11x27 - Shane's Karma pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x27 - Shane's Karma pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains,

secret Winja academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three
who would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

Last time on
Power Rangers Ninja Storm:

l had the same dream last night.
It's tying to tell me something.

Like how to ruin your friend's birthday?

l gotta check out the woods.
This was in my dream.

- You got a name?
- Call me Skyla.

Vexacus has chased the Karmanian
into the hands of a Power Ranger.

They cannot be allowed to unite.

l came here to give you something
and he wants it.

- Shane!
- Skyla!

Let me go!
The power's not meant for you.

lt will be mine, make no mistake.

And once l have the power
l will rule this world and all others.

- Hiya.
- Hello.

Great outFit.


What's going on?
l thought l said no pam on my ship.

OK, Uncle, now the Power Rangers
kinda messed up evemhing.

We have nowhere else to go.

The Power Rangers?
They're histoy.

They've got no Zords.

lt's only a matter of time before l
capture the Karmanian power for myself.

Then the Earth will stand up
and take notice.

Did you hear that, girls?

Uncle's going to capture all of Earth.

Your uncle is so powerFul.

Well, yes, powerFul...

- ...and cunning.
- Don't forget handsome.

- So can we stay here, Uncle? Please.
- Yeah, Uncle, come on, say yes.

All right, you can stay.
But keep out of my way.

l've still got a planet to conquer.

Maybe now would be a good time
to contact Sensei.

l've tried. Whatever's interFering
with Shane's morpher

is keeping us from reaching my dad too.

l'm sory your birthday got messed up.

l know. It's nobody's fault.

Except maybe Lothor's.

Maybe we should go
get our stuff from the beach.

Yeah, our day off
is pre_ much over now.

We'll be back, Cam.

l'll call you
if anything else happens.

- Later.
- Come on, Skyla.

Where did he take you?
Come on, give me a clue.

Follow me, Shane.


l'll take that as a clue.

You'll never get the power from me.

l have been chasing
Karmanians all my life.

l know as well as you when your time
comes to pass into your higher form,

your life force will transfer
to the one at hand.

Well, guess what?
It's not going to be you.

Then who? The human boy?
He's nowhere to be found.

Look a little harder.

Do not trifle with forces
you do not understand.

What's not to get?
Skyla good...

...Vexacus not good.

Run, Skyla!



lt is her time.
The power will be mine.


Step aside.

lf you're not morphing
'cos you don't want me to see,

you're a little late.

How do you know?

l know evemhing about you. Do it.

- Please!
- It is too late.

Forget this.

Ninia storm. Ranger form.

Power of earth.

Don't wory, Skyla.

- Let's see what you've got.
- l'm shaking in my fins.

Ninia Force.

Ninia Sword Gold. Full power.

This isn't over yet, Karmanian.


Are you all right?

Hury. Take me back
to where we first met.

l don't have much time.

OK. Come on.

This is the last time l allow
my ship to be used for a circus.

Zurgane, prepare the transport beam.

l'm going to see a man
about a Karmanian.

What kind of pam is this?

You're out of food.

Choobo, go get us some more
pam supplies.

Who should l charge it to?

You know how Lothor goes
through the expense account.

l don't care! Just go, and don't you
come back empty-handed! Hury!


Come out, Vexacus.
l know you're here.

Now what do you want?

To know what brings you
to my little corner of the galay.

l'm a bounty hunter.
And l'm closing in on my target.

That target wouldn't be
a certain Karmanian

now in the company
of a Power Ranger, would it?

l don't have time to waste with an
over-the-hill Ninja w*rlord. Move it!

Listen, bounty hunter!

This is my planet now.

Unless you climb into your little ship
and fly your little self out of here...

l'm not leaving without the Karmanian.

Seems to me like you've already
missed that boat.

Maybe l can help you.

For old time's sake.

l'm listening.

l want the Power Rangers,
you want the Karmanian.

- Maybe we can destroy them together.
- And after l can leave with my prize?

- Well, of course.
- Deal.


- Sucker.
- Fool.

Check out that swell.

l haven't seen waves like this
for weeks.

l know what you mean. l was really
Iooking forward to some downtime.

Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

l don't want
to sound paranoid here but,

wasn't this where we left all our stuff?

- Yeah.
- Oh, man.

- l can't believe our gear got jacked.
- This reeks!

Maybe our stuff got washed out
with the tide or something.

- The tide hasn't come in yet.
- So where is it, then?

- Hey, look!
- That is the last straw.

Nobody steals my birthday cake.
Come on.

- No way.
- This is wrong on so many levels.

Tori, promise me you'll never wear
that bikini ever again.

- No problem.
- Give us back our stuff!

Make me.



Why do l always take it in the face?

We kind of k*lled your cake.

Let's just get back to Ninja Ops
before anything else goes wrong.

- What's that? Sunblock?
- Just the opposite.

Cyber Cam gave me
this new sunless tanning lotion.

- Sure you want to use so much?
- Yeah. l'm gonna be a bronze god!

This pam reeks.

You mo are even bigger losers now
than you were in school.

l'm outta here.

- No way.
- Come on. Come back, please.

So it's true what Vexacus said.
You don't have much time.

Karmanians change all the time.

lnstead of dying, we pass
from one life form to the next.

Now that's heavy.

l guess for you
it probably seems like it.

But we're taught at birth that we pass
on this life's energy when it's time.

l can't believe out of eveyone
in the whole universe you chose me.

l didn't. You're my destiny.

And l am yours.

What do you mean?

Well, ever since you were little,

and you saved me from Vexacus,
l knew you were the one.

lt always seemed like iust a dream.

Sometimes we choose to forget
what we can't understand.

Then l'm seriously going to forget
this whole conversation.

You sure l'm the one?

Only a person of the highest character
can handle the power.

The Red Ranger thing
is a plus, though.

Skyla? Skyla!

lt's time.

We will be linked together forever

by the power l pass on to you.

The responsibility is yours.

Use it wisely.

Goodbye, Shane.

Goodbye, Skyla.

Take your Zord back down there
and destroy the Rangers.

Yes, sir.

Then l want you to destroy
that poser, Vexacus.

But sir, l thought you said
we would help him.

l lied.

That was vey touching.

But if l can't get the power from her,
l'll get it from you.

This one's for Skyla.

Ninia Storm, Ranger form.

You're chum, chump.

Prepare to be destroyed.

This ought to draw them out.

Look who's back.

ls the Megazord fixed?

Of course. l am the brains
of the operation, remember?

- What about the Thunderzords?
- The energy field is weakening.

- Should be able to call them.
- We'll meet you.

Hopefully l'll get a lock on Shane too.

We'll take it for now.

You ready, bronze god?

Ninia Storm, Ranger form.

Guess you're ready for round mo.

- It's on.
- Yeah!

- Is that all you got?
- Not even close.

l got it.
Thunder Megazord is online.

Let's go.

Thunder Storm, Ranger form.

- Welcome to the pam.
- Yeah, thanks.

Lightning mode online.

- Let's do it, guys. Come on.
- Yeah.

lnserting power disk.
Locked and dropped.

So easy.

Zurgane, this disk is for you.

Locked and dropped.


Face it, boy, you are outmatched.

l'm still standing.

You know what to do, Shane.

Trust yourself.

l will not fail.
Battlizer mode. Engage.

Power up.

OK, guys, put 'em together.

With ya. Locked and dropped.

This does not look good.



Oh, yeah!

- Mo problemo.
- See you, Zurgane.

- Chalk him up.
- That's a wrap.

Where are you going?

- Stop!
- No more games.

Whoa! Battlizer, flight mode.


Catch me if you can.

What? Firing lasers.

Battle block!

Fine. More power.



- Wow.
- Go, Shane!

Come on, surrender.


Oh, no!

l'm losing power.

lt's over, Vexacus.

This isn't over.

lt is now!

Ultra laser. Fire!

Oh, wow!

- Whoa!
- Awesome!

- Check it out!
- Amazing.

Check it out.

l failed you, sir.

The Rangers destroyed my new Zord
and Vexacus has escaped.

Well, one out of mo
ain't bad, Zurgane.

Sir? l don't understand.

You know what the trouble is with you?
No competition.

Until now.

Meet your new boss.

Out of my way.


Hey, you all right?

Yeah. l feel kinda bummed.

You miss her, don't you?

Yeah, l guess l do.

She will always be with you, Shane.

Her power lives through you
for all eternity.

- Thanks, Sensei.
- Yeah.

But can we talk about the Battlizer?
How sick, bro?

That was the ultimate rush
or what, man?

- Yeah, it's pre_ sick.
- You all did well in my absence.

l am proud.

Pity it had to happen
on someone's birthday.

No worries.
There'll be more, right?

The day's not over yet.

Well, well, if it isn't
the Orange Ranger.

Yeah. Cyber Cam's going
to be cyber toast next time l see him.

Make a wish.


All right!

You're great, Tori.
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