04x05 - (D) Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x05 - (D) Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot

Post by bunniefuu »


a fight between villain groups!



Two with gigantification Quirks

are tearing up

Espa Way. Send heroes!



Full charge, output level .

Spiraling Surge. line: %


Nejire Wave!

[HADO] Hey now, why are

you two fighting?

Is it 'cause you

have the same Quirk?

That's weird.

Get ready! You're up!









[HADO] Wow, you two!

Omigosh that was awesome.

You didn't look nervous at all!

[sighs] I'm just glad

we pulled it off.

Ribbit, ribbit. I was calmer

than I thought I'd be.

[RYUKYU] Nejire would never

have recommended you

if you couldn't

get the job done.

And you've been working

on your attack timing.

It's much better.

[PRESENT MIC] Number nine

on the Hero Billboard Chart.

Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu!

Nejire Hado, a member

of UA High's Big Three,

is her work study student.

She's recently been

joined by Ochaco Uraraka

and Tsuyu Asui from Class -A.


Thank you so much for agreeing

to take us on!

My pleasure.

Heh, good thing.

You couldn't work for the same

heroes you interned with.

Apparently first years

can only go to agencies

that have good work-study

track records.

Crazy, huh?

Students or not,

you've already proved

yourselves to be

valuable assets.

We may even have a role for you

in a new case that's come up.

Really? What case?


[RYUKYU] Nighteye,

All Might's former sidekick,

has issued a request to team up.

Nighteye Agency's where Deku

went for his work study.


Oh, sidebar!

"Teaming up" is when two or more

hero agencies work together.

Sorry, was that obvious?

What case does he

want us to team up on?


The investigation and takedown

of the yakuza group,

Shie Hassaikai.


Given the League of Villains'

possible involvement,

it's a big job.


You had me walking in circles

underground for minutes.

I'm not an ant.

Are all yakuza

strongholds like this?

[CHISAKI] We don't know

who might be watching us

or from where, and not

all of our guests

have the best intentions.

So we have a number of

routes leading here,

an underground

reception room where

we can be reasonably

sure of our privacy.

[MIMIC] You ever wonder

how we survived so long?

It's 'cause of little

details like that. Anyway!

Down to business.

Did you really

mean what you said

on the phone the other day?

That you'll join us under

the right conditions?

[SHIGARAKI] Don't start

celebrating just yet.

You guys want to capitalize

on our reputation.

We want to increase

our strength.

Our needs happen to

coincide for the moment.


Put your foot down.

The table will get dirty.


No "please"?

You really ought to

mind your manners.

I don't appreciate disrespect.

Now, we won't be putting

ourselves "under" you.

We'll still be calling

our own sh*ts. Got it?

Either it's a joint partnership,

or I walk out the door.


So those are the conditions?


One more thing.

That grand plan you mentioned.

I want to know the details.

It's a reasonable request.

I need to decide whether it's

worth lending you our name.

You see...


Hands where we can see 'em.

Stop acting like you're

in charge here.

[MIMIC] Yeah, who the hell

do you think you are,

you little punk?!


Who do you think you are?

One of your disposable

thugs against our Hikiishi.

The scales are far from even.

And let's not forget

Compress's arm.

We expect concessions

in return for what we lost.


Kurono, Mimic, stand down.

He came all this way

to make his offer.

The least we can do

is hear the guy out.

By all means, continue.

[SHIGARAKI] Like I said before

your friends got jumpy,

I want details.

We can start with this.


It's part of the plan, right?

[FAT GUM] We've got idiots

fighting non-stop

on the streets these days.

Can't eat enough to keep up.

Anyway, the agencies around

here have been wanting

a close-combat-type.

You're just what the

doctor ordered, Red Riot.

I promise I'll do my best.

Fourth Kind doesn't accept

work study students,

so I really appreciate

you taking me on.


If only Mirio'd been around.

Please, Amajiki,

I'm begging you!

Introduce me to whoever you

do your work study with.

You gotta! You gotta!



Man. Your persistence

was terrifying.

We're gonna work

on those delicate

nerves of yours,

Tamaki, and then you'll

be worth your weight in gold.

[AMAJIKI groans]

Your expectations only drag me

deeper into despair.

It's always like this!

I swear, the man scouted me

just so he'd have

someone to torment.

I wanna go home!

Maybe he's trying

to encourage you;

that's what a mentor's are

supposed to do, right?


Fat, come eat at our place!



I'm not like you or Mirio.

Positivity's not my strong suit.

Hey, man I know how it is.

Sometimes when things get

crazy, I feel useless, too.

There's a gap between

me and my classmates

that's only getting wider.

But I'm doin' my best

to close that gap

so I can fight beside them!


That right there?

That's called positivity,



They're fighting! Someone, help!

Oh, at it again.

[YAKUZA A] What're you

going after them for?


Idiots thought they could sell

on my turf without permission.

Can't blame us for tryin'

to make some cash.

Come on, we've gotta eat,

just like anyone else.

Let's split up for now!



--Not so fast.

--[HOODLUM B] It's Fat!


Help me! I'm sinking.

Mr. Fat's got a

little hug for ya.


Damn it!


Whoops, lost one.

Looks like he's got

the same Quirk as Edge.

[yelps] Tentacles?

Who's this freak?

That was just cruel.

The guy's a dirtbag loser.

Don't let him get to you!



I'm so confused. What are you?

[AMAJIKI] Clams are good

for offense or defense.

They're very handy.

I try to incorporate them

into my diet every day.


UA High third-year and member

of the Big Three, Tamaki

Amajiki. Quirk: Manifest.

His body can take

on characteristics

of whatever he eats.

He got the tentacles

from takoyaki,

that rockin' hand

from clam preserves,

and the wings and claws from

a helping of fried chicken.

Guess the wings were overkill.


That was awesome.

Except... I didn't

get to do anything.

Was that okay? It felt terrible.

Are you kidding?

You're so fast, and you've got

great control of your Quirk!

Yeah, our Suneater's got

some serious talent.

His mental game needs work.

But he's as strong

as a pro. Right?


Good Job, Suneater!


You're so amazing!


Love the wings, man!


He's totally cute, too!

I, uh, wha...?

[HOODLUM D] My boys need

help. It's up to me.

He's got a g*n. Down!

[SHIGARAKI] A strange thing

happened to Compress

after he was shot with this.

He couldn't use his

Quirk for a while.

So I'd like to know

what this is,

and what you're

planning to do with it.


Tell me.

[CHISAKI] I'll break the

natural order of things.

They say All For One

ruled by stealing

other people's Quirks.

I've taken his method

and fine-tuned it a little.

I've already begun

spreading my roots

across this country.

Now's your chance, man!


Little by little.

Are you okay?

Both of you! Get down, now!

[CHISAKI] Piece by piece,

we're laying the groundwork

for what's to come.

It bounced off?

That guy's mine.

[CITIZENS screaming]

Defective piece 'a junk!


I figured that would hurt more.

Suneater! You're all

right? That's great!

Move! Get outta my way!

On it!

Wait, I'll use my tentacles.


Why isn't it working?

Get back here!

Don't go runnin' off!

That's just asking for trouble!

You good? I'm gonna

go after him.

Other heroes'll be

here soon. Fill 'em in!

I'm not hurt, but my

Quirk won't activate!

Is Eraser nearby or somethin'?

[HOODLUM D] Leave me

alone! Stop chasing me!

[KIRISHIMA] I will if you

stop running! Come on.

You should at least save

your buddies, shouldn't you?

That's what you're mad about?

You shot someone then ran off

to save your own skin.

Not much of a man, are ya?

It's a dead end.

Which means you're mine!

Get away from me!


Red Counter!


That was nothin'.

Now come quietly, or it's

gonna get a lot worse.

[HOODLUM D whimpers]

Wait. You're crying?

[HOODLUM D] It's not fair.

Y'know what my Quirk does?

Pops out blades a whopping

ten centimeters long

like a buncha dinky box cutters.

Of course I wanna

save my bros, you jerk.

But I'm scared.

'Least I was brave enough

to sh**t, though!

Shut up!

If you're gonna whine and

cry about gettin' caught,

then you shouldn't be committin'

crimes in the first place.

Come on, up you go.


I wanted to get stronger.

I thought if I hung

out with strong guys,

I could get strong, too.

[KIRISHIMA] Look, I understand

how you feel, but...


If I just stuck with my bros,

I would have a shot

at real power.

You don't understand

anything, hero.

Don't act like you do!


[KIRISHIMA] Hold on.

What'd you give yourself?

Hey! Are you okay?

What did you do?

Where'd all those

blades come from?


to you guys, we were saved.

These criminals are

part of a g*ng

selling illegal dr*gs

around this area.

We've been looking for a chance

to nab them for a while!

That must be why my Quirk

is acting like this.

You shot me up with something.


Heh. You think

I'll spill for you,

Chicken Foot?


A-Anyway, leave the rest to us.

We'll handle it.


Kirishima. Fat.

I've got a bad

feeling about this.

[KIRISHIMA] It's like

he suddenly powered up.

I've heard about dr*gs

that boost your Quirk

and stuff on the news,

but this is crazy!

If he gets back to a busy

street, it'll be a disaster!

I have to end this. Right here!

Everybody! Find someplace

that his blades can't reach!



He's cutting me!

If his blades are sharper

than my Hardening,

I can't get close.

That's what you get

for bein' cocky, hero.

You talk all big about

manliness, but my boys say

the age of you

so-called good guys

is crashing down in flames.

That means the world

will belong to people

like me who live in

the shadows ha, ha!

Oh, man, I'm on such a crazy

freakin' high right now.

I think I might take your advice

and go bust up some heroes

to save my friends.

[ALL MIGHT] So. Instead

of going for small tricks

with your Hardening,

try being a bulldozer.

That's what All Might

suggested, but...

When it comes down to it,

I don't have any flashy

moves like you guys do.


You all have cool mid-

to long-range att*cks

and amped up speed, right?

Except Kaminari.

[KAMINARI] What? See if I

ever charge your phone again.

I just don't have

anything like that.


If I'm being honest with myself,

I'm pretty mediocre.

Which means one day,

when you're pros,

I probably won't be able to

hold my own compared to you.

Never heard you whine

like such a wimp before.

[KIRISHIMA] I'm not whining,

I'm just talking out loud!

Gimme a break!


You think you can't keep up?

You must've forgotten

what you told me

during the Cavalry Battle.


You need a strong front horse.

That'd be me.

[KATSUKI] And what All Might

showed us at Kamino.

That just standing up

means you are strong.


Harder. More.

Grow stronger. Body and spirit!

[KIRISHIMA] Come on! Harden!

Become a wall. A wall that's...



[KIRISHIMA] After the training

I've done to improve my Quirk,

this is my Quirk at its maximum!

Red Riot Unbreakable!

What's that noise?

It's sounds like your

whole body is creaking.


I can only keep this up

for to seconds at most.

But during that time,

I cannot be brought down!

Here I come!

I'll focus my blades on

one spot and skewer you!

[KIRISHIMA] The bystanders

behind me haven't escaped.

There're probably people

in these buildings, too.

I'll have to make sure

he keeps attacking me.

Hardening is my power.

Instead of using tricks,

I gotta bulldoze my way through

and overwhelm him!

Ultimate move.


Red g*n Turret!

He may just be a kid,

but he's got guts, huh?

Totally amazing.



Aw, yeah!

Just before my time ran out.

[coughs, sobs] Stay back!


And, he's crying again.

Guess the drug's effects

musta worn off.


I just wanted to get stronger.

Please, let me go!

I'm nothing but

a pathetic weakling

who wanted a taste of power.

I can't do that.

You shot Suneater.

But I do get how you feel.

Not long ago I--

No one cares about

your sob story, wannabe!

Dang, he tricked me.

That's right. Man,

you're so gullible.

See ya. No way you're

catching me now.

Sorry I'm late to the party!

Fat Gum!

When you're fighting a villain,

they win by k*lling you,

beatin' you to the ground,

or runnin' away.

But the only way we win

is by taking 'em in

with no casualties.

Remember this in

the future, Red Riot.

The key is how fast you

can make the villain

lose the will to fight.


BMI hero, Fat Gum.

His Quirk: Fat Absorption.

He can absorb anything

into his oversized body.

He's kind of a big deal!


I gave it everything I had

and barely held my own.

But he took 'im

down in an instant.

Thanks for your help!


And thank you, young man!

You were incredible back there.

The way you kept his blades

from hitting us was insane!

I've been watching heroes

for a long time now.

And most would be scared

of a guy like that.


You saved our lives!

Talk about making a big splash.

That's a better reception

than I got for my debut.

Solid work out there.

You'll be an amazing

hero someday.

I'm sure of it!

Thanks, sir!

Young man, what's

your hero name?

Yeah, I wanna know, too.

I'm Red Riot!

Well you can bet that's a name

I won't be forgetting.

Heh, Red Riot's the coolest.


Thank you!



Why didn't I help?


Maybe now.

Thank you!


Maybe I could be...


His Quirk powered up, huh?

Power-boosting dr*gs

are banned in Japan.

It didn't last long,

so it was probably

a black-market version.

The ones from the US

work at least an hour.


Wow, you know a lot about this!

[FAT GUM] Yeah, I used

to work with the cops

to catch drug smugglers

back in the day.

Fat! I've got some info

about that g*n they had.

It got smashed up

in all the chaos,

but it definitely wasn't

a normal w*apon.

I'll keep investigating and

see what else I can find.

[FAT GUM] Interesting.

Thanks for lettin' me know.

So uh, how're you

holding up, anyway?



To take your Quirk like that.

It's a total

nightmare for a hero.

[AMAJIKI] That's not all.

You protected me back there.

You're just like Mirio.

Both of you shine

so brightly, like the sun.

You're the same way!

I wouldn't even be

here if you hadn't

gotten me this work study!

[AMAJIKI] There you go again.

So much positivity.


We'll stop by the agency,

then head to the hospital so

you two can get checked out.

There are a coupla things

I wanna look into as well.

--[AMAJIKI] Okay.

--[KIRISHIMA] Yes, sir!

[FAT GUM] I've heard of power

boosting dr*gs before.

They were originally

made to help people

with weak Quirks.

But ones that can

completely stop someone

from using their abilities?

Now that's bad news.

This could be a

super-sized problem.

[IZUKU] A few days after

my work study began,

I started to let my guard

down a little at school.



Holy crap, Kirishima!

Take a look at this!

Your hero name's all over

the news sites today--

it's freakin' crazy!

"Newcomer sidekick Red Riot

bursts onto the scene!

He rescued innocent civilians

and fought a villain

on his very first patrol!"

[KATSUKI growls]

And he's not the only one!

Look, check out Tsu and Urakaka!

"New sidekicks at Ryukyu Agency.

Two there for a work study."

That's so cool!

Wow. I can't believe

this is real!

When did they even

snap that picture?

Oh, hey, you know what?

You might already have

your own fan club

like Mt. Lady does!


I'm so jealous!

And check this!

"What heroes in training!

They're cute. They're efficient.

But even more importantly,

they manage to get

the job done."

[TENYA] You have

provisional licenses now,

and you're seen as heroes.

I must thank you

for your service.

But a student's top

priority is academics!

Hit those books.

Yeah, let's learn stuff!

We got this! Right?

[IZUKU grunts]

Wait, didn't you tell

us you've been having

trouble with your

assignments lately?

The teachers said

that they'd set up

some extra lessons for me.

Maybe I should have

checked into those.

I am totally slipping.

[YAOYOROZU] Remember,

we all learn at our own pace.

Yeah, who cares, right?


Ever since I learned the truth,

I've been thinking

about why All Might

and Nighteye's

relationship fell apart.

How Nighteye wants

to make Togata

the next Symbol of Peace,

and One For All's successor.

I get the situation, even if

I don't know the details.

But, at the same time...


Please... Please don't go.

[IZUKU] Every day.

The memory of that girl

eats away at me more and more.


Here's the preview!

A handful of UA

work study students

gather at Sir Nighteye's agency.

There's a meeting

with the Big Three

and pro heroes of all sorts.

There, we hear details

of the investigation

into the yakuza group,

Shie Hassaikai.

I can't believe it.

They're using Eri,

the girl I let go of,

as part of their evil plot!

Next time: "An Unpleasant Talk."

I'll definitely save

you this time, Eri!

I swear it!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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