11x03 - Beauty and the Beach

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x03 - Beauty and the Beach

Post by bunniefuu »

I've never seen her.
She's so awesome.

Catch you later.

What was that all about?

Some guy, couldn't stop talking
about how cute you are,

how he wanted your phone number.

Whoa, stop.

Rewind. Super cute surfer hottie
was asking about me?

Dude, man, it was so lame.

- And you let him leave?
- What was that for?

Ever think maybe I'd want to meet him?
See if he wanted to hang out sometime?

You're kidding, right?

What's wrong?

This is just further proof
that you're a complete doofus.

I gotta meet Dustin.

Seriously, I can go find the guy.

- MARAH: Let's clone him.
- Stick to the plan.

- It's got to be blue.
- I know, just look at her.

So perky and athletic.

I just want to bury her
up to her neck in sand.

First you'd have to learn
how to dig a hole.

- Let me see!
- Hey!

- Never, ever grab. Are we clear?
- Sorry.

Just remember who's
running things around here.

And nobody gets hurt.

Hey, dude.

You know, Shane thinks
you're mad at him.

I guess that's why
he gets the red suit.

What happened? It didn't sound
like a big deal to me.

You don't get it, either.
I'm a girl. Girl!

- Yeah, I know, but you're not a girl girl.
- You're like a guy girl.

- Yeah.
- My advice for you both,

stop trying to make it better.
It's only getting worse.

This just showed up for you.

That's weird.

From where?

Don't know, just found it out back.

What's it say?

Girl Sport Magazine saw me surfing
and wants me for a photo sh**t.

An article about
"Beauties of the Beach."

Isn't that the one where they have, like,
these incredibly gorgeous girls?

Yeah. So?

Okay. We'll just go back to silent mode.

So, are you gonna do it?

I want to show them I'm not
just some dopey tomboy.

Hope that's a good enough reason.

TORI: Is that a good enough reason
to do the photo sh**t?

A ninja's power flows through them
from deep within their being.

This inner strength can
help you in all situations.

You're no help, you know that?

There's a difference between
helping someone and deciding for them.

( Sighs )

I feel like I've been
writing code for three weeks.

I think I'm getting blisters.

Your effort is admirable, son.

I have a terrible feeling
we will need it.

Give me a progress report
on Marah and Kapri.

They're still insubordinate,
bably dressed and just plain dangerous.

Do they understand
this is not a trip to the mall?

- ( Chuckling )
- If...

No, when they fail,
I want you to step in right away.

Yes, sir, I'll have
the Kelzacs standing by.

Do I know you?

Lieutenant Choobo, sir.

You're in my personal space.

Sorry, sir.

No, wait.

Stay. You might learn something.

( Choobo Laughs )

Is this the right place?

This waiting is getting old.

Chill. We have to do this right.

With you, bro.


Anybody here?


Hi, I'm Tori.

My, aren't you...


Let's see if we can't
do something about that.


This is so... not me.

We've seen what's you, okay?
Now, just smile for the camera.

Here, perfect.

Don't move. This won't hurt a bit.

"If found, please return to Lothor?"

I thought I recognised you two.
Bad hair, bad clothes. Too much makeup.

Do you really think it's too much?
I mean, I have really big pores.



TORI: Stop it!

Let go!

In front of the camera!

Hold it, hold it.
And now!

Say cheese!

Look familiar?


- It worked!
- What are your orders?

Return to Storm Chargers, and make
the two boys take you to headquarters.

- Yes, ma'am.
- And, uh-uh!

Don't call me "ma'am."
I'm not that much older than you.

( Laughs )

Can we go shopping now?
'Cause I have Uncle's card.

What is this place?


Let me out of here!
Let me go.

Stop it!

Where are you going?

Cam, can you hear me?

Shane, Dustin?


- Did you just crash into an outlet mall?
- I have to get to Ninja Ops right away.

Dude, I can't, I have bikes
stacked up like, out the door.

I really need you guys,
I was att*cked by Kelzacs.


A ninja's power flows through them
from deep within their being.

That's it.

I summon blue ninja powers
of the rising waters.

All right!


We might have
to stop for gas, man.

We're not stopping.

Well, what if we don't make it?

We'll make it. Just drive.

Ah, no, road work.


Ay! What can I do?


( Screeching )
What are you doing? Move it!

Hey, Tori seem a little
tense to you, bro?

You're nothing!
Move it, now, now, now!

- Just a bit.
- Yeah.


( Growls )

Tori, that's the guy.

- What guy?
- The guy from the beach, remember?

Whatever. Can we just go?

What's up with you?
I thought you were all into him?

Can we get there, please?

- Drive the car, let's go.
- SHANE: Yeah, good idea.

Now what?

Dude, that girl looks just like Tori.

You think?

Anything you can do,
I can do better.

Except pick clothes.
And what's is with that hair?

You think you're funny?
Bring it on, girlfriend.

- Hy-ah!
- Hy-ah!

- Dude, we've got to help her.
- Wait, which "her"?

Of course she escaped!

I'd call you two incompetent,
but that would be restating the obvious.

- Zurgane?
- Sir?

I hope you have something
constructive to contribute?

I have a contingency plan, sir.
I'll get on it right away.

( Girls Chatter )

Sorry. Sorry, sir.
It wasn't me.


Come on, let's go.

Tori's busy, I heard you say,

so the Copy Bot's come
to brighten your day!

Give you one guess what
I'm thinking right now.

Reading your mind, bro.

Ninja storm, Ranger form!

Power of air!

Power of Earth!


Looks like you've met your match!
Face it, sister. You're finished.

I'd say you're the one
who's washed up.

Take that!



Help me, I'm melting!

Well, I guess she's not
exactly like me.


Guys, it's me.

But, how do we know
it's the real Tori?

Your real name is Waldo.
And Shane, you're afraid of spiders.

( Laughs ) You're afraid of spiders?

You want to make
something of it, Waldo?

Ha! Are you through?

Look, you guys can get
therapy later on, okay?

I think we have something
more important to worry about.

Ninja Storm, Ranger form, hah!

Power of water!

- Hyah!
- Kelzacs!

Get them, I say. Attack right away!

Ninja swords, combat mode!

Ninja shadow battle!

I'll take some of that action.

Losers have bad haircuts.

If you can't beat 'em, screen 'em!

TORI: Power Ranger makeover complete.

SHANE: Have a nice day.

So, you beat the Kelzacs.

You Rangers will pay
by the time I'm through.

It's over to you, red, yellow, and blue.

ALL: Right.

Rangers, get up and fight,
if you have the might.

Copy Bot magic,
for you it's so tragic.

I got a little magic of my own.
Blue Ranger, flood attack.

No, I can't swim!

I've fallen victim
to your watery wit.

Copy Bot sushi, anyone?

Ninja water blast!



( In Turn ) Lion hammer,
Hawk blaster, Sonic fin!

Let's put it together.

ALL: Storm striker!

- Ready!
- Aim!



Why are you all standing there
like someone just ran over your dog?

Do something!

Right away, sir.

Not again!

Look at me,
I'm as big as a tree!

- Whoa! Man, they grow up so fast.
- Cam, zord time.

Here we go.

Let's go!

You grow, we grow.
Form the megazord!

Hey, over here!

Give this a try,
Copy Bot, multiply!

Whoa, he cloned himself.

Multi attack!
Give them a whack.



TORI: Cam, we've got a serious
multiplication problem here.

Got something for you.
I call it the megazord lightning mode.

You control it by using your inner power,
but remember, it only lasts seconds.

It takes longer to make
microwave popcorn!

That's all the time we'll need.
Ready, guys?

We're all over it.

Let's go.

ALL: Lightning megazord now!

We're a lean, mean, fighting machine.

Ants in your pants?
That's quite a dance!

There's so many of me,
you don't stand a chance.

seconds left.

Ten seconds. Nine.

Eight, seven, six,

five, four, three,

two, one.

Lightning megazord, power down.

BOYS: Power disks, lock and drop.
Ready to rock.

Power disks, lock and drop.
Ready to rock.

ALL: Serpent zord.

One to the power of three.

Mega zord, triple strike.

Inner strength is one thing
the Copy Bot couldn't copy.

What are you looking at?

Nothing. I was just noticing.

I mean, you aren't completely
unbeautiful, you know.

Gee, thanks.

Tori, there's a customer
who needs help with a surfboard.

Can you do me a favour and talk to him?

You do realise
I don't actually work here?

Yeah, dude,
just go talk to the guy.


Can I help you?

Hi. I'm Tori.

- Hey, I'm Dill.
- How are you?

Ugh, hold my hair,
I'm gonna puke.

I think it's kind of sweet.
I wish I could meet a cute guy like that.

Any guy you meet is gonna
have like, eight legs, and an exoskeleton.

- Why?
- 'Cause you're kinda ugly.

- I'm really beautiful.
- Kind of plain.

- No, I'm not. You're so mean.
- I'm so mean?

( Clears Throat ) Do you have any idea
of the consequences of your stupidity?

Can you even conceive how far back

your romp on the beach almost
set my master plan?

What's the farthest back there is?

Both of you go to your rooms,
while I can think of a punishment.

Lucky for you, we're ready to go.
All the pieces are in place.

Let the games begin.

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