20x10 - Man and Machine

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x10 - Man and Machine

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat.

They are the Power Rangers megaforce!

Shadowserpent, hear me and appear!

It is I, a fellow mutant with a present for you.

[Shadowserpent] Who dares to disturb me?

Wait, what's this about a present?

[bigs] it's the greatest gift of all.

Us mutants have joined forces with aliens.

And together we'll finally take over the world!

I most wait for Sunshine.

Then I can steal people's shadows

and all my victims will be frozen in place forever!

♪ [Theme]

♪ Megaforce Power Rangers ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers forever ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ rangers forever ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪

[school bell chimes]

Come in.

Hey, Mr. Burley.


You left your scarf in the classroom again.

Oh. No, thanks.

I'd lose my own head if it weren't attached.

And even then I might still lose it. Ha, ha!

Well, I got to get going.

Okay, thanks again.

Now, where did I leave my glasses?



Loch Ness monster! Help!


At last the sun's out.

Yes, it looks like it's going to be a beautiful day.

Just not for the humans.


you got that right!

I'll gobble up the human's shadows,

and then they'll be freeze dried on the spot.


And be sure to fight Robo Knight

to see if you can find his weakness.

With luck, the rangers will get in your way.

And you can gobble up their life force, too!

Nothing better on a sunny day than a hotdog.

Expect a second one.

Yeah, and I want extra mustard on that one.Okay.

Who wants a hotdog when you can eat shadows?



Catch it!

[man laughs]

That's it.

Here, honey.



Who's hungry for lunch?

I am!


You stay right there.

Don't move until I give back your shadows which will be never!


Dad? Mom?


Good job today, guys.

[morpher chimes]


[Tensou] Monster attack!

Ross Park! Robo Knight's already there.

Let's move!

Wake up.

Young man,

did you see who did this?


Don't worry, your parents will be okay.

I will get the bad guy.

[all] go, go megaforce!

Scanning for hostiles.


Let me make it easy for you, tin can.

I'm Shadowserpent, the monster you're looking for.

Hmm. What are you, a giant snail?

I'm a serpent!

Wow, I think the guys who hired me overestimated you.

Explain what you mean.

I'm not here just to gobble up human shadows.

They think you're something special,

but I don't see anything special about you.

Both your missions will fail, monster.

I'll defeat you from here, where I have no shadow for you to steal.

Ha! I'll make you move!


[red ranger] hold it right there, monster!

Stop! Go back into the shade,

or he will eat your shadows.

Fine, we'll stay a stone's throw away.

Rockrush card, activate!

Let's play rock, paper, shadows!

Ahh! Whoa!

Let's head for the shade.

Ha! Too late!


Time for another tongue lashing.


Quick, under that tree!

Right! Right!

Excellent! Bunch up like that

so I can take you all down with one stroke.

Look out!

[Rangers grunt]

Target located.



Guys, find some more shade while you can.

I have a shot. Red ranger, move!

Get off of me and move

to where I can steal your shadow.

You interfered.

The monster was in my sights and you jumped in the way.

Aw. Too bad.

The sun's way so no more play.

But next time, I'll eat you for breakfast.


He's gone. Come on, let's re-group!

Right! Good idea!


Troy! Are you okay?


I can't believe how easily that guy took us down.

You got in the way.

The problem was not your opponent.

It was you.

Hey, Troy was just trying to defend us

so that we can all retreat to the shade.

He did it to protect us.

Therein lies the problems with humans.

You worry to much about each other.

If you hadn't interfered, I would have finished him.

What a machine.

What a jerk.

I'm glad you figured it out in time.

You saved us. He'll be back though.

I know, this one will be hard to beat.

[Vrak] take me to Shadowserpent.

I must speak with him before the sun sets and he goes dormant.

You really think he can get rid of the rangers

when everyone else has failed?

He has the skills, but only if he uses them

before the rangers figure out how to stop him.

I don't get it. How could they?

He's so much stronger than them.

The Power Rangers are quite clever.

We must destroy them now.

Sentry mode, scanning.

[computer beeps]

[Troy] Robo Knight.

About what you said earlier at the park,

I've been thinking about how to beat Shadowserpent.

Well, you gave me an idea.

Like you, the monster thinks working as a team is a weakness.

And that's how we get him.

I notices that he opens himself up to attack

when he steals shadows.

If we work together, we can attack as bait

And you can make the surprise attack.

You mean, you will risk yourselves

so I can attack him?


It is illogical for you to take such a risk.

We will work together but separately.

And I will surely beat the monster.

It's a good plan, Robo Knight.

I am a machine.

I do not plan. I attack.

You think like a human.

You take risks.

Too much risk. I will defeat him alone.

Well, think about it.

We'll see you on the battle field.

That you will.

Vrak's come across the universe just to destroy them?

No, he plans to take over the earth.

But first he has to de-Ranger the place.

Bah! They're not so tough.

I would've taken them down today

If these clouds hadn't shown up.

Now, the real one to watch out for is that Robo Knight.

But I'll make a meal out of him, too.

And then I'll make tin cans out of him

to store the leftovers!

[laughs] Good one!

That's putting the "Can" In "Can do!"

Creepox underestimated

the rangers and that lead to his demise.

Don't make the same mistake.

These humans have a remarkable ability to adapt and learn.

They sure didn't do that today.

You'll see, when the sun comes out

everything casts a shadow.

They can't escape that!

listen to the boss! Don't get too confident

or they'll get you.

Whatever they did today,

tomorrow they'll do something smarter

so you have to stop them before they have the chance to outsmart you.

Grr. You're lack of confidence

is starting to hurt my feelings!

I'm not some lummox like Creepox!

I've got special skills.

Rest assured, I'll get them tomorrow.

I forecast that tomorrow is going to be a very nice day

with lots of sunshine!




Did you convince Robo Knight to work with us?

No. That robot is stubborn.

We can't he see that we're fighting on the same side?

I'm sure he'll come around.

No one can resist the call of the red ranger for long.


That's what I like about you, Emma.

You're always so positive.

If only everything could be that easy.

My mission is to protect the earth.

But these humans working for Gosei complicate Things

could his plan be the right way to defeat this villain?

It cannot be.

I fight alone.

At last, the sun is up.

It's time to destroy the Shadowserpent.


A train full of people.

That will make a good target

and perfect ranger bait.


I'll gobble up its shadow

and the shadows of everyone on board.

What a breakfast!



Fine! I'll settle for snacking on your shadows!

Sorry to spoil your appetite. But the shadows you took,

we're taking them back!

[rangers cry out]

Take cover, rangers.

Robo Knight!

Just stay back. I will handle this.

Confronting me in a place with no shade?

It's like you didn't even think about it.

Look, if you're not even going to try,

than neither am I.

Oh, we have a plan. Let's go!

[Both] Mega quake, activate!


[both grunt]

Guys, let's whip up some cloud cover.

Sea shower, activate!


Wet it down.

[both] Twist tornado, activate!


Combining all that dirt, water, and wind

should do the trick. Whoa!

Check it out!

[Black Ranger] awesome!

It's working!

Ha! That was your plan to stop me?

Let's cut through all this!

[Rangers grunt]

this serpent Sure twist things around.

Rangers, your scattered efforts

are not effective.

Stay back.

You had your chance.

Now, I will deal with this monster.

Don't be so sure, Robo Knight!

Deal with this!


Okay, that was pretty good for a robot.

But-- argh!


He's in trouble! Let's move!

Time to heat things up!

Circuits overheating.

Ha! Monster beats machine.

Now, back to eating every human shadow I find.

No, Robo Knight!

Forget me.

Get him. No way, you're one us.

That's right. We can take care of our own

and find a way to stop this guy.


No. Not logical.

Fury of the Dragon!

Mega Force red!

Flames of Phoenix!

Mega Force pink!

Venom of the snake!

Mega Force black!

Claw of the tiger!

Mega Force yellow!

Bite of the shark!

Mega Force blue!

[Rangers] We'll save the earth together!

Earth Defenders never surrender!

[Rangers] Go, go mega force!

Another half-baked plan.

Well, this plan is going to turn out different.

You're going down!


You're lucking it's cloudy here, rangers!

You're wrong about us, Robo Knight.

We have emotions, but that's not a weakness.

Feelings are what motivate us.


we're just as committed to mission as you.

We just do it as a team.


See, Robo Knight?

If we can't protect each other,

then how can we protect the world?

[cries out]

They're like gears in a motor working together.

Can't you see that when we combine our strength,

it's multiplied times five.




Watch, we'll show you.

[rangers] Combine megaforce blaster!

Sky power! Sky power!

Land power! Land power!

[Blue Ranger] sea power!

[Rangers] get ready, rangers!


[rangers] energize!

Mega Force blaster ready!

Dynamic Victory charge!

[cries out]

that should do it. Woo!


Wrong again, ranger.

[rangers scream]


Five times zero is still zero!

Robo Knight, we're on the same team.

Remember that plan I talked about?

We're going for it. We're counting on you.

They are intrusting their lives to me?

Oh, what a lovely buffet.


You're shadows are mine!


Oh, what a lovely buffet.

Your shadows are mine!


Attack now, Robo Knight!

I will not waste this chance.




The plan worked!

I knew Robo Knight wouldn't fail us.

Robo Knight, morph!

Robo blade!

Now, to end this.

Yes! You're finally right.

I'll end this right now!


[cries out]


robo morpher, set.

Vulcan Canon, activate.


[Gosei] Summon vulcan cannon.

[Robo Knight] Vulcan cannon, set.

Knight dynamic.



What now, you tin can?


Knight dynamic, fire!


Yes. We did it!

About time.

I knew you could do it!

I must admit,

your plan worked.

There is true power in teamwork.

Quick, Vrak! Send me the zombats!

Vrak, who is this monster?

What have you been up to? Explain yourself!

You'll see. Zombats, go!

[Zombats shriek]

Even with my shadowy past,

now my appetite's grown even bigger!

Now, together we will stop him.

Troy, did you hear that?

Good job, man. Thanks.

Lion mechazord, activate!


Knight brothers, activate!

[Gosei] Summon Knight zords.

[Robo Knight] Sea Lion megazord!

Sky Lion megazord!

Gosei grand megazord, activate!

Zords, combine!

[Gosei] summon meagzord.


[Robo Knight] Gosei grand megazord, ready!

[Rangers] Gosei megazord, activate!

[Gosei] summon megazords.


[Rangers] Gosei great megazord, activate!

[Gosei] summon megazord.

[rangers] Gosei great megazord, ready!

[Red ranger] awesome!

This is the first time we've battled side by Side.

Argh. You know what they say, "the bigger they are,

the better for shish kabob!

[Red ranger] fight as one, rangers.


Okay, I'll give you that one.

And give you these in return!


Like those?

Let me heat them up.



[Shadowserpent] your team's falling apart!

You're barely a light snack now!

[Red ranger] move in!

[Robo Knight] even if he has the edge in size,

our combine power can still prevail.

[rangers] Right! All together!


What's this? A gift from Gosei!

[Robo Knight] No, a reward for working together.

[rangers] right!

[All] Gosei great grand megazord, activate!


[Gosei] Summon megazord.

[both roar]

[all] Gosei great grand megazord, ready!

Let's hit this guy where the sun don't shine.

Bring it on!

[Both] land Lance attack!


Sea Spike attack!


What are you doing?

[Red and Pink ranger] Sky Spear attack!


[cries out]

Sky, sea, land!

What else do you got?

I can still steal your shadows.

As long as the light still shines,

I will not be defeated!

[Red Ranger] then it's time to put your lights out.

[all] time to finish this!

Victory charge, activate!


[Gosei] ready.

[all] victory charge!

The power of all six of us, combined.

[all] dual strike!

No! I guess I bit off more than I can chew!


[red ranger] Mega rangers,

that's a mega win!

[Rangers cheer]


By working together,

I know we can accomplish anything.


Wake up. You're dreaming.

Ready to eat?

Sounds great.



I said extra mustard, but that's ridiculous.

[both laugh]

Well done, red ranger.

Your plan worked. Our mission is the same.

Even though our methods May differ at times,

we should collaborate.

Great-- Stop.

But you still have a lot to learn.

Perhaps we all do.

Wow. There was almost a compliment in there.

I know, for a second I thought we might get a "Robo hug."

I'm just glad Robo Knight finally on our side for real.

[Gia] Huh. Have to admit

that Robo Knight's tough as nails.

Hey, Gia, are you sure you two aren't related?


Don't worry, I'll get him for you.

Tough, huh?

I'll show you guys tough.
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