06x11 - (S) Dabi's Dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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06x11 - (S) Dabi's Dance

Post by bunniefuu »

We're not there yet?

Get us there in five minutes or less!

That's impossible! I'm not Hawks or Mirko!

I'm already flying at full speed.

It's dangerous, so please sit down!

Your body hasn't completely

recovered yet, has it?

I'm saying that lives are

being stolen as we speak.

Don't change the subject.

I'm telling you to take care of yourself!

It... wasn't stolen...



Please, don't move anymore...

Bakugo! Midoriya! Endeavor!


Yeah, he's alive!

Hang in there. I'll treat you right away--

Tomura, you can't... don't--

I... w-w-won't... do... what you say...


The giant villain is heading this way!

We've already told the heroes fighting

the Nomus on the other side, too!


Iida, carry Midoriya and the others!

Jeez, no wonder you guys never came back!


...need to be with Shigaraki...

Shigaraki's still... after me...

Iida, take Kacchan and Endeavor...

His regeneration's slowed down a lot...

he must be getting weaker!

Hado, keep pressing him like this!


Maggots... keep crawling out...


Right now, I want to save

as many people as possible!

Himiko Toga, if you're

going to get in my way...

...then I'll catch you right now!

Sorry, I'm stronger than I was back then.

If I can just touch her...

But I can't let her take my blood.

And I can't take too long!



When I think about someone I love,

it makes me want to become that person.

I want all of their blood so much,

it makes my chest hurt.

That's what happens to me.

I can't help it.

But not everyone is like that.

It makes it very hard to live!

The other day, there was a meanie

who said, "You poor thing!"

about what was normal for me

and tried to k*ll me.

That's why I used your blood and Quirk

and dropped her from a high place.

With the blood of someone I love,

I was able to use their Quirk, too!

I was really happy when that happened.


I would never feel happy

about dropping someone!

What have you been

trying to say this whole time?!


It fell off of you.


Is it something precious?

Yeah, it is.

Jin was a precious big brother to me, too.

We're the same, aren't we, Ochaco?

The person you like is Izuku, right?

I thought that might be the case.

This is Izuku's, isn't it?

We're the same, aren't we?!

I can't spend any more time on her!

If I aim straight at her, she'll dodge.

In that case--

Zero Satellites!

Earlier, when she fell...


Those feelings should be shut away!


I've been holding back

this whole time, too!

I was told to stop when I was little.

But it wasn't any good!

If I shut them away, they get bigger!

Himiko Toga!

If you're going to live

as you like and thr*aten people,

then you need to accept

the responsibility for your actions!


You're right.

Thanks. Bye-bye.


Why is Himiko Toga here?


I thought I told you

to stop calling me that.


She's going after our blind spots!

Uravity, let's stand back-to-back!


She ran away.


The girl who likes the same person as me.

I thought maybe we could talk

about romance and stuff...


I'm coming back, everyone.

My feelings aren't pent-up anymore.


Perfect timing, Machia.

Between blows from One For All

and Endeavor's Flashfire,

Tomura's body could

fall apart at any time.

The reason Rivet s*ab

was released from the spinal cord

was to make it auto-tracking to reduce

the burden on his mind and body.

That's how unpredictable

his body's condition is right now.

Now, to give Machia

the order to retreat...

We can't fight that giant villain

and Shigaraki at the same time!

I'll take care of

the wounded one here first!

At any rate, they're strong...

Surge, Half-Cold Half-Hot...

This body is at its limit,

but they aren't letting us rest at all.

Output level ,

Spiraling flood--

Nejire Flood!

Flashfire Fist...

Jet Kindling!


Nejire-Chan, Shoto!

Put me down, Armored Four-Eyes!

You're awake?

I said, put me down!

I can't! Your organs have been hit.

I need... a complete... victory...


I am here. What is your next order?

I will do as you command!


What happened to you?

Shoto, are you all right?


Sorry, Hawks.

It's my fault this guy started moving.

I must defeat him.

What kind of Quirk does he have?

I'll have to figure it out.

One of my lungs has been crushed.

How much can I do with

this body that hurts just to breathe?

Just watch me.

No, I must do it.

I'm this country's top hero!

Oh, there you are!

From up here, everyone looks tiny.

Oh? Shoto's there too?

This is great.

The League's here, too?


That's mean.

Don't call me that.

I've got this splendid name already--Toya.

"Dabi's Dance"

I've got this splendid name already--Toya.

"Shoto Todoroki"

"Breaking News"

"Breaking News"

...be able to see...

giant villain... won't stop--

It appears that the live

broadcast video is breaking up.

...has been reported as getting worse.

Our correspondent can't stay--

Please excuse the interruption.

My name is Toya Todoroki.

My father is the

number one hero, Endeavor.

My face ended up like this,

but I thought my family

would realize who I was.

It's so cruel...

So sad, really...


Oh, you haven't told

Midoriya and Bakugo about Toya.

That's not something

I'm going to volunteer.


I, Toya Todoroki, was born into Endeavor's

family as the oldest Todoroki son.

Up until now,

I've k*lled over innocent people.

Why did I commit such offensive acts?

That's what I want to share with you all.

Endeavor once yearned for power.

From his despair at being

unable to surpass All Might,

in order to have a child

with a stronger Quirk,

he forced his wife to marry him.

I was created for the sake of

my father's selfish dream.

But apparently, I was a failure,

and he gave up on me before long,

and I was abandoned and forgotten.

But I did not forget.

Without being told,

I watched you this whole time.

I'm not saying that everyone

must be completely without fault.

Just you.

A pre-recorded video of

my personal history

is currently playing on all the TVs

in the country and on the internet.

What a crazy ace up your sleeve.

Oh, no...

I don't know why,

but I'm starting to have fun!

How could I make you suffer?

How could I trample on your life?

It's all I've been thinking

about since that day!

I didn't know why I existed,

and I cried every day clinging to Natsu.

You didn't know, did you?

At first,

when you completed your puppet,

Shoto, I thought I'd k*ll him.

But then, you unexpectedly

became the number one hero!


wanted to make you happy.

I was afraid you were

going to die in Kyushu!

I led Starservant and Ending

to you one after another.

Even though you'd wanted to

be the number one hero so badly,

it must've been a heavy burden.

You were soothed by admiration

from the public, weren't you?

The time you spent talking to your kids

made you feel the bonds of family, right?

You thought you could live properly if

you only looked to the future, didn't you?

Looks like you don't have a clue,

so let me tell you--

The past won't go away.

You reap what you sow.

Let's fall together, Enji Todoroki--

Come dance with me in hell,

won't you, Father?!

That day, a cold, wintry wind

was blowing violently,

and the air was dry.

On Sekoto Peak,

where I had often trained in the past,

Toya burned to death.

Apparently, the flames

were over , degrees Celsius,

so there was no body left.

Even the bones that had carbonized

turned to dust in the updraft from

the fire and scattered to the winds.

We just barely managed to find

a small fragment of his jawbone.

Even so, at the time, I--

Oh, what happened to your hair?


It's turning white.

No way! I'm like an old man!

Did you dye it?

No, I wouldn't do that!

Forget about that!

Teach me an ultimate move today!

My firstborn, Toya, didn't get Frost,

but the firepower

he had was greater than mine.

He couldn't negate the overheating,

which was a minus,

but I wanted to raise him to be a hero.

At the same time, I continued

to hope for Half-Cold Half-Hot,

and my wife thought siblings

could support each other,

so we had our second child, Fuyumi.

Fuyumi only had Rei's Quirk.

Neither one of them

had the Quirk I wanted,

but at the time, I was fine with that.

Because Toya definitely

had more raw talent than I did.

I entrusted my ambition to Toya.

That's hot!

Of all people,

you should be able to go

where I wanted to go.

My frustration and jealousy,

my disgraceful heart, all of it.

I thought you could smash

them all to pieces for me.

Toya died.

That's an inexcusable lie.

I'm alive. It's the undeniable truth.

How could you not realize

that I was your son?

Did it not even cross your mind since

flame-type Quirks are a dime a dozen?

Dabi, I didn't know...

He hid it from us, too?

I don't know what's going on anymore...

Anyway, just wake up, Shigaraki!

He's here!

Give Machia his orders!

Oh, you have an

interesting lineage, too...

If you still doubt me,

I'll give you blood or skin if you want.

You can do a paternity test.

Well, I already did one

and made it public, though.

"Paternity Test Results"

These are the results

of the paternity test.

Using the blood Endeavor left

at the fight in Kyushu,

there was a .% match.

You might still think

I fabricated this, though.

All I can do is speak in a way

to make you believe me.

Endeavor continued to make

my mother bear children after that.

Their fourth child is

someone you all may know--

With Shoto, he finally succeeded.

But he even raised his hand

against his long-awaited masterpiece.

I saw it many times.

Endeavor is not someone

who thinks of others.

He is self-righteous and weak-willed,

consumed with his own importance.

Do you really think someone

like that can call himself a hero?

It can't be true...

Who would believe this?

This won't shake our trust in heroes!

We're not that dumb!

Those connected to Endeavor are the same.

"This is a hero's true form"

"This is a hero's true form"

The number two hero, Hawks.

Hawks didn't hesitate to drive a blade

through a villain who

was crying and running away.

Right in front of my eyes

as I tried to protect him.

It was hastily made,

but the editing was perfect.

Prostrate yourself.


You got some great sh*ts

with your cameras,

so I thought we just had to use them.

Endeavor! This is a present from me.

I did some digging

on that spy bastard, Hawks.


In order to get us to trust him,

Hawks k*lled a hero. Can you believe it?

He k*lled the recuperating

number three hero, Best Jeanist.

Because v*olence has

become a part of his life,

he was able to do this calmly.

But it's not surprising.

His father was a villain who committed

serial robberies and murders.

That's why he hid his past

and his real name.

His father was caught by Endeavor.

I don't know what kind of fate that is,

but those are the kinds of people

Endeavor surrounds himself with.

I couldn't allow it!

To cover up such shady

human nature by calling it "justice."

And calling himself a hero on top of that!

He's tricking people!

I just want you

to think about it carefully.

What he's protecting is himself.

You're all just being used as tools

of these dishonorable people

for their own self-protection

and self-affirmation!

"Look! Boy"... This is bad...

Whoever talks first wins...

Whether or not it's true can wait.

Even though it's a villain saying it,

how can our faith not be shaken by this?

Sorry, I'm gonna leave early now, too.


But there's already been an

unbelievable amount of damage...

It's because we're watching--to

not be shaken by this...

That's what's dumb, isn't it?

Thanks for being alive

and well until today,


I looked for you...

Dad! He's coming! Dad!

I believed that you were alive!

Protect Midoriya and Bakugo!

Hado and I will fight!

Please, move! Protect them!

Hey! Do that later!

Flashfire Fist...


From the sky?!

Sorry for the delay!

Best Jeanist is on

the job again starting today!


Here's the preview.

The heroes are thrown into confusion

by the shocking truth Dabi revealed.

But Best Jeanist arrived to save them.

And that person is--

It's not over yet.

Everyone's--our hopes are connected.

Next time, "Threads of Hope."

Kacchan's hero name is finally revealed.

"Next time: Threads of Hope"

Kacchan's hero name is finally revealed.

"Next time: Threads of Hope"

Go beyond!
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