11x13 - Return of Thunder pt. 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x13 - Return of Thunder pt. 4

Post by bunniefuu »

This is the last
of the new stuff.

You guys are doing great.

Keep it up, and you never know.

How goes life in the work force?

It's all good.
Thanks for the hookup.

We owe you one.

You want an easy way
you can repay me?

If it involves morphers and
Megazords, we're still thinking.

I know the whole
Sensei-guinea-pig thing

seems a little out there.

Once you get past the teeth
and the clothes and the talking,

it's really not that unusual.

On which planet
is it not unusual?

It's nothing to do with Sensei,

It's just we got a big decision.

- But we won't keep you hanging.
- Cool.

You guys still riding later?

After work.
Meet us at the beach.

All over it.

[ Sobbing ]

What is that noise?


I don't know any George.

Her blowfish.

She found him doing
the backstroke.

Only he wasn't stroking anymore,
if you get what I mean.

I loved him so much.

Doesn't anyone know
what love is?

I'm an evil genius.

It's not in my job description.

You ever think maybe
that's your problem, Marah?

You love everything.

No, I don't!

Remember Choobo?

You loved him.
Look what happened.

- Choobo. That rings a bell.
- [ Bell Tolls ]

Didn't I end
his miserable existence?

Technically, you banished him.


That one will probably
come back to haunt me.

I always say,
you got to fish or cut bait.

[ Marah Sobs ]


What did I say?

Oh, come to Papa.

Banish me, will they?

With the Scroll of Empowerment,
I'll finally get some respect!

- Hey!
- Oh!

Back away from the scroll.

Make me.

Lothor will not show mercy.

Come with me!

I'd love to, but I got
other plans. Big plans!

Smell you later.

You'll pay for this, Choobo!

I'm confused.

Doesn't it now say "Skate Park"
outside the secret entrance?


Someone knew
what they were doing

when they built
these Thunder Zords.

- The technology is amazing.
- Yeah.

All we need is someone
to drive them.

Blake and Hunter will follow
their destiny.

Whatever that may be.

That's weird.

Finally find something
you can't figure out?

No. I've scanned
the Thunder Zords for damage.

I keep coming up with
this nonfunctional retrofit.

Could you repeat that
with fewer syllables?

One piece doesn't have
any purpose.

But it is integral
to the overall design.

I'd just love to know
what the deal is with it.

Wouldn't that count as something
you can't figure out?



I can definitely chill here
for a while.

So that's a vote for staying.

It just seems like everything
we've been through

must be for a reason.

Don't get all Zen on me, dude.

Hey, we both know
it's the right thing to do.

[ Warbling ]

To Ranger or not to Ranger?

What a stupid question.

Yo, dude, private conversation.

What do you want, anyway?

I'm thinking revenge!


[ Laughs ]

Thunder Storm, Ranger form!

[ Echoing ]
Power of thunder!


Let me give you a hand!

[ Laughs ]


- Whoa!
- Whoa!

Two Thunder Rangers on ice.

Who's the evil genius now?

Sir, we have a situation.

Choobo has infiltrated the lair

and stolen the Scroll
of Empowerment.

What happened to "I've got good
news and I've got bad news"?

Shall I send the ground troops?

No. Let him try to
defeat the Rangers.

For now,
I've got bigger fish to fry.

Would somebody please find her
another pet?

Oh, I'm out of here!

Spirits of the dark ninjas,
I call on you.

Give me more power.

Oh, my precious.


Nice look.
Early dungeon.



[ Laughs ]

Your powers are no good here.

My alternate realm
might seem scary.

But you'll get used to it
after a few hundred years!


But we won't be staying.

Hold up.
We got to be careful.

This is his house.

That's right, little Ranger.

And you'll never get out.

But don't worry.

After I capture
the other Rangers,

you'll have plenty of company.

Not gonna happen!

You will learn to respect me.

Or you will suffer a fate
worse than you can imagine!

Now take a whiff of this!

- Nasty!
- Gross!

This is too weird.

Blake and Hunter aren't
the most reliable guys.

But leaving their bikes?

No way.

I don't know about you,
but I smell a rodent.

No offence, Sensei.

None taken, Tori.

I, too, suspect foul play.

And it probably has something
to do with this.

He's not there for the scenery.

That place is kind of cool,
especially this time of year.

ALL: Hmm.


- Ready?
- Ready.

Ninja Storm, Ranger form!

Power of Earth!

- Air!
- Water!

Okay, let's ride!

- Hit it!
- Yeah!

[ Tyres Screeching ]

Right on time.
[ Chuckles ]


Where are our friends?

Why don't you join them?

There's room for three more.

We'll pass.
But thanks.


I'm hurt.
But not surprised.

How about some new playmates


Ninja swords!


Bring it!


The more, the merrier,
I always say!

Hey, watch the suit!

I can't move!

[ Grunts ]
I'll handle this!

[ Echoing ]
Hey! Kelzaks!

Wave bye-bye now!

Good job, Tor!


Storm Striker!

How does this strike you?

Uh-oh. Aah!

Everybody okay?

- Yeah.
- I think so.

Guys, I've locked onto
Choobo's genetic encoding

and found the routeing system
for the dimension in his pack.

It's the key to releasing
the Thunder Rangers.

- You guys get that?
- Yeah, right.

To get Hunter and Blake out,
you need to slash the tubing

that connects the control centre
to his backpack.

On it!

Hey, where are you going?

Ninja power!

[ Whimpering ] Oh, no!

No! Oh!


We're back.

That was just weird.


- Hey!
- You guys okay?

We're fine.


You Rangers and your teamwork
really cheese me off!

You guys ready?

Oh, yeah!

Wind Rangers! Ha!

Thunder Rangers! Hyah!

Oh, how shocking!

Oh, I hate it when they do that!

Oh, not my love handles!


Ninja air attack!

Let's do it!


Storm Striker!

Thunder Blaster!


What now?

I want to have a puppet show.


I'll be the puppeteer.

And you'll be my puppets!

[ Grunts ]

- Hey, what's happening?
- This way.

What's going on?

- Aah!
- Aah!

- Huh?
- No!

I'm holding the strings here.

Now do what I do.

[ Straining ] No!
I won't do it!

[ Grunts ]

Choobo's going down!

Hunter, be careful.

If you hit the Rangers, it could
strip them of their powers.

We don't have any choice, bro.

He's got a point!


Hunter, go for it!
I can't fight him much longer!

Can you do it?


I can't risk it.

I knew you didn't
have it in you.

Two powerless Thunder Rangers,
coming up!

[ Grunting ]

Aah! Hold on!

I can't!

It's too strong!

Come on.

You can break this.

What are you doing?

I said you're supposed to
listen to me.


Nice move, you guys.

Definitely smooth.

Goob job, Hunter.

No worries.

I'm still working here.

Let's try this again!

You got it.

- Fire!
- Fire!


[ Coughs, Laughs ]

Oh, man!

Don't count me out yet.

I still have one trick
up my sleeve.

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

This Scroll of Empowerment.

Now you're really gonna get it!

They said
I'd make it big someday.

Cam, it's Zord time.

They're on their way.

Now if I can only figure out
what that mystery piece does.

Storm Megazord!

Thunder Megazord!

Things are about to get
a bit sticky for you, Rangers!

Aah! [ Laughs ]

Any ideas?


On it!

Glad I took
those spinning classes.

It's got to do something.

Tori, you know the drill.

Oh, yeah!


Bring it on!

No way!

That's it!

That part I was
telling you about.

I figured out what it does.

Check this out.

Thanks, Cam.

But how about filling us in
on the big secret?

The only way to beat Choobo
is to combine your Megazords.

- Whoa! No way!
- How, Cam?

Call the Mini Zord.

He was part of the program
all along.

The Mini Zord?

Just trust me.

It will be good to see wind
and thunder working together.

You guys up for this?

What do you think, bro?

Let's do it!

Yeah! I rule!

You guys ready?

Let's do it!

Lock and drop!

ALL: Whoa!

I am Mini Zord!

Storm Megazord,
Thunder Megazord, combine!


Thunderstorm Megazord formation!

Thunderstorm Megazord!



How do you like us now?

The bigger you are,
the harder you'll fall.

You broke my stick.

Don't cry.

Your mommy will buy you
a new one.

- Ready, Hunter?
- Ready!

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

Oh, so that's the way
it's gonna be.

This thing rocks.

No doubt.

That was a lucky shot.

Now what?

Use the Lion Blaster.

It will be your best defence.

Well, if you say so.

- Yeah!
- Awesome!

Let's do it, guys!

Lion Blaster, activate!


You always have to win,
don't you?

You can't just let me have
one little...





- ALL: Yeah!
- [ Laughs ]

Once again, Choobo has
proven himself useless, sir.

I wouldn't say that, Zurgane.

Hello, little Choobo.

You're so cute.
Yes, you are!

[ Squealing ]

I can't believe you get a pet.

Then again,
Uncle always did like you best.


Save me!


See you tomorrow.
Lock up, okay?


Roger Hannah.

I wonder what he wants.

Probably to talk to you guys.

Let's go find out.

I can't believe you said no.

Factory Blue.
That's nuts.

We had something
more important to do.


We're in.

- Oh!
- Oh, yeah!

You have made
a difficult decision.

I believe it is the correct one.

Yeah. No lie.
This is sweet.

You're one of us now.
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