16x04 - A Taste of Poison

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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16x04 - A Taste of Poison

Post by bunniefuu »

Power Rangers


Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury


Training hard to be
the best that we can

Power Rangers!

Protecting people
from the evil Dai Shi clan

We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose a fight

-Dai Shi
-Go away

-We're here
-To save the day

'Cause we're the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury!

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle fury

Jungle Fury, go!

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-Jungle fury

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-Jungle Fury

Behold, the Five Fingers of Poison,

CAMILLE: Behold,
the five fingers of Poison,

an elite squad of venomous warriors,

an elite squad of venomous warriors,

each possessing a unique
and treacherous poison.

each possessing a unique
and treacherous poison.



He can strike a hundred times
before his opponent can respond.

He can strike a hundred times
before his opponent can respond.


Naja, the Cobra.
Cold-blooded and lethal.

Naja, the Cobra.
Cold-blooded and lethal.

lt will take but one strike
to conquer his foes.

lt will take but one strike
to conquer his foes.



Her hypnotic dance
Iures her prey closer and closer,

Her hypnotic dance
Iures her prey closer and closer,

until she strikes.

until she strikes.

The cunning Gakko.

The cunning Gakko.

Master in the art of the surprise attack.

Master in the art of the surprise attack.


And Toady.

And Toady.

Able to ward off the strongest offence.

Able to ward off the strongest offence.

Not smart,
but not to be underestimated.

Not smart,
but not to be underestimated.



As you requested.

As you requested.

Five of the most dangerous warriors
in your army.

Five of the most dangerous warriors
in your army.

Dai Shi!



Go and spread fear
from the highest rooftop.

Go and spread fear
from the highest rooftop.

That will take my power
to the next level.

That will take my power
to the next level.

Sometimes, l just can't believe my life.

Sometimes, l just can't believe my life.

Shredding cheese one minute,
shredding evil beasts the next.

Shredding cheese one minute,
shredding evil beasts the next.

(CHUCKLES) Hey, this whole thing
came out of nowhere for you, Casey.

Hey, this whole thing
came out of nowhere for you, Casey.

lt's gotta be maiorly intense,
especially for a cub.

lt's gotta be maiorly intense,
especially for a cub.

Well, l'm not a cub any more.
You don't have to worry about me.

Well, l'm not a cub any more.
You don't have to worry about me.


One large Thrilla Gorilla Pizza,
extra banana.

One large Thrilla Gorilla Pizza,
extra banana.

Thrilla Gorilla, coming up. Bananas?

Thrilla Gorilla, coming up. Bananas?

RJ says everything's better
with bananas.

RJ says everything's better
with bananas.

-Where is RJ, anyway?
-No clue.

-Where is RJ, anyway?
-No clue.

He's been working on something
in the garage for days.

He's been working on something
in the garage for days.

You get the board, l've got the dough.

You get the board, l've got the dough.



-Oops, my bad.
-Oh, no, you didn't.

-Oops, my bad.
-Oh, no, you didn't.

Lily, now wait,
you're a reasonable person.

Lily, now wait,
you're a reasonable person.


Oops, my bad!

Oops, my bad!


Laugh it up.

Oh, laugh it up.

Because you are going to be
so sorry for that one.

Because you are going to be
so sorry for that one.




Look at the kitchen! It's trashed!

Look at the kitchen! It's trashed!

-He started it.
-Did not!

-He started it.
-Did not!

l don't care how it started.

l don't care how it started.

We've got hungry customers out there.

We've got hungry customers out there.

Clean this place up.

Clean this place up.

And, Casey, take whatever that is
off your face.

And, Casey, take whatever that is
off your face.


-We gotta bolt!

-LILY: We gotta bolt!
-ALL: Fran!

Oh! Let me guess.

Oh! Let me guess.

You all have to leave
for some super important

You all have to leave
for some super important

and yet highly secretive reason.

and yet highly secretive reason.

On the money. Thanks, Fran.

On the money. Thanks, Fran.


l bet Wolfgang Puck
never has to put up with stuff like this.

l bet Wolfgang Puck
never has to put up with stuff like this.








The sound of fear.

Ah, the sound of fear.


Surprise! We're here to stop you!

Surprise! We're here to stop you!

Surprise! Think again!

STINGARELLA: Surprise! Think again!

Ugh! So, these are the Pai Zhuq
students. l'm so not impressed.

So, these are the Pai Zhuq students.
l'm so not impressed.

They look pretty sorry to me.

They look pretty sorry to me.

-And ugly.
-Yes. Let's get this fight started.

-And ugly.
-Yes. Let's get this fight started.

ALL: By the power of Dai Shi,
inner beasts arise!

By the power of Dai Shi,
inner beasts arise!

A hundred legs to strike you.

A hundred legs to strike you.

Fangs full of venom. Naja!

Fangs full of venom. Naja!

Queen of the toxic dance. Stingarella!

Queen of the toxic dance. Stingarella!

Master of trickery and deceit. Gakko!

Master of trickery and deceit. Gakko!

Skin stronger than armour. Toady!

Skin stronger than armour. Toady!

We are the Five Fingers of Poison!

ALL: We are the Five Fingers of Poison!





Get them!

Get them!


lt won't be long now.

lt won't be long now.


Too slow!

Too slow!






-Get up!
-En garde, beast!

-Get up!
-En garde, beast!



-Lily! Whoa!
-And they say l have fast hands!

-Lily! Whoa!
-And they say l have fast hands!

Well, watch me!

Well, watch me!


Up here!

Up here!


TOADY: Ranger!

-Come on!

-Come on!

(EXCLAIMS) That's one tough toad!

That's one tough toad!

You wore them down.
Now l'll do the rest. Cobra strike!

You wore them down.
Now l'll do the rest. Cobra strike!





They're too strong.
We have to regroup.

They're too strong. We have to regroup.

That's right, run!

That's right, run!


l liked it better when
we were just fighting one at a time.

l liked it better when
we were just fighting one at a time.

l feel you there.

l feel you there.




Whoa, is that...

CASEY: Whoa, is that...



Jarrod? What are you doing here?

Jarrod? What are you doing here?

The one you called ''Jarrod'' is gone.
l am now filled with the evil of Dai Shi.

The one you called ''Jarrod'' is gone.
l am now filled with the evil of Dai Shi.

Great. It was bad enough
when you were just the jerk

Great. It was bad enough
when you were just the jerk

who got kicked out of our school.

who got kicked out of our school.

And you were responsible
for that humiliation.

And you were responsible
for that humiliation.

-Now you will pay!
-Oh, this is going to be good!

-Now you will pay!
-Oh, this is going to be good!


l challenge you to a battle.

l challenge you to a battle.

l beat you once, l can do it again.

l beat you once, l can do it again.

No, Casey!
Not if he has the power of Dai Shi!

No, Casey!
Not if he has the power of Dai Shi!

Can't back down now.

Can't back down now.

Jungle Beast, spirit unleash!

Jungle Beast, spirit unleash!

With the strength of a Tiger,
Jungle Fury Red Ranger!

With the strength of a Tiger,
Jungle Fury Red Ranger!

l call forth the spirit of the mighty Lion!

l call forth the spirit of the mighty Lion!


Call to the beast inside! Free the Tiger!

Call to the beast inside! Free the Tiger!


Running away, scaredy cat?

DAl SHl: Running away, scaredy cat?



Too easy!

Too easy!


(SCOFFS) The tiger is tamer
than l thought. He's not worth my time.

The tiger is tamer than l thought.
He's not worth my time.

Yes, master.

Yes, master.




Her poison is in your bloodstream.

Her poison is in your bloodstream.

lt is not fatal,
but the pain will be punishing.

lt is not fatal,
but the pain will be punishing.



LILY: Casey!

Thanks, l feel much better.

(COUGHS) Thanks, l feel much better.

Are you sure?

-Are you sure?
-He said he's fine. Leave the guy alone.

He said he's fine. Leave the guy alone.

Freaky that Jarrod
turned out to be Dai Shi.

Freaky that Jarrod
turned out to be Dai Shi.

But standing up to him
sure took a lot of guts.

But, standing up to him
sure took a lot of guts.

Or not a lot of brain cells.

Or not a lot of brain cells.

Theo, l'm ignoring
your negative energy.

Theo, l'm ignoring
your negative energy.

Casey, l'm working on something new
for you, that you're just gonna love.

Casey, l'm working on something new
for you, that you're just gonna love.

You iust power it up with
your Tiger spirit, it'll blow your mind.

You iust power it up with
your Tiger spirit, it'll blow your mind.

ls it dangerous?

ls it dangerous?

Casey already has one mommy,
he doesn't need two.

Casey already has one mommy,
he doesn't need two.

You don't hear me complaining.

You don't hear me complaining.

Lights out, team. We're up
against some major badness here.

RJ: Lights out, team. We're up
against some major badness here.

We all need some rest.

We all need some rest.

Okay, Jarrod.
This is gonna end here and now.

Okay, Jarrod.
This is gonna end here and now.

ln your dreams.

ln your dreams.

l call forth the spirit of the mighty Lion.

l call forth the spirit of the mighty Lion.




What are we waiting for?

we waiting for?

l'm sure Camille has a plan.

l'm sure Camille has a plan.

(SCOFFS) She has no plan.

She has no plan.

l can think of a way
to trick the Red Ranger.

l can think of a way
to trick the Red Ranger.

l'm not waiting for any of you!

l'm not waiting for any of you!

l'll handle this on my own.

l'll handle this on my own.

You fools.

You fools.


Red Ranger!
Let's finish what we started.

Let's finish what we started.

l can take you out single-handedly!

l can take you out single-handedly!

Not while l'm around.

Not while l'm around.

-Nice to see you again.
-Yellow Ranger?

-Nice to see you again.
-Yellow Ranger?

You're not the one l wanted to fight.

You're not the one l wanted to fight.

What's the matter?
Afraid of being beaten by a girl?

What's the matter?
Afraid of being beaten by a girl?

l suppose any Ranger will do.

l suppose any Ranger will do.

l heard the Cheetah is pretty fast.

l heard the Cheetah is pretty fast.

ls that a challenge? Huh?

ls that a challenge? Huh?

Hey, Lil, you planning
on coming to work today, or what?

Hey, Lil, you planning
on coming to work today, or what?



Looks like she's already at work.

Looks like she's already at work.

Cheetah jabs!

YELLOW RANGER: Cheetah jabs!


Jungle Bo!

Jungle Bo!

You're mine!

You're mine!

Hey, what's the deal
going off on your own?

Hey, what's the deal
going off on your own?

l seem to be doing just fine.

l seem to be doing just fine.

Not for long.

RANTIPEDE: Not for long.

Rin Shi Warriors!

Rin Shi Warriors!




Me and my big mouth.

Oh, me and my big mouth.

-l got these guys covered.

-l got these guys covered.

-Time to test RJ's new invention.

-Time to test RJ's new invention.

With the strength of the Tiger,
Strike Rider Cruise!

With the strength of
the Tiger, Strike Rider Cruise!

Let's ride!

Let's ride!

Full throttle! Yeah!

Full throttle! Yeah!


Tiger strike, full throttle!

Tiger strike, full throttle!


(LAUGHS) All right!

All right!

ls that all you've got?

ls that all you've got?

Tiger strike!

Tiger strike!




lf you ever want me to trust you again,

lf you ever want me to trust you again,

you'd better stop
that hundred-legged fool.

you'd better stop
that hundred-legged fool.

He's decided to take matters
into his own hands.

He's decided to take matters
into his own hands.

Rantipede. That rat!

Rantipede. That rat!

Don't worry, l'll get on it right away.

Don't worry, l'll get on it right away.

Nice bike. l almost hate to destroy it!

Nice bike. l almost hate to destroy it!


Just try it! Full throttle!

Just try it! Full throttle!




Strike Rider, high speed!

Strike Rider, high speed!

Attack mode, go!

Attack mode, go!


Over the top!

Over the top!



l'm pest control!

l'm pest control!



-Nice work, Lil!

-Nice work, Lil!



Now you'll see
who you're really dealing with.

Now you'll see
who you're really dealing with.

-Ew, nasty!
-His face is crawling!

-His face is crawling!

-Your fear makes me stronger!

Your fear makes me stronger!

We'll see about that!

We'll see about that!

Animal Spirits, unite!

RANGERS: Animal Spirits, unite!

Jungle Pride Megazord!

RANGERS: Jungle Pride Megazord!

That bike blast has some kick!

Oh! That bike blast has some kick!

No, it's on now. Let's watch.

No, it's on now. Let's watch.

Take this!

Take this!

Hold him tight, Rangers!

Hold him tight, Rangers!

Oh, man! This guy is out of control!

Oh, man! This guy is out of control!

Rantipede has pulled out all the stops.
From one bug to another,

Rantipede has pulled out all the stops.
From one bug to another,

l'm impressed!

l'm impressed!

Let's see the Rangers
get out of this one.

Let's see the Rangers
get out of this one.

-Now you're mine!
-Don't give up, guys!

-Now you're mine!
-Don't give up, guys!

-Come on!
-We gotta break his grip!

-Come on!
-We gotta break his grip!

We can do it!

We can do it!

FLIT: The Rangers have
Rantipede in a spin!

The Rangers have Rantipede in a spin!

-And he hits the ground!

-And he hits the ground!



You're going down!

RED RANGER: You're going down!

Jungle Pride Megazord!

RANGERS: Jungle Pride Megazord!

Another victory for the Rangers!

FLIT: Another victory for the Rangers!

What a heartbreaking upset.
Now you have to go and tell Dai Shi.

What a heartbreaking upset.
Now you have to go and tell Dai Shi.

l know. And he's not going to be happy.

l know. And he's not going to be happy.

Whoa, is the dishwasher broken?

Whoa, is the dishwasher broken?

Nope. RJ's orders.

Nope. RJ's orders.

He thinks l need to learn a lesson
for taking off on my own.

He thinks l need to learn a lesson
for taking off on my own.

Well, l'm flattered that
you put yourself out there for me.

Well, l'm flattered that
you put yourself out there for me.



lt's obvious you have
a little thing for me.

lt's obvious you have
a little thing for me.

Casey, you're a great guy,

(LAUGHS) Casey, you're a great guy,

but you're like a little brother to me.

but you're like a little brother to me.

That's why l worry so much.

That's why l worry so much.

-Little brother?
-Yes. And that's all.

-Little brother?
-Yes. And that's all.

-ls that cool?
-Yeah, that's cool.

-ls that cool?
-Yeah, that's cool.

But that means l'm gonna have to
start treating you like l do my sisters.

But, that means l'm gonna have to
start treating you like l do my sisters.


So it's like that, is it?

So it's like that, is it?




Guys! Must you?

THEO: Guys! Must you?

This is fun!

LILY: This is fun!
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