04x04 - (D) Fighting Fate

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x04 - (D) Fighting Fate

Post by bunniefuu »


--[BYSTANDER A gasps]

Hey, look! Heroes!

[BYSTANDER B] That's the guy

from the UA sports festival!

This is sorta nerve-wracking.

What gives? You

went out on patrol

during your internship,

didn't you?

Though, I guess

I don't blame you

for being shaken

after what went down.

Oh, no. It's not that.

I just kinda missed

out on learning

some of the basics, so...

Yeah? Huh, that must be strange.

Ah, don't you worry.

Sir and Bubble are the

ones who are actually

watching the target today,

so I can teach you

all about patrol duty.

We'll get you up to snuff!

Just watch and learn, my friend!


I still don't get it.

Why didn't All Might say

anything to me about Nighteye?


All Might chose wrong.

Mirio should have

inherited the power.

[ALL MIGHT] I just don't wanna

have to talk to the guy.

[IZUKU] Something big

must have gone down

if they're not even on

speaking terms anymore.

Hey, we forgot something!

Our hero names!

We should know

each other's, right?

Oh, yeah, yeah,

totally. I'm Deku!

Deku? Like "Deck?"

That's weird.

I like it.

'Kay, well, I'm Lemillion.

For the number of

people I'll save.

You know. Can't save 'em all.

But I can at least sh**t for

saving , , instead,

so that's what I'm doing!

When we put on our

costumes and start

hittin' the streets, that's

when we become heroes!

So don't let your

guard down, Deku!

Got it, Lemillion!

[ERI panting]

[IZUKU] Whoa, I'm sorry.

You took a tumble.

Are you okay? Can I,

uh, help you up?

[ERI whimpers]


Why is she trembling?


You should be more careful.

[CHISAKI] We don't wanna

cause trouble for the heroes.

Be careful not to

arouse any suspicion.


No way.

And just like that,

my work study...

...had begun.

[CHISAKI] I hope you'll

forgive my daughter, hero.

I don't know what

to do with her.

Always playing rough,

bumping into things.


Chisaki from Shie Hassaikai.

The man Nighteye is after.

Whoopsie-daisy looks like

that darn mask came off again.

You might wanna think about

getting it resized, my friend.

I'm so sorry about that.

It was our fault, too.


Right. I'm an idiot.

If I let him see

how freaked out I am,

he'll get suspicious,

and that could screw up

Nighteye's entire case.


I know that mask!

You must be from

the Hassaikai, right?

You guys are famous around here.

[CHISAKI] Yeah, please

don't mind the mask.

It keeps out the filth.

I don't believe I've seen

you two in the area before.

Right! Well, we're

still pretty new,

but you probably already

guessed that much.

Now, on your feet, partner.

Can't do much hero-ing

from down there.


His guard's obviously up.

I can't tell him Sir's name.

[CHISAKI] So, what agency

do you belong to?


We're only students!

Far too lowly to be claiming

association with an agency.

We're just using our internships

to get some experience.

Speaking of which,

we need to finish

patrolling this

division by lunch.

Come on, let's go.


Please. Please don't go.


Um, excuse me.

I'm sorry, but your

daughter seems scared.


A reaction to being scolded.

[MIRIO] You're making

him more suspicious.



Wait, but...


This girl.

She's grabbed me

and won't let go.

She's got bandages all over.

Those are just from

"playing rough"?

[CHISAKI] Eri's an

exceptionally clumsy girl.


Her whole body's shaking,

but she's not making a sound.

Does that seem like

it's normal to you?

[CHISAKI] It's dangerous

to make assumptions

about what's normal

for other people.

Yeah, everybody's

different, am I right?


This is bad.

Chisaki obviously

doesn't want us to pry.

If we spook him now,

he'll be even less

likely to show himself.

We have to let it go.


Togata wants us to leave,

but that would only

make him more suspicious.

What hero would abandon

a frightened child?


When we put on our costumes

and take to the streets...


...we're heroes.

Tell me. What are you

doing to this girl?


You heroes really pick up

on the subtlest things,

don't you? Very well.

This situation is embarrassing.

So I'd prefer to discuss it

where we won't be overheard.

[CHISAKI] Hard to admit

that you can't control

your own child,

but lately Eri defies me

no matter what I try.


What do you try?

Parenting, man. Sounds rough.

That can't be easy.

[CHISAKI sighs]

Yes, children are tricky.

So determined to do

whatever they want...


[CHISAKI] ...that sometimes

they just don't listen.

[IZUKU grunts]

[CHISAKI] Oh, good. Done

with your temper tantrum?

Uh. Eri, are you sure?


She's always like this.

Sorry to involve you

in our family drama.

I'm sure you have better

things to be doing.

Good luck with your internships.



[MIRIO] We're not going after

them. Didn't you notice?

He was ready to get violent.

That's why she went back.

If we keep pushing him,

he's gonna be even

harder to catch.

For now, let's report to Sir.

[BUBBLE GIRL] They may be

weaker than they used to be,

but the yakuza still know

how to pick a stronghold.

Nice, high walls and not

too many windows, right?

Oh, hey, my phone.

[SIR NIGHTEYE] After a week

and a half of surveillance,

I feel that there are fewer

comings and goings today.



It's Million.

He says they came into

contact with Chisaki.

[CHISAKI] The young people

today are sicker than ever.

Chrono, prepare the bath.


Yes, sir.


I'm real sorry, Boss.

I swear, I barely

took my eyes off her.

The kid made a break for i--


And clean that up.




This is maddening.

They're all infected

with hero syndrome.


Sorry! It was a total oops.

I mean, wow, what are

the odds of randomly

running into a target

on the street like that?

No, I must

accept responsibility.

I should have used

Foresight on you two.

It's my fault.

I'm just glad

you guys are okay.

You could've been in danger

if he'd suspected something.

It didn't feel all

that scary to me.

Chisaki and his

g*ng were involved

in a recent traffic accident

caused by a group of hoodlums.

Which isn't remarkable

in and of itself.

Except, there were

zero casualties.

The thieves experienced

intense pain

and lost consciousness,

but they were uninjured

and even reported that

preexisting ailments

like rheumatism and cavities

were completely gone.

[SIR NIGHTEYE] The authorities

believed Chisaki's Quirk

may have been responsible,

but with the villains

caught and nobody harmed,

there was no crime

to accuse him of.

[BUBBLE GIRL] The money

that was stolen burned up,

so there was nothing

left to recover.

The police didn't find

any sign of a crime

in that regard, either,

but the whole thing

seemed suspicious,

so Nighteye Agency

began watching Hassaikai.

We haven't figured

out what it is yet,

but we know they're

up to something.

Oh, I forgot. Sir.

We got lucky--at least a little.

Our brief encounter

yielded some new intel.

Chisaki, he has a daughter.

A daughter?

A little girl who

he called "Eri."

Her limbs were all

wrapped in bandages.

I don't know anything

else about her,

but she was asking for help.

There must be something

we can do to protect her.

I won't let your arrogance

interfere with this case.

But, Sir...


Haste won't help the situation.

Take your time

pursuing a target.

If you rush, they are that

much more likely to escape.

You're not so special

that you can save

whoever you want

whenever you want.

We've asked other agencies

to team up with us.

We must first predict

our opponent's moves

and then make

preparations to face him.

Good intentions alone aren't

enough to save the world.

The wisest villains

hide in the shadows.

In order to find them,

we must watch and wait.

The two of you should head

back into the office for today.

Bubble Girl. Let's go.

Yes, sir.

[IZUKU] And so, the first day

of my work study ended,

leaving me with a sick

feeling in my stomach.

[CHISAKI] Eri, you have to stop

disobeying me like this.

You're the core of

my plan, you know,

and I would hate to have

to get my hands dirty.


Overhaul, got a sec?

It's Shigaraki from

the League of Villains. line: %

He says that he's got

an answer for ya.

So, like. What

happened to Bakugo?

Was he fighting again?

He's not the only

one busted up.

Look at the back of the room.

[ASHIDO] His beautiful face!

Who would do such a thing?

The provisional license

classes sure sound tough.

Must be great workouts, though!

Stop talking like I'm not here!

Class is starting now.

Sadly, I must mark Tsu

and Uraraka tardy.

Their absences are excused.

Kirishima isn't here

either, is he?

Oh, you didn't hear?

Those three found places

to do work studies.

Whoa, for real?

Hey, how'd your work study go?

Were there lotsa scantily-clad

heroines at the agency, huh?

Yeah, sure.

I don't wanna hear about

you getting ahead of me!


Please. Please don't go.

[IZUKU] My pent-up

frustrations got worse.

I couldn't concentrate in class.

[IZUKU] Something had

to change and fast!

All Might's out

jogging right now.


I figured you knew.

He's been working out

a lot ever since

the home visits were completed.

I say he should take it

easy since he's retired.


All Might! Please.

You've got to tell

me everything.



I have to talk

to you, All Might!

Whoa, okay, Young

Midoriya is here!

Hold on, how did you

even know where I was?

You knew what I

was walking into.

Nighteye understands how

One For All works.

And he wanted you to pass

it on to Togata, not me.

You had to know I'd

find out everything.

So why didn't you

warn me about it?

[ALL MIGHT] I wasn't sure

it was my place to tell you.

Of course it was!

To hear all of this at once...

Be rejected by him...

And before I even had a chance

to make sense of it all.

The worst part was not knowing

why you kept it a secret.

How I should feel about it.

I need to know

everything, All Might.

Not as your fan,

but as your successor.

I didn't think knowing

this information

would help with

your development.

But if you really

want the truth...

Anything's better than having

you keep secrets from me.


You may regret this.

I won't.

Okay. So Nighteye had

always been a fan of mine.

It was my policy not

to take on sidekicks,

but eventually I gave in and

let him be my number two.

We worked together

for about five years.

He was the brain

behind my operations.

I know that much. I also

know you two got along.

We did.

But, six years ago,

we dissolved our partnership

because of my injury.

Turns out we had

different values.


This is reckless, All Might.

It's time for you to step down.

But everyone's looking

to me. For my help.

If there are

frightened citizens,

then I have to go to them.

Keep doing hero

work in that body

and the entire world

is going to suffer.

If you wish for enduring peace,

then retire while

you're a legend.

If you're looking

for a successor,

why not search at UA?

You've put in your dues

and more, All Might.

Imagine what your

future could be like.

A comfortable life.

Just find a cheerful

and strong replacement

and entrust your role

in society to them.

It's time.

And who will be the Symbol

until I find someone like that?

Even if All For One is beaten.

Another villain

will replace him.

[SIR NIGHTEYE] I know the

importance of the Symbol!

I revere its function.

But please. All Might.

You can't even smile right now.


it again. You must retire.

If you continue your

hero activities like this,

I won't support you.

I won't. I can't.

[gasps] You saw it, didn't you?

I told you not to use

your Foresight on me.

If you step away now,

another number one will appear.

Things may be rough

for a little while,

but we'll survive.

We'll find a way

through it together.

And while we're

figuring this all out,

how many people will have

to fear for their lives?

Listen to us!

Besides, your Foresight

is never wrong,

so why fight this.

There just hasn't been

any precedent for it!

But I think... I can

change the future!

At this rate, events will

play out as I've seen.

That can't happen!

Don't you see?

I'm here because I want

to do something to help you!

Please, All Might!

I'm sorry, but for the

sake of this world,

I have to be able to say

that I am still here.

Please! Stop!

If you continue like

this, you'll face off

against a villain and die an

unspeakably gruesome death.

[ALL MIGHT] The two of us parted

ways after that argument.

[ALL MIGHT] We couldn't

agree about my future.

Principal Nezu recommended

Young Togata to me,

but before I could meet him,

I ended up running into you.

[ALL MIGHT] I'm sorry.

I didn't want to tell you.

Because... Because

you're my fan.


All Might's... going to die?

[IZUKU] That's when it

really hit me. Death.

I'd known something

bad was coming.

And everyone will

die someday. But...

Being forced to hear it

from All Might himself...

He'll die.


After we met and I decided

I would pass my power on to you,

I told Nighteye my plan.

But he was so

opposed to the idea,

and the rift between

us grew even deeper.

You're passing your One For All

onto a Quirkless

middle school student?

[coughs] It's the

right choice to make.

The boy wants to save people.

He can't do that

with intentions alone!

There are any number of other

people who are more suitable!

Perhaps. But that doesn't

mean he's not worthy.

He will wield One For All next.


He rejected my decision.

He thought I was an idiot,

throwing my power away.

So he started training a

candidate he thought was better.

[IZUKU] Wait, hold up.

All Might, please.

Tell me about Nighteye's vision.

How far into the future was it?


Six or seven years.

The further into

the future he sees,

the harder it is to know exactly

when something will happen.

But his Foresight

has never been wrong.

Wait, then that would be

this year or the next.

You're kidding. Right?

This can't happen.

I want you to live, All Might!

Do you remember what you

said at the sports festival?

Our promise?


I want you to introduce yourself

to the world and

proudly say "I am here!"

I can't do that yet. So live.

Until I can keep our pact.

Watch me tell them "I am here."

I need you here.

Don't you understand?

Young Midoriya.

Back then, when I

heard I would die,

I accepted that as my future.

I just figured...

...I'd keep running

at full speed

until I got to the finish line.

All Might.

And then, when I was

fighting All For One,

I thought that would be

the end of the race.

But, you were there, kiddo.

You see, all those

days we spent

with one another affected me.

You were timid and Quirkless,

but you had heart.

And then your mother told me

to live so I could protect

and help raise you...

So, despite my future,

I'll keep fighting with you

by my side, Young Midoriya.

Because you have changed me,

I promise that I will live.

I won't be k*lled.

I will mold my fate and

strike down anything else

that gets in our way

with this fist.

[ALL MIGHT] I'll keep on living.

I won't let them end me.

The future that's been foretold

will not come to pass.

That's what I have

resolved, All For One.

But you see, so far everything

has been as he said.

In each case, Nighteye's

predictions have come true.

And that's why I can't face

him after all these years.

Please know I never

wanted to become

a shackle holding you back.

Hey. Who knows,

maybe I've already

reshaped my destiny

into the future I wanted.


Not yet.

We can't be positive his

prediction won't come true.

It can't happen.

I refuse to let it.

That's why, no matter

what happens to you,

I'll be there

to help fight fate.

I'll try not to be too

much trouble. I promise.


Hold on.

Have Nighteye use his

Foresight on you again!

Make up with him!

Then we'll see if the future

has already been changed!

Uh-- Doesn't that seem

a little--I don't know...


It's a matter of life and death!

I'll try to bargain with him.


Wait, Young Midoriya.

Think about how Nighteye

must feel about all this!


What a boring office.

[CHISAKI] I don't like

overly cluttered rooms.

[SHIGARAKI] You had me walking

in circles underground

for minutes. I'm not an ant.

[MIMIC] More importantly,

did you really mean

what you said on the

phone the other day?

That you'll join us

under the right conditions?


Here's the preview!

Kirishima is doing his work

study at Fatgum's agency

in Kansai. There, he

teams up with Amajiki,

one of UA's Big Three.

When the group finds

themselves facing off against

a g*ng of street thugs,

Kirishima is pitted against

an opponent with

a boosted Quirk.

Will he be able to

stop the criminal?

Next time: "Let's Go,

Gutsy Red Riot!"

Come on, Kirishima!

Show them the results of

your intensive training.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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