11x19 - Scent of a Ranger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x19 - Scent of a Ranger

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains,

secret ninja academies train
our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three

who would be chosen
above the others.

Three who would become.. .

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ The call is on ♪

♪ Their force
is gettìng strong ♪

♪ They'll have to brave
the weather ♪

♪ Ninja Storm ♪

♪ And stand together ♪

♪ The storm will grow,
the waters flow ♪

♪ Power Ranger Ninjas, go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Is growing ♪

♪ It's growing ♪

♪ It's growing ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ With the speed
of the wind, go ♪

♪ And streak like thunder ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

He is such a showoff.

Sorry, l'm gonna have to take
points off for that landing.

Let me try that again.

Why don't we bag it for today?
You look beat, bro.

-l'm fine.
-[ Beep ]

Go for Shane.

SENSEl: Shane, could you please
ask Cam to return to Ninja Ops?

l'm having trouble
with the mainframe.


l must have pressed a button
l wasn't supposed to.

l'll be right there, Dad.

lt doesn't sound good.

l told him to stay away
from the supercomputer.

l'll be back as soon as l can.

l'm worried about Cam.

He runs the entire Ninja Ops.
Now he's a Ranger, too.

Yeah, he never gets
any downtime.

Dude's gonna seriously burn out.

Here's the problem.

lt's just a couple
of crossed wires.

lt shouldn't take much longer.

Son, l'm afraid you've taken on
far too many duties.

Why don't you try
some recreational activities,

like the others?

l don't have time.
l've got too much to do.

One must retain a balance
in life.

Work is important, of course.

But so is ''chilling out,''
l think it's called.

Yo, Tori, what's up?

Huge test next week.

What's that?

We just got some new samples in
of a sports cologne for girls.

l thought you might want to
try it.

Well, it really smells...great.

So, aren't you gonna try it?

Oh. Yeah. Sure.

l really don't like to wear
too much.

Blake, can you give me a hand?

Hey, l should be
getting back to work, huh?


Hey, listen, if you want some
more of this, just let me know.

Yeah , l'll let you know.



lt smells like
my grandma's feet in here.

Your grandma's been dead
O years.


Oh! How come cute guys
don't buy me presents?

Your hair looks like a yak
crawled under your hat and died

and the makeup you wear went out
with New Wave and spandex.

-Look at what you're wearing.

Shut your evil pie holes,
both of you.

Zurgane, l need something
to cheer me up.

-l'm having an off day.

[ Grunts ]
This is Fragra.

She can turn the entire
population into perfume.

Talk about your family-sized
bottle, huh?

So, what am l supposed to do
with a bunch of cheap perfume?

Lothor, darling,

l can bring you back the most
valuable perfume of all.

The scent of a Ranger!

Ah. [ Chuckles ]

Hey, Sensei, is Cam around?

We're gonna meet Blake
and Hunter at the beach.

l have not seen him all day.

He's probably crashed out.

Hey, what's up?
Shane man! Tori Tor!

D-dog in the house.

What are you wearing?

Cool, huh?

l got tired
of the same old rags.

So l busted out the phat gear.

We were going to the beach.

We thought you might
want to come with us.

Dudes, l'm so down with that!

l could definitely get into
chilling on the beach

with my peeps.

Your peeps?

Tori, may l say

you're looking particularly
babelicious this morning?

Uh, thanks.

l think.

Got to bail.
Laters, little furry dude.

[ Chuckles ]


Come on.

[ Tori laughs ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Crowd cheering ]

Hey, Shane,
he's even better than you.

No, he's not.

l got to work
on my backside nose slide.

Dude, where did you learn
to skate like that?

And when did you learn
to talk like that?

Hey, come on.
Let's hit the waves.


Yeah, Cam!
That's the way, bro!


Hey, Tori,
he's even better than you.

Don't even go there.

Oh, yeah! You were
riffin' it out there, bro!




Hey, D., you know
what l've always wanted to try?


l think l could bust out
some serious lap times.

Moto isn't something
you just try.

He's right.
It could be totally brutal.

Yeah, man, it's not like
riding a little skateboard

or playing in the water.

Uh, hey, no offence, guys.

Whatever, man.
l just want to check it out.

Come on!

You won't believe what l got
Amanda for her birthday.

lt's great.

Hey, do you smell something?

It smells pretty.

[ Both scream ]

Thank you, darlings!

l can assure you,
l am no designer knockoff.

[ Laughs ]

Oh, yes!
My most exclusive line begins!

That's him.

That can't be Cam.

lt's Cam.

[ Crowd cheering ]

Look at that jump!

[ Applause ]

Okay, that was just wrong.

Nobody rides like that
first time out.

Next time l'm gonna
really crack the throttle.

See what this bad boy can do.

There's got to be
something wrong with my bike.


-[ Beep ]
-Go for Shane.

The city plaza has been invaded.
You must go there at once.

All over it.
Let's go.

Hey, you're seriously
not bailing now?

What about moto number two?

Cam, what are you talking about?


And that affects me how?

This is the part where we go
save the world, remember?

You know, l am so over
this whole Ranger thing.

Quit playing around, Cam.
Come on.

But l know l can shave
a few seconds off my lap time.


All right.
Everybody chill.

Come on, then!


[ Grunting ]

Well, hello!

Hey, freak, we're here
to shut you down!

Oh, please!

Don't you know that bright
colours are so last year?

Hey, l didn't know
the new model was out.



You got to be kidding me.

Check it out!


Oh! l mean Kelzaks!


-Ninja Storm! Ranger form!
-Thunder Storm! Ranger form!

Ninja Ranger power!

Let's do it!

[ Laughs ]


What's he doing?

Checking out a car?

Bad timing much?

Brushed aluminium tachometer.
Nice touch!

Hey, Cam!

A little help here?


-Come on, Tori!

Hello, darlings!


TORl :

[ Laughs ]

Tori! Dustin!

Let them go!

[ Laughs ]
Say goodbye to your friends.

Now they're part
of my exclusive perfume line.

Ciao, darlings.


Power down.

What do you think you're doing?

Man, were you not paying

She just took off
with Tori and Dustin.

Where's your head, man?

Why are you all bagging on me?
l didn't do anything.


Come on.
We got to go sniff them out.

Cam, l thought you were
with the others.

l'll explain later.

l've traced the essence
of Tori and Dustin

to an abandoned factory.

It's this way.

Are you sure?

Yeah. How do you know?

When in doubt, follow your nose.

[ Sniffs ]

Looks like some crazy lab.

This is weird.

Guys, l'm here to help.

Forget it.
We don't want your help.

Too little, too late.


Dudes, why'd you bail on me
like that?






SHANE: Oh, man.
Not another clone story.

Didn't we already do this?

Hey, Shane man.

lt's all good!

No. Wait!
He's not...


-Ooh .

He's not a clone.

Dude, that was way harsh.

He's a virtual replicant.

l created him to help out
at Ninja Ops.

But it kind of got
out of control.

Yeah .

Sorry about the tying you up
in the closet thing, bro.

Guess l got
a little overexcited.

l can fix that.

Later, dudes.

You annoying little boys.
You found my olfactory factory.

Just to bring you up to speed,
she's got Tori and Dustin.

And now for you to join them!

Samurai Storm, Ranger form!

Cyclone Morpher, full power!

l don't like the smell of this.

You're no bouquet of roses,
either, sister!

Smell this!

You guys keep her busy.

-l'll look for the others.
-You got it.

Now, where are they?


Worth a shot.

Shane! Shane, help us!

-TORl: Help us!
-l'll find you.

-Not the green one!
-Hello? Anybody in there?

DUSTIN: Come on, Shane!
We're over here!

TORl :
Help us get out!

Over here!

Oh, man!
This could take forever!

l've had enough!
[ Laughs ]



Was the Red Ranger in there?

Oh, so sorry!

Yeah, you're gonna be!

l found them!

Back off!

[ Grunts, coughs ]


-Good job.

Good thing they're colour-coded.

-You guys okay?

Yeah .

How dare you steal my scents!


You picked the wrong
Green Ranger to mess with.


Activate Super Samurai mode!

Big deal.
A sword.

Excuse me, but it's a sabre.
A samurai sabre.

Go, Cam!

Come on up.

Samurai Sabre, activate!

Big sword!

Yeah !

That Samurai Ranger
is a thorn in my side.

Scroll of Empowerment, descend!

[ Laughs ]

Stand back!

Samurai Star Megazord!


Lasers locked on!

Megazord transformation !

l am the star here!

Come on, guys.
Let's give him some backup.

-Right behind you!
-True that!

You stink!

Lightning Megazord, ramp attack!

Great idea, guys.
Go for it!

l got your back!

P Go, Power Rangers,
go, Wìnja Storm P

P Let's go P

Let's roll!

Power Disk locked and dropped!

Let's bust out the bee!

What a slap in the face,


Look who's back.

What's up, yo?

Oh, no.

What are you doing here, poseur?

Don't worry.

l've reprogrammed him to be
totally dedicated to his work.

He'll stay at Ninja Ops
from now on.

Good, 'cause l don't need
any more competition.


Don't hate the player.
Hate the game.

His personality still needs
a little work.

Why did you make Cyber Cam
so good at sports?

l guess because l've never had
time to learn any of that stuff.

But now you do, right?

[ Chuckles ]


[ Laughs ]


So, what do you think?
Pretty awesome, huh?


Now l know why you
Iove this so much.

l'm ready for another lap.


[ Laughter ]

Everybody's got to start
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