20x06 - Harmony and Dizchord

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x06 - Harmony and Dizchord

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off This new threat.

They are the power rangers megaforce!

Huh? [music in headphones]

Hey. Wait up.


I've called up a new ally, Dizchord!

Did someone say my name?

That's music to my ears.

Get it? 'cause this guy right here

is all about music.

Check it out. Super star of guitar!

Hotter than a quasar.

The power of rock and roll is just too hot to hold.

And he actually thinks he's good.


It's so bad it hurts.

I'm tops on the ax!

Awesome to the Max!

Electric or acoustic, I'm totally epic.

Thank you.

So who here wants backstage passes?

To what?

My concert. I'm gonna rock their world.

And if you wanna see the show,

I'll take care of you little people.

You blowhard!

I'll take care of you.

Wait. Let's use his music against the humans.

♪♪ mega force ♪♪

♪♪ power rangers megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce all together ♪♪

♪♪ mega force ♪♪

♪♪ mega force ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce all together ♪♪

♪♪ mega force ♪♪

♪♪ power rangers megaforce ♪♪

[distant woman singing]

♪♪ the gentle breeze, it stirs the leaves ♪♪

♪♪ and stirs my soul ♪♪

♪♪ my heart deep inside me ♪♪

♪♪ sense my worth as one with earth ♪♪

♪♪ a greater whole all connected as one ♪♪

♪♪ so Bloom, Bloom ♪♪

♪♪ and share your sweet perfume ♪♪

♪♪ flowers Bloom ♪♪

Troy. What are you doing here?

Sorry. I saw you earlier, but you didn't hear me.

Wow, Emma. You're an incredible singer.

Thanks. I get that from my mom.

I remember she'd sing that song each year

when the trees came into bloom.

It's probably where my love of nature came from.

Singing to the trees reminds me of her.

It's getting late.

We better hurry, or we're gonna be late for school.

Prepare to be amazed.

You're in the presence of musical greatness.

[playing discordant music]

I got a lock on how to rock!

My music gets you hotter than an aftershock!


[both groaning]

What's that horrible sound?

Yow! Right on.

People say that I'm tone deaf,

but I know what I like, and this music rocks!


Ugh! What's with this music?

[device beeping]

Ugh. Come on, guys.

[devices beeping]

[Tensou] rangers, there's a monster attack at the city Plaza!

We're here. Right next to the Plaza.

[Gia] Troy, Emma. Troy, it's too loud.

Can you hear me?

Just meet us at the Plaza.

Meet you there.

[all] Go, go, megaforce!

Now check out this sweet move. Yeah!

That sound's splitting my brain.

Mine too.

Really? It just sounds loud to me.

Yeah. It's bad, but it's not that bad.

It must be because we were closer when it first started.

Come on. You all need to run to safety.

Aah. We can't take much more of this, Emma.

Turn off that noise.

Huh? Noise?

How dare you?

I'm the greatest musician in the entire universe.


No one gives me a bad review.

Loogies, attack.

People, get going.

Don't just stand here.

Now. Quickly. Go!

Come on! Come on!

Come on. We can handle this.

Teach these haters a lesson, loogies.


You dissed my tunes, and that ain't nice.

Now you buffoons will pay the price.

[all] battle gear, activate!

[Gosei] Summon battle gear.

Luckily this song isn't hurting me like the last one.

It just seems to be powering up these loogies.

We've got to stop them

before This music really amps up their power.

Yeah! Check it out! All right!

Getting me again!

Emma, I've got you covered.

Quick! It's hurting me too!

Hang on, Troy!

You okay, man? Can't focus.

Yeah, baby!

You fools don't get the basic principle!

The power of music is simply invincible!

Guys, the megaforce blaster!

[All] yeah!

Guys, hang in there.


[all] combine!

Megaforce blaster!

Yeah! Let's do it!

It's too much!

[All] dynamic victory charge!

Oh, no!

Troy, are you okay?

We're so sorry, guys.

Thank you!

And now, for my encore,

an extra-Special something from me, straight to you.

I'll de-Morph you!

Watch out!

Ooh, yeah! Thank you, rangers.

My power chords knocked you out.

Now it's time to rock and roll over some more humans.

You guys okay?

Troy. Emma.


we let that monster get away.

We'll get him next time, man.

We have to. Before more people get hurt.

[playing discordant music]

Ha! That was nothing but dumb luck.

I found his methods to be rather effective, creepox.

He's too full of himself to succeed.

That is why I will send you, Vrak.

Keep him concentrated on Destroying those rangers.

You would choose Vrak instead of me, admiral? Why?

Dizchord's act needs to be reigned in with reasoning, not force.

If he needs a thumping, I'll send you,

but for now I'm sending Vrak.



[pop music playing]


Turn it down.


Wanna go get fro-Yo?

Maybe next time.

Right now I just need some peace and quiet.


wow. Even normal Music's affecting me now.

Man, that gig was rock-Tastic.

I'm a local sensation 'cause I'm so fantastic.

What you need is a manager

to take you to the big-Time.

Yeah. My talents Are too epic to waste

on just one little city.

Hey, do you wanna be my manager?

Agreed. I will make you a big star.

Excellent. I'm the greatest musician of all time.

I'm the czar of guitar.

An artist without par.

The rockin'-est by far.

Your music deserves to be heard by the whole world.


I can make a device that will broadcast your show

across the entire planet.

Your music will hit Harder than you ever thought possible.

All right. Get out those dancing shoes,

'cause here's one guaranteed to get you moving.

I love this song.

[disco music playing]

♪♪ ♪♪

man, it's loud in here today.


I said it's loud in here today.

What did you say? I can't hear you. The music's too--

Noah, I said it's--

Ernie, can you please turn the music down, Buddy?

Yes, great music!

I have to get out of here.

This music, it's giving me a headache.

I'm sorry, man.

Is Troy okay?


I said, "is Troy okay?"


Ernie, turn down that music.

Thank you.

Now what is wrong with Troy?

Ah, the music was bugging him.

Emma had the same problem.

Hmm. Peace and quiet.

Careful with that machine.

After our city-Wide sound check,

that thing's gonna broadcast my music around the globe.


Here we go.

First this sound check, then the world.

Yeah! All right!

[discordant music playing]

[all groan]

Ernie, I thought I asked you to turn that down.

Wait. That's the monster's music.

[device beeps]


[discordant music plays] aah!

The monster's attacking the city.

I can't hear you.

I can't hear you!

Tell Ernie his music's too loud!


he hung up on me.

It must have been the music.

Maybe we should call Emma.

No, wait!

That music has really affected both of them.

I think they should stay away from it.

We can handle this guy on our own.

Megaforce black!

Megaforce yellow!

Megaforce blue!

Hey, no music.

Guess we caught him by surprise.

Maybe this'll be easier than we thought.

Still, stay on your toes, guys.


Bring it.

So we can start our worldwide broadcast.

What gives?

So glad you made it.


I'm the mastermind behind this plan.

Now listen as we transmit Dizchord's music

and wipe out the whole world!

Huh? No way.

Ha ha! That's my manager!

Look Sharp, guys.

Sharps and flats!

Now you're talking my language.

Let's get this concert started.

And I'll make sure there are no interruptions.

Watch out!

Let's pull the plug on this.

Time for me to rock this planet!

With a beat that's Harder than granite.


Activate the transmitter and spread his music across the globe!

Now Every human will get an earful of Dizchord!


The monster's music is being broadcast all over the planet,

and we can't block the signal!

What'll we do?

I just got an idea.

Traverse the universe to kick it with this verse!

Always the best, never be worse.

I'm just so good that it hurts.

Can't concentrate. That noise!

Then you can't win this fight either.


This armor shields me from that horrible music,

but you humans have no such protection.

And now I shall finish you all.

I knew I would find your weakness rangers,

and now I will finish you all.

[pop music playing]


What is that horrible sound?


Who is that?

Is it...Emma?

♪♪ la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪♪

I didn't know Emma could sing.

♪♪ so Bloom, Bloom ♪♪

♪♪ and share your sweet perfume ♪♪

♪♪ flowers Bloom, Bloom ♪♪

♪♪ so many things to see ♪♪

♪♪ the sweet serenity ♪♪

♪♪ soothe my mind ♪♪

♪♪ soothe my soul ♪♪

Hey, you're ruining my big moment!


♪♪ my heart deep inside me ♪♪

♪♪ sense my worth as one with earth ♪♪

twistornado, activate!

♪♪ All connected as one ♪♪

♪♪ la, la, la, la ♪♪

♪♪ la, la, la, la, la ♪♪

keep going. It's working, Emma.

Ugh, so horrible!

All right. You wanna battle of the bands?

Then you got it. Yeah!

♪♪ la, la, la ♪♪

that awful music of hers

is sucking the life out of my sound.

Hey, flowers.

Did Emma's song do this?

Look, that's not all it's doing.


♪♪ greater whole all connected as one ♪♪


We're saved.


How wonderful.

I won't be out-classed!

My music can't be surpassed!


My manager! Vrak! Help!

The rangers are ruining everything.

Emma and Troy can pull that off,

we have to do our part too.

Combine. Megaforce blaster.

Land power.

Sea power.

[all] energize!

Megaforce Blaster ready!

Dynamic Victory charge!

Ugh! Aah!


It's morphin' time.

Go, go, megaforce!

Megaforce red!

Megaforce pink!

Fury of the Dragon!

Megaforce red!

Flames of the Phoenix!

Megaforce pink!

Get them! Aah. Ugh.

Good job, guys.


But we're not done.

And I'm no one-Hit wonder.

[all] earth's defenders, never surrender.

Power rangers megaforce.

Hey, rhyming's my thing.

Dragon sword!

Phoenix shot! Snake ax!

Tiger claw! Shark bowgun!


[All] combine!

Megaforce blaster, ready!

Dynamic Victory charge!


the show's not over yet, rangers.

Zom-Bats, go!

I've hit the big time at last!

Dizchord, this is your last encore.

Finish the rangers.

Let's go.

First we have to thank you two.

You came up with the plan that saved us.

It was all Emma's doing.

Your singing made the difference.

Thanks, Troy.

Now let's go finish the job.

Gosei mechazords, activate!

[Gosei] summon mechazords!

All right, let's end his jam session

once and for all.

[all] right.

Locking in...and set.

Get ready, 'cause this encore

will knock you to the floor.

All right!

Aah, that noise he's making,

it's hitting me Harder than a sledgehammer.

Troy, I'm coming!

Thanks, Emma.

All together now.

[all] gosei great megazord, activate!

[Gosei] summon megazord.

[all] gosei great megazord, ready!

So you don't get my rhythm?

Fine. My rhythm is gonna get you.

Oh, yeah! Ha ha!

[All groan]

now This is some hard-Hitting music.



Yow! Rock and roll!

No! No more!

Dragon sword!

I say we fight music with music.

Let's drum a lesson into this guy.


Huh? [groaning]

Now let's turn up the heat.


[All] victory charge...activate!

[Gosei] ready.

♪♪ go, rangers ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

time to face the music, Dizchord.

[all] we're deleting you off our play list.

Victory charge!

Mega strike!


Everyone's a critic.

Mega rangers, that's a mega win.


All right.


Admiral, regrettably, Dizchord is no longer composing music.

Instead, he's decomposing.

I misjudged his powers

and over-Estimated your ability

to defeat those power rangers.

Now, as for you...

Yes, sir.

I'll rip those rangers to shreds.

Just say the word.

Stand down, creepox.


First we must formulate a fool-Proof plan.


There will be no more mistakes from either of you.


Emma, with all the craziness of that battle,

I completely forgot to say...

you're an amazing Singer.

Yeah, seriously.

Not kidding.

Well, my friends...

here are low-Fat treats just for you.

Hey, did you guys hear that concert yesterday?

We were just talking about that.

Oh, that was the most alluring,

most transcendent singing I have ever heard.

Luckily I managed to record some of it.

[discordant music plays]

Where did everybody go?

[Power rangers theme]

♪♪ ♪♪
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