11x12 - Return of Thunder pt. 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x12 - Return of Thunder pt. 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Do you have another size?

They're my last pair.
How about...

Motocross gloves.

They'll keep you warm.

And they look cool, too.

I'll be right back.

Dustin, you are so fired
if you don't come to work today.

Is it just me,
or is it starting to get cold?

Most of the time
I'd say it was just you.

But it is definitely getting
colder here.

I'd really like to know
why we can morph

but we can't reach Ninja Ops.

I'd settle for knowing
where we are.

Portico Island.


Anything else
you'd like to share?

No. You don't want to know.
Trust me.

Trust us.
We do.

I heard Lothor talking

before he sent Hunter
and me back to Earth.


This place doesn't exist
on any map.

It rises from the sea once
every years or something.

And then what?

Well, that's the part
that's kind of harsh.

You're telling us this place
is sinking back into the ocean?

I told you
you didn't want to know.

We'd better find
some high ground.

Come on.

I'm getting something.

That must be them.

Dad, look at this.

I tracked the heat signatures
from the photos.

I think I found the Rangers.

That's good news, son.

Not entirely.

They are on a sinking island.

And they're not alone.

[ Breathing Raggedly ]

Blake, where are you?

Must destroy enemy!

Thunder Ranger Blake
is the enemy.

Lead me right to them.

Must destroy Blake!

Is anyone else worried that we
haven't seen Hunter for hours?

Not me.

I can use the break
from getting my butt whupped.

No offence, but your bro isn't
exactly playing well

with others these days.


Hunter is a great Ranger.

One day you're gonna be glad
he's got those powers.


The day he stops
using them on us.

How did you get them, anyway?

- What?
- Your powers.

You never told us
how any of that happened.

It's a long story.
Do you really want to hear it?

It's either that or watch Dustin
play in the dirt.

Sensei Omino taught our parents
the way of the Thunder Ninja.

After they passed away,

he brought us
to the Thunder Academy.

Helped us get through

We felt like we belonged again.

We both did well
in our training.

Sensei Omino was grooming us
for something.

But we didn't know what.

So that's when Lothor showed up.


Our school was att*cked.

Kelzaks and aliens
were everywhere.


Sensei gave us our morphers.

He told us we'd know what to do.

At that moment,
he got captured by Lothor.



When you go in those ball
things, what's it feel like?

Is it like going off
a freestyle ramp?

Not really the point, dude.

Oh, yeah.
No. Sorry. Continue.

Lothor was really tweaked

that the Ranger powers
were passed on to us.

That's when he told us
the lie about our parents.

That's when you went
medieval on us.

Let's not go there again.

Hunter is a good person.

But if he believes
someone's wronged him,

he won't stop
until he makes it right.

But why is he
taking it out on us?

Choobo used mind erase to
make us think you were enemies.

How come you snapped out of it?

I guess I just had more help
remembering who my friends are.

Then that's what Hunter needs.

Come on.
We'd better go find him.

Do we have to?


What's happened to me?

Do we really have to
go over it again?

Repeat after me.

The Rangers are your enemies.

Your brother betrayed you.
Say it.

Blake betrayed you.

Blake betrayed me.
[ Groans ]

That's right.

Blake bad.

Choobo good.

Now, pull yourself together
and find them.

I want to be home in time
for my cartoons.

No more Rangers!

[ Laughs, Growls ]

General? Hello?


Huh? Who's there?

Up here in outer space.


Hello, there, sir.

General, you're doing
an excellent job.

Thank you, sir.
Thank you very much.

So, as a reward, I'm sending you
a bit of extra muscle.

Who is it?

How will I know him?

You know him.

He's the one with
the giant snail on his back

and the clam face.

[ Chuckles ]
That's me!

Now go.

Don't make me regret
putting my trust in you.

I won't, sir.
I won't.

[ Zurgane Growls ]

He will.

He will!

You're just jealous, Zurgane.

So sad.

[ Coughs ]

This island reeks!

[ Hunter Screaming ]

You guys, check it out!

Come on!



[ Chuckles ]

You guys better bail.

Because I'm one bad snail!

If you're a snail, how come
you look more like a crab?

Crab! Snail! Whatever!

Time to plug this slug.


- Ready!
- Ready!

- Ninja Storm!
- Thunder Storm!

Ranger form!

Power of Earth!

- Water!
- Air!

Power of thunder!

Ninja swords! Hyah!

I can take you all!

Dream on, snail trail!

Ninja shadow battle!


[ Growling ]

Where's Hunter?

What do you care?

You'll never get off
this island!

Never is a long time, dude!

Put them together!

Storm Striker!

- Ready!
- Aim!



That's not in the script!


[ Exhales Deeply ]

Everyone okay?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Where's Hunter?

Where are you?

There you are.

Look! Whoa!


- Stop!
- Hunter!


Hunter, snap out of it!
Lothor's done something to you!


Listen to me!

No more lies!

Blake needs us!


Not so fast!
I want to play!

Whoo-hoo! [ Laughs ]

You've got to trust me!

Why should I?

Not good.

Hunter, please.

You betrayed me, and now
you will pay for your betrayal!

It was Choobo and Lothor!

They betrayed us!

Think, Hunter!

[ Grunts ] Huh?

Surprise! [ Laughs ]


We'll always be looking
after you.

Make us proud.

Think, Hunter!


You're under some kind of spell.

You're confusing me.

No more ninja tricks!


You're my brother!

I don't have a brother!


Enough is enough.

Looks like it's time
for some tough love.

Now you're gonna listen.

And you're gonna listen good.

[ Groaning ]


Your name is Hunter!

You're my brother!

Come on, man!
Shake it off!

Shake it off!


You're lying to me.

I know the truth!

Something is wrong!

My head!


[ Groaning ]

It's coming back!

I remember.


Oh, no, you don't!

Oh, yes, he does!

Ninja power attack!

Ninja sword!

Power up!

[ Groans ]


Yeah! Alright!

I'll be back, Rangers!

Now, how do I get out of here?

[ Whimpering ]

- Hey!
- Wait!

Time to make like a banana
and split!

- There he goes!
- Oh, man!

Ninja form!

Guess Choobo didn't feel like
sticking around for an encore.

Yeah, and that crab is toast.

Man, why have I got this sudden
craving for seafood?


There's Blake and Hunter.

Come on! No!

Come on, bro!

Stay with me!

[ Gasps, Chokes ]

Dude, I'm gonna need to breathe
at some point here.

Whoa. Thanks, bro.

He's back to being Hunter.

Good Hunter or bad Hunter?

Do you know who we are?


My friends.

Dad, I'm getting something!


Is that you, Cam?

No, it's the phone company

calling to find out if you're
happy with your long distance.

Is he always this funny?

Not always.

We're great, Cam.

Thanks for asking.

Are the Thunder Rangers
with you?

Right here, Sensei.

Excellent. I must speak
to them upon your return.

Which brings up
our next problem.

You're on an island
that's sinking.

You've got to find a way off.

Well, how about the gliders?

The atmospheric pressure
is too unstable.

It wouldn't be safe.

What about the Zords?

Good idea, Blake.

They're on their way.

I just have to make certain they
can stand the water pressure.

We're ready.

Let's do it.


Oh, no.

I just wanted to say
it means a lot.

The way you stood up for me.

Hey, that's what friends do.

So before this turns into
a groug hug, better go.

Will you look at that?

Isn't that precious?

One big, dysfunctional
superhero family.

The only problem is,
they're escaping!

Sir, it's just a minor setback.

If you allow me,
I'm sure I can--

You can what?

Give them the keys so they can
take a spin around the moon?

[ Laughs ]

Take this and make
that loathsome creature,

whatever it is...

He's a mollusc, sir.

Or maybe a crustacean.

I get them mixed up.

- Just make him grow!
- Whoa!


Ah! Go big or go home!

- You ready for this?
- Ready.


Ninja Storm!

Thunder Storm!

Ranger form!

Ninja Ranger power!

Hey, Cam, how about those Zords?

On their way.

Let's do it!

[ Laughs ]

Hey, Rangers!

You're gonna be sorry
you ever crossed my snail trail!

Dude, it's hot!
It's Africa hot!

Where's the A.C.?

Whoa! Yo!
You guys okay?

Don't worry.

We can take the heat.

Then let's go for a little spin!


Ha! Spin blade!

Lightning mode, engage!

Rangers, battle ready!

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

Hey, quit it!


It's time you came out
of your shell.

[ Toxipod Shouting ]

Now, that's what I call
a crab feast.

All you can eat.

Detonation of the crustacean.

We're going home.


Hey, Kel.

Well, look what the cat
dragged in.

Kel, I can explain.

I was stuck
in the middle of nowhere.

It wasn't his fault.
He was helping us.

Well, that doesn't surprise me.

You couldn't have called?

If there was any way,
I'd have been here.

I'm really sorry.

Dustin is telling the truth.

As for my brother and me,

we know we let you down
a bunch of times.

We want to start over.

We'll make it up to you.
We promise.

Well, I'm still
kind of shorthanded.

I could do with a couple
of stock boys.

You know.

Someone to open boxes.

Clean the floors.

I was thinking more along
the lines of head mechanic.

We'll take it.

Great. You can start by
helping me clean up this mess.

We just got one more thing
to take care of.

We'll be back in half an hour.
I promise.

Whoa. Wait a minute.

Let me get this straight.

After all we went through,

you guys just want to walk away
from being Rangers?

We have to.

Lothor isn't gonna let us rest
until he destroys us.

Join the club, dude.

We can't risk anything happening
to you because of us.

You're the only thing between
Lothor and innocent people.

You've been given a gift.

Isn't it your responsibility
to use that?

Tori is correct.

Hunter, Blake, Sensei Omino knew

the Thunder Ranger powers
were meant for you.

I cannot force you to live up
to your responsibility.

So what do you say?

You guys in or not?

But it wasn't my fault!


If you just let me try one more
time, I know I won't fail again.

No more chances!

In fact, no more anything!

Choobo, you are relieved
of your duties forever.

You are hereby banished!

Where will I go?

What will I do?

How about "far awat"
and "self-destruct"?

Now, when I return to
the bridge of the ship,

I want every last trace
of you gone.

And if I ever see you again,

I will be the last thing
that you see alive!

- Oh!
- Oh!

Tough luck!

[ Laughs ]

Someone must pay
for this humiliation.

And that someone
is the Thunder Rangers!
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