11x07 - Thunder Strangers pt. 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x07 - Thunder Strangers pt. 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Go, Marah.

Go, Marah.





I'll bust a move!

Go, Choobo.

Go, Choobo.

You busted something?

What's the matter, General?

Don't you dance?

Sir, until
the Thunder Rangers return

and the world is under our
control, I will not celebrate.

Look here.

I want to show you something.

I've been at this for quite some
time, and one thing I've learned

is you don't
just wake up one day

and decide
to take over a planet.

There are steps
that must be taken.


Step one.

Capture your enemy's leader.



Wipe out the rest of their army.

That's what you'll do next.

Step three.

Get rid of anything
that stands in our way.

We'll do that together.

It'll be fun.

Like a big, evil group hug.

( Laughs )

Go, Zurgane. Go, Zurgane.

- Go, Zurgane.
- You heard them.

Wouldn't want to
disappoint the troops.

No, sir.

I knew there was something
about Blake and Hunter.

Man, you don't need to say
"I told you so."

I feel bad enough already.

That's them.

My father enclosed himself
in an energy sphere

before he was captured.

It'll protect him and allow us
to track his location

within a -mile radius.

SHANE: But he can't transform
or use his ninja powers, can he?


And he's about to go
out of range.

Why are they taking him
into the middle of the forest?

Found it.

The Mountain of Lost Ninjas.

Of course!

That's where all those freaky
ninja-ghost dudes are, right?

So you do study
your ninja history.


Then you should know
the Mountain of Lost Ninjas

is where
the Cavern of Spirits is.

Which houses the Gem of Souls.

It's the only thing on Earth
that's powerful enough

to break the energy sphere
surrounding Sensei.

That's gotta be what
the Thunders are after.

Then that's where we're going.

( Moaning )

I don't know about you, bro,

but I'm not really
digging this place.

Don't be such a baby.

SENSEI: You should be afraid,
Thunder Rangers.

There are spirits here
of the darkest warriors

the world has ever known.

We know what we're doing.

Have you not learned
that taking revenge

on one
who has caused you no harm

makes you as guilty as the one
who hurt you to begin with?

You destroyed our parents.

Parents who adopted us
and gave us a life.

You deserve everything
that's coming to you.

Tracking systems are on-line.

How long till we get there?

I told you to go
before we left Ninja Ops.

Not why I'm asking.

I'm just freaking here.

Hey, Tori.

Look, it wasn't your fault.

Well, then, whose was it?

You were just doing
what you thought was right.

It could have happened
to any one of us.


This is as far as I go.

The rest is up to you.

Please find my father.

Guys, let's go.

- Ready.
- Hit it!

How much further?

Almost there.


( Whooshing )

Did you hear that?


Okay, bro?

BOTH: Thunder Storm!
Ranger Form!

Power of thunder!

They just keep coming!

What now?

Put me down, I say.

- What?
- Who the...

Coming through!


Who do we fight?

Anyone not wearing
a primary colour.

Good plan.

Stay close.

This is crazy.

- I'll take that!
- Whoa!

You okay?

Not for long!
Ha ha!


Got it!

These guys are fearless.

They're dead.

It's not like
they have a lot to lose.

So that would be
the glass half-empty, right?

Back off!

How about a truce?

Let's do this together.

Fine by me.

But only for now.

( Growls )

Just get down there
and make them pay.

On my way, sir.

- Alright!
- Yeah!

Got him.

That was great teamwork.

- Alright!
- You rock, bro!


- Don't call me "bro"!
- Blake!

Good one.

Yeah, right!


( Laughs Evilly )

Let's go.

We're out of here.

They're getting away!

- No, they're not!
- Right!

Ninja Streak!

Why are you doing this?


- Huh?
- Huh?

What's that?

Revenge for what?


( Laughs Evilly )

Hey, is that...


Who gave him the keys to a Zord?

That'll keep them busy.


Guys, they're getting away.

Not again!

Whoa, man!

You guys go after them.
I'll keep Zurgane busy.

- Alright.
- Let's do it!

Cam, how about those Zords?

On the way, Tori.

Here goes nothing.

Okay, Cam, a little help here.

I'll send you a power disk

that will allow you to control
the Megazord by yourself.


Who says women can't drive?

Give me that ball!

Don't even...

No, you don't!

Hey, bro!

- Ooh!
- Oh, sorry, Sensei!

I am fine.

Ha ha!

It's mine.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

I wish I knew what they meant
by "revenge."

Come on.
Let's find out.

Prepare to be sorry
you ever met me.


Oh, so that's how it's gonna be?

Blizzard power!

That's what I call "chillin'."







I meant to do that.


Here comes the fun!

Ha ha!
Tori's taking you to school!

Recess is over.

Ninja sword.

Dude, you are so bugging me.

This is getting old!


Looks like you could use a lift.


- No!
- Yes!



Are we having fun yet?

I am!

Your sensei
destroyed our parents.


And now it's payback time.

Dude, they can't be right!

It's a lie!

It's over.

Admit it.

( Gasps )

You've failed!

( Echoing )
Please find my father.

Let's do this!


That's it, Zurgane.

You're through ruining my day.

Dolphin Laser!

Ninja Air as*ault!



Got him!

You okay, bro?


Who do you think you are?

I'm a big fish with an attitude.

Dolphin Blast!

A Megazord is nothing
without accessories.

Power Sphere !

Power Sphere !

Turbine Combo!

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

I'll be back!


I think we lost them!

Thank goodness!

You're alright now, Sensei.

- Yeah.
- Hey, guys!

You got him!



- Huh?
- Mind if I cut in?

Not again!

Thunder Storm Cannon!

Come on, Blake.

Get out of the way.

I can't!

Just take your shot!

You guys!
Look out!

Shane, come on!

I'm a little busy!

Do it!



Hello again.

- Oh, well.
- Blake!

I'm okay.

We got what we came for.

Let's bail.

( Chuckles Evilly )

Man, I can't stand those guys!

The ninja spirits
sense our presence.

The cavern.

Consider what you are
about to do carefully.

There are powerful forces here.


The Gem of Souls
will take care of you.

SHANE: Hunter and Blake think
Sensei destroyed their parents.

No way he could do that.

Of course he couldn't.

My father's only ever fought
in self-defence.

He teaches his students
respect, decency, virtue.

We know that.

We don't believe those lies
any more than you do.

I don't know what to do.

I do.

Just be careful.


Put it down.

Sensei didn't do anything.

Lothor told us everything.

Your sensei
destroyed our parents.

Lothor saw the whole thing.

- You believed him?
- Why shouldn't we?

He's not known for being
one of the good guys.

- We're done talking.
- No!

Put it down, Hunter.

Who are you?

Mom? Dad?
How did you...

This is the Mountain
of Lost Ninjas.

We'll be here for all eternity.

Because of him, right?

No, Blake. He's not responsible
for what happened to us.

Well, then, who is?

The one they call Lothor.

There's a shock.

They're fading.

No, no, wait.
Come back!

We'll always be
looking after you.

Make us proud.

Come back.

What a sight.

The Thunder Rangers
crying for their mommy.

My ears were burning.

You've been talking about me.

It was you all along.

You lied to us.

Not the brightest bulbs
on the tree, are you?

Now, give me the hamster.

We got business to attend to.

Actually, dude,
he's a guinea pig.

We're not giving him to you.

Then I'll take him.

Lots of us and one of you.

Oh, please.

Stand back!

What happened?

Dude, you nailed Lothor!


How did you do that?

The Gem of Souls.

It's broken.

I used it to protect us,
but it shattered.

That's bad, right?

For better or worse,

the power of the Gem
cannot be destroyed, Dustin.

Speaking of power,
what happened to Lothor?

I suspect that
he is very much alive,

and, I fear,
more desperate than ever.

Are you sure about this?

The Gem of Souls
is dangerous, Cam.

In the wrong hands,

it could bring harm
to countless innocent people.

The Gem
has taught the Thunder Rangers

that revenge
is never the answer,

but there are still those who
have yet to learn that lesson.

He's not through with us, is he?



Far from it, I fear.

Here you go.


How did the race go?

Could have been better.

Blake and Hunter didn't show.

I thought they were all set.

So did I.

What's up with her?

Ah, Blake and Hunter
blew the race off.

I know.

You know?
What happened?

Are they coming back?

They're gone.



Not sure.

They said to say goodbye.

So, how long
you think we'll be gone?

Why? You got a reason
to come back?

We both do.
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