11x26 - Shane's Karma

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x26 - Shane's Karma

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains,

secret Winja academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three who
would be chosen above the others,

three who would become...


- Yes, sir.
- l'm bored.

When will your new Zord be ready
for battle?

- Vey soon, sir.
- Excellent.

l don't want the Power Rangers
to think we've gone on hiatus.

- What do you think?
- l think l'm gonna be sick.

- What are you up to now?
- Remember when you said

we could have our
high school reunion on the ship?

l did?

l must have been having
a senior moment.

What have we here?

Looks like a game of cat and mouse.

Speaking of mice,
l already got the cheese.

For the reunion.

- Zurgane!
- Sir?

Keep an eye on those ships.

l want to know what they're doing
in my universe!

- Yes, sir!
- Cheese? Cheese, Uncle?

- Man, l'm worked!
- So am l.

Ten-mile run, mo fight simulations
and an obstacle course.

Don't forget mo hours
of hard meditation.

Even you look tired.
Training finally getting to you?

l'm not getting a lot of sleep.
l keep having this weird dream.

You should pay attention to that.

Sensei says your dreams
can tell you a lot about yourself.

Speaking of Dad, where is he?

- Dad!
- Look.

''Rangers, l have gone
on a meditation retreat

to reflect on
and recharge my inner ninja.

ln my absence,
enjoy a well-deserved day off.''

- No way! Is that what it says?
- Yeah.

Well, l'm thinking maybe the track
then a movie.

Or maybe a movie then the track.

Tori, what's the matter?

Don't tell me
you can't deal with a day off.

No, a day off is great.
Especially tomorrow.

l just thought that Sensei would be
around for... you know...


Man! Are we stupid?

'Cause tomorrow...

lt is your birthday

- How about a beach pam?
- Yeah, all right.

- What do you say, Tori?
- All right. Sure. Sounds great to me.

All right, be at the beach
first thing in the morning.

Just make sure
you get enough sleep tonight.

l think tomorrow might be
something special, after all.

Help me.

Help me!


Help me, please!

There's Blake and Hunter.

Has anybody seen Shane?

- Let's get this show on the road!
- We can't leave without him.

- He's bringing the cake!
- Guys!

Here, Tori. Happy birthday.

Hey, that doesn't
Iook like beachwear, bro.

- Yeah, about that...
- Don't tell me you're bailing!

OK, look. l had that same dream
again last night.

l think it's tying
to tell me something.

Like how to ruin
your friend's birthday?

lt's just l have a weird sense
something isn't right.

l got to go check out the woods.

l'm the first person
to say duty before pleasure.

But l left Cyber Cam online
in Ninja Ops.

lf anything weird shows up,
he'll let us know.

- l'll catch you up, OK? l promise.
- All right.

But you'd better!

What was l thinking?

lt's iust a stupid dream.

Now there's a face
only a mother could love.

l could say the same about you.
Now step aside.

Lothor's g*ons don't scare me.

l am Vexacus and l work for no one.

- Now give me the Karmanian!
- Karmanian what?

Have it your way!

Plan B...

Ninia storm! Ranger form!

Foolish Earthling,
where is the Karmanian?

Tell me!

What's going on?

Hey. Are you OK?

l thought l was out here alone.

l guess not.

Keep going! Two more!

- Why are we doing this again?
- We have to tighten up all the things

that have loosened since high school.

- How long before we look really good?
- The rest of your natural lives!

Well, it's worth it!

This is an evil lair,
not a spinning class.

- Uncle, we have to get in shape
- And turn.

so we'll be the toast of our reunion.

You mo keep stinking up my bridge,
and you'll be just plain toast!

Zurgane, l know there's a ship
down there somewhere.

But the sensors can't locate it.

Maybe it's cloaked.

Well, give the big green thing a prize.

What a stunning exhibition
of brain power.

Of course it's cloaked,
you simpletons. Zurgane.

- Yes, sir.
- Take Einstein here with you

and go find that ship.

- As you wish.
- Use this decloaker.


You guys, do you think
we did the right thing?

l mean, maybe we should
have gone with Shane.

What, because he had a nightmare?

l don't know. Maybe she's right.

l mean, he did seem pre_ meaked.

Come on, you guys. We're here now.

- It's a pam, right?
- Yeah!

Last one in the water's a little girl!

You are so gonna pay for that!

We need to get you home.

lt's not safe out here.

How do you know
l even live this way?

Well, maybe you can
help me out, then.

All right. Up there.

Right, so you're some
alien life form or something?

ls that what you're telling me?

- Hey, wait. You're serious!
- Hey, you asked.

Do you have a name?

Skyla. Call me Skyla.

l'm hungy. Did you bring snacks?

l don't eat when l'm on a mission.

That's not good.
Your body's a machine. It needs fuel.

Just like a spaceship, you know.

Hey, frogs' legs!

Come here, little froggie! Froggie!

l hit my head!

- On what?
- On nothing!

Let me see.

Wow! What kind of ship is that?

lt belongs to a ruthless
bounty hunter named Vexacus.

He is the sworn enemy of Lothor.

- We must inform our master at once.
- Yes!

Stand back. We don't want Vexacus
to know we were here.

- OK. Good idea.
- Let's go.

Yeah, OK.

Something you guys want to share
with the rest of the class?

- An enemy spaceship!
- Quiet, imbecile!

Out of our way, Ranger!

- You really don't want to go there.
- l will not bother myself with you.


We've got what we need.

l guess that qualifies
as something weird.

Hey, pam animals,
l think we have a problem.

We've got an alien visitor
in the forest.

Here's a newsworthy item.
He's not working for Lothor.

- Can you reach Shane?
- No can do.

The spaceship is interFering
with Shane's morpher.

Well, keep tying. l'm on my way.

- You're going back?
- Till l figure out what's going on.

With Dad out of town, l feel better
checking things out myself.

- We'll come with you.
- No. Stay.

There's nothing we can do
until we know what we're dealing with.

Well, maybe it's a good alien.

No one ever considers that possibility.

Don't let this get you down, OK?
Come on, we can still have fun.

- Yeah!
- You're right.

l guess the day's
not completely ruined.

- My life is ruined!
- Uncle, you can't do this to us!

You promised we could
have the reunion here.

That was before Vexacus turned up.

l can't have you running amok
all over my ship at a time like this!

What are we gonna tell all our friends?

What friends?

We have friends! Why else would we
volunteer to host a reunion?

We can't wait to rub their noses
into how successful we are!

l don't care what you do
to their noses. Just don't do it here!

Zurgane, let us discuss our strategies.

ls your new Zord ready for battle?

Fully operational, sir.

Excellent. Prepare to attack.

But not until l find out exactly
what has brought Vexacus to Earth.

Wait up!

- Would you slow down?
- Then keep up.

- Don't be such a whiner.
- A whiner?

ls that what you iust called me?

Hey, l know this forest.

You do.


This was in my dream.

OK, now this is really
starting to trip me out.

What am l doing here?

Well, let's iust say l owe you one.

And this is where l pay you back.

Pay back!

l like the sound of that!

- What do you want here?
- l already told you, the Karmanian!

You're way out of league, Vexacus.

Why don't you iust turn around

and swim back under whatever rock
you came out from?

You cannot run forever.

Vexacus has chased the Karmanian
into the hands of a Power Ranger.

They cannot be allowed to unite.

Zurgane, do whatever you have to
do to prevent this from happening.

Yes, sir!

Hey, that is one cool trick!

You're the one who helped me the first
time l ran into Mr Congeniality.

You can thank me later.
Right now we've got to get moving.

l don't have much time left.

Wait. l don't even know
who you are yet.

Look, we can keep
going over this, if you want.

- But it's not gonna do us any good.
- l guess not.

Don't look so freaked out.

lt's not the first time
you've seen an alien being.

Yeah, but it's the first time
l've seen one that looks like you.

We've got a problem.
As long as that ship remains cloaked...

l've no way to track it.

- Any word from Shane?
- His frequency is still jammed.

He must be close
to the source of the disturbance.

Let us know if anything changes.

Birthday or not,
l think we'd better get back.

Yeah, before some Kelzaks show up.

You had to say it, didn't you?

Let's check it out.

Chairs, tables...
Yeah, OK. So this could work.

Dead flowers over there.

The banquet table probably over there.

Oh, and we need dy ice.

You know, this pam might not
be a total disaster after all!

Hey, if an alien freak throws a pam
and nobody shows up,

- is it still a pam?
- Oh, man!

l hate it when they do that!

- Hey, come on!
- Wait. l'm just thinking about it.

lf an alien freak throws a pam...

Would you come on!
Hey, Kelzaks!

Watch the flowers!

Guys, we've got a bigger problem.

Zurgane's taking a new Zord
for a test drive.

l can't access
the Thunder Zord's portals.

- Hey, Tori, you up for a mo-way?
- Yeah. No one ruins my birthday!

We'll take care of this mess.

- Ready?
- Ready!

- Ninja Storm.
- Thunder Storm.

Ranger Form.

- Power of earth!
- Power of water!

Power of thunder!

Let's go!

- You're toast!
- Oh, yeah!

Lasers fire!

Time to light my fire!
Lightning mode, now!

lmpressive! But you're not the only one
with a lightning mode at your disposal!

Power Rangers!

- That's P for Power Rangers!
- He's got a lightning mode!

And l know how to use it!

Today started off as a bad dream.

Now it's turned into
a full-on nightmare.

Thanks a lot.


lt's been kind of a rough day.

Even for me.

We met before.
When you were little.

The spider's web!

The ball of light?

lt was you?

You saved me from
that fish-headed freak.

Now l'm here to return the favour.

Having fun yet? Not for long!

- Hello!
- Losers!

Does this mean we have to find
a new location for our reunion?

- They bailed!
- Power down!

Sensei picked a bad day to take off.

Let's get back to Ops.
See if the others are OK.

- You got room for one more?
- Yeah!

Man, he's brutal!

Your number is up, Power Rangers!

And now to finish the iob!

Goodbye, Rangers!

Guys, back to Ops!

Ready? Let's go!

You can run, Power Rangers,

but you can't hide!

The Storm and the Samurai Star
Megazord are badly damaged.

lt'll take hours,
maybe days to make repairs.

- What about the Thunder Zords?
- No luck accessing them yet.

Some day off!

This must be the worst birthday ever.

l can't even think
about that right now.

l just have this really bad feeling
that Shane is in trouble.

l don't understand. What does
Vexacus want here with you?

l came here to give you something.

And he wants it.
But that would be bad, really bad.

- Let go of me!
- At last l will have the power!

- Shane!
- Skyla!
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