20x11 - Ultra Power

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x11 - Ultra Power

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy Earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat.

They are the Power Rangers Megaforce!

[Tensou] Oh, boy! Oh, boy!

I'm glad you guys are here.

What's wrong with him? Oh!

This is not good! Not good at all!

We're all here, Gosei. What's the matter?

Rangers, a new threat has arisen.

And you must act quickly before an uncontrollable power

is released upon the world.

Uncontrollable? What is this thing?

The w*apon known simply as the wild sword.

Forged countless ages ago to protect the earth,

it became too powerful and had to be sealed within the earth.

The wild sword! Oh!

I thought we'd never have to hear about that again!

But the now the Sword's restless energy

is trying to it break free.

What will happen if it gets loose?

There is not telling what the sword is capable of

if it falls into the wrong hands.

Where is it?

It was buried in the black mountains.

You must get to it before it is too late.

Of course.

Go, but be cautious.

Forces of evil have always wanted to capture

the sword for themselves.

Let's go.

But-- but--

We'll find it, Tensou.

Don't be so tense.

I hope they'll be okay, Gosei.

[Emma] I wonder what Gosei considers

too powerful.

The wild sword must be something fierce from them to have to buried it.

Tensou was pretty freaked out.

I calmed him down.

Oh, yeah. We'll just call you

the robot whisper from now on.

[clicks] nice going, Jake.

But they called us in like it was an emergency.

And how they reacted, it must be a very big deal.

This planet's insects will never evolve enough

to rise up against the humans.

But we insectoids from space will do it for them.

[Gia] Well, we're just going to have to go and find it.


[Troy] guys, we have a job to do.

[Gia] the thing is we can't really

call you a robot whisperer because you're always too loud.

[Jake MIMICS Tensou] Gia, your statement does not compute.

[Troy] look, guys,

Gosei thinks we can handle the wild sword's power.

Noah, which way to the black mountains?

That way.

Mmm. What luck.

This wild sword they speak of must be very powerful.

I must get to it before they do.

I'll keep the Rangers busy by summoning distractor.

[loud Crash]

Look over there!


Tensou, we're seeing explosions in the city.

Really? My sensors don't detect anything.

[explosions erupt]

that's strange.

Let's go!

♪ [Theme]

♪ Megaforce Power Rangers ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers Megaforce ♪

[all] Go, go Megaforce!

Megaforce red!

Megaforce yellow!

Megaforce black!

Megaforce blue!

Megaforce pink!

Ooh, yeah! Distractor has been summoned to the scene

to shake up things up.

What's going on? He's already a giant?

Ah, so you're here, little Power Rangers.

You might want to rethink what you consider little.

I'm not here to argue words with you!

Am here to distract-- I mean destroy you!


[Rangers] Gosei Mega Zord, activate!

[Gosei] Summon Mega Zords.

[Rangers] Gosei Great Mega Zord, activate!

[Gosei] Summon Mega Zord.

[Rangers] Gosei Great Mega Zord, ready!

Let's go!

Go ahead, combine your powers.

It won't stop me from carrying out my orders.


[Rangers] Huh?

Oh! Ow!

What a punch! I just can't bare the pain!

Wait a minute. Did we even hit him?

It looks like it, but I didn't feel any impact.

Oh, yes! You hit me so unbelievable hard!

Now, feel the hit of my k*ller beam!

Let's get him!



What a hit!

[grunts] you got me!

What? That didn't hit him either.

What's going on?

Uh-Uh. That's where you're wrong.

You got me good!

Your counter att*cks have my face as swollen

as a pumpkin, see!

What's up with this guy?

I can't tell. He's a weird one.

It seems you're just too

incredibly powerful for me. I'll need some reinforcements.

Phantom creatures who share my cause,

rise and join me!

[Phantoms laugh]

Just like that, there's more of them?

Ah. This is the place the Rangers were talking about.

I can sense the w*apon's power.

And luckily no Rangers in sight.

Distractor must be keeping them busy.

Yes! There it is!


A force field?





Surprise! I summoned some long lost friends

who have a burning need to fight against you!

Their anger has increased their strength by a times!

Let's take them down, guys.

[Rangers] victory charge, activate!

[Rangers] mega strike!

[Distractor] ha! Flash all you want!

You can't hurt them.

[Rangers] huh?



this is crazy! What's going on?

You're clueless!

You Rangers are too easy to fool!



Who did that?


threats to the earth must be destroyed.

Robo Knight!

No way! He has a giant form, too?


He's trying to trick you.

The monsters he created are only illusions.


Huh? They're not real?

Watch this.

So they're fake! But why?


time for me to bring you back down to earth.


You just had to Butt in where you're not wanted!

Well, here's something you don't want!

Do your worst.

Oh, no. I'll do my best!

What's this creep up to, robo Knight?

Can't you see this monster

stalling for time.

The real enemy is after the sealed w*apon.

[Rangers] huh?

[yellow ranger] the wild sword?

This was all a distraction.

Then we got to get to that sword fast, right?

Yes, go!


the sword must be found.

I will take care of distractor.

But you must prevent the enemy from stealing that sword.

Got it! We're counting you!


I can feel it, the swords near!

Follow me!

There he is! What a surprise.


Looking for something?

A sword maybe?

The bad news for you is that I've already found it.

And your precious sword is now mine!


Your precious sword is now mine!

Now, stay out of my or I'll make you suffer!

That sword's not yours.

It belongs to the people of earth.

Nice blades, dude.

I bet you're extra careful when you're picking boogers.




Good try but you haven't beaten me.

Ha! Talks Tough and then disappears.

Well, at least the wild sword's still here.

Now's our chance to grab it.

[heat sizzles]

[Black Ranger] whoa!

That's one powerful looking sword.

So what are we waiting for?


[Red ranger] it's embedded deep into that stone.

I wonder how many warriors have tried to pull it out.

Being a ranger should help my chances, right?


Go for it! A-huh.

Here goes.




[Rangers Cry out]


I felt its power.

The wild sword's filled with rage.


And now it's mine!


I owe you a debt of gratitude, Rangers.

I could have never gotten a hold of this sword

without your assistance.


[Rangers] what?

There was a force field

keeping me away from the sword.

I needed you fools to break through it for me.

I telepathically told distractor to let you go.

Now, he will destroy robo Knight.

We have to get that sword!

[Vrak laughs]

the master has retrieved the sword!

I will still destroy you.

It was fun keeping you occupied

so you couldn't help your team.

The wild sword is mine now.

It will never be yours!

[Rangers yell]


[Rangers Cry out]

I own you now.

Your power is mine to control!

[Rangers strain]

this wild sword has a bite. I'm impressed.

Distractor, go back to our original plan!

Yes, master.

Reading you loud and clear.

Sadly I got to leave this little match.

But you can stay here and struggle by yourself.


Activate target tracking.

Bye, Rangers.


[Rangers groan]

We've got to rescue the wild sword from Vrak.

Now, let's destroy the the city once and for all!

[Crowd screams]

[both laugh]

this w*apon's got firepower.

Well, don't be shy.

Light them up, boss!

What's this?

[roars] Something's changed.

It's not working! If I didn't know better,

I'd say it's resisting my commands.

You must bend to my will!



Vrak, I will not permit you

to harm Earth's environment.

Stand down.

When will you learn that I can't be stopped?

[red ranger] Well, we're here to stop you!

Whatever it takes! Now, hand over that sword!

No! The sword is under my control now.

It may be fighting back,

but I will shock it into obeying me!


[Rangers groan]

zapping the sword seems to work.

Distractor, let me test our new sword

by powering you up.


I can feel its force surging through me!

Phantoms, join me!

[Phantoms growl]

I'm not going to waste time on these illusions again.

[Rangers yell]

[Rangers yell]

[distractor] they're not illusions anymore!

[Phantoms laugh]


[cries out]

Jake! What's going on?

I thought they were holograms.

Thanks to the wild sword's power,

now they can attack!

[Phantoms roar]

and so can we!

Dragon sword!

Snake axe!


Tiger claw!


[both grunt]

Phoenix shot!

Where'd he go?




shark bow g*n!



Robo blaster!



I don't get it. No matter how hard we hit them,

these monsters keep bouncing back.


All right! Eight-Leg as*ault!

[Rangers groan]

it's time for all of you

to get a reality check you won't forget,

courtesy of my wild sword.



Still resisting?


[electricity crackles]

no! It's out of control!



[Both grunt]


The sword maybe fighting back,

but its power is amazing!

And I will make it obey me.

Why would it want to obey you?

You're just hurting it

and forcing it to fight against its wishes.

Of course.

That's it!

The sword isn't out of control.

It just doesn't want to follow Vrak's evil commands.

He's right. Yeah.

We else would it rebel against Vrak's orders

to destroy the city?

The wild sword wants to be a force for good.

It's choosing to fight its evil plans.

It must want to protect the earth, too.


but if that's True,

then why do you think it resisted you?

I don't know.

Maybe we have to show it that we're worthy first.

And that's a risky I'm willing to take.


So, you've chosen you're own destruction.

[electricity crackles]

You're out of your mind!


The wild swords our, Vrak!

It won't bend to your will!

Hang tough, Troy!

Don't let go, bud!

You can do it!

We believe in you!



I knew it!

The wild sword is powered

by the spirit of the mighty Dragon.

Only by earning Its trust can I hope to wield

its awesome power.

I can do this.

Vrak, I connected with the true spirit of the wild sword.

I know it's on our side!


There's no way a human can connect

with the Sword's spirit!

You're wrong, Vrak!

Right! Yes!

I knew you could do it!

Stop it!

I will force it to do my bidding!

Dragon spirit!

Protect the earth!


[Gosei] Rangers, now that you have tamed the wild sword,

you're new ultra powers are unlocked.

The time has finally come

for you to take control of your new ultra zords.


[Gosei] their ultra mode Power will help you in your quest

to protect the earth from evil.


These must be our ultra swords.

Using these we'll be able to connect

with the Dragon spirit.

Let's do this.

Insert your ultra zords!

[Rangers] Mega Force Ultra Mode, activate!

Ultra Mode, ready!

[All] ultra mode, ready!

What is this?

Why didn't the wild sword give its power to me?

Simple, because you wanted to destroy the earth,

not protect it!

Storm power!

Ultra Mega force red!

Wind power!

Ultra Mega force pink!

Rock power!

Ultra Mega force black!

Jungle power!

Ultra Mega Force Yellow!

Rain power!

Ultra Mega Force Blue!

[Rangers] Earth's defenders never surrender!


[Rangers] Mega Force Ultra Mode!

Nonsense! I'll destroy you

and your new ultra swords as well!

Think again!


[Rangers yell]


Ultra strike!


I'll take over from here!


Finish them for me!

These creatures are no match

for the Rangers' new powers.



I rock!


Really? You used a mummy cloth

against my Phoenix flame?





I hope you like baseball

because it's batter up!


you're looking a little blue but that isn't gonna stop me.

I think I like this new armor.


Two against one!

This'll be fun!

This can't be!

My phantom army is getting toasted!

time to finish this!

[Rangers] Yeah!


ultra zord power, unite!

[Rangers] ultra power, dynamic strike!


[Phantom creatures scream]

[distractor screams]

Yes! Hiyaah!


mega Rangers, that's a mega win.

[Rangers sigh]


guys, this is just so mind blowing.

We've been given so much power.

It's up to us to use it.

Own it.

And show those monster we'll never let them hurt the earth.


[Jake] That ltra mode rocks, huh?

Oh, yeah! Yeah.

Congratulations, Rangers.

Working as a team,

you have managed to recapture the wild sword

and unlock the Ultra Zords.

Thanks, Gosei.

I'm glad we saved it. Now, we have an extra ally.

For a moment, I thought that Troy was going to be that Dragon's lunch.

I know, it was very brave of him.

[Gosei] you acted admirably.

I'm very proud of all of you.

Oh, I am so excited!

Whoa! Whoa! Hold on.

Hey, we should celebrate.

Hey, Tensou,

Can you play us some music, little Buddy?

♪ [party music plays]

Aw, yeah!

Let's get this party started!

Come on, Gia. Stop. No.

Come on, just one dance. Come on.




Hey! Hey! Oh, yeah!

You okay?

Yeah, I was just thinking.

You were really brave today with the Dragon spirit.

Come on, relax a little bit. Join the party.

♪ [music continues]
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