03x23 - (D) Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x23 - (D) Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

I've been giving it

a lot of thought.

You got your Quirk from

All Might, didn't you?

He gave you his power.

You're not trying

to deny anything.

Which means I must

be right. So say it.

Okay. What if it's true?

When you and I were kids,

we both wanted to be

like All Might.

But I had the potential.

Then somehow, a little

nobody like you

was singled out by the

person I admired most,

and I didn't even realize it.

That's why we're here.

We are settling this.

Right here. Right now.

Wait, what?

How is that the best way

for us to work things out?

No. This is bad.

We're not even supposed to be

at Ground Beta by ourselves.

Why don't we talk about this

during one of our free periods?

We could reserve a training

room or something.

There's no reason

it has to be right now.

If we fight for real at

school, we'll be stopped.


I wanna know what made All Might

give his power

to a loser like you.

Let me see for myself.

Is it because you looked up

to him more than I did?

And if that's the case,

does it mean everything I've

done to be like him is wrong?

No, Kacchan.

[KATSUKI] Hey! Did you

see what he just did?

Man, it doesn't get any

cooler than All Might!


He's always smiling.

No matter how bad things get.

[KATSUKI] No matter how

much trouble he's in,

he's always the winner.

[IZUKU] He's the coolest

in the universe!

[IZUKU] Do you think

I can be a hero, too?


Y-You really wanna do this?

If you don't wanna

get hurt, punch back.

Oh, yeah, you switched

to using kicks

more these days, didn't you?

Come on, stop!

This isn't smart.



A right hook?

No. I got him like that before.

He'll remember.

That's a feint.



You know your problem?

You're always

over-thinking things.

Just fight me!

You're serious? You wanna spar?


Two students from Class -A

identified breaking curfew.

Contacting their

homeroom teacher now.

Hey. Eraser Head!

Your students are loitering

at Ground Beta!

You're responsible for

rounding them up.

Are you kidding me?

[AIZAWA] Who would be stupid

enough to sneak out?


You have to stop this.

Why hurt each other when we

could just talk things out?

You were right to look up

to All Might like you did.

I know just how much

he meant to you

when we were growing--

I told you to wait!

--[KATSUKI growls]

--[IZUKU] Wait for me! Please!


[KATSUKI] You were always

behind me. Our whole lives.

Are you all right?

[KATSUKI] You were stuck to me.

I couldn't get rid of you.

No matter how much I tried,

you kept coming back.

Listen to me!

Stop running!

Stand up and fight!


We both admired him. So why?


In small doses,

pride can be a useful

attribute to have.

I'd say you certainly have the

ability to become a pro hero.

I know why you're so

angry, Young Bakugo.

Because of Young Midoriya's

sudden improvement, right?

But you have to remember

each of your rankings

when the year first began.

It's much easier to level up

when you're a novice.





Tell me!

[IZUKU pants]


Are you all right?


Don't you dare worry about me!

Attack me!

Why won't you fight back?

Why did I end up

having to chase after

someone who was always

so far behind me?

Why did a damn small fry like

you get strong and become

the number-one hero's

sidekick? His favorite?

You got so much better,

and I destroyed All Might.

I admired him so much.

But it's because of me that

he ended up losing his power!

If I had been stronger...

If I hadn't been

kidnapped by villains...

Then it never

would have happened.

All Might knows it was my fault,

but hasn't said anything.

Everyone has to know, though!

I can't get it out of my head.

It's like it's constantly

playing on loop.

So, what the hell

am I supposed to do?!



He's been carrying this guilt

with him the whole time?

Even more than me.


He's been blaming himself.

Obsessing over it.


It turned out our fight wasn't

what I thought it would be.

It didn't really matter

who won or lost.

That wasn't the point.

Even so.

I felt like I had to

go through with it.

Because, in that moment,

I was the only

person in the world

who understood how Kacchan felt.

[KATSUKI growls]


This is actually good.

I can see whether or not my

sh**t Style works against him.

[IZUKU] If I'm gonna do this.

I'm going all out.

I refuse to be your

punching bag, Kacchan.

Let's go!

[IZUKU] He just needed

to vent his emotions,

and fighting was the

only way he knew how.

I couldn't ignore

him or run off.

Not after everything

we'd been through.

Our relationship to one another

was totally screwed up.

Kindergarten, elementary,

middle school, high school.

We'd known each other

for so long,

but until that point...

...we'd never talked

about how we really felt.

[KATSUKI grunts]




That was close.


Can't let him think.

[IZUKU] He'll be on me

before I land. This is bad.


Watch out for his hand.

[KATSUKI yells]

[IZUKU gasps]

[KATSUKI yells]

[IZUKU grunts]

[KATSUKI grunts]


No time to catch my breath.

[KATSUKI yells]

[IZUKU grunts]


It's no good.

He's not giving me any time

to try and predict his moves.

His reaction times

have gotten faster.

Much better than the

last time we fought.

I guess I shouldn't be

surprised that we've both

been getting stronger.

What're you smiling about, huh?!

[KATSUKI] I thought you weren't

gonna be my punching bag!

I'm not!

I bet you've got some kinda

plan up your sleeve.

That's one of the things

I hate most about you!

[KATSUKI] I can never tell

what you're thinking.

No matter how much

I beat you up,

you keep coming back!

It's obvious you've

always looked down on me.

Even when we were kids.



You think you're better than me.

But if you seriously

believe you're gonna

surpass me as a hero,

even with your new power,

you better think again, Deku!

Wait. Is that what

you actually believed?

All this time?

Think about it, Kacchan.

If I looked down on you,

I wouldn't want anything

to do with you anymore.

But I'm still here.

I noticed things you

couldn't all these years

because I had nothing at first.

There were things

I hated about you, sure.

But I could clearly see

how amazing you were.

You had so much going for

you that I didn't have.

All Might was my hero,

but you were the one

actually in my life.


He's faster than before.


Because I was so emotional,

I lost a bit of control.

I'd been focusing on

keeping my Full Cowling

at five percent power

the entire time.

But I didn't realize how

much stronger my body

had gotten thanks to all

the training and testing.


I can't dodge. Gotta block!

[IZUKU] My continuous

whole-body limit had been

raised to eight percent.

[IZUKU] I thought you

were incredible, Kacchan.

I wanted to see...

what you'd become!


That's the reason...

I kept chasing after you.

[IZUKU] I wasn't prepared for

this new level of speed.

[KATSUKI grunts]

[IZUKU] Going from a continuous

five percent to eight percent

isn't a dramatic change

in the long run.

But with that slight difference,

just for an instant...

That's the reason...

I kept chasing after you.


You passed me.


[IZUKU yelps]

[KATSUKI grunts]


My timing was off on that hit.

He kicked into a higher gear.

Is that all you've got?


[IZUKU] I'd never admit

something like this

to your face.

But the truth is...


Can't you see?

That's why I wanna beat you!

Because you're amazing!

[IZUKU] When I get riled up

and my desire to win

surpasses my desire

to save someone,

without meaning to,

I start talking like you.

You're so mean sometimes.

And I hate it.

But my idea of victory is

so tied to the image of you

in my head that,

in those moments,

I can't help but imitate you.

[KATSUKI] I've got the

upper hand in the air.


I didn't jump without a plan.

Kacchan thinks he's

got a strong handle

on my new sh**t Style.

But I'm not nice enough

to let him pummel me

just to relieve a little stress.

[IZUKU] The only reason

I'm using my kicks

is so my arms don't

get too abused.

But I never said I couldn't

use them at five percent.


[IZUKU] You're the best.

That's why I want to defeat you!


Now, it's your turn.

[IZUKU] I have to, in order

to meet the expectations

that All Might has for me.

[IZUKU] I'll work until

I have full control

of this borrowed Quirk.

And I'll finally beat you

with my own power!


I won't lose to you!

[BOTH panting]

[IZUKU coughs]

[KATSUKI grunts]

That's it. We're done here--

I won this fight.

You have All Might's power,

but even using his strength,

even after making it your own,

somehow you still

managed to lose to me.





How could you lose?


[ALL MIGHT] Stop this

right now. Both of you.

I'm sorry. But I heard

what you've said.

All Might.

When'd you get here?

[ALL MIGHT] I didn't notice

before. I should have.


It's too late now.


Why did you pick Deku?

It started when the sludge

villain came, didn't it?

So why him?

He was powerless.

But still more heroic

than anyone else.

I knew you were strong.

That much was obvious.

You were someone who

could already fight.

So, I decided that he

should have the chance

to stand in the ring.

But now you know

I'm weak, too.

I always wanted to be like you,

which meant being

as strong as possible.

But look what I did to you.

Because I'm not good enough.

[ALL MIGHT] This is not

your fault, Young Bakugo.

I was always going

to lose my power.

You couldn't do anything

to change that.

You are strong.

But I focused too much

on your physical strength

and overlooked what

was important.

This isn't your burden.

I apologize.

Sometimes I forget

that you're children.

After being a hero

for so many years,

you learn a few things.

Striving to be the best,

like you, Young Bakugo.

And caring deeply about people--

about rescuing those in trouble,

like you, Young Midoriya.

Both of those feelings

are necessary in a hero.

Otherwise, they'll never truly

be able to represent justice.

That's why you admire

his strength so much,

Young Midoriya.

And I know that's why you've

always feared his heart

and spirit, Young Bakugo.

Now that you've laid your

feelings out on the table,

maybe you can

understand each other.

If you have mutual

respect and focus on

making one another stronger,

I've no doubt you'll become

the ultimate heroes,

winning and saving people

at the same time.

[KATSUKI] Dammit. That's

not what I wanted to hear.



You had the strongest

guy in the world

lay the groundwork for you.

Don't you dare lose again.

I'll work harder

so that I can beat you.


Okay, so talk. Who

knows about you two?

Recovery Girl and

Principal Nezu do.

As far as students

go... Only you.

And you don't want

this to get out.

'Cause that would be bad.

Don't worry. Your

secret's safe with me.

I won't tell anyone

what's going on.

Unlike Deku, I can

keep my mouth shut.

This will stay between us.

Thanks, Kacchan.

I don't deserve this.

I should be down on my hands

and knees begging for you

to keep this secret for me.

Yet here you are,

being considerate

and helping me out. Thank you.

I'm not doing this for you.

It would just be a real pain

if this got out and

messed stuff up.


Now that it's come to this,

I can explain what's

happened between

me and Young Midoriya.

That's only fair.

[IZUKU] And so, All Might told

Kacchan the whole backstory.

About the power passed

down through generations

in order to be used

against great evil.

About how he used

that power to become

the Symbol of Peace.

How he was gravely injured,

which limited his strength.

And finally... how he

chose his successor.

[KATSUKI] If this got out

people'd be confused,

and they'd start wondering

where the power is.

You idiot. What

were you thinking

when you first told me about it?


It was my own choice

to use up the last

of my abilities.

I said this earlier, but...

That was in no way your fault.

Yeah. Sure.

[KATSUKI] It doesn't change

what I have to do.

I'm gonna end up being

the number-one hero

no matter what!

True. You're right about that.

Things aren't gonna be

the same, though, Deku.

You got that?

You've been watching me

and everyone around you,

absorbing what you see

to get stronger.

Well, I can do

the exact same thing

and keep getting better myself.

I'll go higher than

even you, Chosen One.

Right, then I guess

I'll just have

to be better than that.

You what?

I have to go higher than you.

[KATSUKI grunts]

Dammit, nerd.

I just said I was gonna

be the one to surpass you.


I know!

And now I'm saying that I'm

gonna go beyond that level.



[ALL MIGHT] They've become

proper rivals now.

In a way that they

weren't before.

[IZUKU] The secret between

me and All Might

became a secret the

three of us shared.


And then...

[AIZAWA] You fought the

night you finished

the preliminary

hero licensing exam?

I'm glad to see that you

two have so much energy.

Aizawa, wait, hold up

with those restraints.

It's my fault that they

sparred in the first place.



Midoriya and Bakugo.

Why am I not surprised

to hear that.

I understand they're

at the practice field.

Yes. I wanted to catch

you before you went.

I've known these two since

before they came to UA.

And I've given the pair

quite a bit of thought.

Will you leave them

to me for now?

I'll bring them back.

Your fault? And how is that?


[ALL MIGHT] It seems Young

Bakugo has been feeling

like he was responsible

for my retirement.

He had to face

the licensing exam

with those pent-up emotions and

then his inferiority complex

exploded and this happened.

It's all because I didn't

realize I was being negligent.

This whole fight

was brought about

because of the failure

of his teacher.

[AIZAWA grunts]


I understand that they felt

they had to break the rules.

But this isn't something

I can just ignore.

There must be a

suitable punishment.

Who threw the first punch?

I did.

I also went pretty hard.

It wasn't just him.

You're both on house arrest.

Four days for Bakugo,

and three for Midoriya.

During that time, you'll

clean all the common areas

in the dorm, morning and night.

Plus, I want a written apology.

If your injuries need

to be checked out,

head to the infirmary.

But don't rely on the

old lady's Quirk this time.

Figure out a way

to heal yourselves.



That's all! Go.



You guys threw down?

[HAGAKURE] And now you're

under house arrest?




Tres tragique .


You're both morons.


The pinnacle of stupidity.

[KATSUKI growls]

So, did you guys

make up after or...?

[IZUKU] Well, it wasn't

that we made up, exactly.

Hm... It's kinda hard

to put into words.

You're lucky you two got

away with house arrest.

Though this does mean you'll

miss the opening ceremony

we're going to right now.

Bakugo. What about

our extra classes?

Shut up, Icy Hot! This has

nothing to do with you.

[KAMINARI] 'Kay, well,

thanks for cleaning up!

[KATSUKI growls]


So... about my sh**t Style.

What did you think of it?


Your movements are too obvious.

Even when you got faster,

I was able to dodge them.

You're not gonna win

any fight that way.

Oh. Right.


And when you added in punches,

it really pissed me off.



Got it.


Here's the preview!

UA High's second

semester has begun.

After the Hosu Incident,

the training camp,

and the provisional

licensing exam,

we've all grown quite a bit.

Now it's time to show

off what we can do

in our work studies!

Unfortunately, with

All Might's retirement,

a lot of the villains who've

been hiding in the shadows

are starting to become

much more active.

Next time: "A Season

for Encounters"!

This is the story of how

I met the Big Three

who rank at the top of UA.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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