06x12 - (S) Threads of Hope

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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06x12 - (S) Threads of Hope

Post by bunniefuu »


...all our hopes.

Once the fighting begins,

of course we expect resistance from

the Paranormal Front and the Nomus.

Even so, we must do this.

Accept your fate,

Pawn of the Devil.

Yes! Rendering one

leader powerless, complete!

Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce!

I don't want to fight you!


Luna Arc!

We will all...

...confront him here!

I won't let blood flow behind me!

A deleter round!

I have to use everything from One For All!

No matter what happens to me!


Plus Ultra...

...Prominence Burn!

Our hopes...

Our desires...

...are connected even now.

I couldn't allow it!

To cover up such shady

human nature by calling it "justice."

And calling himself a hero on top of that!

He's tricking people!

--Domestic prosecution

has escalated this much?

--I just want you to

think about it carefully.

What he's protecting is himself.

You were waiting for this,

weren't you, Dabi?

For a time like this,

when faith in heroes is wavering--

When they were unable

to prevent great damage...

I will not allow things to go the way

the League of Villains wants!

Flashfire Fist...


From the sky?!

Sorry for the delay!

Best Jeanist is on the

job again starting today!

Best Jeanist. Quirk: Fiber Master.

He can manipulate fibers at will.

We will spin together...

...the threads of hope!

"Threads of Hope"

I apologize!

It took longer than expected to arrive.

Best... Jeanist...


They said... he was missing...

Bastard...! You're supposed to be dead.

It was a real corpse!

Why are you alive?!

If you're greedy,

you'll come apart at the seams--

Like cheap denim!

Just because you're alive,

doesn't mean my past will disappear.



You've got to be kidding!

I can't believe he sealed off Machia!

Ow! Something's gonna break!

You brought some crazy reinforcements...

I guess this means

Machia's stamina isn't infinite...

After he got here,

he suddenly looked out of breath.

The second he finished

following his order.

He's the ultimate guy

who waits for instructions!

I get it, Machia!

Without instructions,

you can't give it your all.

Shigaraki, wake up!

You're alive, anyway, right?!

Machia needs an order!


You haven't done anything yet!

You haven't destroyed anything yet, right?

Please, wake up, Shigaraki!

Wake u--

Output level ...

Spiraling flood--

Nejire Flo--


Oh, no, Endeavor!

You did it again!

You burned someone again!

A young person with a bright future,

burned again by your flames!

Stop it!


Stand up, Izuku!

It's just pain!

Todoroki's suffering the most,

and he's fighting!

Hey, don't look for excuses!

If the number one hero

is completely defeated here,

this country will collapse!

It itches...

Come on, stop scratching.

We don't know what you're allergic to.

It sucks, huh?

I itch when I'm at home.

I have to destroy it...

I have to stop... the itching...


Destroy it...


He got stronger!

Did we get half of them?

Yeah. We lost more than half, though.

Four of them!

They're heading toward Shigaraki!

What's going on?

Are the looking for new prey?

It's like it was prearranged...

In these last or minutes,

the Nomus have started working together...


He's gotten even stronger!

Just what kind of Quirk does he have?!

You said you pushed the villains to act?

Natsu almost died, too, you know!


You cried clinging to Natsu, didn't you?

If Natsu died...!

That would've been just fine.

Endeavor would've suffered.

Are you crazy, you bastard?!

Yeah, I am, Shoto.

Your big brother

can't feel anything anymore!


I can finally k*ll you.

Good, Machia!

You heard Shigaraki's order!

Destroy it all!

Hey, Spinner!




We got lucky!

Best Jeanist!



With their power evenly matched right now,

if Jeanist loses concentration,

the giant will break free!


If I use Float and Blackwhip,

it won't matter that my limbs

aren't working properly.

No one's been saved yet!

Don't be someone useless who

can't even save a single person, Izuku!

Go help Jeanist!


One more time!



"Mirio Togata"

Lemillion... What's he doing here?

We were contacted by the villa!

I rushed over using Permeation!

The villain hideout Nighteye Agency

was in charge of is pretty close!

Just a six month break.

It doesn't even feel nostalgic!

I heard specially from Bubble Girl.

That tomorrow, there'd be an operation

to wipe out villains on a national scale.

I want to help, too.

These past two months,

Eri has been practicing using small

amounts of her energy on bugs and lizards.

I was by her side the whole time

seeing the results of that.

Eri, I'm sorry that

I'm basically using you!

Will you please try it on me? Your Rewind.

Don't be sorry.

That's why I've been practicing.

Thank you...

Thank you, Eri!

Even so, I don't have enough power

to knock out a Nomu in one blow.



The explosions from back then...

They weren't like anything I did before.

They were distinct,

fast, strong explosions!

I've never felt anything like it.

The sense of danger from impending death.

I have to save them!

Bakugo! I only took

my eyes off you for a second!

You can't move! You'll die!

Output level !

Nejire-Chan! Are you all right?

I'm fine now that you're here!

It's strange!

Your hero name is a wish.

How you want to be, or how you should be.

You haven't started

looking outside of yourself yet.

When you become a second year

and get your provisional license,

come back here.

I will ask you your name again then.

Can you look outside

of yourself now, Bakugo?

That was a temporary name!

I wanted to tell you--

From today, I'll be known as--

Great expl*si*n m*rder God Dynamight!

How childish!

--It's long!

--So violent!

It's lame.

So lame.

That's a good hero name.

It's fun.

It's not supposed to be!

"A bright future won't come to a society

without energy and humor."

Please excuse me. That's my motto!


It looks like their boss can't move.

Let's hold them back here

and wrap things up!

They look like they're

having fun over there!

While you look like you're

having a tough time, poor thing.

You too, bastard...

Your body's burned...

I'm glad you were raised to be a kind boy.

I'm fine. I'm really happy right now.

Look at that face.

Even though the doll

that's his greatest masterpiece

lost to the firepower of

his failure and is about to die.

Hey, look! He's broken!


If you get burned by my flames, what kind

of expression do you think Dad'll show me?

Lemillion and the others

are backing up Jeanist.

Wait for me, Todoroki!

Even if I have no strength in my limbs...

Blackwhip, Froppy Style!

Hey, hey. Don't poke your nose

in another family's business!

It's my business, too!

Todoroki is a good friend!

Endeavor is my teacher

who made me stronger!

The past will not disappear.

That's why...

I'm looking at the Endeavor

who's working hard now.

You're not Endeavor!


Don't talk about Endeavor's flames!

It's your Quirk, isn't it?!

Everyone knows that!

But don't you feel bad for me?

The crime committed

by an ally of justice--

That's me!

It's not that evil is flourishing!

It's just that justice is collapsing.

I'm just showing all you

emotional types where the blame lies!

I felt this earlier, too!

The future that's about

to come will be chaos

where all that lip service and stuff

will be blown away just like that!

Oh, no!

He's standing again!



My strength... suddenly...


The report from the villa

said there was no effect...

The anesthetics are working!

I do not know who accomplished this...

...but our hopes are being spun together!

The fact that the anesthetics

kicked in at the eleventh hour--

I don't think it was a coincidence.

Many people chipped away little by little,

with whatever meager power they had,

at this giant's

powerful stamina and spirit,

weakening him until

the anesthetics could take effect.

That's what I believe.

Though each thread by itself may be thin,

they can be twisted

together to form a rope.

If even one thread had broken,

we would not have gotten this result!

That's what I believe!

Damn it, things were just

starting to heat up, too! Right?!

Your body's overheating, right?

But if this is a battle of wills,

then we've got the upper hand!

I'd expect no less from

his greatest masterpiece.

As your big brother, I'm so proud!


The heroes over there

are fighting a tough fight.

Their movements are simple, but their

speed and tenacity aren't normal.

Each one is probably

as strong as the Nomu from Kyushu.

These aren't specs that should be

given to a common soldier!

Great expl*si*n m*rder

God Dynamight, get back!

You can't take any more hits.

You're in no condition to fight!

Damn it!

I can't say anything back,

and he's right, anyway.

I'll keep dodging to keep

the fire away from Jeanist!

Even if we can't defeat him,

I'll stick it out until that

giant quiets down completely.

The resources that were used on the giant

can finally be moved

over to the League of Villains!

The binding is so neat

that I can't touch the cables.

I need to be able to touch them

to activate my Compress.

In a predicament like this,

I can't believe all I can do is

grope around my own behind.

Shigaraki, you're no better.

You summoned us here, right?

We were all supposed to gather

and then get violent together, right?

What'd you have to go and get beaten for?

This is basically a trap now!

You haven't destroyed anything yet, right?

It's just as Spinner said.

We haven't done anything yet...

Dabi too...

And Toga...

And me...

None of us have reached our dream yet!

We can't let it end here!

Blackout Bind!

I'll show you all...

...the greatest show on earth!



Here's the preview!

A fight to the death

between Todoroki and Dabi.

A hopeless Endeavor.

Spinner's wish.

The stubbornness of Mr. Compress.

Me and Shigaraki.

And One For All and All For One.

Everyone's motives are mixed together

as the all-out w*r reaches its conclusion!

Next time, "Final Performance."

Who will be the last one left in the end?

"Next time: Final Performance"

Who will be the last one left in the end?

"Next time: Final Performance"

Go beyond!
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