11x24 - Tongue and Cheek

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x24 - Tongue and Cheek

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains, secret Ninja
Academies train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three
who would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

Excuse me, is the owner here?
l'd like to have a word with him.

- You're talking to her.
- Oh, l see.

Well, young lady,
l guess this is your lucky day.

Total Pro Sports Shops?
You've got stores all over the city.

All over the county.

l'd like to add your store to it,
at a substantial profit to you.

Well, thanks, but l'm not interested.

Are you sure you'd rather go
up against us?

Little place like this...
you don't stand a chance.

l've been to your stores.

Your staff doesn't know the difference
bemeen BMX and Motocross.

Your equipment is way overpriced.

Storm Chargers may be little,
but l'm proud of it.

l see.

Well, thank you for your time.

And thank you for shopping
at Storm Chargers.

- Later.
- You don't mind locking up?

No problem. l just got a few things
l have to put away.

See you tomorrow.

Think she'll change her mind?

She won't have a choice. After we trash
the place, she'll have to sell!


Yeah, really mess it up.

Guess you didn't see the closed sign.

Now go and tell your boss
the shop's not for sale.

- After you put that back.
- Dustin, l forgot my...

- Wow, a Power Ranger.
- Yes, ma'am.

You won't have any more problems
with these guys. Move it!

- Thanks.
- No problem.


- Did you see that?
- What?

Yeah, lucky you were there
to help Kelly.

Hopefully those boneheads
won't come back.

Your actions were noble, but using your
Ranger powers in eveyday situations

can have serious consequences.

We fight Lothor's g*ons all the time.

What's the big deal
helping out a friend?

Hey, check this out!

- Our boy here is a celebrity.
- What?

Kelly must have told a reporter
about you.

- It's all over the newspapers.
- ''Blue bay seeing yellow.''

How cool is this?

''While the city has grown used to
the heroics of the Power Rangers,

''this is the first time one has
stepped forward on his own.''

''Could this be a sign of things
to come? Is Yellow going solo?''

Hey, that's stupid.
Why would l ever go...?

What's up with the computer?

l've been keeping tabs
on some of the fan sites.

Yellow Ranger just got
,OOO letters and counting.

- They're all for him?
- Don't sound so shocked.

lt's jamming the system.
It's gonna crash!

Do me a favour. Next time you
decide to become famous,

tell your fans to send letters
the old-fashioned way with stamps!

Here's one from Mars.

And this one is from Triforia.
l love that planet.

All the guys are three times as cute.

- Totally.
- Who are you?

This is Slob Goblin.
He's our intergalactic mail carrier.

Tell him to deliver himself out of here.

But, Uncle, we need to borrow him.

Yeah, he can help us. Watch.

Get me out of here!

Of all the stupid powers.

Wait. Can he do that to anyone?

Anyone you like. l mean, lick.
l mean, like.

Yeah, anyone. Well, maybe there
is something we can do with him.

This place is packed.

- Hey, guys.
- What's the deal, Kel?

Since the Yellow Ranger made his
big appearance, l can't keep them away.

lt's crazy,
but it's great for business.

What? Just 'cause
the Yellow Ranger was here?

He's not even, like, the Red one.

l don't know. There's something
about a man in yellow.

Oh, man. l lost track of time.
Let me wash up.

What are you gonna do while me
and Dustin are at the skate park?

lt's from our adoptive grandmother.

We've never met her before,
and she's sick.

- You gonna go visit her?
- That's the problem.

She lives really far away.

Hey. Do you think Sensei will let us
use the Ninja Red Eye,

- if you know what l mean?
- There's only one way to find out.

Can we go, Sensei?

As you know, ninja skills are only to be
used for the betterment of humanity.

And l believe caring for your family
certainly falls into that categoy.

Thank you, Sensei.

- We'll be careful.
- You must be.

We cannot afford another situation like
the one Dustin has gotten himself into.

Awesome, man!

You see that woman there
with the camera?

- Yeah.
- Trans Pipe Magazine.

No way!

l'm going for the frontside .

The trick you've been tying
to land for a month?

Yeah, so?

l know Cam's the smart one but,
tying a trick you know you can't land

in front of a big magazine
photographer is not a great plan.

You iust make sure she's watching.

OK, Shane, go for it, man!

That's my boy. Go, Shane, go.

Keep it up, keep it up!

How do you lick this?

- Help! Get me out of here!
- You're stuck with me now!

A matched set! Hold still so l can
add you to my collection!

That's one big tongue.

Better get Shane.

Ninia Storm! Ranger Form!

l feel good today.

Oh, my tongue.
Oh, my tongue!

You're safe now. Move along.

- Thanks.
- No problem.

Oh, a Ranger!
That's worth collecting!

You wish!

l'm too quick for a lick from you.


Get him!

Look, it's the Yellow Ranger!

That's amazing!

Excuse me.
Wait, wait, stay back.

Wow, OK, you said it.

This guy's awesome!

Things are getting too sticky for me.
But l'll be back.

Just doing my iob. It was nothing.

OK, iust one.

Hey, l got the most awesome shot.
You're getting the cover.

Let me through! l'm a Hollywood agent.
l need to talk to the Yellow Ranger!

Yeah. All right!

Right on. You landed it!

Too bad there was no one here to see it.

Hey, l said l was sory.

What was l supposed to do?
That tongue was slobbering on people.

You should have asked for help.
You were lucky he didn't grab you.

- Lucky? l was all over that guy.
- Take it from someone who's been there.

- There's no l in team.
- Well, maybe there should be.


For the first time in my life,
l'm not just the goo_ one.

l'm getting respect.

- l am not walking away from that.
- l wouldn't ask you to.

But you can't let what people
say or think about you

get in the way of doing what's right.

l got a phone interview with
another newspaper. Later.

What a shock.

l see you were unsuccessful
in capturing the Yellow Ranger.

lt wasn't my fault.
l got cramp in my tongue.

But he did bring us back some cool,
new stamps.

This one's really cute.

Why don't you use it to mail
yourself to another galay?

Sir, l have located the Thunder Rangers
in a remote location.

- Isolated from the others?
- Vey, sir.

All right, you mo.
You're so big on stamps.

l want mo more added to our collection,

stamps with a thunderous design,
if you know what l mean.

- Not really.
- l do. Come on. Let's move it out.

Lickety split!

- So, evemhing all right?
- Yeah, l think so.

The real Grandma put up a bit of a fight
but Slob Goblin finally got her.

Hey, that must be the place.

Looks like something out of a faimale.

A Grimm one, maybe.

Let's just get down there.
l hope Grandma's all right.

- So, what do you think of my costume?
- It makes you look years younger.

That is it!


- Grandma!
- Blake? Hunter? Is that you?

Come closer so l can see.

- Grandma. What a big...
- Dude, go easy.

Pair of glasses you have.

All the better to see you with,
my dear.

What big, pink hair you have.

All the better to tease you with,
my dear.

- What's with the nose?
- You said take it easy, man.

Dude, check it out.

Bro, l think she's really, really sick.

Yeah, that's it. Sick.

Quit laughing at me and get them!

- Time for my stamp of approval.
- Not so fast.

- This one's marked return to sender.
- Oh, really?

Thunder Storm...


- Yummy!
- Oh, my gosh! It worked!

- Yeah. No thanks to you.
- Ladies, no need to bicker.

We've got what we came for.
Now, we go for the complete set.

l'm worried about Dustin. All this
attention has gone to his head.

lf it gets bigger...

There won't be enough room
in here for the rest of you?

Something like that.

l think you're just jealous.
Dude, green is not your colour.

Well, it is my colour,
and l think Shane has a point,

- for what it's worth.
- Typical.

- Eveyone thinks Dustin can't be right.
- This isn't about who's right.

lt's about doing what's right.

We are all pleased you have gained
the world's attention, Dustin.

But how you use that attention
is what's important.

Thanks for your concern,
but l think l'm doing just fine.

l gotta go. l have to take a call
from my agent.

- Agent?
- We may have a problem.

That's not the only problem. l've just
Iost all trace of Blake and Hunter.

l'm going to stamp out
the whole world!

- Help me!
- Let us out!


l've traced the Thunders' DNA.

lt disappeared off the map here
and reappeared there.

Lothor's Postmonster General.

Must have gone postal on Hunter
and Blake. Let's go.

- Someone beat you to it.
- How'd he get there already?

He's the great Yellow Ranger remember.
Of course he's there first.

Shane, l seem to remember that before
you and Dustin were Rangers,

you were good friends.

lt would be a shame to lose that.

lt's go time.

Before we get too serious,
you just want to wait a minute?

l think the press are on their way.
They're expecting the Yellow Ranger.

Your getting captured will make
a great headline!

- Ninja Storm...
- Hold it!

Mind if we crash your pam?

Don't answer that,
'cause we already did.

Ninia Storm, Ranger Form!

- Power of Air.
- Earth.


What have you done with our friends?

l stamped them out
and you're about to be next.

Stay here, l'll handle it!


- You're through.
- Don't make me laugh.

Ninia Air Attack!

- He's mine!
- Back off.

- Listen to me.
- No. l'm tired of listening to you.

- You guys are being ridiculous.
- Time to get in a few licks.



Thanks to you,
l've got a new blue stamp.

- l've got to help her.
- You?!

This whole thing is my fault.

lf that's the way you want it,
take this.

What, your Hawk Blaster?

lf you don't want my help, then you'll
need all the firepower you can get.


l don't want to go it alone. l want us
to be a team again, like we were before.

That's so touching.

- Ready?
- You know it!

- Hop on!
- Right! Let's do it!

Thanks, guys.

We cool?

Yeah. We're cool.

Scroll of Empowerment, descend!

What did you expect?
He wasn't going to get smaller!

- Special delivey!
- Ready, guys?


Zord time, Cam.

How do you lick this, Rangers?

A little tongue-tied?

Hold on, guys.

Thanks, Cam.
That was starting to gross me out.

l hear that! He needs
a major tongue scraping.

My mother always said brush
after evey meal, floss,

and never use your tongue on robots.

That tongue needs a lashing.
Power disk locked and dropped!

ls my breath that bad?

Super stamp.


- Here.
- Grandma, are you OK?

How about a combo?

Samurai Storm Megazord!

l'm licked!

- How was it seeing your grandma?
- She's so cool

And she's feeling much better now.

She wasn't even fazed
by the monster attack.

- Man, that is one tough lady.
- Hey! Check it out.

- That's us!
- Front cover, bro.

The press did show!

Fortunately, they seem to have missed
the part where you opened your visors.

l am through being a celebrity.

From now on, it's all for one
and one for all.

Hey! Check this out. Seems
not eveyone shares the team spirit.

Hello! l'm not a stamp any more.

l want to go home!
Is anyone out there?

Lothor? Zurgane? Anyone!
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