16x13 - Ghost of a Chance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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16x13 - Ghost of a Chance

Post by bunniefuu »

[ singing ]
Power Rangers


Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury


Training hard to be
the best that we can

Power Rangers!

Protecting people
from the evil Dai Shi clan

We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose a fight

-Dai Shi
-Go away

-We're here
-To save the day

'Cause we're the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury!

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury, go!

- Go! Go!
- Power Rangers

- Go! Go!
- Jungle Fury

- Go! Go!
- Power Rangers

- Go! Go!
- Jungle Fury

[ people screaming ]

Yes, run! Your fear makes me powerful.

Good boy, Mog,
make your new master proud.

[ coughing ]

FLIT: What's going on here?

I take a power nap,
and all of a sudden you are a master?

Well, technically no,

but when Mog destroys the humans,
I'll be rewarded.

Or Option B, Mog will fail
and Jellica will make you an appetiser.

[ Flit screaming ]

I feel like a milkshake!

MOG: Run!

[ Red Ranger exclaims ]

Rangers. Just in time.

We're not afraid of you!

Come on, guys, let's hop to it!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

Maybe this will scare you.

BLUE RANGER: Jungle Fan!

RED RANGER: Shark Sabres!

[ groaning ]

MOG: See if you can handle this!

RED RANGER: Let's do it!

-Animal Spirits, unite as one!
-Animal Spirits, unite as one!

- Jungle Pride Megazord!
- Jungle Pride Megazord!

[ Mog growling ]

Come on! Show me what you've got!

- Spirit of the Elephant, untie!
- Spirit of the Elephant, untie!

[ Mog laughing ]

MOG: I'm not afraid of that.

- Jungle Mace, spin attack!
- Jungle Mace, spin attack!

Okay, enough of this.

Hey! Try to catch me up here!

- Spirit of the Bat, unite!
- Spirit of the Bat, unite!

- Spirit of the Shark, combine!
- Spirit of the Shark, combine!

BLUE RANGER: Rotation!


MOG: Okay, that was a little scary.

[ sighs ]


[ grunting ]

[ grunting ]


Impressive. You are getting
stronger each day.

Only through your training, Master.


Another of my warriors has failed,

but it really wasn't my fault this time.
I had a perfect plan.

Yes, but as usual, you came up short.
This time it will cost you!

[ both grunting ]

CHAMILLA: Dai Shi, help me!

[ Chamilla groaning ]

No one will help you.
Your luck has run out.


DAI SHI: I ask that she be spared,
Overlord Jellica.

She can still be of use.

JELLICA: Most impressive.

I think you've reached
a new pinnacle of power.

DAI SHI: Carnisoar.

You have done well, Jellica.

JELLICA: Of course I have.

[ exclaims ]

CARNISOAR: The time has come.
These are my Shadow Guards.

Take them with you and destroy
the Power Rangers once and for all!

DAI SHI: My pleasure.

- CASEY: We rule!
- We are not afraid of anything!

You said it, Theo.

They set them up,
we knock them down!

Knock what down?

Where have you been, bowling?

- Yes.
- Bowling, yeah, yeah.

THEO: Pretty much.
LILY: Exactly, yeah.

Casey bowled a turkey,
so we were excited.

Actually, it was a frog.

[ Lily and Theo laugh ]

I would appreciate if someone would
inform me before you go on break.

Casey, Lily, Theo, loft.

- We're going on break.
- We're going on break.

[ sighing ]

What do they do up there?

CASEY: Did you see
that frog whipping, RJ?

THEO: He didn't
stand a chance against us.

Yeah, when do we get
our master tattoos?


[ laughs ]

Not quite.

What do you mean?
We're fearless fighting machines.

We're unbeatable.

Confidence is good,
but overconfidence is dangerous.

It's time to go back to basics.

- Basics?
- Basics?

But we've come so far!

I want you to practise your stances.

Now would be an appropriate time.

Power Rangers,

come to me.

[ roaring ]

[ training battle cries ]

[ alarm blaring ]

Face me, Power Rangers, if you dare.

He wants a fight, we'll give him one.

There's something
different about Jarrod.

The sensors are off the charts.

Don't worry, RJ.
We're not afraid of him.

- We're not afraid of anything.
- Let's do it!

CASEY: Jarrod!

I didn't think you were going to show.

You and your buddies are going down.

I highly doubt that.

[ yelling ]

[ Rangers screaming ]

On your feet, Rangers.

- Ready!
- Ready!

- Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed!
- Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed!

RED RANGER: With the strength
of a Tiger, Red Ranger!

YELLOW RANGER: With the speed
of a Cheetah, Yellow Ranger!

BLUE RANGER: With the stealth
of a Jaguar, Blue Ranger!

RANGERS: We summon
the Animal Spirits from within.

- Power Rangers, Jungle Fury!
- Power Rangers, Jungle Fury!

- Let's do it!
- Let's do it!


The end is near, Yellow Ranger.

We'll see about that! Jungle Mace!

[ yelling ]

[ Dai Shi laughing ]

Cheetah Jabs!

DAI SHI: Your Cheetah
is no match for my Lion.

You are weak and will be destroyed.

YELLOW RANGER: [ grunting ]
You have some major ego issues.

Bring out the Cheetah!

[ roaring ]

[ screams ]


Come on.

DAI SHI: Theo,
always up for a challenge.

BLUE RANGER: Jungle Fans!

DAI SHI: Your Bats
friend can't help you now!

Oh, yeah? Swoop technique!

DAI SHI: Useless!

DAI SHI: Fool!
BLUE RANGER: I'm not done yet!

DAI SHI: I have
advanced to the next level.

You and your pathetic friends
are doomed.

DAI SHI: That's right.

My evil is unmatched!
I am now your master!


[ screaming ]


RED RANGER: Hang on, buddy!

Accept your fate, Blue Ranger!

[ screaming ]


[ laughing ]


DAI SHI: So, we meet again.

Yeah, and this time, you're going down!

Master Mao trusted you and you
threw away everything he taught you.

DAI SHI: Master Mao never
understood the power.

[ Red Ranger growling ]

RED RANGER: Shark Sabres, combine!

DAI SHI: When will you learn?
I am unstoppable!

Now I will finish this!

[ groaning ]

RED RANGER: With the strength
of a Tiger, Strike Rider Cruise!

Let's ride! Full throttle!

Strike Rider, high speed!

Attack mode, go!

DAI SHI: What's next?


[ Dai Shi laughing ]

- Claw Cannon, engage!
- YELLOW RANGER: Claw Cannon!

- Ready!
- Ready!

DAI SHI: Oh, please.

Stand aside.


- Powered by Animal Spirits, fire!
- Powered by Animal Spirits, fire!

[ Dai Shi laughing ]


RED RANGER: That's impossible!

DAI SHI: As I said, I am more powerful
now than you can possibly imagine.

Spirit of the Mighty Lion!

[ Rangers screaming ]

DAI SHI: Victory.

Say hi to Master Mao.

[ RJ yelling ]

- RJ?
- RJ?

So, the Wolf Master returns.

Why fight warriors
when you can fight a master?

DAI SHI: Why, indeed.

But your skills are no match for
my power and you know it.

Surrender yourself
and I'll spare your students.

- RJ, don't.
- No.

You know what to do.

DAI SHI: Seize him.

[ Rangers grunting ]

[ Camille laughing ]

Wait, don't say a word. Let me guess.

"Sorry, Fran, we were
on break during the lunch rush

"and now we have to go up to the loft
while you finish cleaning up."

Yeah, that's about right.

Sorry, Fran. We'll make it up to you.

Hey, it's okay. Don't sweat it.

I've already apologised
to myself, anyway.

Where's RJ?

I haven't seen him all afternoon.

JELLICA: What do we have here?

CARNISOAR: Well done.
You are truly an agent of evil.

JELLICA: A Pai Zhua master,
as I live and breathe.

Please, compliments embarrass me.

I wanted to destroy him in front
of you as a gift for my training.

Whoa, I've never been a gift before.

JELLICA: How sweet!
We'll make a gala event.

- Camille!
- Yes, Overload Jellica.

Make yourself useful.
Prepare the stadium for battle.

And what of the Power Rangers?

Without their master, they're irrelevant.

If I may, what if they find
other masters, like before?

JELLICA: They have already trained
with the last three of Earth.

There are no more living masters.

[ laughing ]

Guess we're not masters after all.

We have to save RJ, whatever it takes.

Yeah, but without a master,
how can we learn to defeat Jarrod?

He's, like, super evil now.

What do you think RJ meant
when he said, "You know what to do"?

He meant, do exactly
what he told us to do.

We go back to basics.
All the way back to the beginning.

To the forbidden room!

Hey, I'm all for it,

but if I remember correctly,
the room's empty.

I don't see how that can help us.

Yeah, well, we have to try.
It may be our only hope.

[ Camille laughing ]

Well, well, well.
First-class accommodation.

I can't wait to watch Dai Shi tear
your Wolf Spirit to shreds.

You are gonna beg for mercy.

Do you always treat
your guests so graciously?

Don't worry, it'll be a short visit.

I may be defeated by Jarrod,

but your master has made
an error in judgement.

What error?

He underestimates the Power Rangers.

[ Lily gasping ]


Well, we're here.

Look around, there must be
something that can help.

Guys, check this out!

That must be Master Phant
in his animal form.

- And there's Master Swoop.
- CASEY: And Master Finn,

but who are those guys?

It's a gorilla, an antelope,
and it's a penguin!

MAO: Those are the
other Pai Zhua masters.

LILY: Master Mao!

How can we find these other masters?

RJ's been captured
and we need more training.

Yes, I know.

But these masters cannot be found.

They were destroyed in a great battle.

They reside in the spirit world now.

Can you take us there?
We have to save RJ.

No one has ever returned
from that realm.

It's a place unlike
anything you've ever seen.

Master, please. We can do this.

We'll find a way back.

It's too risky.

I'm sorry.

The answer's no.

[ exclaims in disgust ]

Wrong cell. I ordered the pizza.

Eat it. I want you at full strength
for my showcase.

Yes, the big event.

Is there anything special
you'd like me to wear?

Joke while you can, Wolf Master.

Joke while you can.

Come on, Rangers.

Please, you have to take us.

It's our only hope.

CASEY: Master, we can do this.

You trained us,
and RJ picked up where you left off.

We won't let you down.

Please. We're not afraid.

Once I open the door, you will be.

[ Mao grunts ]

There's no turning back now.

[ Rangers yelling ]

[ Rangers yelling ]

Not exactly a vacation resort.

It's another world of ghostly spirits.

What do you expect,
palm trees and hula girls?

Guys, let's get serious here.
RJ's counting on us.

[ Theo gasping ]

[ Masters yelling ]

[ Rangers grunting ]

[ Rangers grunting ]

You should not have come here.
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