16x31 - Path of the Righteous

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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16x31 - Path of the Righteous

Post by bunniefuu »

Power Rangers


Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury


Training hard to be
the best that we can

Power Rangers!

Protecting people
from the evil Dai Shi clan

We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose a fight

-Dai Shi
-Go away

-We're here
-To save the day

'Cause we're the Power Rangers
_ungle fury

Jungle Fury!

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
_ungle fury

Jungle Fury, go!

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-_ungle fury

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-Jungle Fury

CASEY: Previously on
Power Rangers Jungle Fury.

l'm afraid you haven't passed.

Jarrod, you are only my human vessel.
You have no will of your own.

-l will always be devoted to you.
-Thank you.

Camille brings the human side
out of him.

SNAPPER: Camille must go!

-Who are you?

l'm telling you, l saw him. l saw Jarrod,
the person we used to know.

Now you need to face the facts.
Jarrod's gone.

The time of the final Beast w*r is near.

The time of the final Beast w*r is near.

-DOMINIC: Morning, Case.

Man, you look wrecked.
Did l miss a battle or something?

Of sorts.
l didn't get much sleep last night.

My brain's been going
OO miles a minute.

-What's on your mind?

You should try reading sometime.
It's a great escape.

fran gave me To k*ll a Mockingbird.
It's a classic story of redemption.

One guy stands up for
what he believes in

even though the whole town
is against him.

Can l ask you something?


You knew Jarrod
at the academy, right?

Yeah. We were roommates together
when he first arrived.

What was he like?

Well, he didn't seem to fit in.

he'd talk about his childhood,

but it was pretty rough.

His parents weren't really around.

lt didn't seem like
anybody cared about him.

He wasn't a bad guy, though. It's...

lt's funny how some things iust...
Why do you ask?

Ah, breakfast.
The most important meal of the day.


Now l got the drop on you,

Now, why did you try to destroy me?


-Answer me!
-Okay, okay!

lt's because you've grown too close
to the human, Jarrod.

You love him and not Dai Shi
so we don't trust you any more!.

That's not true.
l've always loved Dai Shi.

Are you sure about that?



Casey's really taking
this master thing hard.

Wouldn't you? He's been working
his tail off just like us.

Yeah. l'm sure
he'll figure out what to do.

Well, iust because
he isn't a master yet,

doesn't mean we can't celebrate
our accomplishment.

You know,
it's the second Tuesday of the month.

What are we gonna do?

We're masters now, Lily.

We should probably stay focused
and on task.



Well, l guess
l'll help open the pizza parlour.


Theo! Why would you pass up
a date with Lily?

Everyone knows you like her.

Okay, l admit it, l liked her.

But she made it painfully obvious
that we're just friends,

so why chase something
that's never gonna happen?

(SIGHING) The only thing
that is painfully obvious

is that you never really asked her out.
Did you?



-Master Mao.

You have the strength
and passion of a tiger,

but your heart is leading you astray.

Jarrod cannot be saved.

l don't believe that, Master.

l've seen the human in him
when he defended Camille.

-He hasn't always been bad.
-Yes, that's true,

but even l couldn't get through to him.

He has gone too far
down the dark path.

Jarrod has given himself
over to Dai Shi.

No! You're wrong.

Jarrod's fighting to get out, l can feel it.

-What you are feeling is guilt.

You feel responsible for Jarrod's fall.

lf you hadn't come to the academy...

Then none of this
would have happened.

Jarrod and l wouldn't have fought,
you wouldn't have kicked him out,

and he wouldn't have released Dai Shi.

Look into your soul, Casey. You know
that Jarrod's heart wasn't pure.

Or maybe he was so alone that
there was nothing pure to fill his heart.

lf you go to Dai Shi's domain,
you are likely to be destroyed.

ls that what you want?

Thank you, Master,
for all that you've done.

But this is something l have to do.

Casey! Are you trying to save Jarrod,
or redeem yourself?


So, you dare come here.



You were foolish to come here,
Tiger Master.

lt will be your undoing.

l'm not a master, l'm a friend.


l don't have any friends, only Dai Shi.

He's not a friend, Jarrod.
He's warping your mind.

l've seen the real you
with my own eyes.

Look a little closer.






-We don't have to do this!
-There's no turning back now.



Casey's been gone a long time.

Yeah, l'm starting to worry a little.

-Guys, you need a break.
-Fran, we're working.

lt's Casey!

Come on, hurry!

Look, you guys are not
gonna believe this.

lt is unbelievable!

-Fran, slow down.
-Just tell us what's going on.

-Where's Casey?
-He is at Dai Shi's temple.

-Look, this was recorded

iust a few minutes ago
from the geocentric satellite.

What's he doing?

Whatever it is, we have to help him.
Come on.

No. Not yet.

This is Casey's destiny.


You're powerful, Casey,
but you are no match for Dai Shi.

Then you help me!
Together we can destroy him.

l am him!






Whose idea was this again?
Oh, right, mine.

Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed!








Jarrod, look into your heart.

You can fight this.
l know you're in there.

l saw you save Camille.
Dai Shi never would have done that!

No! l won't be defeated!




Come on, Casey, you can do this.
Jungle Master Mode!

-l'm not leaving without you.
-You're not leaving, period!



You foolish boy,
Jarrod no longer exists.

l have swallowed his humanity.
He is now my sl*ve!

No! You can't have him.
He's Pai Zhua. He's one of us!





Finish it. Do it!


No. l won't destroy you, Jarrod.

You're a human and Pai Zhua student.

-And l care.
-No. No!

l am Dai Shi!


lf you are Dai Shi,

then destroy me.







DAl SHl: You dare defy me, Jarrod!


Now feel my wrath!

Humans cannot be trusted,
they must be destroyed.


DAl SHl: So, now you stand
with the humans.

You will also fall with them!


Spirit of the Tiger!


-Come on!
-DAl SHl: Get them!

-Yes, Dai Shi!
-Yes, Dai Shi!


Casey's done his job. Let's do ours.

l knew you were in there somewhere.


Thanks, Casey. l owe you one.



SCORCH: Touching moment.
Pity it will be your last.

lt ends here.



-You okay?
-Never better.

-You up for this?


Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed!


We're gonna settle this now, Snapper!


BLACK LlON WARRlOR: Now witness
the full Lion Spirit, Scorch!

Rangers, let's give them a hand.

With the strength of a Tiger,
Jungle Fury, Red Ranger!

With the speed of a Cheetah,
Jungle Fury, Yellow Ranger!

With the stealth of a Jaguar,
Jungle Fury, Blue Ranger!

With the courage of a Wolf,
Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!

With the power of a Rhino,
Jungle Fury, Rhino Ranger!

With the spirit of the mighty Lion!


With the cunning of a Chameleon!















-Got you!
-Got you!


Allow me.


Rhino Blade!



CHAMILLA: Good riddance!

Spirit of the Lion!

RED RANGER: Spirit of the Tiger!


RED RANGER: Claw Cannon!

-And fire!





WOLF RANGER: Great iob!


-Are you all right?

Jarrod, what's wrong?

SCORCH: You thought
it would be that easy?

Think again!

This isn't over yet!

-Lion Spirit!
-Chameleon Spirit!

RED RANGER: Animal Spirits, unite!

You are no match
for a Phantom Beast General.



So you think you can defeat me now?

RED RANGER: We can do
better than that. Come on, guys!

-Tiger Power!

-Lion Power!
-Chameleon Power!


-ALL: Yeah!


-ALL: Power Rangers, Jungle Fury!
-Power Rangers, Jungle Fury!


(CHUCKLING) All right!

-Nothing .

l'll tell you later.

Oh! Look! l'm a master! l got my stripes!

BOTH: Yeah! You're a master!


Why now? Why not before?

A master cannot be a follower.

When you chose to defy Master Mao
and believe in your own convictions,

your path to master-hood
became your destiny.


Tiger Master,

l am prepared for whatever punishment
you deem appropriate.

No punishment necessary, okay?

We're gonna need you guys
to help save humanity.

l think we've done enough.

DAl SHl: l nearly have enough
fear to assemble my beast army.

But the Power Rangers have stopped
me from getting all l need.

Dai Shi, send the Rin Shi
to gather more fear.

l will personally see that
the Rangers are eliminated.

DAl SHl: Yes! Now it begins!
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