11x30 - The Wild Wipeout

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x30 - The Wild Wipeout

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains

secret Winja academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three who
would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

Yo, babe alert.

Dude, l was checking
her moves out there.

Not bad...

for a chick.

As long as she stays out of the way
and leaves the big swells to us,

l've got no problem.

l hear you.

Excuse me.

That's right, surFer girl.
Just surF your way into my trap.

Do it, Goldwinger!

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

Nasty wipeout.

Hey, stop!

lt's OK, ma'am. You're safe now.

- What did you do that for?
- That was a Kelzak!

Of course it was. And he was kind
enough to help me with my seat.

Next time, mind your own business,

OK. Who's ready for a burger?

Oh, what a beautiful day.

Hey, pass me that beach ball.

l've got to find the guys.

This new bike is awesome.

Oh, yeah!

Do you have these in extra large?

Kelly, hi!

Um, you changed your hair
and evemhing.

Yeah, so? What are you,
the fashion police?

Listen, blondie, are you gonna buy
something or just bag on my gear?

Well, l was actually wondering if
you'd seen the guys.

A lot of guys come in here.

- Can't remember them all.
- l meant the guys that work for you.

Oh, those guys.

Hey, stock boy!

Right here, ma'am.


Bonehead. What's the matter
with you?

- Hey, Choobo!
- No way.

What did l tell you about lying down
on the job, Zurgane?

That's it, your pay is getting docked.
Now, get up!

l have to sit down.

What do you think? Are they me?

Once again, Blue Bay Harbour
is under amack

by those menaces,
the Power Rangers.

The Mayor's advice is to stay inside
and avoid confrontation.

Hey, guys, listen,
the whole city's flipping out.

Hey, Tori, there you are.
What's up?

You missed out.
We were on fire!

Out of control!

Did you guys hear me?

l saw on the news that the Power
Rangers were trashing evemhing.

Like we said, out of control!


- That was you guys?
- Shh, don't tell anyone.

We wouldn't want to get into trouble.
What's with you, anyway?

- You've been acting weird.
- l'm acting weird?

Yeah, what's with the whole
goody-goody routine?

Oh, hey, l'm sory.

My bad.

Hey, what are you gonna do, cy?

l'm almost done with a new w*apon
that's really gonna rock this town.

That's why you're the mechanical
master, dude, D-man.

Cybercam, what's going on?

Yo, T,

l am so not Cybercam.

Sensei, please, tell me what's
happened to eveyone!

What are you looking at me for?

lf you don't want to be
a Ranger any more,

you know where the waterFall is.
Don't let it splash you on the way out.

Or maybe you need a little help
finding the way.

So, what's it gonna be, Tori?

Are you with us or not?

lf you're talking about
trashing the city,

then not!

Fine! Have it your way.

There's gotta be
an explanation for this.

lt's a bad dream
or a parallel dimension.

OK. Definitely a parallel dimension.

Let the flowers grow

Let the people sing

OK, now l'm iust plain freaked out.

Who are you guys supposed to be?

Hi. l'm Marah Marigold Moonbeam.

And l'm Kapri Rainbowchaser.

- Peace.
- We're folksingers!

- Let the flowers grow
- OK, l get it.

Now, let me get something straight.

Aliens, Kelzaks,

various monster types

are all good?

Oh, yeah.

And eveybody's afraid
of the Power Rangers?

Oh, yeah, of course.

Well, they iust do whatever they want

and stomp on anyone
who gets in their way.

Well, they're horrible,
evil creatures.

Oh, you're not from
around here, are you?


What am l going to do?

Well, about what?

l have this problem.

l need someone really smart
and powerFul to help me.

Well, you could go see
the Mayor of Blue Bay Harbour.

He's like a totally groovy dude.

Yeah, he's a Libran.
So he's like totally balanced.

- Yeah.
- Can you take me to go see him?

- Oh, yeah.
- Of course!

Like helping is our
most favourite thing!

Besides unicorns, of course.
With their...


Come on, let's go!

All right, but you've gotta
promise me something.

No more singing.

OK, then. Come on.

Here we are!

lsn't it groovy?

OK, you just have a seat
and the Mayor will be with you shortly.

Yeah. We've gotta go, though.

'Cause we're perForming
at a puppet show this afternoon.

A puppet show!

OK. Group hug!

Oh, yeah.

- OK, see you later.
- Bye.

Hello, l'm Mayor Lothor.
How can l help you, my dear?

Can l get you a glass of water,
young lady?

No, l'm fine.

You gave us quite a fright.

Careful. Not too fast.

l can't believe it.


lt's terrible, isn't it?

Nobody quite knows what to do about
the Power Ranger problem.

They're the worst kind of evil.

lt's your responsibility to protect
your city and the people living in it.

lf you're not going to do it,
who will?

l don't want any trouble.

l'm sory.

Nothing like the smell
of burning steel!

Let's burn this crazy town.

- Let's go!
- Hey!


You're not going to
destroy Blue Bay Harbour.

Back off, Tori.

- We don't wanna hurt you.
- Yeah.

l wouldn't wory about that.
l'm not exactly defenceless.

Ninja Storm!
Ranger form!


You see that?

- Aren't we supposed to say that?
- This is a joke.

You really don't think you have a
chance against all of us, do you?

This is why l hate other dimensions.

Pardon me, gentlemen,

but l have been been elected
to protect the city,

- and l intend to do it.
- Don't make me laugh.

- Eveybody knows you're scared of us.
- Yeah.

That may be true, but they're not.

What? Huh?

Nobody's gonna stop us.
Get them!


l'll take that.

- Ready.
- Yeah.

- Let's do this.
- And go!

Over the top!

You're mine!

My leg.


Oh, really?

Want a piece of the action?
Then come on!

Hey, loser. l'm right here.

Hey, did you see that?

OK, team, let's put them together.

Mace Ninia Striker.

l hope you boys
Iearned your lesson.

That if we trash more stuff
we get our butts kicked?

Exactly. No wonder you're the smart one.

Take them away!

- Are we in trouble or something?
- You ruined evemhing!

l was over this ''bad Ranger'' deal
anyway. l'm taking up...

- ...skateboarding.
- Skateboarding? Man, that's lame.

Now, motocross, l could get into that.

Thank you for evemhing.

lt has been interesting.

What l'd really like to do now
is find my way home.

Well, maybe you should just
go back the way you came.

Marah, you're so smart!

- Thank you! And you are so pre_!
- Thank you.

Back the way l came.

There she is.

Hey, hey, Tori, wake up!

Stay away. Stay back!

- What? l showered and evemhing.
- Dustin?

ls that really you?

Yeah, l'm pre_ sure it is.

Oh, you guys,
it's so good to see you.

- Hey, where were you?
- Are you OK?

- You had us all scared.
-l'll tell you all about it later.

What's going on here?

Uh... A giant butterFly
attacking the city.

You know, the usual.

lt's really good to be back.

- Shall we?
- Yeah!

- Ready?
- Ready!


- What about the people?
- They're not here.

Guys, this way.

- Ready?
- Ready!

- Ninja Storm!
- Thunder Storm!

Ranger form!

Ninia Ranger power!

How did you escape
my gold dust dimension?

Sory to disappoint you, but it takes
more than a little wave to wipe me out.

See ya!

Thunder Staff.

Full power.

Nice move, Hunter.

- What?
- He can regenerate!

- Mind if l cut in?
- Go, Power Rangers!

Go, Winja Storm, let's go!

l'm still here!

- Shane, you do the honours.
- With pleasure.

Battelizer now!


Laser engage. Fire!

l don't know, Tor.

You still don't believe my stoy?

Well, not the part where l totally
bagged on you, no.

But you did!

- No, it would never ever happen.
- How do you know?

No matter what dimension
we were in, l'd still...

..like you.


Hey, listen, what were you doing
showing off anyway, huh?

lt's not like you need to prove
yourself to a bunch of muscle heads.

OK, that was dumb.

But they iust made me so mad.

Well, you could've really been hurt.

From now on,
no more surFing without a buddy?

All right.

You ready, then?

Ready? Ready for what?

- You just volunteered.
- What?

- Come on.
- Whoa! Wait!

- Come on, quick. Ready, ready?
- OK.

Just ty standing up, right?
One, mo, three, go.

One there, back there.


One, mo, three...
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