21x03 - Blue Saber Saga

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x03 - Blue Saber Saga

Post by bunniefuu »


An alien armada has arrived
and invaded our planet.

Wave after wave
have att*cked us

with a ferocity
never seen before.

To battle this new threat,

the Power Rangers
must master the abilities

of the legendary Rangers

to become...

Super Megaforce.


I, ,
master swordsman

and loyal member
of the armada,

have arrived
and am at your service.

And I should care why?

What makes you special?

Allow me to show you
a small sample

of my blade skills.


That's it? Next.


Hmm. Impressive.

That's just a taste
of his power.

He can slice
entire cities in half.

Then let's cut to the chase

and unleash him on the Earth.

And when
the Rangers show up,

he can cut them
down to size as well.

Go. Destroy everything
on Earth and pave the way

for our conquest.

Yes, sir.

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Megaforce ♪


[school bell rings]


Hey. You wanna
come and photograph

some moon flowers with me?

They only bloom once a year.


Oh, sorry. I'll have to pass.

I'm just too busy.

Okay. Well, have fun

with whatever you're doing.


Hey, on second thought,

let me give you a hand.


You're such a gentleman.


Let's go.

Sure you don't
need help with that?

You can't tell anyone this,
but I'm more than just

a computer geek.

I'm actually a superhero
from time to time.

Don't worry.
Your secret's safe with me.

[crashes, explosions]

Witness my skill!

Save your applause

for when
I destroy the Rangers.

[people scream]

Tensou, call the others!


[Skatana growls]


This stops right now.

What exactly
do we have here?

We're the Power Rangers.

And we're about
to shut you down.

The Rangers? Finally,
the challenge I'm seeking.

I'll start
with the puny girl.

Her name is Emma,
and don't you dare

talk about her that way.

How chivalrous of you.

But you hide
behind backup?

Are you guys okay?

Let's do this.

It's morphin' time.

Go-go Megaforce!

I'll still get you,
Blue Ranger.

No, you won't.
Let's power up!


Super mega mode!

Super mega mode!
Super mega mode!


Finished yet?

But leave Blue to me.

You got this guy, Noah?

No problem.

Now who's hiding
behind backup?

They won't keep you
safe for long!

[Blue shouts]


Not bad, Blue Ranger.

I like a challenge.

Without it,
victory means nothing.

Then get ready for
the challenge of your life.


Come now, you can do
better than that.


Keep fighting, guys!

We gotta power through these
xborgs so we can go help Noah.

Seriously, Noah's good,

but that guy can
cut through buildings!

No one should
face that alone.


Skatana did massive damage
to the city.

He was definitely

until he got side-tracked
by the Rangers.

Yes, those Rangers
are becoming more annoying

every day, right boss?

Yes, captain obvious.


Let's switch up.



Nice, guys!
Now, let's finish this

and get to Noah!

Double the power,
double the fun.

Your skill with a blade
is impressive.

But can you still
hold your own

when I unleash
my full power?

What's that mean?

Blade of infinity!




Giving up so soon?

Back off, monster!

Not you pests again.

I'll destroy you later
when it's your turn.

Yeah, and next time
you'll be up against

All five of us.
No, just one.

What are you talking about?

We will finish
our duel, Blue.

It'd be over already
if not for your friends.

Don't worry, they'll pay
for their intrusion

once I'm done with you.

Meet me
on the beach tomorrow.

I hope you will be
more of a challenge

than you were today.


I gotta go after him.

Just ignore him.

He's playing
with your mind.

He's got a point.

I need to prove
I can beat this guy.

Noah, don't be ridiculous.

We're a team.

I'll see you later.


You had the Rangers
exactly where you wanted them,

yet you walked away
and let them live?

That is correct.

All that matters
right now is my duel.

Many people
have won duels.

But no one has ever
taken down all the Rangers.

Do that,
and you'll be renowned

across the universe.

Yes, once
I finish with Blue,

the rest shall
fall quickly.




Hey, you seen Noah?

He's not in
the computer room?


He was really upset
with himself before.

I mean, that monster
seriously struck a raw nerve.

Where do you think he is?

If I know Noah,
he's practicing.

When he thinks he's not
good enough at something,

he's working
to become the best.

Let's go find him.

Hey you!
What's your name again?

Me or her?

You! James.


Good. I need your help

with my electrodynamometer.

Don't worry.
I'll find him.


How can I help you,
Mr. Burley?


Just focus.

You can do this.


Stay back.


[Noah groans]



Are you okay?
I'm fine.

It doesn't look like it.

I just want to be
left alone.

Why are you beating
yourself up like this?

Because I've never faced
a monster like that before.


Are you serious?

I gotta figure out
a way to beat this guy.

Well, for starters,

it's not just your fight.

We're a team, remember?

I know. If I get better,

the team gets better.

I respect that,

but we can help, too.

I'm sorry,

but this is something
I have to do by myself.


Blade of infinity!








I want you to have this.

We're teammates, remember?



I knew you'd understand.


Good luck.


[Skatana growls]


I really didn't think
you'd show up.

[Skatana laughs]

You're about
to regret that I did.

I've been
looking forward to this.

Do you really think
you've got what it takes?

Let's find out.

It's morphin' time!

Super mega mode!


[both shout]


I'm impressed.
You've improved.


But you can't defend
against this.

Blade of infinity!

I've trained for this.

[Skatana battle-cry]


You came alone,

and I came prepared.


Those foolish humans
always play fair,

and that's their weakness!

We're too clever for them!


How dare you!

What honor is there
in cheating?

Victory is
the only true honor.

And now I've won.
Time to finish him.

You've learned much, Blue,

but you neglected
one important lesson.

Never underestimate
your opponent.


Super mega mode!



Huh? It's an ambush.



Time's up, Blue--



[Rangers shout]

This ends now. Noah!

We'll take care
of the bruisers.

And you take care
of big mouth!

Go for it, dude!

Thanks, guys!

It's back to you and me!

And this time,
it's a fair fight.


Noah will be okay, right?

Of course.
Noah's in the zone now.

He'll crush that guy.



Bruisers incoming!

C'Mon, Emma!
Let's team up

and take 'em down
on the double.


Man, whatever
we dish out,

these guys just keep
coming back for more!

Then I say we up the ante.

Time to go legendary?

Thought you'd never ask!

Let's show 'em
our full Fury!

Legendary ranger mode!

Jungle Fury!

Jungle beast,
spirit unleashed!

Battle claw! Unleash!



Say goodbye!


Rhino morpher,
super blade attack!


Let's unlock
some blasting power
and finish them.

Legendary ranger mode!


S.P.D. Emergency!

S.P.D. Deltamax loaded.

[Red] Fire!


I've figured out
your trick, monster.

Oh really?


See, I have a trick
or two of my own.

Impressive, but I doubt

you've mastered
the infinite octoblade attack.

The what? Aah!

I had no idea he was
capable of such a move.

He wasn't.
Until I enhanced his armor.
Now he's invincible.

This should end
the Blue Ranger
once and for all.


I doubt you've
mastered the infinite

octoblade attack!
--the what?

[Skatana cackles]




I win. You lose.

[Blue] Wrong!

Leave him alone!

He's got this one.
Trust him.

Really? Are you
sure about that?

He's trained
for this, Emma.

But I bet he could
use our sabers, though.

Good idea!

We believe in you, bro!
Fight fire with fire!

Thanks, guys.

Ultimate super saber!

Haven't you learned
your lesson already?

octoblade attack!

Yeah. Never underestimate

your opponent.


What? This can't
be happening.

Believe it, Skatana.
Your act is finished.


Well done, Noah.

You can now activate these

legendary Blue Ranger keys

for a final strike.


Ultimate ranger
saber strike!


Do your worst.

This is the part
where you say goodbye.



Mystic force!
Ninja storm!

Lost galaxy!

Super mega blue!


Uh-oh. No!

Why does this
always happen?

I give up.
But your highness,

it's not over yet.


This is more like it.

Now I'll finish you off,

and then the whole world!

Not on my watch!

Let's get this guy's head
out of the clouds.

This is how you
fight fire with fire!


Summon skyship!


Release the zords!


Zords combine!


Legendary megazord, ready!


Incoming attack.
All shields up.


These jerks aren't
messing around.

Hold on tight, people.


Rangers, your teamwork
and Blue's determination

has unlocked
the mystic force megazord!

Whoa. Wow.

No way! This is incredible.


Mystic force
legendary dragon zord.



Things are about
to really heat up.

You got that right--
dragon blast!


Watch out! We need
to dodge these blades.


There, he's left
himself open.


Oh yeah!
Nice catch, Noah!

Now, let's end this.


Super mega final strike!


You'll have to get
through me first!

You asked for it.
You got it!

Super mega star burst.



Noah, why don't
you finish him?

It'd be my pleasure.

Ancient power!
Mystic spell seal.

No! Wait, no!

This can't be!


[Skatana screams]


Super Mega Rangers,

That's a super mega win!

[all cheer]

Got him!

How beautiful
was that dragon?

I can't believe
we actually unlocked it.

You were fantastic
out there today, man.

That's one word
to describe it.

You know,
for a second there,
I didn't think I was

going to be able
to finish the job.

But you didn't give up.

That's the sign
of a true warrior.

And it's all thanks

to you guys
for having my back.

And thanks to you,

we're a strong team, Noah.

Thanks. You know,
I learned today

that with friends
and determination,

you can achieve anything.

You call it.


Earth's defenders!

Never surrender!


♪ [theme music]

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