16x08 - Way of the Master

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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16x08 - Way of the Master

Post by bunniefuu »

Power Rangers


Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury


Training hard to be
the best that we can

Power Rangers!

Protecting people
from the evil Dai Shi clan

We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose a fight

-Dai Shi
-Go away

-We're here
-To save the day

'Cause we're the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury!

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle fury

Jungle Fury, go!

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-Jungle fury

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-Jungle Fury

BLUE RANGER: This way!



Watch out!



You think your other fights
have been tough?

l'll show you tough!

YELLOW RANGER: Let's go! Ha!


he wasn't kidding about tough!

YELLOW RANGER: Our weapons
didn't even scratch him!

That's because nothing can get through
my armour!

Never mind about those brats.
You're here to clear out the city.

-Now get to it!
-l'm all over it!


RED RANGER: Zord time!

RANGERS: Animal Spirits, unite!


Oh, it looks like the fight is on!


RANGERS: Jungle Pride Megazord!

FLIT: The Rangers form
the Jungle Pride Megazord,

and they're ready to rumble.



That creature's scales are
tough as nails!

Rolling attack!

This calls for a Megazord Savage Spin!

All this spinning is making me dizzy!

l think l'm gonna be sick!

Not in your helmet, Theo!



All that twirling... l don't feel so good.


He got away!

RJ: Talk to me, team.

-So then this giant anteater...

-l thought it was an artichoke with legs.
-lt was a Pangolin.

-A Pangolin.

The name means
''something that rolls up.''

lt has plate-like armour that's
almost impossible to break through.

We found that out the hard way.
None of our weapons worked.

Listen and learn, young Cheetah.
l said almost impossible.

You just don't have the right w*apon.

You mean there's
something that might work?

There's a legend in the
Order of the Claw about a master

who wielded a w*apon
that could break through steel.

-His name was Master Phant.

So we iust call this Master Phant dude
and ask him to borrow his w*apon.

-Done deal.
-Deal not done.

When Master Phant retired,

he moved to a remote forest
to live a life of solitude.

-No one's heard from him in years.
-Wonder why he dropped off the grid?

No one knows. But he's lost all contact
with the Order of the Claw.

Well, the Order of the Claw is about to
contact him. Come on, guys.

We're gonna find Master Phant.

The Five Fingers of Poison have failed.

Yes, they were a letdown,
especially that Cobra.

My mother always told me
not to trust snakes.

Enough of these inferior fools!

Bring me
the Three Bracelets of the Overlords.

THEO: (GRUNTS) This is ridiculous.
Are we almost there?

What's the matter,
is the mighty Jaguar getting tired?

No! The mighty Jaguar is getting
eaten alive by mighty mosquitoes!


Chill, T, we're almost there.

Let's keep focused
on our mission, okay?

Okay, guys. Break time's over. Let's go.

No problem there.
This forest is giving me the creeps.

CASEY: Come on.


These will lead you
to where their bodies are,

but what good will that do?

l will bring one back to life
as my new master.

l'm going to find Carnisoar.

(GASPS) Not the Sky Overlord.
His methods were ruthless!

l have the spirit of the Lion.
No mere Hawk can intimidate me.

Prepare the city
for the Sky Overlord's arrival.

l have iust the beast for the iob.
The Pangolin, he'll shake things up.

Good. But keep a close eye
on all of the Rangers.

l sense they're up to something.

LILY: Come on, guys. Let's keep going.

l think we're almost there.
Stick close to each other.






You are not wanted here! Go away!


What was that about?

Good, this area is very unstable.

lf l tap into the core,
l can tell where the plates are shifting.

-Yes! This will work!
-CAMILLE: Pangolin!

Are you sure you can cause an
earthquake that will rock the whole city?


When Dai Shi returns,
he will be so proud of me.

What a dump. Don't tell me
a Pai Zhuq master lives here.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

LILY: Hello?

-Anyone here?

-We're looking for Master Phant.
-l was once known by that name.

Why do you disturb my solitude?

Master, we need your help.

lmpertinent children.
You were not invited here. Leave me be.

No, please. We're not children.
We're students of the Order of the Claw.

-l see. Well, that's of no matter to me.

Well, if you really were
a Pai Zhuq master,

it might matter to you
that Dai Shi has escaped.

What? No, no, that cannot be.

lt's true, and we're the new Guardians
who are trying to stop him.

Well, that is unfortunate.

But there is nothing
l can do to help you.

Yes, there is. We need you to teach us
how to use your special w*apon.

The Jungle Mace?
l haven't even looked at it in years.

lt's the w*apon of a warrior,
not a useless old man.

Useless, my foot. You're the one
who kicked our tails before.

l do not tolerate intruders.

l iust want to be left alone,
to live out my days in peace.

Can you believe this guy?
He's the only one that can help us

and all he does is
sit around feeling sorry for himself.

Theo, he's a Pai Zhuq master.
Show some respect.

l'm with Theo on this one. Master or not,
l'm not going to stand here

and beg for his help
when people are in danger.

l'm sorry, there is nothing l can do.


Come on, guys.

-Lil, you coming?

Master Phant is going to show me
how to use that Jungle Mace.

-Stubborn girl, l said no.
-And l say l'm not leaving until you do.

You guys call me if you need me.

This is the perfect spot.
l'll drill right into the fault line.

Yes, but hurry,
before the Rangers find out our plan.

RED RANGER: Too late.

l knew it.


-Hurry, Pangolin!





-Hey! What are you doing in my yard?
-Trying to cheer this place up a bit.

l don't want cheery. l hate cheery.

Were you this grouchy
when you were a Pai Zhuq master?

Because if you were,
l'm glad you weren't my teacher.

You would have been lucky
to have been my student!

l was one of the greatest
of all the masters.

Then prove it.
Teach me how to use the Jungle Mace.

Those days are over.

When l was a Pai Zhuq master,
there was purpose to my life.

Then they put me out to pasture.

What have l got to
live for now? Nothing.

That's not true.

That great master is still
inside you somewhere. l know it is!

Don't bother with the flowers.
They will only die.





Get away from my student!


We don't have much time.

BLUE RANGER: Jungle Tong Fa!


Come on!





RED RANGER: Jungle Chuks!

All right!

With the strength of a Tiger,
Strike Rider Cruise!

Let's ride. Full throttle!

Tiger strike!

Strike Rider, high speed!

Attack mode, go!




-You're mine, Blue Ranger!

RED RANGER: Back off!


lt's been fun.
But now it's time to say bye-bye, kitties!




-She's back!

Yeah! It wouldn't be a party without me.

Let's dance!



-Give it up, Camille!
-You're too late!

-My plan is already in action.


No, you don't!

Lily! Hurry!
Pangolin went down that hole!

Don't worry, l'll take care of him.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Yeah! Got a bite.

l'm reeling you in!

PANGOLIN: No! l haven't reached
the fault line yet!


Hey! Over here!

Why, you little pest!

This little pest is big trouble!

Jungle Mace!



Your armour's not so tough!

RED RANGER: Nice one, Lil!

the Jungle Mace. No way!

Even though Master Phant
gave up on himself, l didn't.



Ready for the big time, guys?


RANGERS: Animal Spirits,
unite as one!

RANGERS: Jungle Pride Megazord!

Yeah! l'm ready for this.

The rematch! This is gonna be good.

Get lost before l put you in a jar.

(YELPS) How about that fight?
Pangolin is rock hard and ready to roll.

Oh! That's a strike!

RED RANGER: Now what do we do?

MASTER PHAWT: Lily, channel
the spirit of the Elephant

to fight your opponent.

l hear you, Master Phant!

Use my technique.
l know you can do it.

Yes, Master. l'll try. Come on, guys.

We're going to use
the Elephant technique!

RANGERS: Calling on the spirit
of the Elephant! Jungle Fury!


They have a new animal spirit!
That's not fair!

lt looks like the Rangers
are back in business!

RANGERS: Ha! Elephant attack!



RANGERS: Spirit of the Elephant,

RANGERS: Jungle Pride
with Elephant Power!


RANGERS: Jungle Mace, now!

Ow! The Jungle Mace
has put him in his place!

l thought that technique
was lost forever!

You can't defeat me!
Pangolin rolling attack!

Follow my lead, guys!

RANGERS: Jungle Mace, spin attack!

FLIT: And the Rangers wind up...



Against all odds,
they broke the rolling attack!

You destroyed my shiny armour.
Oh, the shame!

RANGERS: All right!

(CHUCKLES) Did you see that?

Yes, l'm iust glad Dai Shi
wasn't here to see it.

FLIT: What'd l say?

RANGERS: Jungle Pride Megazord!

Thanks, Master Phant.
You're the greatest!

Thank you for believing in me.

Now, this is a place fit
for a Pai Zhuq master.

-Yeah, l think we did a pretty good iob.
-Guys, here he comes!

What is this?

A little thank you present.
Wait till you see the inside.

Well, Master, what do you think?

lt seems in this case, the master
has learned from the student.

lt was an honour. And we may need
your help again sometime,

so don't forget to keep in touch.

(CHUCKLES) l have the spirit of
the Elephant, l remember everything!

Sky Overlord,
this is where you fell in battle.

Now you will live again,
and teach me your dark ways.

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