11x04 - Looming Thunder

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x04 - Looming Thunder

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains,

secret ninja academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three

who would be chosen
above the others.

Three who would become...

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ The call is on ♪

♪ Their force
is getting strong ♪

♪ They'll have to brave
the weather ♪

♪ Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Stand together ♪

♪ The storm will grow,
the waters flow ♪

♪ Power Ranger Ninjas, go ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Ninja Storm is growing ♪

♪ It's growing ♪

♪ It's growing ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ With the speed of the wind ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ And strength like thunder ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

Yeah, Dustin!

You ready?

Let's do it.


Man, you ever seen
those guys before?

They ride like factory pros.

I would've remembered.

I mean, I'm just glad
they don't race s.

Hey, there.

How's it going?

Track's a little soggy.

Well, it didn't seem
to slow you guys down.

Hey, I'm Blake.

Nice to meet you.

My brother Hunter.

You guys are brothers?

We're adopted.

Oh, right.
Oh, cool.

Well, my name's Dustin.

I haven't seen you guys before.
Where's the home track?

- We come down from--
- You wouldn't have heard of it.

And he wonders
why we don't have any friends.

Hey, listen, man, you were
pretty fast out there before.

I must be giving up
a couple seconds a lap to you.

You get too much air on
your jumps. It slows you down.

He's right.

Dark and brooding, but right.

Listen, what are you doing now?
You want to follow us?

Can I take a rain cheque?
I got to be somewhere.

No worries.

Next time.

Yeah, cool.
Next time.


Hey, Tori!


Hey, come on, you guys!

Man, don't tell me
I missed training again.

Why do I do this to myself?

Come on, you guys!

( Rustling )

( Motorcycle Engines Rumbling )

Yeah! Awesome!


Coming through!


Oh, dude.


- Hey, Dustin.
- Hey, man.

Hey, I told these guys
not to engage the enemy

until the bikes were ready.

But no one ever listens
to the guy with glasses.

So, dude, these
are the Tsunami Cycles?

These are great!


I thought these
were months off being ready.

So did I.

- You got something for me?
- No. Should I?

Oh, come on.
Quit joking around, man.

No, seriously, I don't know
what you're talking about.

So, what?

You're saying the motocross guy
doesn't get a Tsunami Cycles?




CAM: Meet your new
mobile command centre.

Check this out.

Oh, dude!

Well put, Dustin.

Anything I should know?

Just make sure--

- Why bother?
- Yeah!

Oh, yeah!

Yeah, baby!

That's what I'm talking about!

Guys, wait up!

- Dustin, you made it.
- These rock!

The freaks are back.

Not gonna be a problem.

Oh, ho-ho!
Love the laser!


Whoa! Brake!

Good bike.

Stops on a dime.

Or a Kelzak.

Now, this is
what I call trail riding.

No one messes with my bike.

s, here I come!

This is fun!

I'm just warming up!

Too bad there had to be Kelzaks.

- Not for long!
- Let's go!

Right on!

Right on!


Ninja Form!



Hey, guys.

- Yo, man.
- What's up, Cam?

Hey, these bikes
work pretty good.

You know, Shane, you were lucky.

They still need
some fine-tuning.


Hey, thanks, man.

Hey, since you're
the bike expert,

why don't you
take a look at these specs

and give me an altitude chart
for auto-jetting.

Don't play video games with it
or something like you would do.

Dude, you know,
I'm not a complete doofus.

Here's your chance to prove it.

Hey, Dustin.

Hey, where were you today?

Oh, at the track, man.

I met these two guys.

Crazy, crazy fast, man.

I'm hooking up with them later.

Just remember
what's important here.

We've seen enough.
Let's go.

Let me guess.

Your mission to capture
the Tsunami Cycles has failed.

It wasn't my fault.

The Kelzaks failed.

Zurgane, you're starting
to sound like a bad movie.

Take a break.

Have a latte.

Let's see what
some fresh blood can do.

Step forward, Thunder Rangers.

Thunder Rangers?

You know what I'm thinking?

That lip liner kind of
makes you look like a lizard.

No, pinhead.

( Groans )

How much fun could we have?

Our plan to infiltrate the
Rangers is on schedule, Lothor.

I don't care much for schedules.

You see, I'm a results-oriented
evil genius.

Don't rush us.
We know what we're doing.

How dare you
speak to Lothor that way?

Bow and show some respect.

While you're out
getting that latte,

could you bring me
a nonfat, one-sugar cap?

See if they have
those muffin tops.

- Why, you--
- Enough!

How many times
do I have to tell you?

There's no "I" in "team."

Yes, but--

Rangers, go.

Do what you have to.

But remember,
I won't wait forever.

They are so yummy.

Yummy with a spoon.

- ( expl*si*n, Rumbling )
- Whoa!

Is it an earthquake?

I don't dig working with others,
but this is fun,

especially when it comes
with a power lunch!

The backup generator!

Thanks, Thunder Rangers!

CAM: There's some
subterranean disturbance.

This is not good.


- Ugh!
- Shane!

What's happening?

It stopped.

Seismographs are picking up
some serious activity.

There's your reason why.

That is one massive mole.

Sorry, guys.

Got hung up at the track.

Well, better late than never.

He's at the quarry.

On it.


- Ready.
- Ready.

ALL: Ninja Storm!
Ranger Form!

The power of Earth.

- Air.
- Water.

What a day.

It's a thankless job
destroying a city.

- TORI: Hey, molehead!
- What the...


We don't dig
what you've been up to.

I'm guessing by the spandex
that it's your job to stop me.

Catch me if you can.

Where'd he go?

You want to take a wild guess?

Holy moley!

Going up!

Going down!

Alright, dig this, dirt boy!

Ninja dirt dive!

- Dustin!
- Be careful!


That was down and dirty.

Terramole in the house!

Watch and learn, Rangers.

I'm gonna trash your city
from the inside out.

Hey, wait!

Get back here!

Ah, he got away!

He'll be back!

Hey, you guys.

You finally get to meet.

Shane, Tori, Hunter, and Blake.

- Hey.
- How's it going?

- Pretty good.
- Good.

Dustin's told us
a lot about you.

But not everything.

♪ I think we're going
somewhere ♪

♪ We're on to something ♪

Hey, Dustin, you got a minute?

Yeah, man.

What's up?

Hey, you were supposed to be
back at Ninja Ops.

Yeah, I know, man.

These guys showed up, and we
started checking out bikes.

I don't know.
I just got spaced.

Sensei's not happy.

He's doing that thing
with his nose again.



Come on, Tori, I got to go.

See you, guys.

Yeah, catch you later, Tori.

- Later.
- TORI: Later.

Oh, I forgot.

Oh, boy, that Tori is fine.

HUNTER: Yeah, question is,
why does she hang out

with a goof like Dustin?

Who knows?

Maybe she likes
doing charity work.




Maybe now you will learn
the importance of punctuality.

And you'll have
really nice pecs.

Hey, Dustin.

Can I talk to you for a sec?

Okay, dude, look, I'm sorry.

Hey, how well do you know
Hunter and Blake?

They come out of nowhere,

and suddenly
they're your best friends.

Dude, it's a motocross thing,

You've got these skater buds
of yours you hang with,

and, dude, they're total posers,
and we don't say a word.

Yeah, well, at least
I know what's important here.

Look, ever since you've been
hanging out with these guys,

your priorities
are totally messed.

Dude, that's crazy, man!

Come on, back me up here, Tori.

Oh, come on, man!

Listen, I admit I've been
a bit of an airhead.

This is not Chess Club.

We're talking about
the end of the world.

Do you even get that?

Sensei, a little help here.

You can only help yourself,

with your actions,
not your words.

You know what?
I can't believe this.

I'm going riding.

Cleared it no problem that time.

Keep that up, and you may be
ready for the s.

Hey, I'd remember this moment.

You know, it's been really cool
hanging with you guys.

It's hard to find dudes
who get what you're into.

I heard that.

( Rumbling )



Whoa, whoa, whoa!

What was that?

That was a little weird, huh?

( Watch Beeping )

Hey, freaky watch.

Does that have a compass?

Yeah, it's cool.
I'll show you sometime.

Actually, I got to head off.

Hey, how come
you always got to bail?

If you want to ride like a pro,
you got to practise.

Let's see if we can shave
a few seconds off your time.

Yeah, come on, Dustin.

You know what, guys?
I really got to go.

Hey, wait.

Where is he?



Let her go!


Hey! Whoa! Whoa!


This guy's tough.

Where's Dustin?

That airhead?

His Ranger days are over.

Hey, we're the only ones
who can call him an airhead.

I can't believe
I got stuck in traffic.

Hope I'm not too late.

Oh, man!

Guys, hang on!

Back off, mole!

- Dustin!
- Dude!

You can't hide forever.

Lion Hammer time!

Dustin cut that way too close.
I was sure he wouldn't show.


His actions
will show his dedication.

How's this for a big bang?

- Ha! Yeah! Alright!
- Ha ha!


You know what I'm thinking.

Sonic Fin!

Hawk Blaster!

Lion Hammer!

Storm Striker!

Dig this.


tons of fun!

Oh, yeah!

- Awesome!
- Awesome!

Was it this one?

Okay, I know one of these
turn him big.

Are you through?

( Laughs )

Can you guess
who the mole is now?


Cam, you know the drill!

Ninja Zords!

Ninja Zord formation!

Storm Megazord!

Time to lay some groundwork!


He's too fast!

Gone again!

Lightning Megazord, engage!

Looking for me?

( Laughs )

You're going down!

Again with the digging thing!

He's a mole, Shane.
That's what they do.

Power down, and I'll send you
something that will help.

Downloading Power Sphere .

Right on!

Got it! Let's see
if we can hit a jackpot.

Inserting power disk now!

Ram Hammer, deploy!

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go ! ♪

Whoa! It's time for me
to hit the dirt!

Think again, chump.

Hammer time!

We did it!

Thanks to Dustin!
He rocks!

No worries.




Come on, boy!

Good one.

Thanks for the shower.

Yeah, sorry.

So, what?
Did I look faster?

You were ripping, bro.

Hey, where's Hunter and Blake?

I figured they'd be here.

Yeah, I don't know.

I guess they had
better things to do

than just hang out
with a goof like me.

Hey, some of the stuff before.

I didn't mean
you weren't committed.

No, I know.

Yeah, you're a great Ranger.

A flake, but a great Ranger.

Thanks, guys.

Let's go gear up.

If we're be riding these Tsunami
Cycles, we better be ready.

- Let's do it.
- Okay, man.

- Alright, let's go.
- Let's do this.

- See you on the track, Tor.
- See you there.

See if you can handle it.

Have fun while you can.

You have no idea what's coming.
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