20x04 - Stranger Ranger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x04 - Stranger Ranger

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off This new threat.

They are the power rangers megaforce!


[breathes heavily]

Why do I keep having these dreams?

♪♪♪♪ [Theme]

♪♪ megaforce power Rangers ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ power rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ all together ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ all together ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪♪

[Creepox] Admiral Malkor, sir,

this time I'll prove to you

how easily these weak humans will fall.

Trust me, I have just the guy to get it done.

Very well, Creepox.

This time I expect success fitting of an insect invasion.

Just watch. Dragonflay!


I am so cool. Send me into battle

and I'll make quick work of these humans.

Yes, your magnificent speed maybe just the thing.

Forget vrak's complicated schemes.

This is the path to victory.

Strike fast and strike hard.

Hey, Troy. Hey.

What are you up to?

Just helping Ernie with the recycling.

Everybody's gonna be here soon.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, it's nothing.

Just been having these strange dreams lately.

[boy] I am not kidding! ! against !

And I hit them over the head with a toaster.

And I'm like, "you're toast, man! You're toast"

what gives?

That guy over there,

he's saying that he's the red power ranger.


I rebound off the wall, okay?

Let loose with a flying round-House kick.

And, boom! Down go the monsters.

You want to know what I call that little move?

A typical tuesday.

[crowd laughs]

Wow. Can you believe that faker?

You gonna do anything?

If you're brave enough, okay,

monster fighting is a breeze.

[crowd Awes]

Yeah. I'm gonna take these to the recycling bin.


Wait, but others are gonna be--

as an earth defender,

I never surrender.

[crowd claps]


[Troy] we need to get stronger

to stop these monsters. But how?

What can give us an edge over them?

[Cup clatters] huh?

Focus my awareness.

Sense the obstacles and the world around me.



[crowd chatters]

What's going on?

That guy's been telling everybody

that he's the red power ranger.


[boy] the other rangers, you know,

they aren't bad.

But, uh, I can pretty much handle those monsters all by myself.

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

It's just some guy looking for attention.

You can relate, right?

[boy] have I told you about the time I saved--


first the buildings and next the whole world.

Gosei, Gosei!


tensou, call the rangers right away.

[tensou] Oh, okay.


[morpher beeps]

alien attack! I'm sending the coordinates.

Call the others!

I could have been blue, but, uh--

Nah. Next question.

[morpher beeps]

[boy ] Somebody help!


There's a monster attacking the city!

What's wrong, Jake?

What's he gonna do now do you think?

[boy ] you're gonna go stop it, right?

[crowd cheers]

he's not gonna do something foolish, is he?

You bet.

[crowd cheers]

We're losing time, come one.

Go, go megaforce!

Got to get there before that guy becomes monster food.


Creepox was right.

We're on the fast track to victory.

Stop, monster!

Who the heck are you?

A scaredy cat, I guess.

Well, whoever you are I'll cut you down quick!


[cries out]

You won't dodge the next one.

Hey, stop! Huh?

[Yellow Ranger] why don't you deal with someone who can actually fight back.

Ugh. Rangers!


Leave this to us.

I need to get you to safety.

Come on, we've got to go now.

As you can see, it's gonna get busy.

Ok, they're clear.

[all shout]


One hit from Dragonflay and you're all down.

Guess you guys aren't up to speed.

We insects are taking over this entire world.

None of your little rangers tricks can stop me.

All take you down fast and furious!

[Dragonflay zips by] where is he?

He's so quick we can't see him.

Maybe he went after that kid. Troy!

I got that guy out of the way.

Careful! This guy moves so fast, he's invisible.

[Dragonflay] can't stop what you can't see, losers!


[Pink Ranger] Troy!

And I'm not even trying hard here.

You okay? I'm fine.



I sensed him right before he struck.

I know I can do this.

Just focus my awareness like before.

What are you doing?

Pay attention.

That's exactly what I'm doing.

Paying attention to the wind.

The wind?

We can't see him, but we can feel the wind he creates when he moves

and use it to tell where he is.

[Dragonflay zips by]




Hey! How'd he do that?

You did it! All right!

Whoa! Nice one, Troy! Smart move.

Now let's finish it.


I won't let you stop me that easily!

The red ranger is a bigger problem than I thought.

Come on, let's shut him down.




you guys rock!

What is he doing? It's not safe.

You again!

This time I'll finish the job.

Watch out!

[Breathes heavy]

a perfect time to say hello.

[power rangers yell]


[all groan]




you're mine now, red.


[leather scrunches]

think again, cockroach.

You really don't understand a thing about us humans.

I don't want to understand you.

And that's your big mistake.

My only mistake is not crushing you

before now.





everything I need to know about humans

I already know. And that includes you!

Then you know I'll never give up.

[cries out]

nice timing. Back off!

Ha! I'll be back when you least expect me.

We'll be here ready and waiting.

You! You realize what you've done?

Jake. Hey, listen.

What's your name?


Jordan, you shouldn't lie about

being something you're not.

Yeah, you put yourself and the rest of us in big time danger.

I never thought I would get into a real battle.

I know you want to help,

but it takes special powers and serious training

to fight these monsters.

Now, we got to go.

Hey! Where are you going?

Dude, go home.

[Jordan] I know I saw them run into this forest.

Use your senses.

Rely on more than your vision.

You can do this.



Must have gone this way.


you know, Jordan, it's not cool to sneak up on people.

I-- Uh--

what are you doing here?


You shouldn't have followed us.

But, I--

I know you want to be like us.

But it takes a lot more than just desire

to be a power ranger.

It takes dedication

and an incredible amount of training.

You want to know what we do?


Just like that.

Looked easy, right?

Give it a try.




I just wanted to see what it was like

to be looked up to for once.

Like you.

But I get it.

I'm no super hero.

Well, we don't always feel like heroes either.

But we take our mission to defend the earth very seriously.

It's obvious you're a good guy.

So maybe the best way you can help the world

is by just being yourself.

[morphers beep]

we have to go.

For everyone's safety, you need to stay here.

Come on, guys.

[Dragonflay] Yes, run!

But you already run out of time!

[crowd screams]

That's what I like to see.

Now, what else can I destroy?


Our planet is not your playground.

Oh, yes it is.

Better be careful,

you'll get more than you bargain for.

[all] yeah!

Earth's defenders...

Never surrender!

And we will stop you!


you got lucky last time.

But your luck just ran out.

Sense him, guys.

Concentrate. There!


Nice But too bad I'm not Dragonflay.

Well, it's a good thing actually.

You're the one I was really after.

[Dragonflay zips by]


ha! Your speed means nothing

now that we can sense where you are.

Just leave Dragonflay to us, Troy.


I'm not done yet.

We lost him.

Time to send you

crawling back under the rock you came from.


Some of my best friends crawled out from under rocks.


[cries out]

we insects were on earth long before you.

And we'll be here long after you're gone.



give up!

Humanity's time on this planet is over.

No, you've come across the universe

just to be disappointed.

[cries out]


we'll never stop fighting for humans.

No matter how hard you strike, we'll strike back Harder.

Fight all you want, you'll still lose.

You're a useless species that'll soon be wiped out!

The future belongs to the insects!



You don't understand us at all.

We have the ability to learn

and get better all the time.

That's why we train.

But most of all, even if we fall a times--


we never stay down!

I'll make sure you stay down.


I don't think so.



This is it. This is what you've trained for.


Dragon sword!


[cries out]


Not bad, red ranger.

But this isn't over.


[Dragonflay] you may be fast learners,

but I don't need to learn anything.

[Dragonflay zips around]

be alert! Sense him.

I can feel him.


There! There! There!


We got him!

Now, let's finish him.

Time to use the sea brothers card.

Sea brothers, activate!


[morpher] rangers, use these small zords

to power up your megablasters.


They might be small--

But they're gonna deliver a big punch.


Now, let's get this job done.

[all] right!

Manta zord, set!

Saw shark zord, set!

Hammerhead zord, set!

Shark zord, set!

Ugh, that didn't tickle. Yikes!

[Black Ranger] This is gonna do more than tickle.


[All] sea blast!

Ha! That worked so much better than my complicated schemes.


[Bats shriek]



Are you okay?

Yeah, but battling Creepox took a lot out of me.

[zombats shriek] sorry he got away.

But this guy is not going anywhere.



[All] Gosei megazords!

[beeps] activate!

Gosei great megazord,

[beeps] activate!

[Morpher] summon megazord!

[Power rangers] Gosei great megazord,


I'm bigger, stronger, faster!

You'll never catch me now!

Where did he go?

[Dragonflay laughs]


You're it!

Think fast!


see? It's hopeless.

You're going down quick as a wink.

We're moving way too slow.

To beat this bug, we're gonna need to be quicker.

I'm exhausted.

You need to take over.

Troy! Sorry.

We've got this, Troy.


Jake, are zords control the megazord's feet.

So this is our show. Let's see what they can do.


Yeah. We'll show him when the going gets tough,

we just get tougher.

[both] go!

Whoa! Yeah!

You'll never catch-- what?

That's bad news.

And it's traveling fast!


[black ranger] snake zord, launch!


Yikes! Trying to get a leg up on me, huh?

Well, forget it!

It's so fast.

See you, slow pokes!

It'll be tough without Troy's power.

But I'll find the speed we need.

Trying to give me a run for my money, huh?

Oh, no you don't.

Come on!


[black Ranger] just a little more.

Ha! So you're fast, but I've got this!

[All shout]

[both] you'll never shake us!

[Yellow ranger] now, both of us together, Jake.

Take it to the next level!

[Both] time to use our power cards.



These New Cards will increase

the propulsion power of your megazord.

So these will really speed us up.

New zords, new speed.

That's what I'm talking about.

Want to test them out?

I thought you'd never ask.

[both] land brothers, activate!

[yellow ranger] the dino,

beetle, and rhino zords.

[black ranger] I knew you and I would make a great couple.

[yellow ranger] don't get any ideas.

[both] land megazord, activate!

Land Gosei great, ready!

Ah! I'm getting nowhere fast here!

[both] now!

Come on, come on, come on!

He's mine.

Beetle headbutt!


[cries out]


Nice. Yes!

Impossible! They caught me?

[yellow ranger] and we're just getting started.


Dino kick!

[cries out]

[black ranger] nowhere to run now.

[both] victory charge!


[Morpher] ready!

Let's finish him.


[both] victory charge!

Land strike!


well, I had a good run.


[yellow ranger] meaga rangers--


that's a mega win!

Bye-Bye buggy.

[crowd claps]


this is really hard for me,

but I am not actually a power ranger.

[crowd chuckles]

No, seriously, the power rangers are true heroes.

And they're great people, too.

I mean, they were super nice to me even after I lied.

Guess, I just wanted the attention.

Anyways, I am sorry. Really sorry.

And I hope you can forgive me.

[crowd mumbles]

took a lot of courage to do that.


I bet the real rangers would be proud of you.


That means a lot.

Hey, have we meet before?

I don't think so. I'm Troy.


Well, actually a new Jordan

because I learned a big lesson about myself today.

Thanks to the red ranger.

Here you go.


Oh! Nice catch.

Where did you learn that?

Oh, just, uh, a friend.
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