11x33 - General Deception

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x33 - General Deception

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains,

secret Winja Academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three
who would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

l thought you guys were only
going camping for a few days.

This is enough gear
to outFit a whole city.

- What? It's just necessities.
- A_V?

How else are we gonna
watch Supercross tomorrow?

You're not supposed to watch Supercross.
That's why it's called roughing it.

lf man was meant to rough it,
why did he invent portable generators?

Just get in the van
before l change my mind.

- Thanks for giving us a ride.
- No problem.

l wouldn't miss seeing you guys
in the wild for the world.

Plus l know how to find you
when things go horribly wrong.

Come on, we're highly trained ninjas.
What could happen?

No form of alien presence anywhere.

- Something's just not right.
- l agree.

Lothor has been far too quiet.

You don't think he's thought better
of things and just left?

Alas, l am certain that would be
the last thing he would do.

This prolonged silence
can only mean one thing:

he is planning
his biggest attack yet.

l've been working on new features
for the Samurai Star Megazord.

l hope they're ready in time.

Come on.
Let's get started already.

- Yeah, where's Zurgane?
- Right here.

This meeting is for
Evil Army officers only.

What are you mo doing here?

Well, we know
we're not technically officers,

but we iust thought, you know, since...

- Get out!
- You don't have to yell.

We don't want to listen
to a bunch of losers, anyway.

- Yeah, losers!
- Yeah!

We got lots better things
to do with our time.

- We do?
- Out!

OK. Come on.

l call to order the council of officers.

We're here to discuss my plan
to destroy the Power Rangers.

Your plan? l see.
Why should anyone listen to your plan?

Well, because l'm...
because it's my plan.

And... and because l say...
you have to listen.

lt's Evil Space Ninia protocol.

- Yes! There's a good solid answer.
- Silence! l demand your respect!

Zurgane, Zurgane,
haven't you learned by now

respect is not something you demand?
It's something you must earn.

My leadership has earned the respect
of my master, Lothor.

And if l were Lothor, l might want to
ask myself, what have you done for me?

Fail again and again.
That's what Zurgane is really good at.

- Do not mock me!
- Zurgane!

All right, Zurgane. You haven't had luck
getting those Power Rangers, have you?

Maybe it's time you stepped aside.

Let another general
take the helm for a while.

l will never relinquish my duties!

Never. l will dispose
of the Power Rangers!

And then we shall see
who Lothor keeps in command.

Zurgane? What about the meeting?

He's so gullible it's almost criminal.

We'll let him
tire the Power Rangers out for us,

and we'll go in and take the credit.

Are you thinking what l'm thinking?

Well, l don't know.
What are you thinking?

Have you guys ever wondered
why the sky's blue and not...

- ...like, see-through?
- No.

- Not me.
- l mean, it's just air, right?

lt should be see-through.

- You wonder about that?
- Dustin, l'm the air guy.

You know, Power of Air?
You wory about the dirt.

Figure out why dirt's brown.

Hey, l was iust asking.

When my plan succeeds, there'll be
no question who the top general is!

- Hey, what are you looking at?
- None of your business!

No need to bite our heads off.

We have something important to tell you.

- What is it?
- It's about Shimazu and Vexacus.

- l'm listening.
- OK, so, we were spying on them,

and we heard them plotting.

- Plotting? About what?
- Well...

That's the bit we're not sure about.

Get out of my way!

l have a mission to cary out.
Give me that.



- Hey, what's that?
- An upgrade. Found it on the Internet.

- What does it do?
- With this, l'll be able

to give the Power Rangers something
they'll never expect. Get out of my way!

- You think we should tell Uncle?
- Tell him what?

- Help! Help!
- This does not look good.

- Stop!
- Last time we stopped on the road,

our school got sucked into space.

Help us!

- Thank you!
- Are you all right?

lt's my friend. We need help.

Do you guys have a rope?

You pack a rope
with the CD player and laptop?

As a matter offact, l did. Come on.

Got it!

We were abseiling,
and her rope broke. She's stuck.

- Man!
- Help me!

Hold on!
We're gonna get you out of there.

- Lower me. l'm the lightest.
- Good idea.

All right. We should be ready to bail
and go into Ranger mode

if things get too ugly.

Reading your mind, bro.

- OK, we're good.
- Hury!


Take up the slack, guys.

You're doing great.

Don't wory.
l'll get you out of here.

Hey. Are you OK?

- It's slipping.
- Blake!

ls she OK?

She's fine.

- l did not see that coming.
- That's what l was hoping! Attack!




Thunder Storm!
Ranger Form!

Close one.

lt's go time!

- You guys OK?
- Never better.

l think it's time
to clean up these clowns.

- Ready?
- Ready.

- Ninja Storm!
- Thunder Storm!

Ranger Form!

Ninia Ranger Power!


Ninia Sword, go! Power up!

Ninia Sword, go!

Power up!

You want to play rough?

Fine! Battlizer!

Battlizer, laser engage!



Zurgane is as useless
as l thought he would be.

Lothor won't even miss him.

What did l miss?
Not one of those sitcoms, l hope?

No, sir, a plan. A perFect plan
that is coming together...

- PerFectly?
- Yes, perFectly.

lt better because l've been reviewing
your perFormance reports.

And the truth of the matter is,
you mo are out of here

unless things start going our way.

- Yes.
- We won't fail you, sir.

Now where is Zurgane?

He's never around
when you need him.

All right, Sensei.
Whatever you think is best.

All right, he told us
there's nothing we can do back there

- that we can't do here.
- Cool!

- So, we camp?
- We camp.

l still don't know
how you guys can call it camping.

Tori, don't say anything
until you experience it.

l'm not experiencing anything.

l'm just gonna drop you guys off,
then l'm out of there.



- Let's go. Yeah!
- All right!

Get this show on the road.

And that's the last of it.

Here's the TV, boys.

You've got to be kidding.

Now, this is the life.

This isn't camping.
This is a resort.

All you need is a waterslide and a luau.

- That would be cool!
- Yeah!

- Hey, want to order pizza?
- Yeah, l'm in.

- None of the ham and pineapple stuff.
- All right.

No signal.
Looks like we're having hamburgers.

Where's the fridge?

l think you guys are missing the point.

The point is to have fun.
Sure you don't wanna stay?

Thanks, but l got to get back.
Cam needs some help at Ninja Ops.

But l'll be back to pick you
guys up the day after tomorrow.

- Bye.
- See ya, Tor!



Can l get a little help?

On the count of three.
One, mo, three.

Come on, push!

Man, l haven't had
that much mud in my eye

since l ran out of
tear-offs last week.

You guys, l'm so sory
about your generator.

lt's not your fault.
Things happen.

How was the shower?

You could say it was refreshing.

But cold would be more accurate.

l know this doesn't exactly
make it up to you,

but your burgers are on the grill, and
your soda's getting cold in the stream.

Hey, sounds good to me.

You're forgiven.

- Come on.
- What...

- l thought l smelled garbage.
- Well, we'll see who gets trashed.

Hey, no offence, but you mo don't
seem like the outdoor types.

We're not. We just came
to watch your ultimate demise.

Don't you mean
cause our ultimate demise?

OK. l like your way better.

Man, just when you thought
it was safe to have a day off.

- Ready?
- Ready.

- Ninja Storm!
- Thunder Storm!

Ranger Force!

Ninia Ranger Power!

Your sword cannot hurt me, boy.

Come on, guys. Put 'em together.

- Storm Striker!
- Strike this!

You like spaghetti?

Now that l've made some adjustments
to the energy upgrade,

none of those fools
will ever doubt my leadership.

The name of General Zurgane
will strike fear in their hearts.

Sir, l'm terribly sory, it was a
mistake. It will never happen again.

That's right, Zurgane. It won't.
And do you know why it won't?

- Sir?
- l want you to get down to Earth.

And l don't want you
to return to the ship without proof

- of the Power Rangers' demise.
- l do, sir. l'm on my way.

And l iust got this pressed.

Not this time!

Thunder Staff, Tornado Star.
Yeah! Ty this!

- What?
- Where'd he go?

l'm so close to victoy
l can taste it!

We're getting licked.

lt seems you have met your match!

The time has come
for my ultimate plan.

l'll pirate the Rangers' powers,

and use their own energies
against them.

l'll show them all.

You are finished, Rangers.

- Cam, great!
- l picked up something on the radar,

- headed this way.
- What? Worse than these super freaks?

Yeah, way worse.

Hey, Rangers!

- Nobody's worse than we are!
- l would have to agree!

No one messes up my weekend!

Thunder Storm Cannon!

Ready, fire!

- Guys.
- This is too easy.

What's that?

Prepare to be destroyed!

- Zurgane!
- Not again.

Fight me if you dare.

Haven't you had enough failure
for one day?

- You're on, Zurgane.
- Yeah!

- Let's do it!
- Yeah!

Go Power Rangers!
Go Winja Storm, let's go!

l am waiting.

We haven't used this one in a while.

Power Disk locked and dropped.


Downloading power data now.

Star Blazer!

That got him.

This one's mine.

Locked and dropped.


Yes. Just a little more...

Sting Blaster!

l got one for you.
Locked and dropped.


Now it's my turn.

lnteresting turn of events.

My victoy is at hand.
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