11x05 - Thunder Strangers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x05 - Thunder Strangers

Post by bunniefuu »


Dude, that's so sick.

It's just wrong.

Check out the lines
on that baby.

The way they move.

Dude, I can't believe it.

You better not be doing
anything illegal.

- Ooh. No, no, no.
- 'Cause it was here.

Let me see.

The Tsunami Cycles?

- Yeah!
- Check it out!

Shouldn't you be doing

or annoying your parents
or something?

Well, it was already switched
onto this channel.

Computers don't have
channels, Dustin.

I'd appreciate it
if you wouldn't cruise in

without asking me first.

We didn't hurt it.

It's taken me two weeks
to make the changes

to the onboard
telemetry systems.

( Beeping Rapidly, Buzzer )

Please say this is a dream.

I don't believe this.

- What?
- ( Alarm Beeping )

You're sweating, like,
really, really bad, man.

- Yeah.
- You okay?

It's frozen!

The system's locked up!

It's totally dead!

Yeah, but you backed it up.

Of course I did.
I must have.

Dustin, you have the backup.

I gave it to you on that disk.

Oh, yeah, yeah, right.
It's in my back--

It's in my backpack.

The Wind Rangers' greatest hits.

Are all my favourites on there?

If you mean the "Tsunami Cycle
Serenade," then yes.

I wonder if they know
it's been released early.

I only wish I could be there

to see the look
on that rodent's face.

Which brings us
to our agreement.

We have unfinished business.


Evil plans are like fine wine.

You must let them sit awhile
before uncorking them.

They also go bad
if you leave them too long.

He's right.
I read that.

It's something about the cork.

Oh, stop showing off!

Just because you had to repeat

evil alien first grade four
times, don't get all mad at me.

Do you mind?

I told them not to sit there.

Get out of my way!

Sir, I have a plan of attack.

If we hit them at the place they
call Storm Chargers--

Zurgane, Zurgane.

How many times
must we go over this?

A Ranger's power
can only be destroyed

when he's in
his full Ranger form.

Of course, sir!

We must defeat them
at the right moment.

Otherwise, all our efforts
will be in vain.

Surely such a powerful general
can understand

why your plan is
so completely ridiculous!

You look overworked.

Why don't you
take a vacation day?


If that is your wish.

That's an order!

And we will
put our heads together

and see what we can
come up with, won't we?

We're ready.

"Take a break."

I'll show you!

( Clattering )

What is this?

- Hello? Dustin?
- Oh, hey.

You understand
the concept of cleaning?

Things go onto the shelves.

I've lost my backpack.

I can't think about
anything else until I find it.

You'll find it.

By the way,
have you seen Blake or Hunter?

They kind of blew me off,
and I haven't seen them since.

Have you got a cell number?

Yeah, sure.

I got the money
for the regionals.

I've got to put a team
together, like, yesterday.


Hey, well, I mean,
you know, what about me?

I've only got a budget for s.

Those guys have got
the experience on big bikes.

You understand, right?

Yeah, sure.

If I were putting a team
together, I'd want them, too.

You know what?
I gotta go, though.

Oh, man.

- Any luck?
- No, man.

Well, think.
Where else have you been?

- The track!
- ( Morpher Beeping )

Go for Shane.

We're getting a strange reading
at the guarry.

- Kelzaks?
- I don't know what it is.

Better Ranger up.

Not gonna be a problem.

- Ready?
- Ready.

ALL: Ninja Storm!
Ranger Form!

Wind Ranger Power!


- What's going on?
- Not a whole lot.

Nothing here.

Uh, Cam?

This place is
downtoen Deadsville.

I'm taking a heat reading
from the Air Force satellite.

- You ready?
- Let's do it!

Goodbye, Rangers!


Note to self.

Never, ever doubt Cam.

Who are you?

What's with the attitude?

Anybody home?

you didn't get the memo.

Old Rangers out.

New Rangers in.

What, you expect us
to fight you?

Doesn't seem like
they want to talk.

I vote for kicking
their wannabe butts!

I hear ya!

Didn't anyone ever teach you
to play nice?

We don't do nice.

Take that!

That was brutal!



Hang on!

What for?

Thunder Staff, mega power!

What the...

They have sticks!

Really big sticks.

Anybody got a suggestion?

You want an idea?

How about give up?

Trust us.

It will be much less painful
that way.

Oh, I get it.

This is a training thing.

Cam, you got us.

I think this is for real!

Alright. Ready?


Where'd they go?

Really far away, if we're lucky.

( All speaking indistinctly )

( Whistles )

One at a time.

Sensei, who were those guys?

They fight in the style
of the Thunder Ninja Academy.

This is all I know for certain.

I thought Lothor captured
all the other ninja schools.

Could he have turned them
against us,

so he could fight fire
with fire?

Their fire comes
from deep within.

Even Lothor cannot be driving
them to attack

with such passion.

You know, I don't really care
what their problem is.

Those dudes almost smoked us.

Yeah, but they didn't.

And I want to know why.

I would have given anything
to see the look on their faces.

Yeah, they were scared, alright.

This is gonna be easier
than we thought.

Yo, Zurgane!
What up, dog?

Step aside, Ranger!


If you want to dance,
at least put on some music.

Why didn't you destroy the
Rangers when you had the chance?

You familiar with the term
"need-to-know basis"?

It means, we know, and we
don't have to tell you anything.

But we'll call
if we change our mind.

Or if we need someone
to carry our bags.

You insolent,
disrespectful upstart!


You ever consider
anger-management therapy?

This is going nowhere.

We're supposed to be
on the same team.

Only for the time being.

I'll show them how it's done.

The quarry again?

What is it?
A monster-con over there?


Still ugly as ever.

Doesn't he usually come equipped
with an evil alien sidekick?

It could be a trap.

Use caution when engaging him.

We always do.

- Yeah, right.
- Ready?

- Ready.
- Ready.

ALL: Ninja Storm!
Ranger Form!

Power of water!

- Air!
- Earth!

Lothor run out
of good-looking monsters?

If you want something
done right,

you do it yourself!

Rangers, meet your destiny!

Ninja swords!

Bring it on.

You got it!

Good idea, bad result.

I'm sick of Power Rangers.

Rangers, Rangers, Rangers.

That's all I ever hear.

This will teach you
to respect me!

And now to finish what those
imbeciles could only start.

You ask for one simple thing.

Then you turn your back,
and it's total anarchy.


- Catch you later!
- That was weird.

What do they want from us?

Recognise these?


Those are my Tsunami Cycles!

- No!
- Dude!

- Oh, no way!
- Yes, way!

But ours come
with a few improvements.

This is so wrong.

- Ready to ride?
- Okay.

Let's show these posers
how it's done.

- No!
- No!


Ready for another lap?

Watch out!

Nice face plant!

- Thunder Energy Blast!
- Fire!

You smell something burning?

Hey, anyone feel like s'mores?

I can't believe
they stole Cam's disk!

But how?

Who are these guys?

This is so easy,
it's almost boring.

I thought they'd at least
put up a fight.

Those guys never could complete
with the Thunder Ninja Academy.

They're so lame.

No doubt.

I thought their sensei
taught 'em better than this.

Did you hear
what they said about you?

Yes, Cam.

Their words are not
what concern me, however.

It's time to finish
what we started.

Crimson thunder power!

Navy thunder power!

Sky of Wonder!

Power of thunder!

That does not look good.

Crimson Insectizord!

Navy Beetlezord!

You've got to be kidding me!

They have Zords?

This is getting ridiculous!

Later days!

By the time this is over,

we'll be the last
Ninja Rangers on the planet.

So let's stay focused.

Beetlezord's rough
and ready to go!

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

They want to play rough?

We're all about rough!
Cam, hit it!

Ninja Zords! Hyah!

Let's show these imposters
who's who in the Zord zoo.

Bottom of the ninth.
Now or never.

I'm thinking now!

Here they come.

Defence formation.


Okay, let's bring
the heat, people!

- Copy that. Now it's our turn.
- Right!

Hawk Zord, Flame Attack!


Prepare to activate weaponry.


I'm hit!
I'm hit!


What's with the pliers?

I'm gonna hit him
with the blow-dryer!

Tornado Blast!

Time to squash this bug!

Cloaking device, engage!

What the...
Where did he go?

I can't find him anywhere
on my scanners.

He's got me!

Hands off the fish!


Let go of me, you dumb bug!

Prepare the next Power Sphere.




Let's bust out the Megazord
on these punks.

Form the Megazord now!

Finally, a little something
from the has-beens.

Let's turn them
into never-weres.

Thunder Megazord!

Thunder Megazord, powered up.

That's impossible!

These guys are working
my last good nerve!

Copy that, Sister T.

You guys thinking
what I'm thinking?

Serpent Sword!


This should
slow those clones down!


This isn't working!

What else can we do?

You give up?

It's too powerful!

Where's that last-minute,

save-our-butt device?

We're waiting.

Give, give, give.

That's all I do.

Sending Power Sphere .

Thanks, Cam.
Just in time.

Where did it go?

- What's happening?
- Hey!

Interception at the goal line!

The Thunders are running it
back for a touchdown.

Activating Power Sphere now!


He's at the , the , the .

They're down.

Now, for a little
touchdown dance on their heads.

We've knocked out their Zords.

That's enough for now.

Come in, Shane.

Tori! Dustin!

What are you guys doing here?
We're under attack.

We think they need help.

Come on!

Round one is in the books.

With the Zords out of my way,
it's only a matter of time.

( Laughing Evilly )
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