Legendary ranger mode!
Dino thunder!

Power up!


My turn.

Legendary ranger mode!




Bet you didn't
see that coming!

And here's a little something
extra to boot!


Legendary ranger mode!
Time force!

Time's up, boys!

Time-strike attack!

Enough. Finish them,

or I will.

I don't think so!


Guys, we need to keep some power
in our tanks to fight Matacore.


See? They're weak!

Destroy them!

Let's finish off
these x borgs!

It's time to
teach them a lesson.
What's that?

Never underestimate
your opponent.


How could
such a huge force

be cut down by
five pathetic rangers?

Because we fight for good!

That's the difference!




Now to take you out.

You have
no chance against me.

Let's go legendary
again, guys.

This one's for Jayden.


Legendary ranger mode!


Go-go samurai!


[all shout]


Don't you get it yet?

Whatever powers
you call upon,

I will match them
and more!


Troy! Use the double disc
Jayden gave us!

Right! It's time!

Fire smasher!
Double disc mode!


That's it! Awesome!

Let me try!

Double disc!
Two swords! Strike!


How? How can this be?

Wow. Jayden's double disc
really did the trick.

Now let's finish the job.

[Green grunts]

Super-mega final strike!



Super-mega saber blast!


This is the worst day
of my life!

Levira, do something!

My pleasure.


Yes, that's much better.

Guess it's time
to elevate this fight.


Summon skyship!


We'll need our
strongest megazord

Against this guy.

Red lion! Combine!

wild force megazord!

Wild force! Final strike!



Whoa! How did he
survive that blast?

I'm losing control!
Me too!


Looks like our friends
need a bit more of our help.

Rangers, our samurai friends
have unlocked the powers

Of their megazord.

Another samurai surprise!

Hah! Cool.
Let's combine

the red lion
and samurai powers.

Let's go legendary.

Red lion! Combine!


Legendary samurai
megazord! Ready!

Now that's
what I call a megazord.


You have your
mega-boring megazord,

and I have
my mega-bruisers!

More of those things?

We'll just get rid of 'em

with our new
samurai powers!


Swordfish slash!


Hey! Winning's my job.

[all battle-cry]

Now it's Matacore's turn!

[Matacore grunts]

Time to finish this!
Couldn't agree more.

Samurai fire smasher!


Samurai strike!


[Matacore screams]


[Troy] Rangers,
that's a super-mega-win.


What an amazing battle.

You can see why
they were chosen.

Yeah. With a team like that
defending the Earth,

I'd say we're in
very good hands.

How was that fro-yo
at Ernie's?

Never tried it.

But it has to be better
than Mia's cooking.

Shall we?


Those new samurai powers
were awesome!

We definitely kicked
some monster tail today.

With a little help
from mentor Ji and Jayden.

It was a real honor
to meet them.

I wish Gia and I
got to meet him.

Yeah. I've heard that

Jayden is pretty cute.

What? Gia?

Who told you that?

You know, Jake,
you sound awfully jealous.

Do I look jealous?

Just a lot.

Yeah. See?

You're even
green with envy.

Yeah, yeah.
Very funny.

[all laugh]


♪ [theme music]
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