16x01 - Welcome to the Jungle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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16x01 - Welcome to the Jungle

Post by bunniefuu »

Power Rangers


Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury


Training hard to be
the best that we can

Power Rangers!

Protecting people
from the evil Dai Shi clan

We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose a fight

-Dai Shi
-Go away

-We're here
-To save the day

'Cause we're the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury!

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle fury

Jungle Fury, go!

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-Jungle fury

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-Jungle fury

MAO: We are the vision
in your dreams.

We do not exist, yet we have
been here since the beginning.

We are Pai Zhuq,
the Order of the Claw.

We train only the best,
both physically and mentally,

swearing them to secrecy.

All masters of their skills,

never knowing their true purpose,
until now.

Theo! What is going on?

Lily, no talking.

Lighten up.
We've been sitting here since last night.

-Just try and enioy the silence.
-l hate silence.

Stiff... Hey, Theo,
did my butt get up with me?

l can't tell. l'm numb.

You are the six finalists.

l am looking for three.











Jarrod! Lily! Theo!

Join us in the great hall this evening.


Where's my towel, cub?

Go get me a towel. Move it!

That's a direct order
from a senior student!

Here's a towel.

-Look, l don't want any problems.
-Too bad.


Oh! Is little cub gonna do something?



What did l just do?

l'm sorry. l don't know what happened.

Why are we here? Where's Jarrod?
Why is that recruit here?

Why do you always have to
know what's going on?

You have control issues.

Follow me.

LILY: This is so cool.

Where are we?

MAO: It's called the Forbidden Room.

Forbidden? That doesn't sound good.

Jarrod has been dismissed.
In your hearts, you know why.


you have the heart
to stand up for others.

You also have the potential
to be a Tiger Master.

l have decided to choose you
in Jarrod's place.


Listen closely. Over O,OOO years ago,

there was a great evil

named Dai Shi.

He believed that animals
should rule the planet

and humans were to be erased.

Brave warriors channelled
their animal spirits,

and after a great battle,
they were able to capture the Dai Shi

inside this box.

The Pai Zhuq, the Order of the Claw,
was formed to train students in kung fu

and to serve as protectors
if the Dai Shi were ever to escape.

You three have been selected
to take on that task.

Yeah, well, the evil hasn't escaped,
so all is good.

And, look, l've iust been here a week,
and there must be someone better...

l've spent O years in training.

You just can't kick me out for no reason.

Agreed. But l have a reason.



-Now, go.





DAl SHl: Free at last!


Mao, my old friend.

l have thought about
no one else for centuries.

But before l destroy you,

you will be a witness to my destruction
of those dear to you!

-Who's he talking about?
-That'd be us.



-DAl SHl: Yes, Mao!



Mao is defeated.
You are not worth my time!



My time in this form has ended.

Shed no tears.
There are important things to do.

The evil that is Dai Shi
will return to where he was captured.

You must destroy him.

Go to this address in Ocean Bluff.

There you will meet your new master.

We don't want a new master.

Remember the first rule l told you.

Don't be attached to the master,
but to the lesson.

-Now, go.
-Wait! l'm not your guy.

l can't destroy evil. l haven't
even mastered handing out towels.

Listen to me! All of you!

You three are the world's only chance!

CASEY: Master Mao...

(PANTING) l gotta get out of here.

DAl SHl: Jarrod...

Who's there?

DAl SHl: Jarrod...



THEO: A pizza parlour?
This can't be the place.


That must be him.

We're here.
l'm Theo, this is Lily, and this is...

This is someone who is
in way over his head.

We're from the Pai Zhuq school,
and ready to take on evil and defeat it!

You have our total obedience.

We're eager to learn everything
you have to teach us, Master.

Yes, treat us to your words of wisdom.

-Okay, wrong guy.

(GIGGLING) Probably not her either.


lntense. So much for
my Mount Kilimanjaro pizza experiment.

Whoa! New customers.

Welcome to Jungle Karma Pizza,
the name's RJ.

No, no. We're not customers.

We're looking for...our master.

-Aren't we all?
-l say we go.

-l'm hungry.
-Me, too.

Oh, great.

DAl SHl: Too long you have rested,
waiting for this day.

Come forth with your terror.
Come forth with your hate.

Come forth with your power.
Arise, my Rin Shi.

Arise, my army of fear!


DAl SHl: The Mantis,

power OO times its body weight.

You shall lead my army
to clear out the city.

-Let no human stop us

from preparing for the arrival.

DAl SHl: Wait! Where's Camille?


Dai Shi, what a magnificent
new look you have.

DAl SHl: Where have you been,
my lovely?

Where have l been?

l've been in that wall for over
O,OOO years waiting for you.

Stay and talk to me as the Mantis leads
the Rin Shi on a little raid.

MANTIS: Rin Shi, let's go.

-RJ: Well, how's the pizza?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-lt was amazing.
-Ah !

But that's not why we came here.

Right. You're looking for your master.

lf you're supposed to meet him here,
then l suggest you wait.

You can work here until he shows up.

Work here? No, no.
We don't work for anyone.

-Right, guys?

Look, Theo.
We're in the real world now.

There are things to get, things to have.
We need money to do that.

Now, l am not going to spend
another day in these pyjamas.

Okay, fine. l'll be a manager
or something reasonable.

But only until our master arrives.
Not a day more.


Come on. We'd better check it out.

Yeah, well, maybe l should iust
stay here until l get my bearings.

Hey, if you're going to be
part of this team,

now's the time.

MANTIS: Yes, gather their fear, Rin Shi.
It makes us stronger.

lt makes me stronger!

-What are those things?
-My guess?

-Friends of Dai Shi.
-Let's do it.

Come on!




Time for my true form. Hiyah!

MANTOR: Now for some
real destruction!


Well, look what crawled out
from under a rock!

Pound for pound,
humans are no match for a bug!



LILY: Hey!


Care to join your friends?



And now to finish you little pests.



Whoa, dude! Step back.

l think it's time for your first lesson.
You can't judge a book by its cover.





(GROANING) l'll get you!

You're him, you're our master.

Oh. Just call me RJ.

Now, my students,
the real journey begins.

DAl SHl: l give you great power,
but you return to me without a victory.

l can take your power
as easily as l gave it.

Yes, take it.

-Destroy the icky Mantis!

Silence! Camille, go into the city
with the Rin Shi.

Perhaps together
you can manage to succeed.

l will not fail you.


CASEY: Oh, yeah.
LILY: That was great.

FRAN: Where was everyone?

The door was open
and people were waiting

and so l ended up taking orders
and making pizzas and stuff

and l took money
and l put it in the register

and l cleaned
and l turned off the oven...

-Remember to breathe, Fran.

Fran, this is Theo, Lily and Casey.

-Hey, Franny.
-Hi, Fran.

Fran is our best customer.
She's here every day.

Oh, well, it's not like
l have nothing else to do. l do.

lt's just that l love pizza,

all the toppings, and the smell,
and the taste,

and l like spaghetti, as well,

you know, the sauce
and the meatballs and l also...

Breathe, Fran.

-We'll see you tomorrow.
-Yeah. Bye.


Follow me.

THEO: Look at the size of this place.

CASEY: Wow. This place is great!

Check it out!


lt's nice. But it needs a cleaning.

-Hey, thanks for volunteering, Theo!
-Hey, l didn't...


This is where you'll be living,
training, playing, and working.

Everything is yours. Except...

-CASEY: Wow.
-...that chair. My chair.

lt's mine. It's off-limits. Got it?

ALL: Got it!

Okay. Next order of business
is to get you out of those pyjamas.

Hey, new training gear. Gotta love that.

Look at all those TVs.
l haven't watched TV in years.

TVs? No, these are much, much more.

lt's a state-of-the-art,
city-wide monitoring system,

plus , cable channels.
Pretty sweet, huh?

Looks like our friends
are up to no good again.

Let's get them!

Come on, RJ.

No, no. l have a pizza store to run.
Fighting evil is your job.

But l did notice you
were a little overpowered last time,

so l got a gift for you
to even out the odds.

-Oh, they're not just sunglasses.

They're solar morphers.

Did you ever hear
of the Power Rangers?

-Yeah. Who hasn't?
-RJ: Well, guess what?

You be them.

No way! Ever since l was a little kid,
l always wanted to be a...

lf that's what it takes.

The Power Rangers
aren't part of the Order of the Claw,

but l figured we needed everything
we could get to fight the Dai Shi.

So l knew this guy
who knew this other guy

who had an uncle
who had a connection...

Anyway, he tapped
into the morphing grid and voilà!

Your morphers.

Once you activate them,
all the knowledge that comes with them

will be instantaneously
entered into your cellular makeup.

Pretty gnarly, huh?

Now, go out there and beat down evil.

And now, you'll look good doing it.

CHAMILLA: Go, Rin Shi!
Feed on the fear of the people.


CHAMILLA: Look, humans.

l don't know about you two,

but l think it's time to
show them what we got.

Power Rangers!


BOTH: Ready!
Jungle beast! Spirit unleashed!


We're the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury, go!

The speed of a Cheetah!
Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger!

With the stealth of a Jaguar!
Jungle Fury Blue Ranger!


Oh, wow. That's awesome.

l guess it's my turn now.

Spirit unleashed!


Come on!


Too fast for you?

Call to the beast inside.
Bring out the Cheetah!

BLUE RANGER: Whoa! Too slow!
Missed! And again!

Down low, too slow!

Call to the beast inside.
Unleash the Jaguar!




CASEY: Fran!

MANTOR: Yes, give me your fear!

Give me all of it.



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